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5665270 No.5665270 [Reply] [Original]

What mental illnesses have you all been diagnosed with?

I have OCD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Depression...and my therapist, who I've been seeing for a year or so admits that when she first met me she suspected I was an autistic s.o.b.

>> No.5665279

Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective disorder and Bipolar. All stemming from Cannabis induced psychosis. Frankly, I am having the time of my life.

>> No.5665283

social anxiety disorder, avoidant personality disorder, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, agoraphobia.

>> No.5665290

I was diagnosed with social anxiety. I think it's gone now.

>> No.5665295

Depression, and later ASD. I am not sure whether this can be considered a mental illness.

>> No.5665306

I've been Diagnosed BiPolar 2.

I reject the diagnosis entirely and, even if I do have mental troubles (which to me just means that I'm willing to allow sorrow and excitement into my life without trying to corral it like "normal" people), I'd rather be dysfunctional than medicated.

>> No.5665309

In the past, depression, anxiety, bipolar 2, and put on anti-psychotics for some reason? Been a couple years though

>> No.5665316

None because I'm not american. Sure I get sad sometimes, angry sometimes, however I don't instantly assume it's an 'illness' and get prescribed medication and surrounded by people reinforcing a victim mentality for their own gain. If something bothers me I think through the logic of it, and try to change my thinking habits. Which I thought was normal....

>> No.5665318

>None because I'm not american.

come on anon

>> No.5665323

Seriously dude. in other countries they don't hand out pills like candy. You get over it or you perish. and consequently...most people just get over it.

>> No.5665347


>None because I'm not american.

I'm not an Americlap but you're a fucking moron, m8. Truly.

>> No.5665351

>None because I'm not american.

I think you have autism m8

>> No.5665358

>All stemming from Cannabis induced psychosis.
i heard weed was safe and harmless

>> No.5665365

I suspect I have 4chan addiction.

>> No.5665367

Depression and anxiety

take shittonnes of meds for 'it', helps a bit

>> No.5665374

pornography addiction and compulsive masturbation.

>> No.5665375
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i'd imagine even as much as 80% of this board has some pretty serious depression and anxiety. i know i fucking do.

>> No.5665378

I had an anxiety attack so intense a week ago it's been bothering me for days but thankfully weed cures it.

Freaked me the fuck out because it happened for no discernible reason.

>> No.5665405

Social anxiety disorder, depression. I recently started Paroxetine. Positive stories?

>> No.5665413

sex addiction m8

>> No.5665415

Nothing medicalized but I've dreamed about committing suicide with barbiturates for about 4-5 years now which reading Ligotti only intensified. Someone would probably see this as a sign of depression whereas I don't have almost any of the other symptoms of MDD.

Mental illnesses as a whole are a funny business, you always need two for someone to have a mental illness and the whole notion demands a normative view of it (you need to be x or you have a mental illness) whereas with every other type of sickness (ass cancer and whatnot) the person can by himself come to the conclusion that something's not right.

>> No.5665430

Social anxiety, depression, and, lucky me, depersonalisation /and/ derealisation.
I don't know if those last two are still in the DSM, though.
At least I've been lucky as far as my dad's side of the family goes, and I've missed out on the big ones of epilepsy and brain cancer [/spoiler] at least, so far[/spoiler]

Someone didn't read DFW

Eh, I idly think about suicide a lot too. I wouldn't class it as 'suicidal thoughts', though.

>> No.5665436 [DELETED] 


>I've dreamed about committing suicide with barbiturates for about 4-5 years now

tfw you have been so depressed for over a decade so deeply depressed for so long that the thought of your family and friends hating you and calling you a coward and a loser for killing yourself becomes weirdly comforting as you know that hatred for yourself will continue even after the point where you physically cannot hate yourself any longer

i dream about this all the time

>> No.5665438

American mental health problems, the thread.

