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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 86 KB, 425x599, april15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
564629 No.564629 [Reply] [Original]

Sorry about the last thread. Anyway this is the official ZWG zine thread. I am the new Chief Editor of ZWG so please post your comments and criticisms in this thread.

I will make sure that you are heard and that improvements are made.

>> No.564635

Oh yes, I forgot to post our e-mail.


>> No.564641
File: 31 KB, 324x549, 1271195521587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah folks, I'm here to do my usual routine and say that this is bullshit.

we operate in a council-format, so this is all null and void.

>> No.564647

WTF is this shit all about even...?

How do I get a copy and who are the contributing writers? I mean, are they from /lit/?

Or are you just some douche.

What is ZWG?




>> No.564644


Got the feeling that was the case.

>> No.564650

Also, if it's people from /lit/, does that mean it's a bunch of fan fiction and fantasy and horror and shit?

I mean, no offense.

Just curious.

>> No.564649


I see. Well if Anon aka "Prole" does not agree to this new set-up please speak with me privately. This isn't bullshit if anyone is wondering. I am moving ZWG to a more professional editorial structure.

>> No.564653


You can get a copy here: http://zwg.wildwestwaffles.com/ZWG_-_April.15.pdf

Previous issues and related information can be found on the Wiki: http://zinewritersguild.wikia.com/wiki//lit/%27s_Zine_Writers_Guild_Wiki

The writers are predominately from /lit/ and /x/. And yes, he appears to be just some random asshole.

>> No.564657

adding trip for recognition. if you want to talk, try

our IRC

>> No.564659

ATT'N ZWG readers. I have had several complaints about people using IRC with members who claim to be part of the zine. Please DO NOT IRC with them. They have sent numerous IRC network trojans to naive users.

>> No.564661

ATT'N to our faithful readers:

DO NOT IRC with Prole. He has sent numerous IRC network trojans to various ZWG readers who wished to speak with him. Thank you.

>> No.564663

What is this chicken shit banana republic coup bull?

>> No.564682


Thank you "Prole". Now please stop with this BS, samefagging trolling. It isn't helping ZWG.

>> No.564699
File: 454 KB, 1240x1748, potential4-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake. Here's next issue's cover.

>> No.564703


We actually have not decided on a cover yet. Also if anyone has been infected by the IRC trojan that seems to have come from individuals hoping to chat with ZWG editors on IRC here is how to get rid of it.


>> No.564705

omg so pretentious, it's perfect

>> No.564707


yeah, you're full of shit. how bored are you, exactly? to not only be trolling /lit/ but the zine that ascribes itself to it? very niche.

>> No.564708

lol yeah, it looks pretty good to me.

>> No.564710

bro, it's philosopher-chan shitting his pants after we kicked him from the IRC for trolling. Nothing big

>> No.564719
File: 90 KB, 600x773, spl170016_016_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, fine then. Cover fag here. Never been to the IRC so I can't say much. Still don't know how to into IRC. Guess I should google-exo.plore more.

>> No.564721


If you think I'm trolling then you must be very confused. Please e-mail the Zine if you have concerns about the editorship.

>> No.564724


Actually due to various problems the Zine has had with Prole and others distributing trojans we are only using e-mail right now.

>> No.564728

meh, quite a bit happens on there but it's all talk basically. The real action happens when we actually get down to editting :3

you can use mIRC, a downloadable application, to get into it if you really want.... google search it

>> No.564733

Nah, I'm fine with email through Lindlar. He seems to be well on top of things.

And the cover I posted is just one among many. No worries. Let the trolling commence.

>> No.564735


I'll say it again if I must.

ATT'N to our faithful readers:

DO NOT IRC with Prole. He has sent numerous IRC network trojans to various ZWG readers who wished to speak with him.

>> No.564736

Instead please e-mail me at, zinewritersguild@gmail.com.

