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/lit/ - Literature

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5649525 No.5649525 [Reply] [Original]

What are you reading?
What are you drinking?
How comfy are you?

>> No.5649546

Sylvia Plath's The Colossus
Coffee that I just finished drinking
Not any more comfy than usual

>> No.5649554 [DELETED] 

Z here:

Just finished reading a novella today
7/10, but my back is itchy for some reason

>> No.5649562

>the book isn't in focus
Never change, /lit/

>> No.5649578 [DELETED] 

Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus again
Hot cocoa with ostrich milk. (I farm ostriches)
Quite to Very

>> No.5649584

You are a faggot

>> No.5649588

Myth of Sisyphus. With coffee and a little bit of skim milk.
Having a hard time understanding the book. This is by far one of the most difficult reads. Any tips or help?

>> No.5649596

any reason?

>> No.5649598
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>Hot cocoa with ostrich milk. (I farm ostriches)

>> No.5649619

China Miéville's the City and The City



>> No.5649630

how hard are they to manage?

>> No.5649631 [DELETED] 


>> No.5649661

The Bone People by Keri Hulme. I'm almost half-way through and I might give up soon. I think the author is trying to tell me that beating a child until it faints is ok as long as you really love the child and the child has stockholm syndrome. Not quite the thing I was prepared to read about. What's worse, a review says that the ending involves Maori gods ex machina, and that the female protagonist is the author's self insert. How did this won Booker?

>> No.5649669

against the day



>> No.5649678

Because you like dick (e.g penis, cock, sperm, cum, dildos in your mouth, banana is your favorite food, etc)

>> No.5649700 [DELETED] 

very, due to circumstances of family, tribe and tradition I have to farm them and take care of them or I will be disowned and thrown into the jungle.

By virtue of the fact I am stuck here I've decided to learn all there is about philosophy and am halfway through writing my philosophical life's work.

Reading the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus has become a quick, bi-monthly thing I do to keep sharp

>> No.5649707

oh ok, good one, i can't even think of a come back for that

>> No.5649730 [DELETED] 

In order for you to cum back, u would have to cum, and as a faggot, you swallow cum, so that's about it

>> No.5649741

Dylan's Chronicles
chinese green tea
8/10 comfy

>> No.5649746

Im gassy from eating ice cream so not comfy at all

>> No.5649753

>American Football

good taste in music but +10 fag points for needing to share these things with the 4chin

>> No.5649762

reading The road
drinking freshly brewed hot chocolate
9/10 comfy, only lacking my gf snuggled up next to me

>> No.5649774

God and the Multiverse

>> No.5649789

damn man, sounds so nice

>> No.5649796

What are you reading?

What are you drinking?
Water, I'm dehydrated as hell.

How comfy are you?
Nothing at all, I'm cold, my lips hurt, I have to shower.

>> No.5649804

Reading: Knausgaard

Drinking: Carling

Comfy: Not particularly

>> No.5649837
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It is

>> No.5649877

How do you milk an ostrich?
are there any other forums on the Internet bevises 4chan where that question might have been asked?

>> No.5649889

>cover is the poster for the movie

>> No.5649899

>American Football

my nigga

also House of Leaves; Diet Mountain Dew; comfortable enough. My dog's on my chest so I have to hold the book weirdly

>> No.5649906

It was on the assigned reading this semestre, and this was what they sold at the Uni book store. You do realize that it's what's on the inside that matters, right?

>> No.5649910

Ted Hughes's Hawk In the Rain

Water, although I might boil some water for tea soon


>> No.5649917

Pinker's Blank Slate (which is bad)
7-up (which is good)
Very. I am intellectually superior to Pinker which makes his poorly wrought success enjoyable.

>> No.5649921
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Gnosticism: New Light on the Ancient Tradition of Inner Knowing
Crown Royal on ice
>Comfy level
So-so. I threw my back out last week and it still aches like a mofo.

>> No.5649942

Gulliver's Travels, particularly the part in which he goes to Japan.
7/10. I ate much today. These pants are killing me.

>> No.5649950

What age are you, like 40?