>> No.5665442

>social anxiety disorder
isn't that just code for too much net porn

>> No.5665443

For me it's not about failing to meet expectations and whatnot but simply the fact that I cant't bring my parents and two siblings to go though the pain my death would bring. The same reason I'm an antinatalist, I couldn't bring myself to be responsible for the suffering, aging and death of someone. I wish I could stop giving a fuck and just roll with it, logic dictates that I'd be better off, I wouldn't have to experience the bad and wouldn't miss out/be deprived of the good.

>> No.5665444

the autist, the post

>> No.5665449

I'm not American, and don't be racist.

>> No.5665452

Yeah nah m8, that's what you'd glean from browsing /r9k/; it's a serious affliction.

That feel when collapse in public with panic attack.

>> No.5665455

I have hypochondria and suspect I have emetophobia

>> No.5665456

I told my docter that I have anxiety, and cant compete in society. I shut my self away with asian cartoons, and just want to be left alone forever. I hate rich people and capitalims, and if wealth was evenly distributed all of my problems would go away, as my anxiety is social performance anxiety and im at the bottom.

He told me I was suffering from Marxism, and gave me 200mg of grow the fuck up.

>> No.5665460

Quality post.

>> No.5665462

None. I'm doing fine, really.

[spoiler)Just getting some balance up in here[/spoiler]

>> No.5665469


>I'm doing fine

lol na your spoiler game is trash son

>> No.5665470

Right, that's the last straw. I'm killing myself.

>> No.5665474

muh feels

>> No.5665476

Not your fuckken blog or support group. Go hang yourself and rid this board of your stupidity.

>> No.5665480

Im feeling great. Its Saturday, the sun is shining, got a few beers cooling in the freezer to relax with before I meet some mates later, life is wonderful. The ltd company I started two years ago has broken even and I have secured three international dealers on three year contracts who want everything I can produce. I have a fantastic girlfriend, decent relationship with my parents, and a permanent smile on my face. Everything is wonderful.

>> No.5665484


>angry board policing

in a thread full of depressives you are the biggest loser good work lol

>> No.5665488

not diagnosed with anything. but that's cause i don't tell the truth to my doctors. i function fine in society so i don't need meds or therapy.

>> No.5665490

Some of you have a lot of different diagnoses. I'm familiar with depression myself. I'm a licenced therapist (clinical psychologist). Anyone have questions?

>> No.5665492

undifferentiated schizophrenia

>> No.5665495

does suicidal thoughs automatically mean depression?

>> No.5665499

Short answer: no. Almost everyone has suicidal thoughts from time to time. Depression is more about a somber mood for most of the day, every day and an inability to enjoy the things you previously found enjoyable.

>> No.5665503


>> No.5665542

Is it possible or even within the law to get a doctor to prescribe you a license to get hero'd at Dignitas without any diagnosable illnesses if you list all the arguments for the preference of non-existence over existence and why living is basically pointless shit? Not that I would try, just curious.

>> No.5665562

I'm in Europe, laws are different everywhere. Regardless, I doubt any doctor anywhere would take that as a valid argument for euthanasia.

>> No.5665571

Dignitas isn't euthanasia per se, you have to drink the solution yourself. I read one case about someone being allowed to die at Dignitas due to "intolerable psychological pain" or some such but would you need to have diagnosed MDD?

>> No.5665576

Well what you are describing (the nihilistic thoughts) sounds somewhat pathological to me. Depending on the amount of suffering you are actually in they may or may not take it seriously. If it's an unemotional "I'd rather be dead than alive, given the option" you're not going to find a lot of help. Also, I'd consider testing for autism, as this is the sort of problem I see a lot in that population.

>> No.5665586

I'm pretty sure I'm not autistic, but is this sort of thing really common with them? Most autists I've seen irl or otherwise are the most optimistic people, getting all excited about video games, MLP, trains and whatnot and dreaming about transhumanism.

>> No.5665588

A thing that I tend to find with the slightly more intelligent people with ASS is that a lot of the treatment revolves around nihilism, the problem of meaning in what they construe as a meaningless world. Also, take into account that happy, optimistic people with autism tend not to be in therapy. So I see the negative ones mostly.

