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/lit/ - Literature

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5615890 No.5615890[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Long time reader, but I just started watching anime. Is there anime/manga that is worthy of /lit/erary merit? What do you guys think?

>> No.5615907

Only anime i respect is death note, people say code geass is good too but i didn't watch it.

>> No.5615908

Boku no Pico

>> No.5615915

what makes the entirety of other anime unworthy of respect

>> No.5615930


>> No.5615935

for entertainment purposes they are worth of respect, but for literature purposes not so much, i havent watched a lot of animes tho

>> No.5615937

This is no anime worthy of literary merit.

The target audience for a start. It caters to a niche audience who doesn't care about any kind of quality and just wants escapist trash that sticks to archetypes a cliches. Not to mention that a large part of the shows are just glorified advertisements for manga and other mediums.

Low-budget animation, predictable story lines, weak characters and unfinished series with shit endings doesn't exactly make anime that enjoyable or have any merit.

>> No.5615939

Inio Asano

>> No.5615944

neon genesis evangelion, of course

>> No.5615950

I don't watch or read anime, i also don't write it off based on my theories of what it's all about based on very little.
I have better reasoning.

>> No.5615951



And Stand Alone Complex

>> No.5615954

You don't watch anime for literaly merits. That's why you have books. You watch anime for cute girls doing cute things.

>> No.5615964
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>Literary Merit

>> No.5615966



>> No.5615971

I enjoy anime and do care about quality. You're a boob for making generalizations.

>> No.5615972

Is there even an agreeable definition of "literary merit" or is it still just a vacuous umbrella buzzword used to disguise everything that subjectively and emotionally appeals to you?

>> No.5615973
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Also, The Tatami Galaxy, Mushishi, and others.

[spoilers] Seriously didnt we just have this thread? [/spoiler]

>> No.5615975

It's a buzzword for people who want to think that reading somehow makes them more sophisticated than everyone else.

>> No.5615983


>> No.5615995

Fuck I hate bees.

>> No.5615998

Studio Ghibli stuff
Gainax before 00s stuff (exceptions: Gurren Lagann, FLCL and Diebuster)
Seventies Mecha (Gundam, Macross, Ideon)

These are most worthy to watch anime out there.

But, tbh, there a lot more Manga worthy reading than anime worthy watching. It is a lot more diverse too

>> No.5616009

>Not Akira
>Not Ghost in the Shell
>Not Jin-Roh

Come on man

>> No.5616011
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>No one mentioning Lain

>> No.5616015


>> No.5616019

Cheap/easy answer for anime: Mouryou no Hako and Legend of the Galactic Heroes.
In manga: any of Fukumoto Nobuyuki's serious works. Especially the final volumes of Ten: Tenna Toori no Kaidanji.

There's more of course.

>> No.5616021

Lain and Ergo Proxy are some damn good postmodern anime

>> No.5616022


>> No.5616024

Is Solanin better than Oyasumi Punpun?
I think so, but I can't decide which one I prefer.


>> No.5616025


I wanted to like that so badly, but the artstyle just freaked me the fuck out. Gave me the same uneasy feeling I get when I have a sleep paralysis episode.

>> No.5616027

But it does. Why else would I read if it doesn't make me better than other people?

>> No.5616034
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Legend of Galactic Heroes, started watching just a while ago and already watched the two first films and 25 or so episodes. Can already say that it's probably better than any other tv series I've watched (live action stuff that is, because I've barely watched any other anime)

>> No.5616043

>/lit/erary merit
who cares

Maybe you could read Beserk or One Piece

>> No.5616045


>> No.5616046
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Gentleman of fine tastes

>> No.5616047
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I mentioned it in the last thread

10/10. It gives me the strangest nostalgia of the 90's. Its very eerie.

PunPun is better. Solanin is very good though.

Well, ill warn you now that the final episode is very anxiety inducing. However it is also very good.

>> No.5616053

Why would you turn to a visual medium looking for "literary merit." You should watch anime for the things it can offer the literature can't; visual story telling, cinematography, etc.

>> No.5616054

Texhnolyze and Kino's Journey

>> No.5616057
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Again, obligatory Nihei recommendation.

>> No.5616058

I think thats what he meant but didnt know how to express it.

>> No.5616059

Lain, NGE, Cat Soup, Angel Egg for complexity (assuming that's getting towards what you mean by 'literary')

Bebop, Tatami Galaxy, Utena for worthwhile less-complicated thrills and feels

Ghost in The Shell and Akira are good but it's been so long since I've seen either of them

Texhnolyze might be good, but I'm undecided.

FLCL for adolescent angst

I haven't seen Jin-Roh but I hear good things.

Ghibli films can be magical but I'm hard-pressed to see what's exceptional about them

Kon and Shinkai's stuff is alright

>> No.5616062
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Why is he so perfect /lit/? ;-(

>> No.5616066
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>Trying to find high literary values in mass produced media aimed at teenagers and young adults
>Trying to compare a young, limited medium with fucking literature.

