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/lit/ - Literature

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5654631 No.5654631 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /lit/.

You look lonely.

Come on, get it off your chest. Tell me a story. Write me a poem. Shitpost at me.


>> No.5654637

Why not I just post it here, asshole? You, fucking grouse. Fuck your gmail bullshit huh?

>> No.5654648
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Talk to me.

>> No.5654656

I see dark objects darting across my vision. I called an exterminator for work thinking we had a problem with mice, it made sense since we've had problems in the past, but after a week or so of no results he told me there didn't seem to be any rodent problem. I swear though, that day in the stock room, I saw not less than three dark shapes darting around the darker corners of the room.

>> No.5654685

I don't sing when I'm alone because of a crippling phobia that when I stop somebody else will finish the song.

>> No.5654689

That's pretty bizarre.

>> No.5654693

Your story is as well.

Compelling, though.

>> No.5654695

Here is a story:

One day there was a guy who was miserable his entire life. When he was on the cusp of becoming a man he fell in love and for half a year he was happy. Then the girl he loved told him she didn't want to be with him anymore, so he killed himself after writing a brief shitpost on /lit/

The end

>> No.5654698

I liked how things wrapped up.

>> No.5654703

>There was not a dry eye in the audience that day

>> No.5654733

Thanks guys. My compilation of short stories titled "I'm going to kill myself, I really mean it this time" will be appearing on my desk soon, so make sure to get yourself a copy before my housemates find my body.

>> No.5654738

E-mail it to me

>> No.5654739

Is it autobiographical?

>> No.5654743



>> No.5654749

Come on.


>> No.5654763

email it to me please

>> No.5654765
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>tfw found a wounded mouse yesterday
>tfw cleaned it's wound, fed it, and kept it overnight
>tfw it ran off perfectly fine this morning

If you weren't such an asshole to them maybe they wouldn't run around behind your back all the time.

>> No.5654782

We lay sticky traps. I saw a mouse caught in one. He was still alive and if I stomped around him or made loud noises he would twitch frantically as if trying to get away. Around his mouth and ass was this horrible black and green growth. I don't know how many days he was there like that before I found him and I left it there. Some time later, after having put it out of my mind, I noticed it again. By then he was dead completely and the green rot spread further around his body.

>> No.5654805

Why are yurofags so insensitive towards rodents? Is it like a revenge for the Black Death sort of thing?

>> No.5654837

Here are two more:

One day I sat on a hard plastic chair in a crowded hall next to a girl i had a shallow crush on, while our head teacher stood at the front of the room and talked. Amidst a thousand unheeded syllables I heard him say "everyone grows old eventually" or something similar. I whispered to the pretty girl sitting on my right "I don't want to grow old" and she stared ahead and whispered "but you have to." Four years later I killed myself. Jokes on her.

The End

Once upon a time in rainy southern england I went on /lit/ at half one in the morning. I felt empty and fragmented for assorted reasons, and made a morbid pseudo-joke. Then a number of people took it seriously and I was reminded of a time when I gave her a sample of my writing to read. I felt sad as I recalled a period of absolute happiness, so I resolved to go to sleep.

The End

>> No.5654846

And by "go to sleep" I mean "kill myself"

>> No.5654851

why haven't you killed yourself yet

>> No.5654853
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>> No.5654864

my little brother is staying with me for a couple of days. It seems wantonly cruel to kill myself with him in the room.

>> No.5654873

Cruelty doesn't exist after you're dead. If you kill yourself right now you could end all cruelty on Earth forever. By selfishly continuing to live you're only prolonging all of our suffering.

>> No.5654883

I caught dozens of mice with a single classic trap.
even used the same piece of cheese for months on end.

Once I caught an unusually large mouse that survived the initial trauma and desperately tried to escape, dragging the trap along with it and smearing the floor with blood.

>> No.5654884
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>> No.5654887

>implying the errors in the penguin edition aren't an intentional diversion from the original text designed by pynchon himself to enrich the metanarrative of the novel

>> No.5654888
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>> No.5654891

It's bad, don't kill yourself yet, write something decent first then do it.

>> No.5654903

I don't have any stories to submit to you beyond those I posted in this thread.

I will never write something decent, nor do I want or intend to. The only story I would have liked to write would have been an autobiography twenty years from now about the last twenty years spent in happiness with the only person I have ever loved, but that's not possible anymore. Thanks though.

>> No.5654909

Shit, dude. If only there was someone who would listen to your story.

>> No.5654912

>each time I open my documents folder

>> No.5654953

I know, if only

>> No.5657106

Okay, this is my work and no u cant use it fags.

I used to love skipping school.
I used to love skipping school.
It wasn't like the movies
I was not Ferris Buehler,
but it didn't need to be because
school. It wasnt like the movies,

>> No.5657117

Here's another

you told me I should be a writer if that's what I
love to do even if they make no money. Thats the
first time I eever really thought about it
even though I used to write a lot. But then you told me
that you didn't care me like I cared about you.
I needed a friend
so i started writing,
but I'd rather have you and dreams of a good paycheck. You don't tell me what I should do.

>> No.5657123


The evening is when
you become more tire than awake,
naps are dangerous.
You aren't going to the store for that
phone calls can wait.

>> No.5657136

muscae volitantes

>> No.5658094
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> that first one