>> No.5665617

How do you go about it? Just pump them full of antidepressants or through the fact they will die anyhow so why not live etc?

>> No.5665634

Dunno. Doubt I have any. I'm going to a shrink soon enough to get some pills to kick me up the arse though.

>> No.5665636

literally flawless genes
tall, handsome, smart, funny, no mental health issues, don't even get sick

>> No.5665638

If you don't have a mental illness you're a pleb.

>> No.5665642

He types from his parents' basement

>> No.5665644

Unless you write like Antonin Artaud (and who wants to write like him) your mental illness is not even worth mentioning, sorry

>> No.5665652

The people you described are pretty much the end goal. I try to find what they like and push them to do more of it. See it they can find meaning in enjoying themselves. I'm not a big fan of medication and don't see how antidepressants would help here.

>> No.5665699

all of them

>> No.5665701

I can believe all of the above, except for that.

>> No.5665706

oh well u win some u lose some

>> No.5665716

I think about suicide. I started self-harming in the last few months. I hate myself. I guess I may have anxiety. I've never been diagnosed with anything, basically because I keep it to myself. I wouldn't want my parents to find out.

>> No.5665726

Are you a girl?

>> No.5665729


>> No.5665733

OK. lol
Srs dude, u shouldn't self-harm it's for girls. How though?

>> No.5665735

i want you to know
no matter how much pain you are going thru
i will still suck your dick

>> No.5665738


>> No.5665747

Just punching myself in the face.

>> No.5665749

I don't believe you. Sometimes I like to have girls punch me in the face, though, to show them that resistance is futile.

>> No.5665752

One time I had a girl punch me in the face as hard as she could, and I just laughed, then took her drink and poured it over her head lol

>> No.5665755

>Mental illnesses
>Related to genes
Assburgers and ADD maybe

>> No.5665758

depression is genetic lol

>> No.5665759

No it isn't, that's fucking retarded

>> No.5665760

There's a difference between cutting yourself because you're an attention whore and having a self-destructional drive

>> No.5665761

The chromosome, 3p25-26, was found in more than 800 families with recurrent depression in the study. Scientists have said as many as 40 percent of those suffering from depression can be traced back to a genetic link, with environmental and other factors comprising the remaining 60 percent.

>> No.5665762

"Oh no I'm being attacked by a lion, time to use my evolved power of.....DEPRESSION! Haha, stupid lion. I mean, :("

>> No.5665765

Depression is so common, you could link it to the gonosomes. Seriously I'm pretty sure that 40% of men have had some form of depression

>> No.5665766

Still retarded, they have recently discovered that the brain literally builds itself - that is, it controls its hormones, picks and chooses from them, and so any pointing to a specific...whatever...as a cause is instantly retarded/secondary, might as well just be saying "look, this person is depressed"

>> No.5665767

omg are you fucking stupid
do you understand any evolutionary theory
if it doesn't hamper your chances of breeding it can be passed along
in any case, there are certain flaws with humans (SEE: AUTISM) that will never be bred out through evolution because they never manifest themselves in the carrier (recessive genes you fucking moron go back to elementary school)

>> No.5665769

be sad

>> No.5665770

See: >>5665769

>> No.5665771

> the brain literally builds itself - that is, it controls its hormones
for fuck's sake this is like potheads trying to teach you about genetic sequencing
firstly, stop samefagging>>5665762
secondly, do you even realise that not every single piece of genetic information is improved by evolution?

>> No.5665775

>for fuck's sake this is like potheads trying to teach you about genetic sequencing
First off, this is absolutely obvious and you are retarded.
Secondly, I was obviously trolling with that second bit, sperg less.

>> No.5665777

It appears that meeting God on drugs is actually inherent to the drugs folks, and not something that the brain BUILDS with the drugs.