>> No.5649958

Reading: Epidicus
Drinking: Tea
Comfort: Have strep throat, feel awful.

>> No.5649962


For what it's worth, I caught my injury while exercising, so it's not like I'm a complete couch jockey--just a bit slow on the draw when it comes to my limitations (i.e., persisting sports related injuries).

>> No.5649970

Do you have kids?

>> No.5649971

I am drinking mountain dew voltage while reading dialectics of nature with a comfy level of 6/10.

>> No.5649978

>Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
>Caring about early Wittgenstein
He spawned positivism, the worst epistemology of all

>> No.5649979

Not that I know of, but I had an experience this past summer that made me wonder.

I'm not trying to be cute. It's the truth.

>> No.5649985

I often wonder do I have kids too lol. Well it's too late now.

>> No.5649990

Go on, tell us the experience

>> No.5649991

reading : technical manual on my laptop
drinking : warm diet coke
comfy : in a shitty hotel so not really

this too will pass

>> No.5649992

i thought milk was a mammal thing

>> No.5649999

Dude...goat's milk?

>> No.5650005


pls b trollin'

>> No.5650006 [DELETED] 

>being an idiot, know-nothing pleb

>> No.5650007


Quads of truth. Goats are no longer mammals.

>> No.5650009

Really? I don't mind typing it out, but I don't won't to derail the thread.

>> No.5650012

>Somewhere between boredom and crippling depression

>> No.5650013

Whoa. I thought they were an invertebrate or something. I thought only cows and humans were mammals.

>> No.5650015

Yeah I wanna hear it, it'll increase my comfy level

>> No.5650021

And like, buffalos.

>> No.5650025

i'm still getting over hearing that bufflalos have wings

>> No.5650031

Holy shit I never thought of that wtf

>> No.5650042

Give me a few to write it.

>> No.5650045

It makes perfect sense if you think about it because they have to fly them in since oly bison are native to the Americas and you have to go to Africa for buffalo

>> No.5650051



Goats arent mammals idiot

>> No.5650052

So it is likely that i will waste not only my youth here, but also my adult life?

>> No.5650053

This thread at the moment, reading 2666 and on my second go through Lolita as far as books go

Jack Daniels Honey (fucking disgusting, which is why my roommate gave it to me but it's something). Waiting for pizza to finish cooking.

6/10, temperature is nice and the pizza is almost done but I'm still sitting in a wooden chair in my kitchen

>> No.5650058
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I'll bite

>> No.5650062

Apparently they are dude.

>> No.5650064

>Waiting for pizza to finish cooking
What kind of pizza? This is important

>> No.5650068

In cold blood
4/10 comfy

>> No.5650070

That says mammalia dude... Mammals from Somalia?

>> No.5650076

Holy shit goats are evolved from those flying dinosaurs? I heard about that with birds.

>> No.5650090 [DELETED] 

>there are people in this thread right now who do not drink ostrich milk

>> No.5650106

Dolphins evolved from cows.

>> No.5650120

I'm pretty sure dolphins cause earthquakes with their sonar

>> No.5650129

I'm pretty sure only one of us is lying.

>> No.5650147

The Power Broker
Farmhouse Red Ale
solid 7/10
A girl broke my heart on Friday but I think I've pretty much recovered since then. I've already rebounded once and I've more prospects in mind. Listening to Grant Green with mood lighting on.

>> No.5650153

Lying makes baby Jesus cry, anon.

>> No.5650164

So does stabbing him. Is there a point here?

>> No.5650173

Got some generic salada black tea and I might blow through some Poe shorts or Schop. That or Silent Hill 2.

>> No.5650179

w-well, you s-should'nt lie a-anon

>> No.5650186

they probably evolved from carnivorous or omnivorous land animals
think of something like bears

>> No.5650195

don't think of the white bear

>> No.5650196


>> No.5650198
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Finished The Road.
only teared up a little
Help me decide which literary masterpiece to read next

>> No.5650199


>> No.5650208

No, but funnily enough I was just thinking about the evolution of the butterfly. That's Zeeburg calling her Butters.

