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5604124 No.5604124[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Based cronenberg:

"All stereotypes turn out to be true. This is a horrifying thing about life. All those things you fought against as a youth: you begin to realize they're stereotypes because they're true."

David Cronenberg

Which stereotypes did you fought but it turned out to be true?

>> No.5604127

>Which stereotypes did you fought but it turned out to be true?
The one about OP being a faggot.

>> No.5604352

the one where Canadians make Americans look like retards, simply by having people like Cronenberg, Devin Townsend and Kate Beaton.

>> No.5604659

XD Faggot

>> No.5604676

Most recently, the stoner stereotype. For the longest time I kept denying that me and my friends were representative of this subgroup of "drug culture" but after having time away from all that, I have found that we fit the stereotype perfectly.

>> No.5604692
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Actually OP, the older I get, the less I feel stereotypes are true.

>> No.5604848

I think it depends on how well you thought they worked in first place.

you probably believed they were like 90% accurate, when in reality they are 60% - which is still pretty good.

For myself .. in somehow ashamed to say that, initially, I didn't believe at all in "girls like money(with all its consequences)".. It was sad to find out that that's a very accurate description of reality ..
Too bad that when I realized that, I had already chosen my career (and I did a vary poor choice based on that)

>> No.5604857

(also, I'm ashamed to say that I didn't realize how money was good and important until I had some)

>> No.5605184

Negroes. I'm not über-/pol/ and I really had goodwill but at some point reality triumphs.

Living 6 months in a majority black town for an internship was too much. Completely anti-intellectual bias, vulgarity, laziness, lack of hygiene, some violence. People wandering the streets whith no apparent goal or direction. Worst of all is the sense of entitlement. After a while I had to resist killing all big mommas coming from administrative buildings with public money.

>> No.5605236

has anyone read his new novel? Is it decent?

>> No.5605248

Gypsies. I joined an association to prevent gypsy families from being thrown out from their squats (euro here) and generally provide help. Turned out the parents purposefully forbid kids to attend school and throw them in the street to beg and steal. A 13 yo girl was also pregnant from her father. The whole experience was horrible and fed my growing misanthropy that i've been trying to fight.

>> No.5605267

Stereotypes are usually true but only on the general level. When dealing with individuals they might or might not apply and are therefore rather useless in everyday life.

>> No.5605273

>Which stereotypes did you fought but it turned out to be true?

Blacks, jews, transsexuals, women

>> No.5605310
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I've been heavily posting in this board for a couple of months and no one ever complained, I haven't made a scene or tried to convince anyone of anything.
I'm pretty sure it's one of those things that when someone behaves it doesn't count and people only pay attention to the bad ones.

>> No.5605335


The fact that trannies who have went through sex reassignment surgery still have a suicide rate that is 20 times higher than normal people strongly reinforces the stereotype that their mentally ill people in need of psychological help, not people whose delusions should be encouraged.

>> No.5605373

what is societal transphobia? you're a dumb one, aren't you

>> No.5605394

Did I upset the leftist's feelings? Trans* people are mentally ill attention whores who create problems for themselves because they want to be seen as victims and "special snowflakes." Leftists love trans* people because they love victims. Trans* people love being victims because they're leftists. It's a win-win.

>> No.5605422


>everything can be explained by societal influences

top kek

If you think that societal difficulties account for such a huge difference in suicide rate you are delusional. If it was only double or triple as high you might have a case.

>> No.5605428


I'm pretty left but LGBT issues aren't something I care about.

>> No.5605437

Nobody is "afraid" of these broken literal freaks of nature. Learn what words mean, you disingenuous snake.

>> No.5605438
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But they get psychological help months and even years before starting hormone treatment and many years before surgery. If anything it's the fault of the american psychologist who can't do their job right, not of the group of people already being through a lot of shit.

>> No.5605446

Everyone is repulsed by you and as soon as you leave the room they're honest with each other. Your parents believe they are being punished.

>> No.5605452

Of course, I post in 4chan.

>> No.5605459
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>I desperately try to hurt people in the internet

>> No.5605464

Heh, someone's lashing out today

>> No.5605468

I was convinced I was trans for 9 months. Somehow I "grew out of it", but I'm scared I'll start having thoughts like "I wish I were a woman" again so I seek out trans people online and say nasty things to them. I figure if I hate enough on trans people I'll prevent myself from reverting back to those thoughts.

>> No.5605469

You can le xD your little disgusting, mistaken heart out but you and I both know the vast majority of people regard you as disgusting and would choose to not interact with you. This is due to your own retarded, self-ostracizing delusions.
>I dramaticize everything so I can get butthurt on behalf of strangers

You feel the exact same eay about them. You just train yourself not to react with visible disgust. Lying on 4chan about this is full retard. No one will ever know.

