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/lit/ - Literature

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5682263 No.5682263 [Reply] [Original]

question to you, /lit/.

you have a completed, 11 volume, teen/YA series already finished. its ready NOW but just sitting there. collecting dust. a big ass, heroes journey science fantasy adventure with cat girls using magic and the whole shebang. the next trend in YA/teen looks to be going this direction since dystopian stuff has fizzled out.

would you throw it up on amazon to establish a new trend? or is it premature?

this is my real dilemma. im fucking serious and i could use genuine advice.

>> No.5682357

Spend real time trying to find an agent and stop asking us.

>> No.5682362

give it to the president of the united states of america

>> No.5682375

sounds awful honestly. what makes you think thats where the YA trend is going?

seems more likely that the boom will die out altogether and pogs will come back in to fashion or something.

>> No.5682378

That sounds kind of off-wall compared to most YA that's popular right now. Probably, it's not going to sell any more a couple of years from now than it is today

Why not drop two or three volumes on Amazon and then the rest over the course of, say, two years? That way, if there IS an upsurge in popularity, you'll be right there, and if not you won't have waited two years for no reason.

Plus, if the series does sell you'll have time to polish it up

>> No.5682381

Yeah, vaporwave is dying in the music scene but soon it'll seep into YA literature and hang around there getting stale. Try that instead.

>> No.5682384
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>Cat girls

d-do they wear glasses?

>> No.5682389

start doing drugs and die of an overdose. you will be considered dark, brooding and mysterious. Fake your death and have a close relative/friend "Fight" to publish it. have them publish a ghostwriten biographical account of their struggles in publishing your series. both of you earn gorillions.

>> No.5682395

op- noted. thanks

>> No.5682399

steig larrson approach?

>> No.5682401

Try to get it published, think of all the time you put in. It is time to share it with the world. You could get rich, make useful contacts with people...
You did most of the work if it is done, now just finish it up. Godspeed.

>> No.5682409

ok, a vote for traditional. that helps. thanks.

>> No.5682411

Why do you write like a mentally ill outpatient? You will never be published or have any success. Reconcile yourself to that fact.

>> No.5682431

ok, 1 vote for "eat a shotgun"

>> No.5682436

whats the name of your protagonist OP?

would you mind posting a small extract or something, i'm interested to see what it's like.

>> No.5682441
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>Why do I have autism?

>> No.5682448

id be willing to send a sample to a dropbox or temp email address. the last time i posted online here people started with their "hurr durr hang yourself this isnt as good as Ulysses" shit.

>> No.5682494

1st book: Fennius Taylor
other books: Captain Taylor

>> No.5682496

All the "next big trends in YA/teen" were started by books that came from traditional publishing houses.

Find an agent, then find a publisher, OP. Only submit the first book but let them know you have more. They'll help you edit if you're halfway good and the end product will be better anyway.

>> No.5682505

Explain to me why you jokingly imply I have autism today, friend. Don't defend an idiot who can't type and takes picture of his screen.

>> No.5682509

another vote for traditional. cool. thanks.

>> No.5682519

op-it was an info dump and a fire from the hip proof/timestamp.

>> No.5682594


>> No.5682787

The only votes that count are the ones for traditional, I'm not sure how many selfpublished novels you've read in your life if you've read any. You're killing any chance of having a real audience with self publishing unless you go to the streets and give your book away.
Publishers won't touch your shit if you published it for free somewhere.

>> No.5683455

its all unpublished.

>> No.5683483

>you have a completed, 11 volume, teen/YA series already finished
oh you poor little shit

>> No.5683504

>writing fucking volumes before getting the first one published or being told it's good

OP try and get it published, if you post about it anymore I'll find where you live and destroy your work

That's what I did to pynchon

>> No.5683542
File: 101 KB, 478x640, securedownload.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AND a modern day cautionary tale about 21st century life in digital america. its got an internet goddess, techno zombies, cannibals, witchcraft, 13 year old arayan boys, teleportation, self actualization, robot slaves, pedophiles., super science, a six hundred pound man pulled around on wheels by a raindeer team of innapropriately dressed eight year olds and it all takes place in a mega city the size of texas.

here's the early cover concepts as proof

>> No.5683550

dude, i'm trying.

>> No.5683577
File: 70 KB, 400x844, pyn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you didn't son.

I coud kick your ass anytime

>> No.5683605

it's this guy again. He printed his novels as well. If I remember correctly.

>> No.5683635

i came asking for advice. as per usual, one or two offered encouragement, a few gave reasonable advice and the rest devolved into name calling and shit. i dont know why i bother.

>> No.5683667

What novels?

