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File: 65 KB, 570x238, o-OXFORD-UNIVERSITY-570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5711235 No.5711235 [Reply] [Original]

Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Oxford

I want to study it but I am 22. Is this too old? Also I don't have enough leaving cert points (I'm Irish). Does this matter if you go as a mature student?
Is it a good course to do? I want to to feel good about myself and be respected after being a fuck up for so long.
How do I get in?

>> No.5711248


>be respected

pick one op

>> No.5711257

I don't think it's that unusual to start university at 22.
It never is, really.

>> No.5711266


>bill clinton
>david cameron

>> No.5711270

>Does this matter if you go as a mature student?
>How do I get in?
Have the grades the university website says you require, plus pass the interview.

Oxbridge students are generally smart enough to google these things.

>> No.5711273

>responding to a moronic troll

>> No.5711275

>is it a good course

The UK is pretty much run by Oxford PPE grads. It's a course designed to create a robotic governing class, so get ready to meet the next generation of Eton career politician cuntbags.

>> No.5711279


He's getting ready for Parliament

>> No.5711281

I don't want to be rude OP, but Oxford is very selective.

>> No.5711282


>> No.5711286


>Does this matter if you go as a mature student?

You're 22 so no but >>>>/thestudentroom/

>> No.5711290


>> No.5711295

yeah, man, i wish you best, but they require being good at something actually

>> No.5711300

In the US, there is a public university called Western Washington University (WWU) who has the same degree modeled almost to a T after the Oxbridge degree. They also have one of the best public school philosophy departments in the US. Assuming you're in the UK though, it might be more expensive, even if it's less selective.

>> No.5711304
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>> No.5711307

>not from the UK
>doesn't have good enough grades

Yeah I'm sure you'll get into the most exclusive university and course in the world easily OP

>> No.5711350

OP might have good grades. That's not mutually exclusive with being a fuck-up. Being mature doesn't matter even slightly. And the only problem with not being from the UK would be the cost, except that I'm pretty sure the EU solves that problem.

>> No.5711357

>being a fuck up for so long.

Look, no one is going to take you unless:

1) You have a high school degree
2) A very good high school degree
3) A fucking good reason to apply at 22
Something absolutely impressive that proves how an intelligent man you are, and demonstrate a high potential in philosophy, politics and economics.

Mature student =/= free entry. 22 is young, and unless you have another undergraduate degree, they will select you absolutely no differently that any other applicant fresh from high school.

Also, you need to have a damn good reason to apply at 22. "Muh feelings" or "much depression" or "muh laziness" or "muh looking for a meaning to life" not valid.

To give you a sense of scale, the acceptance rate is 14.1 %. The third most selective program after Economics & Management and mo'fuckin medicine.

All in all, it's the equivalent of going to Harvard, but in the UK.

So if you think you can do it, then go ahead, bitch, and prove it to us.

>> No.5711362

Meh, the Etonians are not the worst people here, they are actually pretty chill, though there are idiots among them.

>> No.5711375

I was in a mental hospital twice for a manic episode and had to drop out of uni..

>> No.5711380

That's quite the non-sequitur.

>> No.5711386

in reply to
>3) A fucking good reason to apply at 22

>> No.5711388

>Also I don't have enough leaving cert points (I'm Irish)

>> No.5711391

What are your assets?

>> No.5711393

Eh, that's not exactly a good reason for them to want you. If you've got an outstanding academic record it wouldn't necessarily matter, though if you are applying to universities I wouldn't put all your eggs in the Oxbridge basket.

>> No.5711400

Oh, fair point. No, then, not a chance in hell, unless OP can produce a personal statement that is a landmark in world literature or something.

And even then it's not like PPE admissions tutors would give a shit.

>> No.5711401

I am a confident, intelligent, handsome young man. I believe in hard work and perseverance. I have overcome personal tragedy and strife to be where I am at today. I have a keen interest in philosophy, politics and economics, having read avidly over the last couple of years. My motto is if you want to win the lotto you gotta earn enough money for the ticket.