>> No.5665782

off to reddit with you

>> No.5665784

Oh, and those cases of the brain repairing itself with THC and whatever that thing is in magic mushrooms ---also bullshit even though undoubtedly true

>> No.5665785

>i was only pretending to be retarded.jpg

>> No.5665789

See: >>5665782
Off to retard land with your tiny brain, friend.

>> No.5665793

i have a fear of medication (especially shit that alters your brain chemistry) so i dont bring anything up at my doctors

i have been considering trying to get some ADHD meds though for a while

>> No.5665795

Hurr you sure got me, d'aw

>> No.5665816

Major Depressive Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, and they say I'm on the Autistic Spectrum, though I'm not convinced of that one.

>> No.5665822


>> No.5665877

It just doesn't fucking happen over here, I remember that out of the 300 students in my school, there wasn't a fucking single one with ADHD or some shit.

>> No.5665886

It's the same here in Germany.
I guess it depends on where you live and how wealthy the population is. The less they have to worry about paying the rent the more they can worry about made up illnesses

>> No.5665897

Greek here.
I was talking about schools in the poor countryside indeed. But even here in the major cities, in my whole life I have met only a couple people who have had shit like 'bipolar disorder' but they got back to normal after their teen age.
And then I see in 4chan that half the fucking people have some kind of psych. disorder. It's like astrological signs or MBTI now.

>> No.5665916

I was diagnosed a homosexual recently. It's been difficult to come to terms with, honestly.

>> No.5665968

It's mainly an American occurrence. They love prescribing meds for their special snowflake kids.

"6.1 million under 17's have been diagnosed with ADHD in America, and of those, 3.5 million are taking regular medication. The pharmaceutical industry for ADHD meds alone is worth 9 billion dollars. "

>> No.5665976

>There's a difference between cutting yourself because you're an attention whore and having a self-destructional drive
Everyone has a self-destructive drive, it's just that they usually engage in something more nuanced than hacking the body up with a bladed implement, like relationships or art, etc. Even smoking I guess.

>> No.5665990

What, are they on fire?

>> No.5666020

What if you've been suicidally depressed? Is that a made up illness?

>> No.5666023

If I was American, I'd be depressed and suicidal too.

>> No.5666028

I'm Scottish.

>> No.5666031

It must be hard for Scottish posters on this board after the edgy slavs invaded and took the mantle of biggest shitposters.

>> No.5666032

Neat, I'm Americanish!

>> No.5666035

>I see in 4chan that half the fucking people have some kind of psych. disorder
Don't worry, most of those disorders are self diagnosed.

>> No.5666042

I wasn't talking about depression.
The post I replied to was about ADHD

>> No.5666044

Ah, I see. Can't really say I know anything about ADHD, so I feel unable to comment on the matter.

>> No.5666278

"Randy, look."
"What is it Mary-Anne?"
"Little Timmy's doin' summit."
"Well take him to doctor Goldstein for some more of them pills."

-- Portrait of an American family, Dostoyevsky

>> No.5666496

Why are you on /lit/?

>> No.5666579

I've been diagnosed with anxiety and depression, but honestly I'm convinced that I'm just a very weak person. I'm preparing to commit suicide within the next month or so though, so that's exciting. Pretty nerve-wracking, but mostly just exciting. Wish me luck.

>> No.5667317

Godspeed. Don't worry about the weak/strong dichotomy, it's shit invented by retards who think evolution is a normative+teleological process.

>> No.5667330

PTSD. It ain't shit except when it is.

>> No.5667353

Chronic depression, ADD, anxiety disorder and ptsd

>> No.5667354
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I have my issues going outside.

>> No.5667369

Remember to leave some decent text behind or you'll be wasting your chance of forcing your family to get it published.

>> No.5667370

I have a panic disorder that comes and goes, I've been diagnosed with "clinical depression", about which I'm suspect, and have a general anxiety about everything. I've taken medication on and off since I was 16, but I'm not a fan of being medicated. Aside from the panic attacks, which are debilitating at worst, it's nothing I can't deal with.

>> No.5667378

This, nothing like a well-written suicide note to lay down the truths no one wants to hear. See Ligotti's Metaphysica Morum and Heisman's suicide note's first and last few dozen pages for reference.