>> No.5605471

Arsenal fans, Transgender people, Trotskyists.

>> No.5605476


>If anything it's the fault of the american psychologist who can't do their job right, not of the group of people already being through a lot of shit.

Here you're just assuming there's something the psychologist could do to prevent this. I find it much more likely that current medicine just doesn't allow for the changing of someone's sex (and probably never will due to it being ingrained in every cell of their body).

>> No.5605484

>You just train yourself not to react with visible disgust.
Well yeah, "training" yourself to treat people different to you with respect is part of growing up

>> No.5605486

>Gypsies. I joined an association to prevent gypsy families from being thrown out from their squats (euro here) and generally provide help.

german or scandinav? seriously around here (france) even an antiracist would know that most gypsies have done something illegal at least once in their life and live in clans and that joining an association that has for goal to help gypsies is suicide.

>> No.5605487

>You feel the exact same eay about them. You just train yourself not to react with visible disgust.
>caring this much
jolly good show, mate. i've seen people keeping up the teen rage well into their 40's so you don't need to worry about anything.

>> No.5605489

>Learn what words mean
that ironing. learn how not to be a stupid autist m8

lol, how can I be upset by muh leftist boogeyman polshit?

>> No.5605492

This shouldn't count, choosing the label and the group actually expresses something about the person. It's not like being born black.

>the vast majority of people regard you as disgusting and would choose to not interact with you.
Same goes for not repressed animu fans, ugly people and smokers. Life goes on.

>> No.5605512

Nobody wants to be around a tranny, you included. This fat freak in his sisters panties isn't going to blow you for defending his honor. Shut up.
>Being this mad
So you're admitting to maliciously using words that mean something else in attempt to socially engineer reactions. "Lol what, afraif of the sissy girly men xP". No, they're just annoying, gross attention whores that no one likes.

>> No.5605519

Hmmm, just speaking personally, I don't mind being around trans people??

>> No.5605523

>isnt going to blow you for defending his honor. Shut up.
>I only do things when I get something out of it
>that's why I get mad about less than 0,1% of the population in an internet bulletinboard

>> No.5605524

So your delusion about womanhood is the same as choosing to start smoking or watching shit entertainment? And you broadcast it to the world that you are repulsive? Your words not mine you stupid broken abberation.

>> No.5605543

Once I spent three weeks hanging out with an FTM and didn't know it the whole time. Your mental image of what transgenders look like is more heavily informed by your own disgust than it is by reality.

>> No.5605550

I know that feel bro. I found it when I saw my sister becoming that.

Another feel known.

This is also real.

>> No.5605552


if that surgery didn't mutilate them though
they are deemed either to have dysphoria or to become some awkward things and to place themselves almost outside of society, at least if they are not lucky
i agree it would be better to actually try to treat dysphoria than to encourage mutilations, at least till surgery gets significantly better

also imo it was wrong that homosexuality was excluded from the list of illnesses too. i mean it's fine that people are gay, but for quite a few of them it ruins their lives, they often eventually become lonely, imo it would be better if they had a choice if they want to try to cure it or to follow their desires. not every desire is to be chased after all

>> No.5605555

I said that people disliking you isn't rare or problematic, nothing more.

>> No.5605566

meanwhile studies have proved that being a trans is mostly related to brain structure and therefore that the "delusional attention whore argument" is bullshit.

>> No.5605573

>implying being a delusional attention whore isn't caused by having a shitty brain
doesn't matter what cuases them to be trans. they're still worthless attention whores.

>> No.5605576

I don't wish them harm or anything, but I still don't want them around me. Like the raging anon, I also think that they're seriously mentally ill and their delusions shouldn't be encouraged.

>> No.5605578


>Trotskyist stereotype

Which one?

>> No.5605583

I don't know how it is in Russia, I'm sure that the west gets a lot of false news about how you deal with lgbthings and all but you are pretty wrong.
No one gets surgery without years of therapy and beign "confirmed" as dysphoric. The few people who get surgery are more or less happy with the results, most discomfort come from secondary traits like shoulders, adam apples and face structure.

I don't know how you'd cure homosexuality, it's not as if people (both doctors and homosexuals) didn't try to do it for centuries.

>> No.5605595

You really don't understand neurology if you think that is in any way conclusive

>> No.5605597


All human behavior and beliefs are "related to brain structure".