>> No.5711409

Damn fine film, that. A bit heavy-handed in its 'media are evil' towards the end, but still damn good.

>> No.5711420


Listen, I don't want to come out as a dick, but this is nothing more than a few truisms right of a personal statement textbook. I respect the fact that you overcome a tragedy, but that's not enough to get you accepted.

Unless, of course, you can prove that, i.e. you have accomplished things that can prove that you are really what you describe. Do you have any of those?

>> No.5711421

ITT We write a personal statement for OP, try get him into Oxford.


>> No.5711432

...am EXACTLY who the fuck you are looking for. Because...

>> No.5711435

Well I'm watching Oxford university lectures on youtube right now and they seem every bit as dull as my University's lectures.

>> No.5711442

>I wouldn't put all your eggs in the Oxbridge basket.

You can't apply to both Oxford and Cambridge anyway.

>> No.5711444

That's probably because it's still you watching them.

>> No.5711448

... I suck dicks

>> No.5711453

Can you not? Huh. I guess it's been a while. But it is possible to blow all your UCAS applications (you can choose five universities, right?) on five different Oxford colleges, right?

>> No.5711455

We are actually not. But every answer OP gives is a piece of a personal statement, and nothing that could otherwise support a Oxford PPE application.

>> No.5711456

I would say other universities than Oxbridge are probably OPs best bet as well. Unless you're looking for some sort of position of power and big connections over others, a lot of what you're looking for can be found elsewhere. If you're good enough and make connections, it wont matter where you study. And the only reason to do PPE is if you're going to law school or want to get into graduate studies, not much else.

>> No.5711463

...better than every other candidate who has walked down those hallowed halls since...

>> No.5711465

Nope it's actually one college (or just a generic application without a specific one) from either Oxford or Cambridge.

>> No.5711477
File: 74 KB, 712x944, Mah Bro Walter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who went through the process allow me to bust your bubble.
>Implying that being confident matters. It does not. You will be a nervous wreck the moment you sit alone in that room with three tutors taking apart your personal statement. I did mine over skype and still felt like an idiot.
>Intelligent. You really think anyone here isn't that?
>Handsome. Nobody cares. We gourgeous girls here as well as land whales.
>Implying a tutor who reads thousands over personal statements a year will be impressed by generic "I believe in hard work" statement.
>Overcome personal tragedy. Nobody cares. This ain't America where affirmative action, sports, drama, music or other extra curriculars or personal backstory can get you in. You get in on intellectual merit and that's all.
>Having a keen interest in your subject does not make you different from everyone else wanting to get in.
>Implying a tutor who reads thousands of statement each year will be impressed by generic "Lottery" metaphor.

>> No.5711478


>captcha: twinotuc accepted

>> No.5711479

You're right. I'm too used to professors regurgitating information, it doesn't impress me anymore.

>> No.5711480

Dayum. Well, makes sense I guess.

>tfw you would have applied for Oxbridge except the thought of the interviews was too scary

>> No.5711489

... Oscar Wilde was nearly expelled for having anal sex in the Bodleian Library. ...

>> No.5711492

Either you apply to one specific college, with the chance of being moved to another college should you not get into that one or you make an open application.

>> No.5711495

>Walter de Muthafuckin' Merton on /lit/
Why am I not surprised.

>> No.5711496

Hey guys, I'd like to study philosophy at Harvard, but I'm 32 year old who dropped out of high school. Do you have any advice?

>> No.5711498

Enlighten us then. What exactly do they want to hear?

>> No.5711500

...and only retained his place with a display of dick-sucking so immense that...

>> No.5711518


That you've been groomed for PPE since birth

>> No.5711524

If you're irish why not just go for trinity?

