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565926 No.565926 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me why you love this series.

I haven't read it yet. I'd like some convincing.

>> No.565941

i read tons of fantasy, rarely shit that's popular.
this is one of the coolest tho, its popular for a reason. the world feels pretty good, real, and the it moves along temporally very real. months and weeks dont just blink by, shit happens in real time. characters are never wholly known. they are real people shaped by their experiences, and everyone is deep and extremely unique. i reallly like this book

>> No.565943

one more thing

George Martin, if you're reading this stop it and GET TO FUCKING WORK

>> No.565946

Never in fantasy have characters and cultures been so original and realistic, not just stereotypes and archetypes. You'll come to like characters you hated, and hate characters you loved.

>> No.565950

I like A Game of Thrones because it didn't fall victim to the cliches of the fantasy genre. No elves, no dwarfs, no magic, no Fag'othian fantasy words with umlauts, just great characters and story.

>> No.565954


Awww, maaaaan

do I have to?

>> No.565956

I like it for a number of reasons. First of all is the setting, which doesn't feel like it was ripped from someone's amateur D&D campaign. It's just barely grounded enough to feel similar to a few historical periods in Europe, but the actual elements of those settings are too unique to be considered a stand-in for any of those empires.

Secondly is the world and story in general. The world is obviously fantasy-based, but there are very few magic spells or adventuring parties or other such bullshit. There is magic, but it's dark, dark shit, forbidden rituals that draw on otherworldly powers that usually fuck over the person who tries to use it in some way. It takes the paranoia over witchcraft and heathenism that perpetuated the middle ages and makes those threats real.

Lastly is just the quality of the writing. Martin worked on TV shows before writing the series and damned if he doesn't know his pacing like a pro. He never leaves a character alone for too long (Feast For Crows Aside....) and his dialogue works. It really works. It has enough poetry in it to draw you into the world, but enough cursing and brutality to remind you that the world is pretty shitty.

>> No.565957

It's not just another magic and swords and elves fantasy series. It focuses mostly on human interaction and political deception, and then on war, in a really interesting way. The multiple POVs gives you a huge view of every situation, and you realize that even characters you hated in the beginning have reasonable justifications for their actions. Also, lots of sex.

>> No.565958

>>565950 no dwarfs

>> No.565959

Awww, come on, the game's on in a few minutes...

>> No.565962
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>no dwarfs

>> No.565964

>Also, lots of sex
well... that clinches it for me.

>> No.565967

It's fucking grimdark. And I love me my grimdark.

>> No.565969
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you got a problem w/ umlauts faggot?

Prince of Nothing is way better than ASOIAF

>> No.565976

FUNFACT: It took him two years each to write the first three books, and five to write the fourth. Five more years have passed and we're still running dry. Only four books in a fifteen year old series.

So you have some time to catch up. Which is good because it's fucking massive.

>> No.565978


Pretty much this.

It has a gritty realism while the more fantasy elements are lurking under the surface.

>> No.565982


AFFC is part one of 2 for book 4. so really he's half done w/ 4 after 10 years.

>> No.565984

Tyrian is a midget, not a dwarf.

>> No.565985

he's a dwarf.

>> No.565987


>> No.565991

The new one is taking so long, because books 4 and 5 were originally supposed to be one book, but then he split it up. He was hoping to just copypasta shit that would've been book 4 into book 5, but instead he rewrote it.

>> No.566035

politics rape incest murder war knights jousting and midgets and tits

that is why you should read it

>> No.566038
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The last thing I wanna do is start some endless multi-volume fantasy series.

I'd rather work on this endless multi-volume classic Chinese adventure I'm reading, Outlaws of the Marsh.

Pic related: one of the many adaptations of Outlaws of the Marsh

>> No.566039
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>> No.566040
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>> No.566068

you should read it because when you have finished you will never be able to enjoy other fantasy ever again and will have no choice but to start reading real books

>> No.566083

It's the Twilight for grimdark loving neckbeards. A real page turner and as well written as fantasy goes, just don't be expecting it to make the Western Canon.

>> No.566109
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Like anyone but stuck-up academics care about the "canon"

>> No.566120

very good read, but be aware that there's a pretty good chance the author has either given up on it or will die before finishing it.

>> No.566127

r.r. martin is fat and over 60 years old

He's been working on a dance with dragons for like 7 years now.

He's not going to finish the ASOIAF series before he dies. Not at the pace he's going at.

I think he hates ASOIAF and wants nothing to do with it anymore

>> No.566128
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Smart characters who rely on politcis and family to pull strings.

And magic is treated as a rare, supernatural phenom than "usual" fireballs and lightning bolts.

Aside, would Hugo Weaving make a good Stannis?

>> No.566134

Stannis hasn't a bear

>> No.566136


>> No.566137


Check out his latest blog update

He said he had a good day of writing then wrote


At the end. Clearly gonna announce it at the next nerdcon

>> No.566140


But Vargo Hoat does.

