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/lit/ - Literature

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5646495 No.5646495 [Reply] [Original]

>Oh, look who it is! Anon, we were just talking about you

>So, you claim to have read and understand the 19th century Russians, but apparently you've only read them in translation

>Care to defend yourself, anon?

>> No.5646504

>tfw you will never be a model

>> No.5646513

Russian translates very well into English, and I'm not going to learn a fucking language to read a book

>> No.5646518

yeah, i read and understand the translations

>> No.5646523

Why are they all wearing beanies? Are they seriously so gay that they are ashamed to show their hair until they can style it like the only guys there who aren't wearing hats or a nigger?

>> No.5646524

f-f-fuck off ch-chad i don't gottaexplainshittoyousorry

>> No.5646526

It's not to read a book, it's to become one with the Russian novel

>> No.5646532

I wonder how the guy on the left feels

>> No.5646548

>tfw you are a chubby Jeffrey Ross lookalike living in a fraternity for models

>> No.5646557

> wearing a hat indoors
I long for the times when doing that used to mean an instant asskicking.

>> No.5646561

>Defend myself?

>> No.5646563

Good, he gets all the pussy while old men jerk off on the models

>> No.5646592

Well, you have to work with what you have. Deleuze didn't read german and we're not doubting his understanding of modernism, so don't hate on me.

I really like the scenario more with your general /r9k/ user being childhood friends with a bunch of well read, multilingual, fashion models; and just hanging with them.

>> No.5646593

Define 'become one'.

>> No.5646594
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>guys sitting at the table covered with a white cloth, wine, bookshelves
are they supposed to look tough or i misinterpret it?

>> No.5646596

They're supposed to look cute and casual

>> No.5646597

If it were that time period the black wouldn't be allowed inside either.

>> No.5646599

have you literally never seen Pellegrino water before?

>> No.5646603

Is this in a Dr. Who episode?

>> No.5646609

I don't know, I've only ever seen one episode of that.

>> No.5646610

but they wear hats indoors

i don't watch tv...

>> No.5646612

that party is not good-looking enough for me to attend

unrealistic scenario, i have no idea what i would say

>> No.5646613

What time period was it when you would get your 'ass kicked' for wearing your hat in doors, and blacks weren't allowed in doors? Sounds like a parallel universe

>> No.5646615

To occupy the same space so that your atoms are indifferentiable

>> No.5646618

During apartheid.

>> No.5646620

>but they wear hats indoors
So does Judge Holden and he's a qt3.14

>> No.5646625

How can you do that with a book?
How can you do that at all?

>> No.5646628


>> No.5646630


>> No.5646635


>> No.5646642

My own experience.

>> No.5646644

Only one way to find out

Read The Idiot in its native Russian

>> No.5646648

Has this been tested?

>> No.5646653

I'm better looking than all of you anyway

>> No.5646656


>> No.5646662

No, I'm simply asking if this has been previously tested so I may procure results immediately.

>> No.5646663


The only criminally handsome one is the kid infront of the nig.

>> No.5646667

le pleb face

>> No.5646669

Why is the closest bloke on the left even there? He doesn't look much like a model.

>> No.5646672

>wearing beanies at the dinner table


>> No.5646676

Learn to spell before you call others plebs, anon.

>> No.5646679


you understand that they're literally male models, right? i.e. not just handsome, but also tall, with perfect proportions, and a perfectly built

>> No.5646682

A perfectly built what?

>> No.5646690

body, you fucking skinnyfat faggot

>> No.5646695

I'm in my home gym right now, I'll have you know.

>> No.5646699

>>To occupy the same space
>How can you do that with a book?

>>“Son of man, feed your belly with this scroll that I give you and fill your stomach with it.” Then I ate it, and it was in my mouth as sweet as honey.

one don't need to learn russian/whatever for that, rats used to do it all the time not knowing any language

>> No.5646705

>muh pull up bar

>> No.5646706

Take off your toques at the dinner table you fucking faggots

>> No.5646708

Nah, seriously I'm gorgeous. I put all of these fags to shame

>> No.5646710

Why would I digest literature?