>> No.5650211

Butterflies evolved from cows also btw.

>> No.5650213

The Name of Rose
meh...gonna do some blow after that left from last night

>> No.5650221

pls read something good not that shit


>> No.5650222

Ulysses. Not very comfortable, just laying in bed. Drinking water.

>> No.5650223
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Reading Caligula
Really comfy, in bed with a heavy rain and a hamster running

>> No.5650230

I'm reading the ravings of a lunatic (4chan).
I'm drinking nothing at the moment.
I'm super fucking comfy.

>> No.5650232

i wish /mu/ would leave

>> No.5650234

Evolution is a fucking stupid theory really if you're trying to take it as the be all and end all of everything.

>> No.5650240
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Pretty sure this is the highest level of literature there is

>> No.5650245

Okay. I was in a rather chaotic relationship between 1999 and 2000. There were a number of reasons why. The short answer? I was in a decent day to day place, but my finances left something to be desired. Her career was moving along just fine, but she was a mess physically and emotionally (lupus, a history of abuse, etc.). Add massive amounts of alcohol and lodes of sloppy, unprotected sex to the mix and we were courting trouble from one weekend to the next. While we never came to blows, our shouting matches grew loud enough to make the neighbors call the police. After a few months, I figured it was best to cut all ties and walk away. We shared a few uncomfortable, tearful phones calls, but that was it.

The city I live in is small (pop. 50,000), so it's easy to avoid people you know. Easy but not impossible. I ran into my ex of 1999-2000 this past summer. It was in, of all places, a local bookstore (life is always /lit/, good or bad). Fortunately, I saw her before she saw me. And it was her, no doubt about it. Sure, she was a little heavier, but that happens to the best of us. A young girl was with her--old enough to be in middle school. Here's the thing: she looked exactly like my sister at that age. On top of that, she was acting super hyper in the graphic novel section, something I would have been doing at 13-14. The way she talked and her body language hit a little too close at home. At one point, I crouched down behind a shelf so as not to be seen by her mother. Without warning her daughter (my daughter?) circled around a row of shelves and came up behind me. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw me. We made eye contact for a moment before she proceeded to go to her mother's side and babble about everything and nothing all at once, the stereotypical specialty of middle school girls. I'm not so self-conscious that I refuse to remember myself at that age. There was something familiar in how she carried herself--her excitement to be surrounded by all those inch thick comic books.

After a while, they moved on and I left the store. That's not much of an ending, but there you go. My life has been a series of anticlimactic situations.

Feel free to call me a liar. That's okay. For what it's worth, this is the first time I've told anyone what happened. That's what's nice about being anonymous. I'm sorry if it took me a while to write this. I'm not used to making long posts.

>> No.5650252

I come here once or twice a week. It's a good place to learn about new books. Well, new to me.

>> No.5650261

Your philosophical life's work? What have you observed in the wisdom of ostriches?

>> No.5650262


>> No.5650276

I like the old guy, don't be mean. Hey old guy, what do you think of being called a faggot ever other post?

>> No.5650278

That flow is pretty bad. For me at least.

But hey, reading that after I just finished "Notes from the Underground" in Russian, everything has a shitty flow compare to that.

>> No.5650281

Been reading Fight Club for a couple hours. Going to finish it after I eat some tofu and listen to NPR, go on my tumblr, and blog about how I was triggered today.

>> No.5650301

your life sounds like the start of a cheesy but pretty good novel, now go find your ex and your daughter and reconcile with them for some 1st-act catharsis, 2nd-act redevelopment of issues, and 3rd-act resolution, god dammit.

>> No.5650304

>Hey old guy, what do you think of being called a faggot ever other post?
"When in 4chan, do as the faggots do."

>> No.5650308

Reading: Gadamer's Truth and Method
Drinking: Mandarin flavored Jarritos
Comfy level: 7/10

>> No.5650310

I only read it to relax. Cussler and Clancy requires little to no concentration, but is more fun and rewarding still than watching a movie.

>> No.5650313

email her and post screenshots

>> No.5650314

Do you ever masturbate to freaky porn with the faggots on /b/? Does your dick still work??