>> No.5605599

delusional communists that think things would have been heaven if trostky had the power and that creating a communist country as trotsky wanted it would be a good idea, also that trotsky was some kind of communist jesus.

>> No.5605602

>The few people who get surgery are more or less happy
how about suicide rate

>I don't know how you'd cure homosexuality
i'm pretty sure therapy may work, at least help
they could make new methods etc

>> No.5605603

The one about OP being a faggot. Other than that, not very many stereotypes hold up to much critical light without serious cherry picking.

>> No.5605609

Not only that, but also a trust in the power of the masses even when they aren't the majority, a really flawed "pragmatic" approach to communism that doesn't cover the most basic political interactions that would appear with a communist state and a disregard for the eventual anarcho-communal goal of marxism.

>> No.5605610

>Which stereotypes did you fought but it turned out to be true?
Tripfags being retarded.

>> No.5605615

it seems to have at least an impact on what they are, of course it won't make them transgender all the time and some transgender surely have a "normal" brain structure but those studies showed us that most of the time their brain structure is what made them transgender, hence the "mostly related".

>> No.5605621

I liked it. It's a lot like his earlier films with a bit of Pynchon fanboyism thrown in

>> No.5605624

>how about suicide rate
It's way lower among the ones who get physical treatment than among those that applied for treatment and were rejected for not being really trans. And the numbers couldn't include all the people who just killed themselves unless each family was forced to justify to the state the suicide reasons of their children. Any suicide statistic is pretty hard to justify.

>i'm pretty sure therapy may work, at least help
Since Freud that they've been trying, up to 80's it was still a thing. People are happier just fucking their same sex, why should that need to be treated? If you have a benignant tumor you don't need to take it out, if something isn't gonna kill it there's no need for a treatment.

>> No.5605637


Is there an ebook leaked or you just went and bought it? I'm pretty sure it hasn't arrived to my country yet.

>> No.5605641

My english really went to hell there, if it helps to understand me imagine that you're talking with captain caveman.

>> No.5605859

Is that supposed to be yellowquiet?

>> No.5606091

No, it's a shitty character from a shitty videogame made generic animu. I sort of like the design because it makes it easy to track my posts, but I wouldn't recommend uta no prince sama to anyone.

>> No.5606098

I live in East Oakland and I've found the opposite to be true. Not that I had a /pol/-like bias to begin with, but anecdotes are just anecdotes.

>> No.5606104


Yes, your biases are really biases.

>> No.5606114

Are there markers in the brain for "delusional attention whore"? Are there markers in the brain for bigot?

>> No.5606179

I found a torrent for it. Just look up Cronenberg Consumed epub or mobi

>> No.5606180

Sexual reassignment surgery is not transitioning.
Transitioning/HRT lowers suicide rates, but sexual reassignment surgery is still not that great quality-wise

>> No.5606195

Yeah, these people completely usurp the cavalcade of American heroes spanning nearly three centuries.

>> No.5606198

Hey look its an actually useful contribution.
thanks man, but I don't think it will do any good in this thread, unfortunately

>> No.5606201
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You think those people had sexual reassignment surgery without transitioning/HRT?

>> No.5606222
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This. We could be fighting the Koch brothers but instead the only thing people are excited about is getting the right for cocksuckers to take it up the ass under contract.

>> No.5606267

If you could be doing that go do that, no one is stopping you.

>> No.5606513

>We could be fighting the Koch brothers
Shouldn't you be camping out in Ferguson or something? Faggot.

>> No.5606563
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like that fat angry guy in the american flag shirt

fuckin foreigners

>> No.5606609

thanks, saved

>> No.5606617

>I joined an association to prevent gypsy families from being thrown out from their squats (euro here) and generally provide help

Oh god, you retard...

>> No.5606643


Excuse me, what does this supposedly prove? That people have stereotypes about black people that in many cases have no basis in reality? What a shocker.

People have that stereotype in their mind because statistically young black men are more likely to commit crime. Just because the young black men in their neighborhood don't happen to fit the stereotype doesn't make the stereotype untrue on a more general level, just in their neighborhood.

>> No.5606670

The ones in the neighborhood are the exception. The others are the rule.

>> No.5606674

Everyone hates gypsies, even liberals. You will never get called racist for saying bad things about them. Pretty weird but it's true.

>> No.5606682

You said society was afraid of trans people, that is not true, no one is afraid of trans people except for little kids.

>> No.5606688

How can a stereotype be "true"?

>> No.5606692

You know what is meant. Everyone knows you know what is meant. Your attempt to defeat reality by playing with language is a failure. You just look like an idiot.