I'm interested.

>> No.5683674

If you push it a bit, but not too much, /co/ and /a/ will check it.

>> No.5683707

he posts about how he has written all these novels. But he never posts samples of the work.

>> No.5683709

op- check it for what? unlike the others, this one is kinda for adults. theres some dark shit in there but some really beautiful things

>> No.5683722

The post I linked sounded like something people who read light novels would get into. It could had just been the way it was described, though.

>> No.5683724

got a dropbox or temp email? if i'm getting ripped for the synopsis, im sure as fuck not posting content

>> No.5683738


>> No.5683744


>> No.5683748

and you think a publisher is going to take pity on you because you wrote 11 books worth of stuff and have a shitty elevator pitch?

>> No.5683757

i didnt post my pitch. GOLFA

>> No.5683786
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Still waiting for OP to deliver

>> No.5683802

what you want? first book? action? scenery? youre the first person to actually respond instead of just yelling faggot or hang yourself

>> No.5683818

I'll read whatever you send to me.

A fragment of the first book would be fine.

>> No.5683819


>> No.5683834

fine prologue. 1st book. hold one.

>> No.5683850


>> No.5683926
File: 184 KB, 850x850, 1414295522446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My apologies, but I don't see the file attached because 10mail doesn't support them; I was unaware of that.
I send you an email to a*b***r***le at yahoo. You can send the file to my email if you still want to.

>> No.5683938


>> No.5683952
File: 152 KB, 338x362, Imagen 35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You saved the sample version from gelbooru I posted and was made fun of. /lit/ is such a small town.

>> No.5683971

Jesus shit dude. I'm just a terrible writer and only churn out maybe 300-500 polished words a day and you've got 11 volumes?

I'm about to quit my hobby and take up drinking.

>> No.5684007
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Honestly, from what I read it seems more like a children's book that a young adult story. I'd say that if it gets published, kids are going be the main audience. If you ever look for an agent, considere looking for one that works with children's books.

The second paragraph has to many "it didn't", it could be good idea to rephrase them to make the lecture smoother.

And there's a type in the last paragraph you send me, maybe "chaiave" was actually "achieve"?

>> No.5684012

So it is unedited?

>> No.5684016
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Hey, OP, mind sending me a copy too?

And ringo too, I just love you anon <3
Don't check the source, though, it's a horrible anime.

>> No.5684018

dude if you can't handle the internet making fun of you. Good luck with rejection letters.

>> No.5684027 [DELETED] 
File: 308 KB, 850x743, sample_2b7f3a24397aa564392bcb1724794b31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At that time I explained that I perfectly tolerate gelbooru's compression and I don't really like absurdres pics, I still post pics that start with "sample". No one gets really mad in the internet, anon.

>> No.5684057
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At that time I explained that I don't get mad with gelbooru's compression. No one gets really mad or hurt in the internet. I just sort of had it in mind.

Love rejection? I would love to get rejected by letter, you know you would to.
Agent rejection? Such a horrible thing, I'm sure we all agree it's okay to feel the pain, maybe crawling in your skin.

>> No.5684213

I saw that thread you made a few months ago about your book series. You showed us uh your concept art right?

What was the series called again? shadow something... idr. I'm interested in reading it OP. Get it published and I'll buy it (just tell me what the series will be called so i can find it later, thanx)

>> No.5684253

tentatively its the "captain taylor" books
ive been trying to think of something better
Star Epic One or something.
(because there will be a Star Epic Two) thats more adult and a harder blend of sci fi

>> No.5684260

target demographic is teen

>> No.5684264

I'll ask again, OP, ilovemybuilding@gmail.com shoot me your stuff and I'll give you some comments in the morning.

>> No.5684268

k. hold on. gotta go piss

>> No.5684280
File: 460 KB, 560x781, tsukimiya_ringo by kusayusaai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't sweat it, I won't be able to read it until tomorrow.

>> No.5684293


What >>5682263 said.


>> No.5684296

The guy from Slushpile Hell actually recommends this books...

>> No.5684300

Crap. Meant to link >>5682357.

>> No.5684314

you got a link for that?

>> No.5684322

He never mentioned any particular one, he answers some horrible letters commenting how there are anual guides about how and who to write and that he's in five different ones.

>> No.5684348

What does YA mean?

Yes i'm a fuckwad

>> No.5684645

Young adult, it's a marketing term for novels that follow a growig up plot with certain notable characteristics that make them easy to adapt to movies.

>> No.5684677
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>Wanting to let greedy publishers rip your work apart for the sake of getting plebs to buy it
>Traditional publishing

Not even once.