>> No.5711525

Not anon but

> excellent grades
> accomplishments
> recommendations

>> No.5711529

Intelligence and great interest in your subject are good starting points, but you have to expand from there. What they generally are looking for are people who can think quickly on their feet quickly grasp concepts and extend from them to make educated guesses and assumptions, the ability to defend ideas they themselves presented and the ability to extend concepts you have introduced in some way into other areas.
Outside of the box thinking that kind of thing.
Talking as a historian of course things may differ from PPE
A few years back for entrance interviews one of the sources applicants got inside the room was a picture of Kaiser Heinrich IV and had to analyze it (Oxford really likes to do Medieval, because it is obligatory to do it at least once and most often it is the problematic era for most students).
Tutors in particular do not want applicants to just regurgitate what they learned in school, but rather to make up interpretations and ideas on the fly. One applicant my tutor told me about for example took note of the use of colours in the depection which had imperial and ecclisiastical symbolism.

>> No.5711530

Answer to>>5711498

>> No.5711538

True, its meant to be an awesome college. And you don't need points. However you need to be 23 on the year of application which would be 2016 for me.

>> No.5711552

lol he'd be filtered out by UCAS before that

>> No.5711553

Well then that's fine, just wait and bide you're time working on tons of personal projects and creative endeavors, reading, ect. so you look like you're independent and know how to use you're own time. Make some evidence for you're espoused beliefs. Trust me, just because a program is esteemed and considered amazing for most does not mean that it's perfect for anyone. You'll probably be way better off there than at Oxford.

>> No.5711560

don't bother lying anon

>> No.5711562


>> No.5711563

good thing oxford is run almost exclusively by tutorials and not lectures then

>> No.5711564

They said you have to show how your work is related to your course, ( Was thinking English and Philsophy?). I was considering doing a TEFL course and travelling the world teaching english for a bit. That would show good iniative right

>> No.5711568

Hmmm, do I want to get out of bed an walk over to the main hall, just to shoot a photo of me holding up the date and time for you or not?

>> No.5711573

It could be fun

>> No.5711579

>in bed at quarter past nine

>> No.5711580

Do other anons find it exhausting to even read about interviews/expectations?

>> No.5711583

> Is this too old?
You might feel a bit weird with four year old peers. Other than that, no.
> Also I don't have enough leaving cert points (I'm Irish).
That's a problem.
> Does this matter if you go as a mature student?
Unless you do stellar in the interview.
> Is it a good course to do?
PPE in Oxford is considered to be one the best degrees in the world if you wish to get into politics and related fields in the western world.
> I want to to feel good about myself and be respected after being a fuck up for so long.
Oxford isn't a substitute for self-respect. You need to possess that just in order to get in.
> How do I get in?
Apply in UCAS before October 15th, attend the entrance exam November 6th, send in some written work the course asks you to and hope that you get to the interviews.

You have missed this years entrance already. You might get in next year, though!

>> No.5711584

Had an essay crisis. Have actually been awake since 12:00 p.m. yesterday.

>> No.5711585

yes. i'm applying for english. the grades will be easy, and i thought my ELAT went well, but the interviews terrify me

>> No.5711589

No reason Oxbridge folk can't be on /lit/.

>> No.5711593

yes, oxbridge folk are intelligent and we're not

>> No.5711598

Yeah, this thread is making me exhausted just thinking about this. Makes me glad the Uni im applying to (already mentioned earlier in this thread) already let me in once, so it shouldn't be as hard a second time.

I had friends in High School who were gunning for Stanford and Ivy's though (lots of them got in too), and even if I had grades and extracurricular like them, I don't think I could handle the stress. Just sending in the online app can be stressful enough, I have no idea how harsh interviews are. sorry for blog

>> No.5711600

Meh, you guys managed to read all of Nietzsche, while I gave up halfway through the Antichrist, despite loving every moment of it.

>> No.5711601

> I believe in A and B
> I am X, Y and Z
> I am interested in D, G, T
> My motto is top kek
okay anon, how have you turned these thoughts and passions into acts? Everyone can proclaim what they want or think or whatever - you need to show acts that demonstrate these qualities.

>> No.5711606

Yeah well the key thing in Oxbridge is that you have your personal tutor who mentors you for your studies, with lectures compromising a fraction of your studying.

>> No.5711611

> Giving up before even trying
c'mon dude c'mon

>> No.5711619

I didn't mean just interviews. Selling yourself to others and leaving the house. At least I read and exercise. But entering society is scary.

