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/lit/ - Literature

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564290 No.564290 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, I've never had much of an interest in steampunk until this book caught my attention as I was browsing a local book store and I decided to buy it. I'm currently reading it right now, and I'm just loving it, and I want to dig deeper into the genre of steampunk.

Could I get some recommendations for steampunk books? Maybe some other alternate history recommendation, as well?

>> No.564294

The Difference Engine, book that started it all more or less.
Mortal Engines is all right, very interesting ideas, tho it's YA.
Steampunk magazine is free and can be downloaded online. Lots of good stories. Bit of an anarchist bent, but nothing overt.

>> No.564301


I was sort of under the impression steam punk had an almost inherent slight anarchist bent.

>> No.564307


>> No.564314
File: 277 KB, 585x893, the-windup-girl-by-paolo-bacigalupi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does, but there are plenty of authors and readers (not to mention scenester clubkids) who either don't realize it or don't seem to care.

Also, OP, this.

>> No.564321

I decided not to read Boneshaker once I saw the author's photo.

>> No.564332

Is this steampunk or just alt. history?

>> No.564347

Perdido Street Station has some brilliant steampunk elements. But get ready for complete and utter tone shift in the last 100-80 pages. Fuck I wish that book had ended better.

>> No.564348

I freakin' *loved* the Windup Girl -- that book deserves a lot more attention (though I don't think it's typical steampunk, too much biotech mixed in).

>> No.564362

It's all that and more.

>> No.566129

Try Court of the Air by Stephen Hunt

>> No.566149

Court of the Air isn't anything too excellent, but it's a HELL of a fun read.

Jay Lake's Mainspring is pretty damn good, and I assume the following novels are too (Escapement, Pinion).

>> No.568029

I just bought that book. However, I still need to read. How good is it?

>> No.568042

>Court of the Air isn't anything too excellent, but it's a HELL of a fun read.
Sometimes you confuse me, /lit/. Books that are extremely fun to read aren't that great?

>> No.568054

Let's say you enjoy daytime soap operas. You might enjoy them but I doubt you would argue they were great works of televised drama? It's like that.

>> No.568061

Little Brother.

Imagine some cogs and shit on the Xboxen.

>> No.568068

I have had a hankering to try some steam punk lately, been reading sci-fi for nearly 30 years and never touched on it in books.

Closest things I have read are comics, Neil Gaiman's Mr Hero and of course the League of Extraordinary Gentleman series (proud owner of the hard back Absolute editions) both of which are great but LoEG of course tops the bill. I have to say it would be nice if Alan Moore would write a LoEG novel; I am sure it would be brillant.

Checked out Steampunk magazine but I felt somewhat underwhelmed. In an editorial, the non-political nature of the genre was discusssed and then what I read after (tl:dr whole magazine) was all very political. My own politics are anarchist but steampunk has fuck all to do with anarchism, I like veggie burgers and I like ice cream but I don't put them in a bun together...

Anyway, does anyone have/is willing to make a jpg for /lit Steampunk recommendations. I have the sci fi, fantasy, French, Russian and Short story ones, would be nice to add another to the collection :)

>> No.568079
File: 68 KB, 640x854, dsnsomsaumayosml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.568081

The only steampunk I've ever read was Gibson's Difference engine. I finished it so it wasn't terrible, but I'd like to know how representative it is for the genre or if most fans would consider it better or worse than the average steampunk book?

>> No.568096
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>> No.568106
File: 825 KB, 1134x2016, dsc09357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Neutral Good church medic protagonist
>Neutral Evil mafia henchman on the run protagonist
>Theological chats with the local drunkard pedo priest
>TNT firefight
>Unhinged axe-murderer
>Mafia versus Police mega-duel

>The only steampunk novel worth reading.JPG

>> No.568116
File: 51 KB, 576x416, 1268404027283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No characterisation for the first ~120 pages
Clumsy prose
Conceptually scatterbrained