>> No.566144

I couldn't stand it simply because of that Gary Stu Kellhus. Cnaiur was ridiculously cool though and pretty much everyone else was too except for Esme the boring slut and Achamian the whiny douchebag

>> No.566145
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No way. Stannis needs a strong, square jaw.

>> No.566169

A question for the fans.

Does Podrick have a crush on Sansa?

>> No.566171

Doesn't matter, Littlefinger's gonna fuck her to death.

>> No.566173

What makes you think that? He seems pretty loyal to Tyrion.

>> No.566242
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>> No.566272
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Thank God Voyager Publications has rereleased the books with better covers than this. Or atleast they have in Europe.

>> No.566274
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>> No.566284

Steel and snow?

>> No.566286


Eurofags have to buy like seven books to get the whole story.

>> No.566295


Yeah, A Storm of Swords have been split into Steel and Snow & Blood and Gold.

>> No.566298
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What a rip off. You can get each in their entirety for like $8 as a mass market paperback in the US. Euro covers look better though. French covers are awesome.

>> No.566358 [DELETED] 
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To hell with what the Britfags get, I want English versions with the awesome Japanese covers.

>> No.566360

I wonder if the books are popular in Japan. I'm guessing not particularly.

>> No.566362
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To hell with what the Eurofags get, I want English versions with the awesome Japanese covers.

>> No.566380


I wonder if in the translation Jon has like seven foot tall hair and 1000 belts.

>> No.566382
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This big man is Gregor Clegane. He picks up a small baby and bashes it against a stone column. Then while his hands are covered in its blood and brains proceeds to rape the mother to death. On another occasion, he tosses a silver coin at a tavern keeper and begins to rape his daughter. When he's done, he lets all his men have a go at her. When they're all done he asks for his change since "she wasn't worth a silver".

>> No.566391
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I lol'd

>> No.566396
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Mark Strong would be perfect as Stannis.

>> No.566417

Let's not forget his loving relationship with Sandor. All the best big brothers dangle their siblings in a brazier.

>> No.566420
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Danny DeVito would make a perfect Tyrion

>> No.566426

Cristopher Lee as Tywin Lannister

>> No.566434
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too old. Ed Harris as Tywin Lannister and Ken Branaugh as Kevan Lannister.

>> No.566437
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Viggo as Mance Rayder.

>> No.566448
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Who but the Great Khali could play Gregor?

>> No.566453


That's pretty much how I imagine Tywin

>> No.566456

Just started reading AFFC, but Kevan is way more badass now than how he was in books 1-3.

>> No.566457

It's a huge-ass fucking complicated story with a shitload of characters and plotlines. And it's all handled well.

Really, there's too much to talk about in this series.

>> No.566476

Here is why you should read it. The people that think of ASOIAF are split into two groups. Those who like it, and those who haven't read it.

Everyone who reads it likes it. You will too.

>> No.566510
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>I think he hates ASOIAF and wants nothing to do with it anymore

Considering the quality AWARD-WINNING short stories he used to write, this series fantasy crap is a real come-down.

Poor George. He dumbed himself all the way down for you and what gratitude do you show him?

>> No.566521

Great characters of all backgrounds.
Gruesome needs to be, not when it doesn't.
Doesn't fear controversial ideas.
No problem in maiming or killing a character.
It's fantasy, but fantasy elements are complimentary rather than gimmicks to focus a plot on.
Based on real history, has some relevance.
Good mixture of originality and references.
Good length and pacing, good writing.
I like Zombies.

Only Con is that it takes fucking forever. Dance of the Dragons should be amazing, I want it.

>> No.566536

Move onto other shit on your reading list before heading to this one. At least jump on board when books finally start coming out again.

>> No.566595


His short stories are indeed excellent.

But his series fantasy are his short stories writ large.

>> No.566662
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>> No.566666


Provide a reason otherwise or else you're a) a troll or b) a fag.

>> No.566682
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>> No.566685


>> No.566688


Tamzin Merchant is an A+

>> No.566699
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nice over-get, btw.

>> No.566712


I fucking love that story.

The comic adaptation was nice as well.

>> No.566743


>> No.566744


He's over 1300 pages in.

And on his latest blog post he enigmatically said "soon."

Let's hope that means what we all hope it means.

>> No.566747

I'm hoping too... I want to at least see A Dance With Dragons out before he dies

>> No.566782

>site super-reverence for magic and grrm not relying on it as a mcguffin
>far east priestess shits out shadow babies who off characters at critical plot juncutres
>crystal ice zombie are vulnerable to the mythical element known as obsidian
>14 year old children throughout the realm are lauded as kings/queens and act as better tacticians/warriors than their elders

syrio forel was here and is calling you on your bullshit

>> No.566790

Fuck you, you're dead.

>> No.566800


>the others



>> No.566819

generally i'd submit to your point that the others are separate from the corpses they reanimate, but the gigantic gaping vagina in that argument is that the preface in AGOT has the royce kid turn into an other and kill wil, despite the later retcon that others aren't made from dead humans (maybe?)