>> No.5711623

>My motto is top kek

The will be the closing line of all my cover letters from no on.

>> No.5711629

There is no English and Philosophy in Oxford. There is no course that majors in Philosophy at undergraduate level. The closest thing you have is Theology and Philosophy and Linguistics and Philosophy, yet, those are mainly theology/linguistics programs with philosophy as a side.

If you want top tier Philosophy courses at undergrad level, Cambridge has the nation's leading school and LSEs philosophy if a practical aproach (a.k.a political philosophy, ethics, logic and philosophy of various other fields) interests you.

>> No.5711635

You forgot Philosophy & Modern Languages, which is pretty easy to enter btw

>> No.5711639

I think it's the selling yourself part that's pretty insane as well. It's becoming harder and harder to get into top-tier universities, and the expectations on incoming students are kind of insane for some places. Writing essays sucks, explaining what you're problems/circumstances are sucks, getting recommendations sucks; The entire process, even for mid-tier universities, is incredibly de-humanizing, which is ironic since the entire point of these applications is to show how unique of a human you are (in the good ways of course, not in special snowflake ways).

>> No.5711643

Is university good if you want to be the next Joyce/Plato/Nietzsche or is upbringing more important?

>> No.5711646

was referring to Trinity in Dublin

>> No.5711647

plato went to the best institution in the world
joyce went to the best in his country
nietzsche was a tenured professor of philology at 23 years old

>> No.5711656

> Applying for History and Politics
> HAT went stellar
> Written work was there and there: of course it would get the mark in a normal exam, but it is not an exceptional work.
> Personal statement was rather pretentious, albeit I provide a lot of examples on how I have applied my theoretical skills in practise.
> Hear all these anecdotes about the crazy questions in history exams
> Have to blow around 600e for the flights there and back
> Haven't read that much actual historical literature in the end, just know copious amounts of history due to internet
> Finnish, which adds a language/culture barrier no matter what

>> No.5711658

You're assuming that the genius writers of the 21st century are going to look anything like the geniuses of the past, which is a flawed way of going about this. And it's not like University is going to make you an amazing writer or thinker, as the people who entered those kinds of programs already had the elements to make themselves great. And there are plenty of writers who didn't go to top tier universities or writing/philosophy programs who still wrote amazing material.

>> No.5711663

University is simply a acknowledgement of being good at school, but since upbringing determines your academic success at the end of the day, I'd say upbringing.

>> No.5711664

& Modern language course intakes are kind of difficult to properly actually assess because there are usually almost as many course codes as there are spots due to very few people wishing to pick up Beginner's Portuguese or Czech in relation to literature.

also the language test for beginner's languages is possible the hardest individual test

>> No.5711671

Joyce's educational backgrounds importance lies not in his university, but in the Jesuit education before it.

>> No.5711672

Inborn genius >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a good university

>> No.5711683

>upbringing determines your academic success
lel u mad community college failure
it's not actually your parents' fault anon, you're just stupid AND lazy

>> No.5711688

>it's not actually your parents' fault anon, you're just stupid AND lazy
A person's characteristics are the result of their past.

>> No.5711689
File: 2.12 MB, 2592x1936, Stone next to Queen's Room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, hai guyz.

>> No.5711694

>she has down syndrome because her parents brought her up wrong!!!

>> No.5711698

Not the same anon and partly non-related, but I've seen and heard of people take 2 years in community college only to transfer into top-tier Universities afterwards.

I refuse to believe you got into Oxford and still don't know how to flip an image.

>> No.5711702

get off /lit/ you fucking little tory prick and run the country

>> No.5711703

This is just a site to have fun, anon. No reason why there can't be smart people here.

>> No.5711704

>muh oxbridge

no-one gives a fuck

>> No.5711707

how mad r u lol

>> No.5711708

Anon you were responding to here.

I'm actually doing pretty well in school, but I recognize that it's because my parents spent time to make me understand how to be good at it when I was a kid.

You're always the product of a context and an upbringing.