>> No.5650321

Great. My life is a Nicholas Sparks novel. How's about I cut out the second act and eat a bullet?

>> No.5650326

I must say you are good with words.

I must imagine how it was seeing that girl eye to eye. If you felt something, if you saw something in her that reminds you of yourself, then its your kid.

Had a similar situation but I got married with my ex later. We broke up, but i just could handle seeing a young boy that is exactly like me, not knowing me, his future best friend. Damn my strong genes.

Sry for grammatical mistakes. English is not my first language.

>> No.5650328

Porn does nothing for me. My cock still works, although I have fewer opportunities to use it. That's pretty much my fault seeing as I dropped out of the game in my late 30s. Boredom is to blame.

>> No.5650336

Do you think you will ever try and make contact with your son?

>> No.5650337 [DELETED] 

that i am an unfunny cunt

>> No.5650340

Have you ever had your prostate stimulated? I had a girl wanting to do it to me recently but she chickened out because I called her weird. I'm kinda sorry now :(

>> No.5650341
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stop kid, ur embarassing urself.

>> No.5650348

It also felt really weird. I mean your dick is one thing, but when there's someone toying with your arsehole it's something else entirely.

>> No.5650362

reading : Tristram Shandy

drinking: Mezcal with a bit of ginger beer and cointreau

comfy: not really, just moved into a new place and waiting on my reading chair to get delivered this weekend. stuck on a too fashionable to be comfy sofa until then.

>> No.5650363

It's not my thing, but, you know, different strokes for different folks. Give her a call and tell her you're having second thoughts. Appeal to her vanity.

>> No.5650369 [DELETED] 

i wish that i was dead oh i wish that iwas dead oh i wish that i was dead dadadadadadada!

>> No.5650370

Edmund Spenser's The Faerie Queene
Not very. I hate life.

>> No.5650371

Man, you're like the dad I never had. I'm going to call that chick about fingering my arsehole, anon, thank you.

>> No.5650372

Its best to say that I will try. Its not hard for me to send her an email and organize maybe some dinner at a local diner with the kid, but its harder for me not seeing ever again.

I know that she would let me see him every day,month or even a year, because she is getting married, and that would probably kill me.

So I have to chose: Do I ignore it and have some thoughts from time to time, or see him for (maybe) for a day, and then hoping, when he is older, would try to find me.

At least I get some sort of revenge that my ex will always see me in him. And also her new lover will have to raise my offspring.

>> No.5650395
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if you think of it as comedy it is pretty great actually

>> No.5650406

Good luck, anon. Just because the answers aren't apparent at this very moment doesn't mean they won't come to you in the near future.

>> No.5650408


Oh God. I am laughing

>> No.5650419

Various Love craft stories while I watch the world series and drink copious amounts of shitty beer.

>> No.5650423

Don't forget the lube, junior.

captcha: skipslh pickling

>> No.5650429

I didn't have lube last time, whoa I could get fisted lol

>> No.5650437

>This is really happening!



>goddamned IRA
>shock-opened mouth

>> No.5650463
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>> No.5650475


>> No.5650481

naw, naw, you're focusing on the 'cheesy' part instead of the 'pretty good' part! life is cheesy man. good luck whatever you do

>> No.5650485

ebin maymay bro

>> No.5650511 [DELETED] 

you managed to make this thread even worse

>> No.5650529
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Point taken.

>> No.5650541

Comfy is /tv/

Goodnight lit

>> No.5650548
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>> No.5650606
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comfy is not a meme, it's a way of life

>> No.5650690

Everyone here's lying.
If you're on /lit/ you're not reading.
You might be drinking and may very well be comfy but you most certainly are not reading a book and browsing /lit/

>> No.5650696

Elemtary Analysis - Theory of Calculus
Nothing, about to go to bed soon.
6/10, wish this person would get their crap out of the laundry room so I can throw my stuff in.

>> No.5650700

I'm reading /lit/

>> No.5650755

Nice! I've read about half of his The Shepheardes Calendar. How do you like the Faerie Queen?