>> No.5684713

I'll read it too: b2057701@trbvm.com

>> No.5684736

You've been doing this for weeks. For what purpose?

>> No.5684766

Set aside your schizophrenia for a moment to answer me this question: why would you think young adults would read a book series with pedophiles and 8yo sex slave reindeer?
And when was the last time you heard of an 11-book YA series? Stick with a trilogy, that's what makes the money. No kid is going to have the attention span to read 11 books, especially not if their releases are spread over more than three years

>> No.5684799

To be honest the whole anti-self publishing thing has kind of taking a downswing on /lit/ as of late, so I probably need to think up new material to keep up with the current trends in shit-posting.

That stupid cats faggot is getting more attention. Can you believe this shit?

>> No.5684957
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good luck OP

It sounded like an interesting premise I would have liked that as a kid. While you've been away we've wroten a book too :3

>> No.5685952

I promised to comment on your stuff today, OP, let me go to class and I'll write some of the things I noticed.

>> No.5686869


>> No.5686892

What, what about shit like Anamorphs and shit we used to read back in the day? Were a bunch of other long series like that but I can't be arsed to remember now

>> No.5686910

It turned into a bussy day, first one in months. I don't want to comment only ten pages in :^(

>> No.5687000


>> No.5687392
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>ten pages
>mfw he sent only me two pages

>> No.5687697

did you want i sent them? op

>> No.5687896

I know what you mean

Everytime I see someone writing entire volumes before even talking to someone about their first one I get triggered

>> No.5687947

-OP ill do better with this one. its adult science fiction. trying to condense it down from 20 books to 15

>> No.5687956
File: 101 KB, 478x640, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-OP ill do better with this one. its adult science fiction. trying to condense it down from 20 books to 15 or a dozen. as big as the story is, itll be tough to decide which climaxes are the biggest to assign to the prospective novels and trilogies

>> No.5687978


> reading not just one but eleven books in Microsoft Word

There are certain levels of hell that would deem this too cruel.

>> No.5687994


>> No.5688103
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Okay, OP, here' you ahve it, hope you like it. I didn't pay too much attention to sentence structure and english stuff since it's my second language and it's not my place, hope other anons help you out with that.

>1 In media res begining
When you start a story in media res you can't justtake the character's subjective view. The reader can't connect with him yet and their sensations aren't as meaningful, if you take an outsider perspective you'll be guiding the reader by the hand (which is a must in YA).
If you check this kind of stuff you'll see it's always from an outsider perspective, for example HP's first chapter describes everything as if it was the wirdest thing in the world.

It also needs to be longer or it's pointless, at the very least 3 word pages. That's what Rowling gave to the Voldemort intros to the latter books, and it barely did anything.

>2 On Sense by sense descriptions
Cut that crap, really, it's bad. Try to mix those things into a single sentence or you'll end up with that "simple sentence" feeling of kid literature. The trick is making sentences that seem complex but any middles schooler could understand.

>3 On Your use of the Racing theme
I get starting with his future and telling the reader how he got there. Classic stuff. But you need to space that shit out.
Consider how long it takes for Harry to even connect with Wizards at all, it's at least three chapters. I have at hand Interworld by Neil Gaiman (no bully please) and the school of interdimentional kids appears halfway through the book.

If you start with a flashforward of his success and your first chapter goes "He wants to be a racer" the reader already knows not only that but that he'll succeed. There's no conlfict there, and it's your fault.

You use the in media res to tame those spirits so you ahve time for slow character building. You might even want to tell the first visit to the races even if it demands its own flashback, or give us detail of his life. If William Gibson is relevant is because he detailed the fuck out of everything, even if it was stupid in hindsight. Kids need to know how THEY would live there. They need to know the food Harry munches, the clothing Bella wears, and so on. They self insert through small things.

>> No.5688118
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>4 Narrator's presence in the narration
You have to chose. You want to get the character's subjectivity or you want a narrator that comments on what he's telling. You can't have both if you want accesability, and you can't either if you don't have a great grasp of writing.

Usually YA uses the MC's perspective on things, even if the narrator can go everywhere the only thoughs he can pierce are those of the main character, the only interpretation of the events is the one the character is taking. There is a wider style with people like John Conolly's The Gates (of hell are opening), but he's a best selling author and he's being a YA DFW, you can go for it but it's challenging as fuck. Which takes me to:

>5 Teen/ Young Adult demographic
The other anon said it read more like a children book and I'm afraid that I'm getting the same vibe.