>> No.564741

heh, I was wondering about that. I never got the opportunity to properly thank you for desiging these for us... but it's nice to have you on the team! The zine wouldn't be the zine without the visual art you're contributing! thanks :3

>> No.564745
File: 17 KB, 241x230, 1268836243328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem. People seem to bitch about the cover of this issue, not quite getting the joke. But whatever. I was happy to link the TOC this issue, it added a lot, I think. Next issue will be just as, if not more, win. Keep it up, editors. :P

>> No.564752


people got the joke. it was embarrassingly bad.

>> No.564756

you are a bad liar, OP

>> No.564757

Pretty simple. Not sure how it could be 'embarrassingly bad' for an internet zine. But okay, you take yourself real serious. And would - let me guess - prefer a minimalist, stylistic approach. To a 4chan PDF zine. And then you'd feel better and not disparage it, ever. Amirite?

>> No.564762
File: 180 KB, 836x734, 1257306417299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really. Some dude reading Kafka. that's it.

You've never been laid, have you? You consider this to be serious business throughout? The internet, I mean.

>> No.564764

>people got the joke

No, they really didn't.

>> No.564765

The joke is he's a young Kerouac and he wishes he could write half as well as Kafka.

>> No.564768


Sure is samefag in here.

>> No.564774


lol. even you faggots can't decide over the cover.

>> No.564779

So I see there are complaints about the 3rd issue's cover. What did you guys like, or not like, about it?

>> No.564783
File: 45 KB, 240x307, rodney_dangerfield phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, my name is Joseph Osborne and as a writer for this thing: COME ON GUYS. SERIOUSLY.

Thank you that is all.

>> No.564793


op started it

>> No.564795


well you can be the adult then and stop it

>> No.564800
File: 68 KB, 600x783, 9CbQ6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The poetry part of your zine, linked below, fucking blows, man.

Where does one faggot submit his faggotry? Some sort of gmail address, I mean. Don't play silly on me.

>> No.564802
File: 1.35 MB, 300x169, 1252809659348.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.564805


why are you such a bitch?

>> No.564810

Yes I understand we have been having problems with the poetry section. I am not proud of it. We were thinking of making a monthly anthology of /lit/ poetry. That would give us time to edit, time for people to write, and put together the cream of /lit/.

>> No.564816


Already found errors, for example "We were better than precedent artificial the intelligences"

Who proof reads this stuff, out of curiosity?

>> No.564817


and i linked to
to say i'm sorry! i didn't realise you were so sensitive! unfortunately i forgot because i was enraged by the errors in the short stories

>> No.564818


No one does. The current ZWG team is awful. That's why I was asked to come in and edit for the next issue. I am pushing for a more centralized editorship.

>> No.564826


your reasoning is foolish

>> No.565232
File: 19 KB, 781x506, oh u.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.565237

Let me guess.

You are Philosopher-Chan, the troll cunt that got booted from IRC and the wiki.

Oh, you little scamp.

>> No.565243
File: 179 KB, 590x301, Its-a-Fake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.565261



>> No.565270

These are Phat Rimes.
Urban poet try one times.


>> No.565281

Can we still send in submissions for issue 4 or will things I submit be going in #5?

>> No.565285

Are you LFO? Is this real thred?!?!

>> No.565292

Stop being stupid.

>> No.565294


We are so backed up on submissions so anything submitted now is going into the next Zine.

>> No.565296


>> No.565297


No. I am merely the main editor.

>> No.565319


>> No.565323

For some odd reason, this coup-de-/lit/ is making me giggle like a little schoolgirl.

>> No.565327


Cool coup, bro.

>> No.565339

following this whole charade requires way too much work for any sane person to follow...

>> No.565348

Although I appreciate the creativity in trolling, knock it off.
OP is philosopher-chan, the wannabe resident /lit/ troll. Though I'm pretty sure everyone knows that already.
Any suggestions for improvements to the zine are very welcome, just recognize that we have no 'chief editor'.

