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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 179 KB, 951x827, Gilad Atzmon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5697199 No.5697199[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you feel about his analysis of George Orwell + 1984? He also talks about the Frankfurt school and their issues.


>Orwell detected the totalitarian tendencies of liberal Leftist thinking
>1984 describes the dangers of "political correctness"
>Orwell was a radical national socialist

It's worth watching the whole thing, but he starts talking about Orwell around 1minute 30 sec.

>> No.5697219

don't post shit like this here, faggot

>> No.5697236

He mentions Homage to Catalonia...anyone read it? is it good?

>> No.5697240

Hé looks like thé old Guy from always sunny on Philadelphia

>> No.5697241
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What triggered you?

Orwell? 1984? philosophy in general? freedom of speech?

>> No.5697242


>> No.5697244

Who is that guy? ... Makes me want to read Orwell now

>> No.5697245

Totalitarianism is a liberal myth, now fuck off back to /pol/ you nonce.

>> No.5697258
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that's really irrelevant since elements of totalitarianism are the issue

>> No.5697261


He's jewish so he has the israeli accent.

>> No.5697276

>old guy

Please kill yourself

>> No.5697277

Re applying a clear political message to another context is the poorest way of revisionism, you are taking something that has a known and open meaning and forcing a new one. Re discovering one of the most well read authors in the last 200 years is pathetic at best.

>> No.5697282


what specifically is forced in his analysis?

>> No.5697285
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I'd like to see him discuss these things with Zizek, specially Gramsci and his folk

>> No.5697288

It's excellent. Actually my favourite work by Orwell. Highly recommended.

>> No.5697356


Interesting connections he makes between Orwell, fascism, newspeak and modern discourse. What's the solution??

>> No.5697367
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watch the whole thing...He identifies the literary and social movement that is at fault and their subversive techniques.

>> No.5697381

>Gilad Atzmon

Oy vey, dis is annuda shoa

>> No.5697403



>> No.5697405
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he's the opposite.
Nice try sliding the thread

>> No.5697413

Is Orwell still relevant today?

>> No.5697421

more than ever

>> No.5697422

He has never been relevant, he will never be relevant.

>> No.5697425

You fucking idiot.

>> No.5697427

of what, a jew? but, he's definitely, well, a jew.

>> No.5697430
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different style/ideology, he's more like a Norman Finkelstein than a Dershowitz or Netanyahu.

>> No.5697432

As a propaganda factor of his time and a writer, yes. His depiction of what's like living in poberty still rings true even if the prices thrown around are ridiculously low.
As some sort of political analyst no, he never was.

>> No.5697442
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You're underestimating Orwell. Try rereading him and watch OPs video...he was way ahead of his time

Specially in detecting leftist/Marxist propaganda and limitations on discourse during his own time...its still happening today

>> No.5697473


You sound like one of those people who use doublespeak in their everyday life as a strategy. Filthy scientologist.

>> No.5697480

>totalitarian tendencies of liberal Leftist thinking
He used to be very close to the far left in the UK, until they abandoned him over his eccentric views. *Then* he discovered the "totalitarian" tendencies of the left. He's like a 15yo boy on 4chan who gets dumped by his girlfriend and discovers that feminism is a conspiracy to eliminate white males.

>> No.5697507

>Orwell detected the totalitarian tendencies of liberal Leftist thinking

This is the same Orwell who handed over a list of dissident writers to MI5?

Orwell always labelled his political opponents as "totalitarians" but this was laughably hypocritical.

>> No.5697706


Damn an actually interesting YouTube video...and on literature

>> No.5697710

/pol/ please go and stay go

>> No.5697777

You can't be ahead of your time at detecting propaganda that doesn't exist. He was a reactionary out of interest for the cause, and Andre Gide did a better work at that without name calling and what not.

>> No.5697794
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>propaganda didn't exist in the 30s and 40s


>> No.5697810

>All propaganda is the same
That's like saying that you made an anti air turret designed to stop an F16 in 1950. Being able to do it doesn't mean that it was the intention.

>> No.5697885
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i keep hearing shit about the Frankfurt school...

>> No.5697925

i want /pol/ to go

>> No.5697948



"Why I write" , Orwell.

Very good essay.

>> No.5697957

I want people to stop saying "go back to /pol/" whenever someone's post triggers them.

>> No.5697964

So what's his thesis?

>> No.5697984
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we live in the trigger culture

>> No.5698002

People said "go back to (insert disdained board here)" way before /pol/ existed.

>> No.5698007


>> No.5698019
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>> No.5698023

So, what was the thesis?

>> No.5698027
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It should be obvious within the first 10mins or so

>> No.5698896
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isn't this the guy who wrote The Wandering Who?

>> No.5698908

this is your 3rd time saying this

just stop

>> No.5699459
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 080611anger_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gilad Atzmon

>> No.5699527

its basically reportage from his participation in the spanish american war. it focuses a lot on factional politics of groups you're probably unfamiliar with unless you have studied the conflict. the next biggest focus are the routines of soldiering, and finally european politics at the time, with an emphasis on german and soviet involvement in the conflict. it is not his best work but for any fedora'd out teenager intent on understanding orwell (why? i did it and he's not brilliant, read herman hesse), its essential.

>> No.5699553


>Read hesse

wtf does Hesse have to do with politics at all? he's dumber than a bag of bricks, all he can talk about is "muh subjectivity"

>> No.5699558

/pol/ go and never come back