"Those who contest demoralization as the inexorable way of universal deliverance have failed to see what is before them. They have lagged behind in the evolutionary ideal of our species. That ideal is a beneficial mutation. … Such has been the stance of all mutant liberators by demoralization who have ever lived. As one, their voices have spoken of an end-point to the organic horror. None has ever been fully heard or impeccably followed. They have merely shown the way. This way has always been implicit in their ideal. Closer it draws with the appearance of the demoralized greater in number and more clear-eyed in purpose. This is the way has always been implicit in their ideal. Closer it draws with the appearance of the demoralized greater in number and more clear-eyed in purpose. This is the way of the future. All who do not know the way, or who refuse it, will be denied the faintest glimpse of the absolute of an anesthetized future. They are reprobate losers waiting only to be declared as such by tomorrow’s demoralized mutants. So it will be. We are each either among the demoralized showing the way to a future of eternal nightmare, or we are losers celebrating our moment in hell."

>> No.5667396

For now.

>> No.5667419

I fear my death is close. In 2006, year of dog, my father who is a horse died. 2010 year of the tiger my brother who is a dog died. It's year of the horse and I'm a tiger. I swe a pattern and feel like I'll be next.

>> No.5667424

I was thinking more in the terms of Toole's novel.

>> No.5667435

Haven't read him, which one are you talking about?

>> No.5667484


add to it:

... in the outside, but some irrational fear/dread of nothing creeps from within, and I can't understand from where it comes, for if I were capable of understanding the irrational, I would feel fantastic.

And you have some depression.

Honestly, if I felt bad about something I would really solve it without problems. But I'm depressed that I feel bad because of nothing. I could be trying to enjoy something, and something inexplicable happens that I feel the dread coming up and suddently everything is so shitty and desperate. Then when you try to understand it becomes worse: fear appears, delusions, paranoia, etc.

>> No.5667520

A Confederacy of Dunces, /lit/'s Welcom to the NHK sort of.

>> No.5667557

Kill yourself, break the cycle.

>> No.5668020

i imagine it would be difficult to disprove such a fact given that intelligence is correlated with depression (and predominantly genetic) - and that similar families are likely to be brought up in similar positions, and more importantly, have their parents/family reacting to these positions in ways which they may model themselves after. Two people can react to the same thing in wholly different ways, the way in which you learn to attribute or consider the angles is significant to how likely you are to be depressed.

The correlation exists, and with all the unknown things about genetics, it's always an easy answer (see the chromosome post below). It might be the case that >>5665761 chromosome somehow relates to depression (causes, works as a catalyst if the environment allows, whatever) but this has yet to be proven, and if it is true, is only part of a larger effect.
if you were trolling, i took the bait

>> No.5668050

I have a feeling I could easily be diagnosed with Depression or Anxiety without any major fabrication of character on my side, just making some thoughts appear more prominent than others. I've been considering doing it for the SSRIs but don't want to become dependent upon them for happiness, or for them to push therapy upon me. Back to trying to find an MDMA dealer so I can experience happiness a few times a year. Alcohol and /lit/ and music and are all good for coping, but aren't much in the highlights reel of my life.

I don't think I'm really worthy of treatment, I'm just very detached from everyday life at this point. I'm not sure drugs that make me care exist, and whether I would want them - at this point what is left of my self esteem is that I haven't yet tried, and that I may have success if I did.

>> No.5668072

No diagnosed but I have anxiety problems.

Can I ask you guys a question about it actually? I only seem to have anxiety problems in very specific situations, and it's usually when I'm not around people like me (ie. young people and/or students). In these moments, I feel unbearably uncomfortable and end up with mild physical symptoms such as feeling very wary about my surroundings and occasionally breathing faster (though not audibly loud). Does this sound usual? It happens a lot in supermarkets.

>> No.5668081

Dissociative identity disorder
Manic Depression


>> No.5668083


I was medicated when first diagnosed.
I quit cold turkey one day.
Taking a pill everyday was more depressing than feeling crazy.