>> No.5606711

>thinking that's what transphobia means
>being this autistic and literal about the word transphobia
how do you actually function with such a feeble grasp of language? if you're actually this retarded then let me rephrase it: society is cissexist.

>> No.5606715

>Waaaaahhhhh you won't fall for my newspeak, stupid weenie >:(

Society just is. Tranny's are disgusting mutations.

>> No.5606722

Oh you are one of those people who wants to change the definition of words to fit your political ideology.

Phobia "is a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often being recognized as irrational."

That is the definition and you can't just change it.

>> No.5606731

>Arsenal fans

>> No.5606733

>People have that stereotype in their mind because statistically young black men are more likely to commit crime.
How are people detecting this social tendency? Is it like some sixth sense?

>> No.5606735

>wahh words don't have more than one meaning
>muh prescriptivism
literally from the same page you copied that definition from:
>A number of terms with the suffix -phobia are used non-clinically. Such terms are primarily understood as negative attitudes towards certain categories of people or other things, used in an analogy with the medical usage of the term. Usually these kinds of "phobias" are described as fear, dislike, disapproval, prejudice, hatred, discrimination, or hostility towards the object of the "phobia".
>Transphobia - Negative attitudes and feelings towards transsexualism and transsexual or transgender people, based on the expression of their internal gender identity.

>> No.5606742

So I suppose you also oppose to the use of the word "homophobia", which is used by several scholars and renowed researchers of a great variety of sciences (and non-sciences, if you count psychology etc.), and thereby consider yourself to be somehow more "true" to the use of the word than all of those people? ok

>> No.5606749

I'm a former philanthropist, now a cynic.
Gays are a product of dysfunction during early development, and often go on to become the most attention seeking, promiscuous and self-important cunts in existence.
Women are worse than men in all fields, with the exception of a few individuals.
Blacks are not equals, they're primitive.

I'm not sure how many of these are "stereotypes".

>> No.5606750

Most people don't even think the word cossexist means anything.
Denying that tansexuals have psychological issues isn't good for transexuals' mental health.

>> No.5606751

Nobody cares, freak. I can define myself as a potato and call society "potatist" but in the end I would still just be an annoying retard.

>> No.5606759

>not rekt

>> No.5606765

>Society just is.
Yep, society has never change, it's always been the same and no one has any right to comment on it.

>> No.5606766

Probably because someone like you can along and edited the wikipedia page for your stupid political ideology.

>> No.5606770

Considering someone an abomination for something that doesn't even have to present in a physical way and dedicating time to defend that point sounds pretty close to
>the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often being recognized as irrational.

>> No.5606772

wow this thread is really full of hatred filled elitists
feels like real life

>> No.5606773

People who are less than 1% of the population and clearly mentally deranged can fuck right off. Unless you are that broken individual from earlier there is no way you care this much about the supposed whatever of these disgusting faggots. You have probably never even met one, you've just been programmed to feel bad for and defend anyone and everyone from the slightest of criticism.

>> No.5606775

>but in the end I would still just be an annoying retard
no disagreements there m8

>> No.5606776


Knowledge like that has a way of disseminating into the public consciousness, partly through the stereotypes we're discussing.

I'm sure a vast amount of people also know that Jews are highly overrepresented in Hollywood despite never actually looking up any statistics about it.

>> No.5606778
File: 68 KB, 796x531, shrugging-guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women are kind of dumb, and they don't actually enjoy things like i sometimes do

>> No.5606780

>lol ur talkin abouts ot dat means ur le obsessed and silly xD

The pathetic thing is when you were taught these marginalization tactics you never realized what a mob-rule moron you were being turned into.

>> No.5606781

Different poster: That's just how words work, guys. English has rules that govern it, but those rules aren't "logical" and they're not dependent on some authoritative body.

>> No.5606784

>enying that tansexuals have psychological issues isnt good for transexuals' mental health.
No one does that, as it has been mentioned before therapy is a big part of transitioning and all that. It comes before, during and after every treatment.
Why are you so mad?

>> No.5606785

>backtracking this hard
it must be hard pretending to be /pol/ on /lit/

>> No.5606788

>Jews are highly overrepresented in Hollywood


Fiddler on the Roof and Barton Fink?


>> No.5606789


>> No.5606800

You cannot legitimately be this stupid and ignorant. I know you have a sick and unnatural compulsion to refute anything that could possibly maybe include jewish people ever, but this is not even close to controversial or a secret. Jews own hollywood.

>> No.5606802

I kek'd, thanks doubles for chiming in.

>> No.5606803

Nah, check how over the place the mad anon is, he's clearly trying to bate and being bated himself.