>> No.5651026


>> No.5651048

The Stores of Cheever
coco cafe (coconut water + espresso)

>> No.5651053

i'm just saying what book i'm "currently" reading

quit being a pedantic faggot

>> No.5651072
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Pic related.
Chamomile tea with vanilla.
I have transcended beyond the Comfy Spectrum.

>> No.5651082

>that dream chapter
i am become comfy

>> No.5651138

It was a pepperoni and sausage stuffed crust tombstone.

Now I am laying in bed drinking some vanilla chai tea (had enough of the god-awful "honey" whiskey after 4 pulls) comfy level up to 7.5

>> No.5651187

>chai tea
rip in peace language

>> No.5651190

>reading and listening to music at the same time
it is okay if you're reading harry potter but seriouslee man?

>> No.5651195

what is the comfiest lit?

i'm going to say 19th century british and russian

>> No.5651201

>what is the comfiest lit?
E. M. Forster or D. H. Laurence

>> No.5651205


>> No.5651212

rec me 1 work by both

>> No.5651228

>Pale Fire
>the end of some red wine
>i'm ok

>> No.5651263

You have to wonder about someone who is "reading" before an open window of 4chan, takes a photo, uploads it in a thread about me they're reading--sorry, "reading".

Do you not all see the artifice of it all.

>> No.5651278
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Reading /lit/ and editing my novel.
Drinking water. Eating some peanut brittle.
Pretty comfy. It finally cooled off enough here in San Diego to turn off a few of my fans.

>> No.5651282

i will now call dolphins sea-bears for as long aa shall live

>> No.5651291


>Eating some peanut brittle.

shit now i really want peanut brittle

fuck you

>> No.5651296

>listening to exclusively /mu/core except even worse since you also threw in Arctic Monkeys
If I saw your iTunes in real life I don't know if I would be able to hold back laughter.

>> No.5651308

Arctic Monkeys are good. Are you American?

>> No.5651319

Arctic Monkeys are shit.

brits have such shitty taste in music i swear they listen to garbage just because it's british i bet you like bloc party too

>> No.5651331

I like the early Arctic Monkey albums, I can't get on board with their new stuff.

>> No.5651338

hahaha. He was American. Fucking knew it.

>Arctic Monkeys are shit.
You're wrong, Captain America. Now go and listen to your cousinsister playing the banjo.

>> No.5651341


The Arctic Monkeys set the British record for fastest-selling debut album of all times (yawn). This new improved version of Oasis and the Smiths debuted with Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not (Domino, 2006), an album that was impressive for what it did "not" deliver as opposed to what it delivered: it did not deliver a single second of music that people had not heard before.

>> No.5651352


>This new improved version of Oasis and the Smiths
The Smiths had some shred of originality and lyrics with (albeit whiney self-important Morrissey) substance. awful comparison

>> No.5651376

This proves the Brits shit taste in music.

>> No.5651387

you gave us Radiohead and DOOM (we turned him into a good rapper), your contribution to modern music ends there. Shit, even Ireland has you beat with MBV.

>> No.5651397


> camus
> difficult reads


>> No.5651408

You gave us Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus (Jessie J turned her into a good pop-princess), your contribution to modern music ends there. Shit, even Mexico has you beat with Nortec Collective.

>> No.5651416

are you 12

we gave you 99% of hip hop, the only genre doing anything remotely interesting in music 12. kill yourself.

>> No.5651424

>hip hop
are you 11?

We gave you autistic shoegaze, contemporary stadium rock, dubstep, rave and trance, the only genres doing anything remotely interesting in music 11. kill yourself.

>> No.5651446

Is this a troll? Modern American music is objectively the worst thing to happen to music in the past thousand years.

>> No.5651449

>What are you reading?
Christopher Hyatt - Undoing Yourself with Energized Meditation
>What are you drinking?
rum and coke
>How comfy are you?

>> No.5651450

>99% of hip hop, the only genre doing anything remotely interesting in music
pls be more white

>> No.5652852

>Finnegans Wake
>On a futon
>Bottle of Chivas Regal Royal Salute

>> No.5652962


Shit, this book is getting strange. I assume he's hallucinating.