>> No.5646712

>I'm in my home gym right now
really? all while posting on a chinese cartoon website? impressive

>> No.5646718

Brb hanging myself with my kindle charger

try to do that non-ereader shit race

>> No.5646720

Actually I have to go across the road for that. Enjoy sharing a gym with retards while paying exorbitant fees for shitty equipment. Even if I lived within 100km of a gym I would not use it.

>> No.5646723
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Thank you

>> No.5646731
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>Russian translates very well into English

>> No.5646736

so you don't know Russian, then how would you know if it translates well into english?

>> No.5646765

is your homegym literally just bodyweight exercises and a medicine ball or some shit?

>> No.5646775

No, I have a bench, squat rack (both home made), barbells, dumbbells and some other crap I never use. Gimmicky stuff mostly.

>> No.5646788
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Kitty what is your take on feminine men? Would you consider having a quick and awkward romance with me if you happen to visit argentina?
As our newspapers used to say before law took away the obvious prostitution dirven "personal section": I'm a woman but I can be your man.

>> No.5646826

Well, sure, but I'd like to preface by saying that you in the red beanie, you look like shit, if you'll allow.

>> No.5646830

Go to bed, Ben Lerner.

>> No.5646832

>Well, I guess I did skip gym this couple of weeks, but I'm far to engrossed in reading Proust in french to focus in my exercise.

>> No.5646845


>> No.5646853

Pardon me. When I said 'preface' I didn't mean for you to hear 'open forum'. Perhaps if you took better care of yourself and your ears weren't jammed with fat.

>> No.5646870

>Ad Hominem? Is that what you're reduced to, bro?

>> No.5646942

Now - I do think that those who read - for example - Dostoevsky in translation are failing to consider the purposes of studying the classics; unless you really do read them for their insights or their plots, and if such is the case then, well, well, in short, then forget you. The first purpose of their study is historical; it is a charting of the developmental history of literature.
>>5646870 But, wait, pardon me; it sounds as though someone's sports-scholarship student has asked them a question loaded with sophomorisms, via speaker-phone probably? Oh, no: it's just you. Talking in the middle of the defense you asked for. Thank you. I'm going to go on.
The second is political; it is the comprehension of an enemy idea that, because of our culture, is a priori rejected (with which we have an always-already established enmity, I mean); so in short, you must allow even this one evidence to defend me: Virginia Woolf read a translated Dostoevsky.

>> No.5647275


Whenever did I make such claims? There is no way anyone could possibly understand 19th century Russians, or present day Russians for that matter! Ahahahahaha!

>> No.5647316

Well my friends, yes you know I am outspoken fan of Russian literature. However! I must admit the amount of time I'd need to devote to learn the native languages of these magnificent works could would willingly detract from my limited spare time for reading them in the first place! I do coneed friends that I have surely and regrettably missed some of the cleverest puns, alliterations and lyricisms with my inferior translations, but I think generally Pevear and Volkonsky do convey that unique and passionate russian character that is so enthralling! But yes if you posit such a question, you must be bilingual hmm? What were the books you read in their native tongue? Ah very nice, how old were you when you learned that language? Yes you see it's easer at that age! I mean I would be happy to share my thoughts on the content of the book rather than discussing the merits of translations...surely that would be more fruitful? You agree? Very well then. Ivan Karamazov is a mean I can deeply relate to....

>> No.5647317
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>> No.5647321

note all typos which become like firery orange suns once the post button has been pushed were due to drunkenness and alcoholism. sincere apologies

>> No.5647644

I've been reading 19th century Germans. Fuck Russians.

>> No.5647647

*Dostoevsky in Russian

>> No.5647724
File: 68 KB, 604x556, 14130454796040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw being russian, can read in fiction in 4 foreign languages
>tfw russian is too hard for evetybody to learn
>tfw nobody on lit had pleasure of reading Idiot in the original
>much superiority

Btw, I simply don't beleive to anyone who claims he or she can read in russian. Except for the natives, obviously.

>> No.5647735

>russian is too hard for evetybody to learn

Zatknis suka, klinus ya tebya v zhopu viebu.
Seriously, it's not thaaat difficult. At least not harder than German.