>> No.5616067
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muh brandy tea

>> No.5616069
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This mother fucker right here. 10/10

Ima have to recommend to you Mushishi and Mononke. I think you will like them. They are far more fantasy than sci-fi/steam-punkish, but still.

>> No.5616071

>Implying all anime is mass produced tripe

>> No.5616078
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>> No.5616080
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>mfw both of these are unfinished and will stay unfinished for a long time

>> No.5616082

I think it's unfair to say anime has 'literary value'. If you define that as something only literature can compose, then anime cannot have literary value, if you deem literary value as some grandiose round-the-bend sense of feeling towards works that feel meaningful, then definitely LOTGH applies to it.

Kino no Tabi, LOTGH, and various Studio Ghibli films (The Wind Rises, Only Yesterday) are some great places to start.

If you appreciate pastiche and animation, watch Space Dandy. Space Dandy is a great anime that is easily passed up because it's inherently esoteric that, at surface value, seems like a generic anime.

>> No.5616083


>> No.5616086
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Everyone here loves punpun, right?

>> No.5616087


>> No.5616088
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>> No.5616089

the two main generals are such Mary Sues though

>> No.5616091

Yes, pun resonated with me on so many levels

>> No.5616094

no, I hate Punpun and anything else written by that shit author. And I'm not joking.
And if Punpun didn't have the bird(geometrical shape gimmick none of you would have read or liked it anyway.

>> No.5616095

>two main generals.

What are you even saying. It's a space opera.

>> No.5616096

Reinhard and Yang of course, who else can qualify?

>> No.5616097

People always jump to suggest Legend of the Galactic Heroes, but if he's looking for literary merit he might as well read the book.

>> No.5616098
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By far my favorite manga.

God damn that manga. God damn it.

By the by, anyone who doesnt know, Asano's ew manga DEDEDEDE is up (yes that is its abbreviated name)

>> No.5616102


>> No.5616105

We're assuming OP meant the 'literary sense' that can only be achieved by the medium of anime.

>> No.5616108

Maybe Akira and GiTS. But that wouldn't be literary so much as cinematic merit.

>> No.5616110


>> No.5616117

>It will never get a second season
Well, at least there's the novel.
And at least Durarara is getting a second season.

>> No.5616130

Durarara is shit

>> No.5616135
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>> No.5616143

Psycho Pass.

Instead of doing anything new, the characters just talk about the ideas of well-known authors. Super po-mo.

>> No.5616147

psycho pass is awful, and i'm four episodes in. is it worth continuing?

>> No.5616151

>Shogo quotes a couple authors once
>suddenly the entire show is based on quoting authors
Not even GiTS Innocence can be reduced to this.

No, you're not worthy of it.

>> No.5616161

>terrible and annoying protag
>swoons over deep and mysterious and primal male
>episodic, so the only continuities are in the storylines between the characters
>not even good episodic content like space dandy

it's pretty shit.

>> No.5616164
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Psycho-Pass is shit

It has a decent concept (minority report) and runs it into the ground.

Cant believe it has a second season currently airing.

>> No.5616168

>good episodic content like space dandy

I like Space Dandy and all, but come on.

>> No.5616169

What you should all be watching is Log Horizon

>> No.5616171

Forgot the series-defining quote:

"I'm not smart. [Jonathan] Swift is."

>> No.5616173
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Ill just go watch .hack again if I want to watch a decent anime about an mmo

Next youll say we should all be watching sword art online

>> No.5616176

2nd half of death note is shit. Obviously the first half should've ended with L beating him. His replacements are terrible and their personalities literally come down to one playing with toys, and the other eating chocolate. So dumb.. The final ending is nice though.

>> No.5616178

SAO is garbage

Log Horizon is actually good

>> No.5616180

Tatami Galaxy
>muh experimental animation style
>muh non-traditional narrative
>muh rose colored campus life
>muh literary references

Neon Genesis Evangelion
>muh psychoanalysis
>muh Schopenhauer
>much mysticism

(possibly) Ghost in the Shell
>muh mind/body problem
>muh cyborgfeminism
the movies are better

Miyazaki (Senior)
>muh primitivism
>muh reactionary shinto
>muh traditionalism
>muh childhood memories

>muh experimental animation style
>muh degradation
>muh domestic violence
>muh body horror
as for entertainment value, Akira and Cowboy Bebop are acceptable, try Kids on the Slope if you like Jazz

seconded, poorly planned coming of age shock factor trash
Some people here confused manga and anime
as for anime that has something like literary merit try:

seconded, it's crap

>> No.5616182

>creepy murders
>mental disorders & depression
>demuns & paranormal
>WW2 vets
>family secrets
>the greatest /lit/fag ever
>folklore and history you didn't know shit about
>qt girls
>PSYCHOLOGY! (and a little philosophy)

and you haven't seen it.