>> No.5652966

Who the fuck drinks water? What are you, some sort of fish?

>> No.5652971

Its all I ever drink.

Improved sleep, never feel lethargic, improved skin and no chance of kidney stones. It's the best thing you can drink.

>> No.5652978

>who drinks the best and only liquid the body needs to maintain health granted you eat properly

Someone who isn't a retard who doesn't drink sodas that can be turned into concrete with a flame?

>> No.5652982

Red bull
William gibson - Neuromancer

>> No.5653003

>The last cup of coffee I ever intent to drink
>4chan LOL (moby dick)
>Restless despite cutting down my caffiene to less than one 8oz cup

>> No.5653023
File: 290 KB, 1080x1600, vice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. Inherent Vice
Camomilla tea, spiced with orange
>Comfy level
Quite comfy, though I've had a bit of a back pain for a week now but I'm getting used to it.

>> No.5653072

>implying that ending isn't amazing
>implying he doesn't BTFO philosophy
>implying he was a positivist

>> No.5653091

This thread, but also Dune
Pretty, need to take a shower tho.

>> No.5653094

Do you think I should take a shower too? I'm considering it.

>> No.5653099

Yeah, probs. My feet feel gross. I always feel way better after a shower when I put it off this long.

>> No.5653101

Coffee and Kafka. Its a little cold in here but could be worse.

>> No.5653118

lmfao, anything you gave us only exists because we do, YOU ARE NOTHING;
we gave you every form of blues starting with delta blues, all folk, soul, jazz, and country - this mixture eventually turned into rock, then we gave you every relevant form of rock, then what's left for you to give us only exists because we gave you what we did

>> No.5653124

atta boy, water masterrace; one of my halfsisters literally doesn't like water, like she has to sip it slowly with a straw when and if she ever drinks it

people like this shouldnt exist

>> No.5653126

The Master and Margarita
a can of Coke Zero
about as comfy as you can be at work, which is not super comfy, but comfy enough

>> No.5653130

The New York trilogy
Hot Earl Grey tea
Feeling kinda blue, but other than that rather comfy

>> No.5653155

I drink at least six pints a day. I feel so much better since I stopped drinking coffee.

>> No.5653156

7/10; I'm in my bed.,

>> No.5653157

/mu/ is without question the worst board on 4chan

Even /b/ is better

>> No.5653182

Shitposts on /lit/
Shitty Nescafé "coffee" from the dispenser in my cafeteria

>> No.5653216

I drink about a gallon per day. I'm hopefully fully cutting out coffee this week... But I still drink s decent amount of beer.

>> No.5653251

now this is psychoanalysis

>> No.5653254

she was probably conditioned by soda and juice and other trash. i know the type.

>> No.5653581

Moby Dick and what rum I had left in my hip flask. I'm not comfy at all because I don't really have any friends any more.

>> No.5653718

how come m8?

>> No.5653784

ITT: everyone on /lit/ is retarded drunk and some anons even have hip-flasks

>> No.5653790

What's so bad about having a hip-flask?

>> No.5653791

Confederacy of Dunces
Water and coffee
7/10 I haven't bathed in two days

>> No.5653807

It's because your jumping into philosophy (Lol camoo your a philosopher) with zero context. Should have started with the greeks son.

>> No.5653809

Being and Time (again)
Red cornershop piss
Have a rash on my leg that is making it difficult to concentrate

>> No.5653816
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>Disregarding aesthetics
>implying how a book is perceived is only based on it being read.
>The road being assigned in a class.
>2 0 1 4

>> No.5653823

If Confederacy good? It's on my to-read list.

>> No.5653825
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>his flask isn't hip

>> No.5653828

They are literally for cowboys.

>> No.5653836

I'm a farm-hand in Denmark.

My flask is filled with Lagavulin 16.

I am currently reading Grapes of Wrath.

Is this close enough?

>> No.5653846

Yeah, that's excusable. I'm a farmer too, I hit the whiskey bottle whenever I come back in home.