>> No.5647746

I'm teaching myself Russian so I can read TBK the same way Dudestoyevsky wrote it

so excite

>> No.5647749

I don't need to defend myself against people who wear their prepuces on their heads.

>> No.5647790

I only read books in the original language. Currently, I'm learning Koine Greek and Pig Latin.

>> No.5647795

>ei vi vse, vozroshajte vnimanija! JA UNIKALNAJA SNEZHINKA! UVAZHAJTE MENJA!

>> No.5647798

Who cares

>> No.5647800

>I simply don't beleive to anyone who claims he or she can read in russian
Why not?

>> No.5647892

I cannot.
These guys should arrest and punish me

>> No.5647910

cyka bleat

>> No.5647933
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I guess you should've used another word, lel :3

>> No.5647936

They're mannequins that you occasionally have to listen to tell uninteresting stories. Who cares?

>> No.5647966

My two native languages are english and russian. I‘m learning German right now.

German is hard to get into, but becomes progressively easier, especially if you have knowledge of english. This is particularly true of german vocabulary

Russian doesn‘t get progressively easier for an english speaker, it maintains an intro level of difficulty for a long time. The pronunciation alone is suicidally difficult and the vocabulary has no relation to english.

The only thing about german is the grammar, but it‘s not like russian grammar is any easier.

suka, cho etot hui pizdyachish

>> No.5648023

"Look, you dumbasses, I keep telling you I said I fucked a bunch of nineteen year old Russian whores. You think I have time to read fucking books? Let alone old books? written in some country that's only good for supplying vodka and whores and where you freeze your nuts off ten months out of the year? Those tewks are cutting off the blood to what little brains you guys have. "

>> No.5648062

>tfw ugly

>> No.5648064

that sounds boring
look I can do this
*whips out dick*

>> No.5648074

what kind of betalord would be so triggered to suckup to some strangers on a pic

>> No.5648085

malaka bonbaclaude mierda

>> No.5648091

fucking lol

>> No.5648093

Прошу прощения мой друзья...

>> No.5648096

>being this insecure
fuggo detected

>> No.5648107

p-pic or never happened ... (no homo)

>> No.5648142

this is ridiculous. it would only be an issue with poetry or dialect. if we're talking about classic 19th century realist novels, where the author/narrator and practically all the characters use the standard Russian language that is spoken in Moscow/St Petersburg the losses in translation are minimal, comparatively speaking. Guys like Tolstoy did not write in dialect. The most exotic Tolstoy novel is probably the Cossacks, and still the whole thing uses plain Russian. On the other hand, with the advent of people's literatures in socialist realism, you do come across authors that employ regional common speech, like in Sholokhov's Quiet Flows the Don. Using "dialect for dialect" translation would butcher it, so it is probably just lost (I would hope so, I've never read that in English)

>> No.5648160

it's Прошу прощения, мои друзья.
Mind your grammar, my anglosaxon mate.

>> No.5648164
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Wait that other one is cute. You're cool.

>> No.5648165

>(no homo)
get the fuck out

>> No.5648175
File: 45 KB, 600x573, 37b715c1a135a2431e6f0e38f1e3300c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your PUKAN is smoldering

>> No.5648189

Съебали отcюда на харкач, петушки.

>> No.5648194

Post for me, I'm a qt grill.

>> No.5648215

I'm pretty sure models are interested in heroine, cocaine, binging, purging, and casual flings with both sexes. There's not much time left to read.

>> No.5648227
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Who the fuck are you people and what are you doing in my house?
Also why are you wearing woolcaps inside?

>implying russian-to-german translations aren't 10/10 breddy gud
>implying Swetlana Geier didn't get several prices and honorary titles for her work

>> No.5648457

Anyone care to tell the story of the image? Is that a restaurant?

>> No.5648464

Must be a random group of models.

>> No.5648484
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>you will never be a female model and be gangbanged by loads of male models

>> No.5648489

I'm interested in all of those as well and I've got plenty of time to read.

>> No.5648490
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>le wrong generation ;)))))))

>> No.5648502

cyka blyat bydlo kytyn )))))))))

>> No.5648829

it wouldn't be male models who'd gangbang you.