For one your use of language is way too basic, you make constant full sentences and reiterate yourself too much. Yes, I know repetition is a valid resource, but only if used sparingly. Not multiple times per paragraph in every single one of the first page. Elipsis are hip and cool, kids like the feeling that they are reading faster and connecting previous knowledge even if it's something that anyone can do. The Young Adult market is all about making the reader FEEL adult and smart while pandering to their stupidity. Some times one feels that it's enoguh with our own stupidity but no, you have to manipulate them into liking your shit; and you're not too good with that.

You should try making your story more engaging while focusing on the world and present feelings, if you're gonna talk about the past do a full flashback and flesh how the world used to be and if you're gonna reflect on feelings give them physical markers in the real world (HP had mementos of his parents, Paul Artreides has tons of physical items from his previous and new lives)

Your MC needs work for the market, too. He's a bit fanfic-y and that will make most internet savy people feel a teen to little kid vibe more than publishable material.
Try to make your character more universal while giving more particular descriptions. Give him trates that we all share but that make you feel specila and identified. I think Bella's the absolute best example, we're told she's smart but she doesn't do anything, people like her but we don't know why, she has very specific facial traits but anyone can fit them, but Harry Potter is similar while contrary: he has all those signs we don't like too much, generic formless hair (for a british kid), people bully him with no reasson, even the people who like him seem to not care too much about him. He's not too smart but always knows the answer, he's not too good looking but he's in place of calling others ugly. The perfect YA MC is one that could be anyone but it's detailed to the spot.

Hope I wasn't to rough on you, OP. Remember that I still love you! Hope this comments help you on your second project.

>> No.5688150
File: 708 KB, 500x262, yu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's actually and impressive critique considering that the average /lit/izen seems to swim in a pool of ignorance (seems to, since it's usually trolling).

All of you faggots should take notes of this guy.

>> No.5688151

-OP MUCH...APPRECIATED. im going to copy these notes.

changes i will make:

detail. i DO really need to go back and add another layer of texture to get that full immersion feel.

sentence structure: everywhere i turn i keep hearing people say simplify, simplify. i guess ill need to find the happy medium.

perspective: i know the changes youre talking about.

pacing: gotcha. can do.

there was one other point you made but its just details in the fact that theres a twist ending.. either way.. we're good.

THANK YOU again. i appreciate your input and i'll apply some things to make the work stronger. i appreciate your honesty. "oh honey, its just great" does as much for me as "you suck, i hate hovercrafts"

if i fixed these things would you want to read it or is it not your flavor?

>> No.5688184

Not really, /lit/ has great threads when you have an OP that opens up discussion and the two or three right anons show up. I've learned more about how to publish an academic paper from /lit/ than from my first class about that specific subject.

>this guy
your mean.

Don't get so happy, it's all fairly generic advise. You need to read more YA books and stuff that should be YA but is beyond that like Dune or Catcher in the Rye.

I think your safest reference for cheap and effective, even if mindless, detail is William Gibson. If you can't get Neuromancer go for his short story collection Burning Chrome (superior in every sense, for me, but the novel will resonate better with your stuff)

>simple sentence structure
I believe you're not understanding their advice. Your sentences are convoluted but not complex. People should get what you mean at the first read without problem, even if you mix three or four sentences into one. Make single unit sentences will, if anything, make people think it's either too complicated or childish.

I didn't even reach all the pages you sent me.
Towards the end (the middle?) you start abusing dialogue as if there were no tomorrow. A good rule of thumb, unless you're really good at it, is to put at least a small paragraph after three dialogue lines. I'm not saying that's some rule, but if you're struggling with your sentences you shouldn't try to be a maverik.

>oh honey it's great/yousuckfaggot
The worst thing possible.

It's not really my thing, although I have a thing for Sci-Fi. If you think you have something interesting send me a mail, the one I gave you is my 4chan mail so if I don't answer give it some time. Don't abuse my trust, though; the most important judge is always yourself and you should fall back on "I gave a lot of effort, this is automatically good" or shit like that. Be real with yourself.

>> No.5688375

Lol forgot about that. And Goosebumps was like 60+.

>> No.5688379

I think it's better that kids read Harry Potter than Choose Your Own Adventure. At least it has more than 20 pages to read.

>> No.5690118

>He originally signed a six-book deal with the publisher Scholastic,[23] but went on to write 62 books in the original series, the first book being Welcome to Dead House, released in July 1992. The series was originally aimed at girls, but both boys and girls enjoyed the series equally with half of Stine's fan mail being sent from boys.[11]

>> No.5691973

that goosebumps guy is considered the top grossing american writer

>> No.5691986



Was the shit

>> No.5693127

didn't he write a bunch of the point horror books too? that nigga must be rich as shit.