>> No.5711714

> How to loose your credibility by not knowing to flip an image 101

Nice achievement anon.

>> No.5711715

Get to the bar, you silly Mertonian, it's right across the quad from there.

>> No.5711716

Downs is genetic.

>> No.5711721

>that thumb
>that handwriting

>> No.5711723

New phone. Assumed it autoflipped the pic since when I clicked it on my Desktop it was shown right side up.
>Implying I am conservative.
>Implying I am a British national.

>> No.5711727

If that's his argument against the influence of upbringing over academic performance, he might have downs himself.

>> No.5711728

>misunderstanding meme arrows
exactly my point
not everything is upbringing lel
>Implying I am a British national.
we're not like the US you don't have to be english to be prime minister m8

>> No.5711729

No its not. Downs is caused by improper meiosis. Its not inherited.

>> No.5711733

It's actually right behind me.

>> No.5711744

In that case:
>Implying I want to run Britain.

>> No.5711747

Does anyone else find the emphasis on University as a meter of intelligence sort of disturbing? It sort of feels like a way to institutionalize social capital.

>> No.5711749

>not everything is upbringing lel
The original statement was "A person's characteristics are the result of their past." which is not a controversial fact. Anomalies are simply when we can't find the relevant factors from the past.

>> No.5711752


>> No.5711758

Genetic does not always mean "inherited"

>> No.5711761

no because it correlates perfectly

>> No.5711775

If you are think you know me send me a message on facebook or something.

>> No.5711777

No, but in the context of the argument the implication made was that parents genetic code contains the cause of Down's, which is not true.

>> No.5711781

and suddenly nobody was impressed by getting into oxford any longer

>> No.5711790

Why Oxford and not Cambridge?

>> No.5711792

>giving away your academic power level on /lit/
How dreadfully uncouth.

>> No.5711800

welcome to britain

>> No.5711801

Oxford is slightly better in History than Cambridge. Also it wasn't founded over a bar brawl (though that is also pretty rad).
This guy basically asked for pics. Fucked that up didn't I?

>> No.5711802

Oxford has Inklings and dem dreamy spires.

>> No.5711803

Oxford has more interesting degrees, partly due to the massive amount of joint degrees over Cambridge's single degree focus.

also English in Cambridge is 75% pre 1850 literature

>> No.5711806

>baseless assumptions
Down's syndrome is a genetic condition.

>> No.5711811

welcome to every single country in the world

>> No.5711814

>tfw everyone on /lit/ suddenly and awkwardly discovers that they're all studying in Merton

>> No.5711815

>also English in Cambridge is 75% pre 1850 literature
Are you implying that's high or low? More than 99% of classics are from before then.

>> No.5711820

So this is why Merton is where fun goes to die. Everyone is busy posting.
Meanwhile mods are from Univ and Balliol.

>> No.5711827

>tfw st cats

>> No.5711830

It's OK, anon, I remembered you exist.

Not sure I could place you on a map, though.

>> No.5711833

> tfw applied to new college
> tfw they aren't interviewing even half of the applicants for my course
Maybe I should have just gone to Jena to see the Emperor after all.

>> No.5711837

we're by the tennis courts :(

>> No.5711846

You are next to the place where we have our bops.

>> No.5711847

I'm actually no one you know, but the thought that some guy invited you to an Oxford bar throught 4chan lead me to the thought that meeting people through 4cahn is the worst idea in the world.

>> No.5711858

Meh. Not like meeting someone through /b/.
Also I have some reallife bros who lurk and one bro who was long time /b/tard who left after moot purged the mods.

>> No.5711860

i met my wife through 4chan
she, a mongolian half necron half space marine transgender STEM necrophiliac sonic the hedgehog furry, and i, an indonesian pansexual sunbro arts major shoegaze communist
match made in heaven

>> No.5711873

I kid, I kid. Actually I'm a postgrad and in my experience we don't go in for the comedy inter-college rivalry stuff. Or much else that makes Oxford Oxford, come to think of it. We're boring like that.

>> No.5711940

Trolled softly.

