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/lit/ - Literature

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5634407 No.5634407[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>spends countless hours of their pathetic lives posting on an anonymous Indonesian cartoon image board
>thinks he's an intellectual
>thinks he's well read

How's that hot pocket taste?

>> No.5634410

It's actually a Malaysian painting forum.

>> No.5634411

>spends countless hours of their pathetic lives posting on an anonymous Indonesian cartoon image board
>thinks he's an intellectual
>thinks he's well read

why don't you tell us?

>> No.5634414
File: 328 KB, 627x525, lol guro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le meems

>> No.5634426

What the fuck?

>> No.5634432

What would you define an intellectual as, OP?

Or being well-read?

>> No.5634437

OP is mad because he really likes the Wire, or because I'm more intelligent than him, or something.

>> No.5634442

I think that an intellectual is someone who is overall knowledgable and well rounded In a variety of subjects.

As for well read, I think that an extensive reading history in several topics, eras, styles, and the like, define being well read.

Granted that this is just my subjective opinion, I think that most of you faggots can agree on this.


>> No.5634447

Is that the one with all the students killing themselves, or that erotic suicide filming thing with the siblings? Applicant for Death?

>> No.5634449

Are you OP?

Why wouldn't you think that's possible for someone who comes to this board?

>> No.5634450
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>I'm mad because you won't fuck my girlfriend in front of me

>> No.5634454

Yeah, I'm op (zbug)

I just have the general conception that most of the faggots who visit this site are virgin-neckbearded manchildren.

>> No.5634455
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>> No.5634456

How about we make a compromise of your mother?

>> No.5634459


>> No.5634462

It's possible that most are, since there's a large overlap with /r9k/.

But it's not true for everyone. We have a good amounts of lit professors and advanced graduate students on here.

>> No.5634466

Could well be.

>> No.5634471

Nice double gets

I'm open to having my grammar being corrected, but I don't see what's wrong with how's.

>> No.5634472

What is that bacteria spore growing on 'Julia'?

>> No.5634473

Graduate students could still be "virgin-neckbearded manchildren", though.
And looking at my professors, some of them might as well be, too.

>> No.5634478

I actually enjoy lurking the threads where anon's discuss what they're studying or where they are studying.

Econ and math master race reporting in

>> No.5634481

That's because you're retarded and believe 4chan is a secret club. You are also the most pointless and autistic poster even here, all you do is spam retardation and copypaste the same four comments. This entire thread is you projecting you impotent buttburt about whatever the fuck is wrong with your damaged persona. Also some people just like to read, who gives a shit about what "well read" or being "and intellectual" is? The boogeymen in your head that don't exist in vast numbers? You? You are honestly such a disgusting, immature little retard I seriously reconsider spending time on this website.

I would like to give you the credit that that's your entire intention, but I don't think you are smart enough to complete your troll persona by being a zombie movie watching teenager. I think you're just actually a teenager.

>> No.5634483


You're based, anon-sama!

It was a litte bug, which is why I took this photo earlier today.

>> No.5634485

They're still going to be well-read though. Intellectuals, maybe not so much.

>> No.5634489

>virgin-neckbearded manchild detected

Cry harder, faggot.

>> No.5634497

>Capitalist STEM scum
>master race
Just kidding. Hope you're enjoying your studies Anon.
Philosophy and business administration here.

Sure. I don't see why virgin-neckbearded manchildren (what a term) couldn't be well-read intellectuals.

>> No.5634498

No, you're genuinely spam.

>> No.5634513

Manchild kind of precludes intellectual, in what I understand it to mean.

but yeah, your sexual status/orientation and level of grooming have nothing to do with it

I haven't even brushed my hair today, but I've already read two books

>> No.5634514

>This person actually exists

>> No.5634522

Thanks, anon-sama.

I actually don't enjoy my studies as much as I did last year, unfortunately.

I'm more focused on doing the nano wramo writing challenge this upxoming week.

I'm also fixated on getting a girlfriend.

>> No.5634527

>muh feelings
Why don't you go outside for a change?

Can't tell if you're bantering me or the virgin-neckbearded manchild

>> No.5634546

I'm not even sure how I'd define "manchild", really.
I imagine some unshaven dude with a trenchcoat collection and a couple of MLP sex dolls.

>I actually don't enjoy my studies as much as I did last year, unfortunately.
Know the feeling, man. I hope I can pick some cooler professors next semester though, we'll see. Maybe do a year abroad too.

>I'm more focused on doing the nano wramo writing challenge this upxoming week.
A whole novel in November? Best of luck, I'll keep an eye out for the writing threads.

>I'm also fixated on getting a girlfriend.
Don't even get me started on relationships, I'm having a nice evening so far.

>> No.5634549

Where do you go to school, m8?

>> No.5634552

University of Vienna.

>> No.5634572

I go to the same school that m00t attended

>> No.5634584

moot went to school?

>> No.5634596

You are literally 18 or 19 aren't you?

>> No.5634599

is this your pathetic attempt at tripfagging?

>> No.5634601

It's short for Zeeburg, you dumb faggot.

>> No.5634604
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Encourage him to actually tripfag, good idea.

>> No.5634610

For the record, anon, I have a job.

At APAC :'(

>> No.5634614

>but I've already read two books
How large were these books exactly and were you just skimming?

>> No.5634661

It's 5pm for me, anon.

One was about 270 pages on indexing books, and the other was about 280 on death in Japan. I didn't skim either, since I'm reading them for a reason. I wouldn't waste the time if I wasn't getting what I wanted out of it.

>> No.5634676

That's reasonable. I was only asking for clarification to see if you were a "speed reader" or just one of those guys on the internet who claim they read War and Peace in 6 hours. Thankfully, you're neither.

>> No.5634699

>large overlap with r9k


>> No.5634706

Anyone who dares criticize anyone except for the bourgeois is a white male virgin, silly.