>> No.565352

Attention trolls. Please stop crapping up this thread. It is supposed to be about improving our next Zine.

>> No.565357


What do you want? If you have any issues with me being Chief Editor please shoot me an e-mail. Do not try to undermine me publicly. Doing so only reflects poorly on the ZWG Zine.

>> No.565358


back to /b/ with you

>> No.565374

Anyway it seems that trolls are really shitting up this thread. I will keep an eye on it. Please post suggestions to improve our next edition of the zine.

Also remember to e-mail:


>> No.565383

Stop persisting. No one believes you. Go away.

>> No.565385

Also. What do you guys think if we take the poetry section out of the Zine and compile a very nice monthly anthology of /lit/ poetry?

I really want to do this, but others involved in the zine were cold to this idea.

>> No.565388

What are your policies on serialization? Just submit a chapter each month and hope it gets in or?

>> No.565389

>I don't like it when people enjoy themselves without me so I shit on everything.
>I'm really scared about dying alone but the negative attention is better than wasting away with no attention

>> No.565392

"ZWG Chief Editor" is a troll and has nothing to do with the zine. Go to the Wiki for the info on submitting.

(Serials accepted and desired, individual parts should be <3000 words. Don't post in this thread anymore please.)

>> No.565397


Yes please submit it. If it's very good then we will have a place for your submissions every time the zine is released.

>> No.565398

Oh ok. Thanks.

>> No.565400

You're basically doing the work of the zine now. Why not at least try for disinformation or undermining? This is just lazy trolling...

>> No.565399


Please ignore this individual. It is someone called "Philosopher-Chan" who was banned from the ZWG IRC and Wiki. He is only disseminating misinformation about the Zine.

>> No.565401

Ah! Much more clever.
However, you have now contradicted yourself about the IRC, so, fail.

>> No.565407


The later problems with IRC were separate from the problems with Philosopher-Chan. Philospher-Chan was banned earlier. Prole, another imposter, was spreading IRC network trojans so we don't use it anymore.

>> No.565408


Philosopher-Chan, please GTFO.

>> No.565411

I wish this publication was nook friendly.

>> No.565413

Except, all the other editors are in there, and you are not. Oh, and other editors and contributers also publicly disavowed your involvedly. Fail again, PC.

Question: You're probably also responsible for the "king of /lit/ get" threads, right?

>> No.565415

>publicly disavowed your involvedly.


>> No.565422

I really like the idea of a Poetry Anthology. Is this really happening?

>> No.565424

No. Check the wiki for real ZWG information.

>> No.565428


Oh ok. That's a shame though. I really liked the idea.

>> No.565433

when did you guys get an editor-in-chief? sounds like a great way to improve the zine :)

>> No.565438

I know you are the samefag troll OP, but here:


See "ZWG Chief Editor" on there?


>> No.565440


Hey guys. Sorry about all the trolls in this thread. Yes I am the new Chief Editor, or Editor in Chief. I would really like to make a poetry anthology so make some noise if you really want one.


>> No.565448


Not on here, you. Stiiiiiill a troll.

>> No.565454


Please stop trolling.

>> No.565496

What is your policy on longer works?

>> No.565498

Please stop projecting. Or at least make a half ass attempt at editing the wiki.

>> No.565499


Note: The 'ZWG Chief Editor' is a butthurt troll that usually goes by the name of Philosopher-chan. He is attempting to fill the role of '/lit/'s resident troll'.


>> No.565503


Wow. This is as bad as the real zine threads. Shitposts and fake questions to bump. Fuck.

>> No.565507

bump for teh lulz

>> No.565511

This /lit/ coup is hilarious.

>> No.565516

Samefagging self congratulation is not. But I guess it's all you left after the wiki edit...

>> No.565524

Philosopher-chan fail. lol

>> No.565538

This is just like the real zine threads.

>> No.565540

Tripfags turning on each other? Hilarious. Inevitable, but hilarious.