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/lit/ - Literature

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5635701 No.5635701 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, any advice on college application essays?

>> No.5635719 [DELETED] 

reported for being underage

>> No.5635728

I "hate" everything about the college application process, but I "hate" the essay the most. There's no way to win. You're "forced" to write an "inauthentic" 500word "I'm a special snowflake" letter or be branded an asocial loser who's not special enough to join X university's exclusive campus culture.

The "college experience" thing is one of most effective advertising/marketing campaigns ever.

>> No.5635729

Be creative and funny. You have to stand out, talking about how great you are and all the nice shit you do for two pages is going to be boring for the poor fuck who has to read it.

>> No.5635740

Don't pretend to be smarter than you are. Also just be happy that you don't have to do this (hopefully) again.

>> No.5635746

I hate the "leadership" cult that essentially implies that anyone who doesn't want to be a "leader" is a follower and enforces this acceptance of class warfare.

I really hate it

>> No.5635750
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>> No.5635752

If you have to ask 4chan for help on a college essay, you clearly don't even belong in college to begin with.

Do us a favor and forget about higher education. It is not for you, and we don't want a new fucking homework help thread every damn time you get an assignment.

>> No.5635757
File: 39 KB, 645x773, 1411862597596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post yfw it's time to write collage applications but you have no clue what to do with your life

looks like i have to spend a year abroad pretending that i enjoy hiking

>> No.5635762

i did not mean to write that

>> No.5635783

It was a beautiful mid October day and my best friend and I were in the middle of the woods. We brought some speakers and were playing 99-00 era Phish (the long ambient space jam era) and had taken about 5g of shrooms each. At one point we thought it would be fun to turn a tape recorder. I don't even remember what we said now. But, one month later when I was applying to colleges and needed an essay, I took the recording, loaded it to a random spot, and transcribed it for exactly 500 words. It started and ending mid sentence. I even transcribed the Phish (it was around 12:00 in the 6/14/2000 Twist).

I'm now a philosophy and literature dual major at Carleton College.

>> No.5635786

spare us, faggot

pleb and a liar. pity

>> No.5635799
File: 6 KB, 251x237, 1361232211273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people actually go to college to do things, and not because knowledge is an end in itself

>> No.5635803

Can you stop posting Anon?
You are not contributing anything and you are just being a dick for no reason

>> No.5635834

Can you stop posting Anon?
You are not contributing anything and you are just playing he victim for no reason

>> No.5635850

what a witty reply!
way to keep on being a dick anon

>> No.5635859

College is more about networking in your field than learning.

If you just wanted to learn you could do that for free by yourself. College is to make connections.

>> No.5635860

They're right. You aren't college material.

>> No.5635871

this; if you're going to college simply as a means of getting a job that actually makes any money:
- You're a shitty human being, i hate you, and you should kill yourself

>> No.5635877

OP, grow a pair and go to community college. What happens when you're young doesn't really matter as long as you invest and don't get into debt.

What helps me find ideas for an essay is to make a thought web... You know. The bubbles interconnected in a web that you made in elementary school. Just write the first thought that comes to you and the rest will follow.

>> No.5635878

yeah, slip a tuition check for $30k in the envelope and your admittance is a sure thing

>> No.5635896
File: 461 KB, 350x292, Pitchfork gets new The Mars Volta album.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw nobody values knowledge anymore
>mfw being part of some bullshit after-school activity that trendy normalfags go to is the difference between acceptance and denial to a good college
>mfw ambition is no longer seen as hubris
Fuckin' unvirtuous, man.

>> No.5635919
File: 472 KB, 957x535, 1332995116646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

College. Where most of the learning happens on your own anyways and where doing shit is more important than going to class.

Never waste a single day you young whippersnapper.

Become the kike you were born to be.

>> No.5635988

>"write down ur motivation anon:)"
>"wot are ur hobbies anon:)"
>"tell us what makes u special anon:)"

fuck off I'm just a depressed introverted cunt that wants to learn what you've got to teach

>> No.5636016

Why would they want to teach to someone who isn't even going to put it to good use?