>> No.5711966

Joyce went to UCD which was the second best in the country. He didn't have a chance to get into Trinity though, being a Catholic.

>> No.5712001


You can attend six universities, it won't make you the next anything

>> No.5712006


>inb4 v& for trespassing

>> No.5712019

>goes to oxbridge
>can't figure out how to point a camera right side up

>> No.5712041

>goes to oxbridge
Is that supposed to be impressive?

All you need is daddy to be rich.

>> No.5712174

Give us your Leaving Cert points & grades
540 master race and I'm way too dumb for Oxbridge

>> No.5712186

how's the topknot coming?

>> No.5712194

this isn't america champ

>> No.5712210

405 points

>> No.5712256


Unless there are A1s in English or History in there its unlikely you'd meet the academic requirements. I knew a few from the South Dublin schools that got in and they were all 550 plus and one had written a novel. Its also crazy expensive and you need to interview in person. There's a similar course in TCD but its obviously not a prestigious but just as pretentious.

Its also very expensive.

>> No.5712296

i qualify for a grant

>> No.5712318
File: 6 KB, 251x213, 1263972226229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw you were offered a full ride to Oxford but turned it down because you despise academia with a passion

Thank god I did, because I would not be 3 months from finishing this fucking book if I'd accepted.

>> No.5712321


I'd double check what body will pay full tuition for school abroad.
Maybe they would, but either way getting in would be a massive challenge.
You've got plenty of input from this thread. slán.

>> No.5712326


Tao, pls.

>> No.5712470

>>tfw you were offered a full ride to Oxford
doesn't exist lel
silly americans when will they learn

>> No.5712478


>Mistaking me for some tranny-fucking slant-eyed hack PoMo novelist

top kek m8

>> No.5712489


lel it doesn't exist for sub-150 IQ Britcucks like you, that's for fucking sure

>> No.5712501

everyone has to go through the same application process
tho surely you would mess up the interview with your autism

>> No.5712540


We did a video interview. I told them I would be willing to consider a teaching position, but I had no interest in becoming a student. They said they were not looking to hire any new professors at that time, but I suspect they were trying to be polite.

When they sensed I was not speaking in jest, they told me to think it over. I did, and I came to the same conclusion.

>> No.5712604

>some tranny-fucking slant-eyed hack PoMo novelist


>> No.5712630

wow, they really let in anyone

>> No.5712647


>this level of delusion

Did you forget to take your lithium salts again?

>> No.5712649

That sounds fucking horrible.

>> No.5712661

you swot


>> No.5712668


I think you need a few more rounds of cadmium shots yourself

>> No.5712690
File: 978 KB, 154x154, youaresofuckingfunny.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What wit!

>> No.5712709


>mad because all the letters he's gotten from esteemed universities have been rejection notices

>> No.5712721
File: 834 KB, 400x226, ohyougotme.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Another catastrophic burn! Good show, mate! Bully for you! I believe your story completely now!

>> No.5712728
File: 40 KB, 614x545, 1404889209170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>me in charge of caring what someone on an indonesian cartoon board believes

>> No.5712823


Then why even bother lying?

>> No.5712829

They're Japanese cartoons, not Indonesian.

>> No.5712879


Good question. I might wonder the same if I were lying.


>being this new

>> No.5712895



>> No.5713302

That's relatively high. Most universities tend to focus on a pretty wide spread across the canon, whereas Oxford is different probably because of its emphasis on tradition

>> No.5715411

> 19
> Despise accademia with passion
seems right

>> No.5715457

I do PPE at a uni in Australia. Great course. FUckin' wish I was at oxford though. Why oh why did I not try in high school

>> No.5715526

It's weird how many people in the western world seem to grow up without really understanding that they should try to do well in school- or realising it too late. I went to a good UK grammar school, and even then I never felt a pressing need to do well for the sake of my own future- (not) being cool and liked was far, far more important to me.

In China, by contrast, for most kids it's pretty much inconceivable that you wouldn't try to get the best possible grades in school, if only because your parents will murder you if you don't.

