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/lit/ - Literature

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5645087 No.5645087 [Reply] [Original]

Literary confession thread:

>> No.5645094

I come to /lit/ because I like to give people tips for books to read, but you guys make it hard to stay here, with your consistent shit-posting, completely irrelevant threads about things that aren't relevant in any corner of the universe, and your weird need to make yourself appear intellectual by writing overly pretentious faux-cynical posts with edgy opinions

Ah yes, a confession

Mann's Magic Mountain was fucking boring and one of the worst books of his career

>> No.5645099

Zeeburg got caught out for being a nigger.

>> No.5645102

I don't know how to read.

>> No.5645111

I've only read 2 books this year

>> No.5645119

Pynchon is a shit writer.

>> No.5645125

This is more of a stupid opinion rather than a confession. Rephrase it so that it actually is a confession, like:

I don't understand Pynchon and so blather stupidly about his lack of talent.

>> No.5645134

I've been "reading" infinite jest for 5 months now and i'm about 400 pages in

>DFW confirmed for tennis-sexual

>> No.5645137

the tripfags are so smart it intimidates me so when i see their threads or they start replying in a thread I'm reading I run away

>> No.5645157

How am I a nigger?

>> No.5645165

You are a nigger, Zeeburg. Post pic of yourself to prove you're not haha.

>> No.5645174


Try harder.

We both know that I'm more well read, better traveled, taller, more handsome, more athletic, more articulate, and more based than you.

Enjoy studying the arts, faggot.

You probably don't even go to school.

Small kek.

>> No.5645178

Haha, nigger, what's it like being a mudslime American, niggeR?

>> No.5645182

wait, is this the new arrows thing or what happened to the arrows shitposter? Where did this new type of shitposting come from?

>> No.5645183

>how am i a nigger?
>a question only niggers ask

>> No.5645189

You're not even being clever about it.

Stop wasting my time.

>b-but you're a n-nigger

I'm not even black, faggot.

I'm just giving some dumb faggot a reality check, anon-sama.

Did I just get rekt?

>> No.5645193

Why don't you prove it, nigger? Are you too scared you little shitskin nigger?

>> No.5645195

>Did I just get rekt?

If you have to ask, the answer is no.

>> No.5645203

>some guy w-wants me to p-post a picture of myself s-so that he can m-masturbate to it

Shouldn't you be eating a hot pocket or something?

>> No.5645208

Haha, okay nigger, just keep being a nigger and taking your community college classes, nigger.

>> No.5645210

>did i just get rekt?

nah nigga you good

>> No.5645218

>won't even prove he's not a nigger
>im not a nigger

>> No.5645220

I am Tao Lin

>> No.5645223
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Check 'em, add blasted faggot

>> No.5645227

Keep being a nigger, nigger.

>> No.5645229

Is the best you faggots got?

I thought this board catered to intellectuals, not some adolescent edgelords.

>> No.5645233

>being this mad

It's okay, Zeeburg the nigger, don't be upset just because you're a degenerate shitskin, nigger.

>> No.5645242
File: 39 KB, 512x384, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying THIS hard

>> No.5645245


>wouldn't be >>5645229
surprised if he actually is

>> No.5645247

Stay mad, nigger. You'll never be anything more than a nigger.

>> No.5645251

Nice thread, retards. Take this shit to /b/ next time

>> No.5645264


>> No.5645435
File: 655 KB, 2448x1785, Zeefag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yo, Zeebitch. You didn't show last night. I was there with my crew ready to kick your ass.

Obviously you were too busy sucking on your bf's manhood.

pic related.

>> No.5645440

Zeecunt is a spic not a nigger as you can see in the pic I posted of him.

>> No.5645452

Of course he's a spic he's so assmad he can't understand Pynchon and he thinks we care about his pygmy beaner novels

>> No.5645460

It's okay, Zeeburg you shitskin, no need to hide.

>> No.5645479

Pynchon will never win a Nobel prize.

Stay mad.

Everyone is ganging up on me! Time to go into fetal position.

You need your crew to take me on?

Stay basic.

>> No.5645484


what? magic mountain is a hoot!

>> No.5645486

nigger, what's it like being a nigger, is your mother a whore fucking white guys for money, do you swing on trees monkey?

>> No.5645494

Pussy. I know you were scared of the real NY. Fucking DC kids know nothing about the real world.

>> No.5645499

This is my last time replying to this potsdam.

If you want to bring the bantz, then be clever about it, faggot.

You're just wasting my time.

>haha I called him a nigger! That will show him

>> No.5645508

Nobody gives a shit about the cuckold prize. Stay illiterate and irrelevant, you dirty, retarded spic.
>Hurrr faggots le shitposting xP

Even in 2014 as a shitskin you still can't find one single friend or a white guilt slut to bang. You are too pathetic to be alive. Just kill yourself.

>> No.5645509

>implying that I'm not fucked up on crack right now
>implying that niggers don't go harder in DC
>implying that there arent more traffic cameras in DC than in Jew York
>implying that dc is filled with Jews and chinks
>implying that I can live comfortably in my house whereas your entire paycheck goes to your rent
>implying that DC isn't more important than Jew York
>implying that I need a crew to take you on

>> No.5645511

Fucking asshole faux-zeeburg keeps posting as me. get a life anon-sama or fite me irl.

>> No.5645514

>being this butt blasted
Cry harder

What city do you live in?

>> No.5645515

>Confirmed for being an Arlington or georgetown hipster trying to be hard.

Enjoy your sky blue and cream white fixie, fag.

>> No.5645518

>Announcing your rage every five minutes

Can't wait to see your latest autistic rant about how your being persecuted for ban evading and being a tumor. You are the most retarded spectacle I've seen on this website since Hanz.

>> No.5645519

DC. Actually Chevy Chase but I ride in every weekday.

>> No.5645520

Ayyy! Not bad.

I'm surprised that you know those parts.

>> No.5645522

I still want to believe /pol is shittier than /lit, despite visiting both boards and realizing that /pol is less shitty.
/pol is still shit though.

>> No.5645524


I. Run. This. Board. You. Cuckold. Faggot.

>> No.5645530

Most of my philosophical understanding is second-hand (via encyclopedias or articles). My philosophy major friends can't tell the difference in conversation. It seems to work well enough for me, but sometimes I wonder if I'm missing a deeper understanding. I usually read multiple sources to ensure authenticity.

I plan on reading Derrida's works soon though. Maybe some Kant or Kierkegaard too, and then Nietzsche.

>> No.5645531

Clearly you're one of those fagets impressed by the vaguest knowledge of a city because you yourself are only a sophomore in poli sci at one of the less noticeable colleges in the area. My guess is GW or American.

>> No.5645534

wow one man keeping this thread alive commenting with himself.

>> No.5645536

>poli sci

Econ and math.

Enjoy serving my coffee.

>> No.5645538

>Repeating back the word I used because of your emaciated vocabulary

Hahahahaha stay mad you fat virgin spic idiot.


>> No.5645543

Ha! What concentration and how far are you in your math program. If you don't get into a decent grad program you're fucked. You might as well be poli-sci.

>> No.5645547

Zeeburg here, someone get this thread deleted please?

>> No.5645550

HAHAHA, Classic.