>> No.5653857

mein neigen

>> No.5653858

No they're not, they're for everyone who likes to have a drink on hand, which includes a lot of urban people as well. A flask will save your mind on many a commute. Or just on walks of all kinds.

>> No.5653867

It's certainly very entertaining.

>> No.5653878

No, yeah they are. Hey, I'm not the fashion police or anything, but I would consider you a poser if I caught you with one and you working as like an accountant or something modern like that.

>> No.5653882

/lit/, but I will start High Rise in a bit
Nothing, too late for coffee
Reasonably, going to be living the NEET life for an uncertain peroid of time so planning to get some serious reading done

>> No.5653897

Because keeping a fucking litre of whiskey is acceptable for someone in the workplace? Having a hip-flask in your inner-pocket to sip now and then without attracting unwanted attention is a perfectly acceptable reason to own one you purist freak.

>> No.5653905

I'm European bruv, there aren't any cowboys here. But since they aren't an American invention, I'm going to assume they're not solely the equipment of the Marlboro man.

Flasks are just a good way to carry liquor around for those who like to drink.

>> No.5653907

>purist freak
Oh, you sip from your hip-flash in the workplace, eh?

>> No.5653923

The Old Testament.
Nothing, I usually only drink on weekends, but I do smoke my medical during the week to keep the muscle spasms at bay.
Not comfy at all :( I have tendinitis from Mountain Biking and Rock Climbing but I'll feel better soon.
My psychologist, pHD, well-respected in the community and everything, basically told me to quit school and write full time in our last session. I am torn. I love academia but I need to practice my writing.

>> No.5653933

Would you get neetbux? Otherwise people have no business advising you to ruin yourself financially.

>> No.5654799
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the death of yoshitsune

>> No.5656389

Everyone I know has gone to different universities and I haven't met anyone at mine that I've liked, or that's liked me

>> No.5656401

that sounds like the life

>> No.5656473
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Trainspotting, my fourth cup of coffee in two hours, not very comfy, I've had nothing to eat but ramen the last week. Aside from the digestion issues this has done a number on my skin so I feel grim.

>> No.5656937

>be stoned
>listening to Sleep's Holy Mountain
>be reading On the Road for the millionth time
Life is good.

>> No.5656945

Reading Working Gods' Mischief by Glen Cook. Drinking Coke mixed with caffeine powder. Comfy levels low. I have to go to work in 30 minutes.

>> No.5656980 [DELETED] 
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>not listening to Electric Wizard and reading Lovecraft

>> No.5656997

Don't Open This Book It's Full of Spiders
Orange juice
I just woke up so I'm still working on getting comfy

>> No.5657510

It's not. I'm allergic to hay.

>> No.5659177

Alternating between Notes from Underground and Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, drinking ice water and reading under the covers with the cold air coming through the window

Should be cozy, but not

>> No.5659210

Sex & the Cthulhu Mythos

Mountain Dew

My ass is numb.

>> No.5659217

how can you read a book and /lit/ at the same time gotchya /thread

>> No.5659225

Lying next to nude gf in bed, window letting in cold win, Pink Floyd playing "Careful with that axe Eugene" and reading Diderot's Jacques the Fatalist

>> No.5659226

The Hall of Uselessness - Simon Leys
Tullamore Dew Irish Whiskey
Got off work and playing some Thelonious, 8/10 comfy

>> No.5659227

anyone else notice how people that read trash also consume trash?

>> No.5659238

I've just finished a "girl is a half formed thing" . I am lying in bed. The book was too intense and draining to read before bed. It is an amazing book.

>> No.5659323

>ostrich milk
>dies laughing

>> No.5659467

>the antlers
>good taste in music

>> No.5659474
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Kagoshima green tea. I'm in Kagoshima.
Fairly comfortable. It's warm out and it's friday, so I plan to butt fuck my girlfriend when she gets home from work, than take a bath and drink a pot of Saki.

>> No.5659552


>> No.5659586

I'm reading 1984 by George Orwell and I'm near the end. The last book I read was Animal Farm from the same author. I have to say, it's a great book so far.

>> No.5659668

leo 4chan
bebido bourbon
tan comfy