>> No.5715571

>going to a uni that teaches mostly analytical philosophy

>> No.5715603

Can you go to oxbridge if you dun goof'd your important exams because you were busy falling in love and having a secret relationship with the QT, hot Spanish teaching woman and she called it off just as you were about to take your exams and you ended up failing miserably?

Is there another way to prove you're worthy?

>> No.5715741

What about History and Politics at Oxford?

>> No.5715850
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Pleb detected.

>> No.5715929
File: 46 KB, 600x400, 1410889215164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> My motto is top kek

definitely going to use these line of reasoning to insult any inferior human being with shitty argument. Or simply demonize them wid dis

>> No.5716126

>too old for anything

>> No.5716274

What college are you applying to? I might be in direct competition with you. (Also from the sounds of it you're basically in the exact same situation as me but Finnish)

>> No.5716297

replied to wrong message, meant to be

>> No.5716489

Inb4 underage b&

>> No.5716505

>you will never be inside All Souls
I love the Star Trek tunnel they built between the Bodleian and the Radcliffe Camera, though. Oxford needs more Star Trek tunnels.

>> No.5716534

Lol, how are you enjoying being watched through your shitty blinds 24/7, woken up at sunrise every morning and having a broom cupboard for a kitchen?

>> No.5716543

Poor bait 3/10 for making me reply

>> No.5716554
File: 211 KB, 583x444, Judgin' you Jeeves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, he's got us there.

>> No.5716574

>in third year english major
>always wanted to go into master's at top uni
>have a miserable 2.1 at the moment

I don't know what to do with my life

>> No.5716578

Thank God my course didn't start counting towards my final grade until this year.

>> No.5716596

how on earth do you have a 2.1 as an english major, what classes have you been taking

actually i kind of sympathize because i know what i have to do to bullshit my way to an A in my english classes but i can't always be assed to do it, it's just too much of a self compromise sometimes

>> No.5716619

James Joyce, Romanticism and Medieval Lit.
Dunno, just got average grades I guess, it's actually quite hard to get a first in English for some reason. I wanted to go to Oxbridge but now I'm stuck with KCL/UCL or some shit provincial uni.

>> No.5716638

fuck yeah medieval lit. love that shit. are you a bad essay writer or something? or is it harshly graded?

>> No.5716644

these are both excellent institutions

>> No.5716656

Just lazy. My institution grades pretty harshly too, gotta 'keep up with the standard' apparently.
Yeah I love medieval lit and culture in general. Just got around to finishing Le Morthe Darthur and Le Roman de La Rose.

Attending Oxbridge has always been my life-long ambition though. Also, I can't afford rent in London.

>> No.5716670

>Attending Oxbridge has always been my life-long ambition though.
if you couldn't get in at undergrad u ain't getting in at postgrad

>> No.5716691

Didn't try getting in at undergrad level, although I got A*AAA for my A2s. I got into my current uni through adjustment. Besides, plenty of people manage to get in despite having failed to be admitted at undergrad.

>> No.5716696

oxford don't care about grades lol; 95% of their applicants get A*AA or higher
it's about the interview, personal statement, entrance exam and references

>> No.5716710

I am aware of that. I'm also aware that there are no entrance exams for MAs. You do have have to submit a sample essay though.

>> No.5716721

good luck anyway anon

>> No.5718743

>if you couldn't get in at undergrad u ain't getting in at postgrad
I don't think that's true. AFAIK postgrad applications depend on how you did at bachelor's level. A levels stop mattering, although you'd need decent ones to get in to a decent university for your bachelor's I guess.

>> No.5718804

New college.

>> No.5718813

I got my undergrad (integrated masters) at UCL and have been accepted to do my phd at cambridge. as long as you do well in your undergrad oxbridge is definitely possible for postgrad

but i'm a physicist so it might be different for you

>> No.5718839

theres other people than you on here too, anon

>> No.5718895

Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only solipsist on /lit/.

>> No.5718922

..the floors were covered in so much cum that they have not since lost their milky varnish. Furthermore...

>> No.5719002

...my mother was a Balliol man, and my father...