>> No.566826


No, his eyes turned blue. So do the eyes of the reanimated corpses. He didn't turn into an other. It's an easy mistake to make so I won't even lol about it.

>> No.566844


>14 year olds

>Edward the Black Prince of Wales was a military genius at 18

>14 is like adulthood

>> No.566883

daenerys is like 15 or something
>command remnants of late husbands gargantuan army out of obscurity
>masterminds complete domination of independent desert states
robb is about same age
>crowned king for no other reason than he's lol-line-of-stark
>strategic genius
>commands respect of warriors renowned throughout westeros
jon is maybe a year older than robb
>defeats biggest omgwtf barbarian gathering to ever stand against THE WALL
>lol valyrian steel
>banging hot mom, banging hot wife, banging hot sister-in-law that he was definitely gonna tap
roberty arryn
>sucks his mommas tittay
>about to suck sansas tittay

im not even mad

>> No.566892

the end of the story is going to be bronn capturing kings landing then dirty fighting daenerys to death

>> No.566929


I'd fucking love it.

>> No.566988
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>> No.566992
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Is that Ser Davos Seaworth?

>> No.567130

holy fuck nice job pointing that out

i always thought of him as kinda tubby, but that's an awfully awesome depiction of him

>> No.567215


I really hope we get some more of him in ADWD. He's my favorite character. :(

>> No.567219


>> No.567228

In one word: Craster!

>> No.567235

Am I the only one that wants more than 7 books in this series? The waiting is horrible, yes, but, once ADwD comes out, we'll only have two more books to look forward to.

>> No.567249

So what, like 15 more years till he finishes it? I doubt he'd survive an eighth book; he'll probably pull a jordan if he doesn't end it with 7. On the other hand, more work for brandon sanderson

>> No.567275
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I'm just pissed that GRRM hasn't finished this book.

Does he want to make it longer than Atlas Shrugged?

>> No.567277


It already is.

>> No.567363

Everything about these casts are wrong.
All of my mental images are so different it isn't even funny.

The worst is probably Robert. He was supposed to be a big warrior kind of guy that got fat. Now hes just fat.

>> No.567375

The intesity of the writing really makes the stories come to life.

When Robb, Caetlyn, and Arya died within the same few pages, I freaked the fuck out.

>> No.567486

I've read the series and was thoroughly impressed with the depth of his characters, the only real complaint I have is the time between novels. (Gawd I hope it's worth it.) As long as he doesn't pull a Jordan on us I can deal with it. I've read and reread his novels more than any others in my collection, I like the rhythm and flow of his prose.

A bit off topic, as far as long waits go try waiting for the sequel to John Steakley's Armor. That's a fucking wait boyo.
-Jack mutherfucking Crow.

>> No.567499


Have you read any of his other stuff?

I recommend you pick up the two Dreamsongs collections. He's really a master at short stories.

>> No.567507

Arya isn't dead

>> No.567514

Thanks, I was looking for an excuse to go to the bookstore and use my discount, now I have one. :)

>> No.567516 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.567517


Dude, be prepared to be depressed.

There are a few places where it's just like "What the FUCK, George R. R. Martin?"

That is to say, all of the short stories.

>> No.567518


What? So I can get raped and probably mutilated?

Best case scenario sent to the wall to freeze my balls off for the rest of my life?

Fuck, I'd rather go to Mordor than Westeros.

>> No.567523

Lol, we neckbeards are used to depression, a little WTF goes a long way towards keeping me reading.

>> No.567525

I didn't know that when the book said the axe hit her. Sure, I found out later on she was alive, but at the time I was suprised.

>> No.567526


I recommend you start with "A Song for Lya," "Meathouse Man," and "And Seven Times Never Kill Man," then. Those are my favorites.

>> No.567540

I'd go to Braavos personally. Sounds like one of the safest places, and I imagine it to be an incredible area.

Oldtown sounds pretty safe too, relatively far away from all the shit. Really you're only fucked if you live near the trident or the Frays.

The Vale sounds pretty safe, if you're in one of the main strongholds. The neck is safe if you're friends with the House of Reed - especially if you're can make it to Greywater Watch (probably the safest stronghold in all of Westeros.

>> No.567548


Dorne seems like a pretty decent place, too.

>> No.567562


Of all the bright, cruel lies they tell you, the cruelest one is love.


>> No.567563

I haven't read the books in ages. Does it ever mention Aegon Targaryen looking for Greywater Watch?

I assume the only reason House of Reed surrendered was because they were loyal to the Starks.

>> No.567565

Having lived in AZ for a while now, even Dorne sounds better, considering they at least have a coast line.

>> No.567572 [DELETED] 

Who is Brasil???

Seriously who the fuck is brasil?

>> No.567574

I don't know. Who IS Brasil?
Thats kind of a wierd name. Which character was he again?

>> No.567575

Damnit, he deleted his post.

>> No.567584
