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/lit/ - Literature

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5678157 No.5678157[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tell me about your dreams and aspirations /lit/

Mine is to someday own a farm, even though I'm born and raised in a big city. I want ducks and chickens on my farm, a dog or two. Perhaps a nice lady to keep me company the hours I am not reading or taking care of my farm. A nice remote place with nobody to bother me.

>> No.5678163

Write the novel that will be the revival of Cyberpunk.

then suicide by cops.

will be great

>> No.5678166 [DELETED] 

Do you remember that scene from scarface when tony dips his face in that massive mound of coke and then just inhales as much as he can?

Yeah, I want to do that. That's my dream.

>> No.5678178

I just want to write something that will be remembered.

>> No.5678193

You mean like a little hobby farm after you're independently wealthy? That's the type of thing city dwellers romanticise. Real farms are a whole different business and I assure you that you will want no part of it.

>> No.5678210


>> No.5678219

i just wanna chill out

>> No.5678223 [DELETED] 

What are you trying to say, bruh?

>> No.5678234
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I want to be a nomad, changing locations every few years or so. I don't want to settle. I want to travel and experience the world.

>> No.5678240

Acquire money.

Become the George Soros of reactionary movements.

>> No.5678243 [DELETED] 

Are u me?

Where do u currently live?

>> No.5678299
File: 67 KB, 976x549, _74151935_84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I am you.

Currently in WA, USA. Beautiful state.
Want to check out New England or Quebec next.

>> No.5678312 [DELETED] 

>not thinking outside of the box

Dc master race here.

You've gotta leave the country, bruh. That's where you'll experience true culture.

>> No.5678325
File: 54 KB, 624x351, _76199121_092fec23-1201-4c58-bfd9-a32f95657710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard DC sucks.

Quebec is in another country. I will leave the North American continent eventually, but for now I'll stick with something familiar.

>> No.5678331 [DELETED] 

>implying that Canada isn't America's little brother

I actually want to go to Vancouver, tho

>has never been to dc
>says it sucks

Are you trying to rustle my jimmies?

>> No.5678357

I know Canada is much like America, but there are differences. Vancouver is pretty, but expensive.

>putting words in my mouth
>I clearly stated I HEARD about DC

Are you trying to master bait me?

>> No.5678366 [DELETED] 

What just happened here?

>> No.5678372

I came cuz you masterbated me

>> No.5678380 [DELETED] 

I'm going to Uruguay next year to smoke mad weed.

I want to go to either Ireland or Norway next.

>> No.5678398

>write stuff
>never need a 'real' job (tied to the first one, really)
>go to China, Japan, and Spain
>have sex with this really pale girl I knew in high school, cum all over her tits

>> No.5678400

Go to a shaman and take ayahuasca! That'd be a hell of a trip.

>> No.5678402

I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was.

>> No.5678404

>leaving north america
why would u ever do this
south america sucks
europe sucks
asia sucks
africa has ebola and it sucks

>> No.5678415

Live a life away from fucking Britain and America.

It's all going to go shit and up in arms since people in the west are too fucking stupid to question their media and government.

Move somewhere in Europe hopefully then travel around.

>> No.5678426

>has never left the country

Confirmed for being ignorant and overweight.

Enjoy your culture that solely consists of marketing and advertisements.

>> No.5678429

Well done for falling to your government bait and fearmongering.

>> No.5678430
File: 31 KB, 550x444, blaze up that herb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw butthurt Yuros try and pretend they are also not puppets to marketing

>> No.5678436

>implying I'm European

>> No.5678438

The different between us and you is we know our government and markets are bullshit but we just go along with it whereas you Americans actually believe them :).

>> No.5678457
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>We are aware that our governments are corrupt, that somehow makes us better!
As if, Yuromad. I bet you're afraid to miss a TV licensing payment, or David Cameron will come away and take your furry porn.

>> No.5678459

my dream is to write an incredibly influential and famous novel under a pseudonym, then live as a lazy bohemian while doing lots of drugs and having many interesting and creative friends.

>> No.5678464

To love and to be loved

>> No.5678471

Kek. Your dream is basically a meme at this point.

>> No.5678478

>he thinks i'm british

I lived in Britain for a while actually and no one even pays it from what I learned, I never even paid it myself, you just ignore them.

>> No.5678484
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>i know my government and markets are bullshit, therefore everyone else in my country does

>> No.5678487

>paying for your healthcare
>paying for your education


>> No.5678489

don't you?

>> No.5678494

No, faggot. I live in Scotland, I got all healthcare, operations and my honours degree completely free.

Enjoy your shitty Americana.

>> No.5678495

>not getting paid to study philosophy and literature
>being this little of a welfare state

top kek Americans

>> No.5678500

well, there's only about four people on /lit/ and they're all the same person except one is a communist

>> No.5678503

hate to break it to you

>> No.5678505
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A degree in what, pretending Scots is a real language?

>> No.5678507

Break what to me, faggot?

I didn't take out a student loan. Enjoy your shitty England or Americana.

>he doesn't get it for free

>> No.5678514

dey call me mistoire samefag

>> No.5678515

Topper kek. You're alright.

>> No.5678521
File: 235 KB, 392x321, 1369601265235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>living in a worse version of Bongland
>your only export is Sean Connery
>mfw Yuros are so poor they have to ask the government to pay for it
But it's OK, because you realize the government is bullshit, right?

>> No.5678530

Write full-time
Move to Colorado near Dolores/Cortez (i know it's a dump)
With my gf
Live in the high elevation like I once did
Nothing fancy
And be remembered after i die
For my writing
and not some fucking kid
Even for a short time

>> No.5678533

You'll pay it back in taxes.

Still 10 times better than the US, mind you

>> No.5678537

>he's this mad he doesn't get it for free
>he's this mad he didn't get into uni or that he had to pay for it

Lmao, the government is bullshit but I'll take everything it gives me and then fuck off to another country, at least I'm not a beta cuckold like you.

>> No.5678543

Even then, I don't have to pay for future healthcare or educational debt.

>> No.5678552
File: 97 KB, 246x245, 1361143402764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chugs welfare semen
>lol at least I'm not a beta cuckold xD

>> No.5678556

>he thinks scotland is the worse version of britbong
>has all the shit england has
>free healthcare
>free uni
>small population
>no muslims
>lovely sights everywhere
>free drugs

Enjoy wherever you're from, beta.

>> No.5678568

It's okay, American.

You lost.

>> No.5678577
File: 40 KB, 562x437, 1362278578413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Yuros existing near me

>> No.5678579

It's okay, American. Nice meme images, you lost.

>> No.5678582

American here:

America sucks, but none of you would know that since you faggots don't travel.

>> No.5678584

Stop dude, take your bullshit to int.

>> No.5678588
File: 45 KB, 500x453, diogenes of sinope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With dreams like that you should jump out of a fucking window

>> No.5678591
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>> No.5678592

>he believes and browses /int/

>> No.5678593

This board is becoming like /pol/ and /b/.

Fuck me, what a travesty of a thread

>> No.5678595

>America sucks
america's awesome, but not the south or the countryside

>> No.5678596

This would be the most fufilling life I could ever live.

>> No.5678599

You want a ranch, not a farm.

>> No.5678608

>implying traveling to place is as bad as living there
Trust me, Rio de Janeiro and brazil in general are pure shit, not one turist dares to say this tho cuz they dont know how is to lvie in here

>> No.5678621

>Implying i'm from 'murrica
I'm not, but i'm going to live in canada soon, thank god for that, btw.