>> No.5668087

It is, and it has no correlation to mental illness.

Mental illness suffering people find their way to cannabis.

This is why all the shit you see saying cannabis causes shit comes from doctors and 'scientists' who are being funded by right winged organizations

>> No.5668088


>> No.5668100

Diagnosed with depression, would be diagnosed with HPPD and depersonalization/derealization

>> No.5668247

This is a longitudinal study which has found a correlation potentially more damning as the participants are blocked by certain genetic traits, and there appears to be a difference.


Correlation does not equal causation is an easy reply (read: users with signs of schizophrenia attracted to cannabis, more predominantly in x genetic group than in y) but that is nonetheless a explanation for the hypothesis no more likely from the data than cannabis is causing this.

As far as I know, Dunedin Health and Development(New Zealand) is not a right wing organization, although I suppose they would prefer if a few less people were smoking the reefer. (In practical terms, their results means that it is only dangerous for certain genetic categories, less than an ideal result for right wing propaganda, but no far reaching media will be reporting the facts correctly anyway)

Like I said, there is no way of knowing whether it is correlation or causation, but to frame it in such a clear cut way considering this unconventional finding is a incorrect and no doubt impartial way of dismissing an ongoing debate.

>> No.5668268

I'm currently pretty fucking drunk, so that might fall within this category.

I'll be back in the morning when my hangover is in full swing.

>> No.5668282


>> No.5668305


>having the same mental conditions as me

Do elaborate.

>> No.5668362

>I've dreamed about committing suicide with barbiturates for about 4-5 years now

great another marilyn monroe wannabe

>> No.5669987

Depression/dysthymia. Or so I've been diagnosed. At what point does a personality become a disorder? Is it when it starts to severely impact your life for the worse? I've got my Oxford entry exam on Wednesday and I ain't done shit for it cos I'd rather spend all day in bed moping about nothing in particular

>> No.5670007

Many things. I figure if I make a good run at Christian mystic, it can all be forgiven.

>> No.5670020

I haven't been diagnosed with anything, as a kid surely I could have been diagnosed with asperger's (i would, if I was a kid nowadays), I suspect I am a mild hypochondriac (though that self-diagnosis is a little paradoxical) and I have an anancastic personality (potentially 'disorder'). I'd like to get free analysis (insurance would pay something like 80-120 hours for an anancastic personality disorder), but the trouble I might have later with health insurance and getting a job is probably not worth it.

>> No.5670100

What trauma?

>> No.5670105

Depression and used to have social anxiety. I can't seem to imbibe substances without abusing them and subsequently have had a debilitating oxycontin addiction for the past 5 years.

Growing up I thought that substance abuse was necessary in order to cultivate a creative mindset. Now I realise it's bullshit and I've lost control of my life entirely.

>> No.5670747

Yep DSM rule of thumb is do the symptoms negatively impact patients life.
>I've got my Oxford entry exam on Wednesday and I ain't done shit for it cos I'd rather spend all day in bed moping about nothing in particular
Yup that sounds like dysthymia. Good luck for your exam bro

>> No.5670755

Self-diagnosed dysthymia

>> No.5670827 [DELETED] 

I'm seeing a psychologist but haven't been diagnosed with anything in particular. My mind goes blank when I try to socialise. I am still in the hopes of getting over it without being stamped with some mental disease.

>> No.5670838

I'm seeing a psychologist but haven't been diagnosed with anything in particular. My mind goes blank when I try to socialise. I am still in the hopes of getting over it without being labelled with some mental disorder.

>> No.5670863

Based anon.

>> No.5670873

I have none. I am not a special snowflake and if I sometimes have problems I work to solve them instead of blaming everyone else.
ITT: America sucks

>> No.5670897

Correlation =! causation

>> No.5670994

I'm going to publish by Stirner-inspired manifesto on Amazon and then go drown myself in Lake Michigan. My life is almost complete.