>> No.5616202

The Tale of Princess Kaguya is probably the greatest animation ever produced in Japan, and one of the greatest animated works ever

>> No.5616211
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these look pretty good, thanks
never heard of any of it except for miyazaki and akira
kemonozume and that parade scene actually look really awesome

how is miyazaki a reactionary though? spirited away is pretty much my favorite movie, and I can only see how it's about childhood memories, but I don't know anything about shinto

>> No.5616215
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>Kids on the Slope

Dat rotoscope

>> No.5616218

Japanese equivalent of super serious YA shit

>> No.5616221


>> No.5616223
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I was going to see this friday and all my friends bailed on me. I need to fucking see this in theaters, I saw wind rises in theaters and ill be damned if I dont see the final ghibli film ever in theaters with subs

Is the animation really that good? Is the film that broke Ghibli really worth it?

>> No.5616224
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>> No.5616228
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Look into Japanese Fascism/Shinto Statism and his views in general, then look at Princess Mononoke again

It's not great in terms of writing and the Jazz is entry level, but it's quite good
Also all the chicks look like dudes in that animation style

>> No.5616231

The manga is actually good.

>> No.5616240

This post is fine except for Shinkai which is sentimental horseshit but with really pretty background art

>> No.5616243
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>It's my favorite book and I havent even read it
>Why am I such a shit

/lit/, the manga

But seriously /lit/, what the fuck was that ending.

What the fuck was that.

>> No.5616248

this is also

>> No.5616254

Only if you admit that My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is also

>> No.5616256
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AnH is not super serious YA shit, it's a pretty simple and straightforward story of how a teenage edgelord managed to do a 180 while growing up.
The first half is especially pretty much comedy. Dark comedy maybe, but still comedy.

>> No.5616262

I read somewhere the author said it was based on his experiences with some girl who bullied him in high school, but the author is some morbidly obese otaku

>> No.5616265

PunPun was not that bad.

>> No.5616267
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>> No.5616278

>morbidly obese otaku
The guy maybe has 2 kilograms more than the ideal amount for his height. Do you live by the /tv/ weight scale or something?

>> No.5616279

Aoi Bungaku is based on famous Japanese books like No Longer Human and Kokoro, but according to many they're not good adaptions.

Some of Kaneto Shiazawa's stories have gotten anime adaptions. I'd recommend Night on the Galactic Railroad, a kids movie no kid would ecer like. It's very slow and surreal.

Then there's the World Masterpiece Theater series that vary highly in quality and are also really slow as a result of turning faily short books into 50-some episode shows. Check out Nobody's Boy Remi if you want to watch a kid suffer from hunger while the narrator's a total dick about it.o

>> No.5616283

I love how you think Death Note didn't cater to a niche audience. It did it cleverly and by being interesting, so it could also draw other people as a side effect, but the main target was definitely 14-18 boys.

>> No.5616287

One Piece still has like 10 years before it finishes

>> No.5616288
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Wait, is one of those works an anime were each episode is based on a famous modern japanese story, a few coming from Natsume Sōseki?

>> No.5616292

Pretty sure I saw a p icture of him where he was really fat.

>> No.5616293

I never watched it but maybe the Aoi Bungaku series ?
And you could always watch Gankutsuou, I guess...

>> No.5616300
File: 73 KB, 1024x576, Kaiji&Nichijou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paying debts has never been so heart-wrenchingly tense, socially poignant and philosophical.

>> No.5616301
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everything else is pretty much trash

>> No.5616302

Aoi Bungaku, they adapted Kokoro, and also:

No longer human
In the Forest, Under Cherries in Full Bloom
Run, Melos!
The Spider's Thread
Hell Screen

>> No.5616305

That picture's qt, where's it from?

I can understand being put off by Punpun, but Solanin is near perfect.

>> No.5616308

is from Pleb Galaxy

>> No.5616316

It's Tatami Galaxy, someone posted the trailer earlier in the thread

>> No.5616317
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The Tatami Galaxy

>> No.5616320

>Kaneto Shiozawa
No, wait, fuck me. I meant Kenji Miyazawa.
Yes, Aoi Bungaku.

>> No.5616321
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What do you guys think about this?

I thought it was good, but the ending kind of ruins it.

>Want good things to happen all through the damn thing
>Good things finally happen, but in a poorly executed and rushed way

>> No.5616322
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>people are elitist about one of least obscure animes of the most obscure animes list

>> No.5616331

I don't get why that girl who was continuously raped decided to stay in the end

>> No.5616332

Lain is shit though
Have to atleast give the name, not everyone can guess off a tiny screenshot that doesn't even show style

>> No.5616333

Thanks, friends.

>> No.5616339

I was implying that TG is for plens

>> No.5616341

It's Now and Then, Here and There. It's OK

>> No.5616343

Oh fuck I thought it was in the filename.

Now and Then, Here and There (Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku)

>> No.5616350

I'm glad I'm not the only person who's just started watching anime. 20 mins per episode makes it perfect for watching in quick bursts or for marathoning. Only watched the obvious stuff so far (Evangelion, Bebop and Champloo) but currently watching Serial Experiments Lain and her bear pyjamas might be the cutest thing ever.

>> No.5616353
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Thank god /lit/ has better taste than /a/

What is everyone watching this season?

I think im only going to be watching the second half of the final season of Mushishi. Nothing else really looks good. Well that and Princess Kaguya.

>> No.5616355

I'm not watching anything because I think Mushishi is boring.