>> No.5606805

>I know, I'll include "you are mad". That means I'm a paragon of logic and therefore winning.

Which is hilarious because it's always the left that is -actually- frothing at the mouth with indignant fury.

>> No.5606807

>Knowledge like that has a way of disseminating into the public consciousness
Yep, mass media and indoctrination.
You can't just assume that knowledge appears out of reality.

But couldn't you say the same about men?
Notice that I am not saying you are wrong.

>> No.5606808

>He thinks he's talking to one person
>He thinks it isn't painfully obvious that sexual deviants and their social protectors are eternally buttflustered by everything, ever

Top laffing

>> No.5606809

You're trying to make it sound like black people are inherently more criminal or deficient in some other way. Blacks have been disproportionately criminalized, institutionalized, and incarcerated. Going to jail doesn't equate to "more criminal," and SES disparities that inevitably lead to crime don't equate to "inherently inferior." That's just where white supremacists such as yourself like to steer the conversation. Rockefeller drug laws are starting to be reversed, but you can't reverse America's war against black people overnight.

>> No.5606813

I had a student who was half gypsy, half Italian. He was a nice kid and we bonded a lot the year I had him. A little racist and he didn't respect women much, but he was in the 6th grade so he had an excuse, unlike people itt.

>> No.5606814

Dude it's a fact that blacks are more violent and more criminal. The only movies or music they produce is entirely dedicated to senseless sex, violence and promotion of idiocy. It's honestly phenomenal people continue to pretend this isn't reality when the face of black people is Li'l Wayne and Kanye West and basketball scholarships.

>> No.5606816

I'm glad I'm not the only one who notices this. They always just seem so disingenuous. Like they are following someone elses task but don't know why. Strange.

>> No.5606818

Yeah, that isn't what transphobia means, and aside from that fact, I still think many Americans are afraid and feel threatened by trans people.

>> No.5606822

I tend to find that if someone fits the stoner stereotype, they fit it to a ridiculous extent. Like the first fucking thing they ever say to you is "yo have weed bro"

I've met some stoners that seem generally normal though and you wouldn't guess.

>> No.5606824

It isn't. Stop falling for their bullshit and accept that they really are stupid, like everyone has always said.

>> No.5606825

Wealthy elites, mostly white, produce and own those songs and movies. Probably Warner/Chappel.

>> No.5606826

Everyone at University of Chicago is autistic

>> No.5606827

most men are pretty dumb
im no einstein myself but i feel like i have met more men that i consider intelligent than women

it's really fucking weird how they get never passionate about anything like i do
be it books, movies sports, anything

im not trying to say women are bad, they are just kind of dumb and don't like things

>> No.5606830

>mostly white


>> No.5606833

Not the same poster: I think it's perfectly sensible to ask for a clarification about what's being talked about if you're using a term like "stereotype" differently from how most people use "stereotype." Unless you really think a conversation like this would necessarily always lack the nuance that would require that we define our terms and find appropriate terms (eg "generalizations") for what we're trying to say.

>> No.5606835


Indoctrination is only a problem if people are being taught false facts. Blacks statistically committing more crime is correct information.

>> No.5606837

Yeah I've noticed that, they don['t get interested in subjects that interest men.

Nothing wrong, but you'd think would be more overlap than what there is.

>> No.5606839

>Spike Jonez is white
>Tyler Perry is white
>Bird Man is white
>Jay-Z is white
>Li'l Wayne didn't start rapping at like 14
>TI isn't a coke dealer with like 9 felonies
Just stop posting retard. Black people are violent criminals. They're in prison because believe it or not selling drugs and stealing shit is in fact illegal even if your black. Yeah I know, how ridiculous is that?

>> No.5606840

Thanks for your important contribution.

>> No.5606841

Kisses to you too, Anon.

>> No.5606843

I agree with this. But the people who you can't tell are few and far between.

Most stoners over romanticize weed and its shitty culture. They enjoy labeling themselves as such and adopting the lingo.

>> No.5606846

im wondering if all this is because they are raised differently or because they are women

also their minds are all fucked
the way they reason, apply logic, differentiate good from bad
it's all weird as hell

how do women work?

>> No.5606848

You also know what is meant, and are just being a gigantic faggot. I'm not going to play your game. Stop relying on being purposefully stupid to discuss anything.

>> No.5606852

as opposed to white culture? better call adam sandler, micheal bay and everyone else and inform that they're better than that nigger nonsense

>> No.5606854

Phobia "is a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often being recognized as irrational."
Where are rational arguments in this thread?
Where are justifications for getting this mad?
I wouldn't say it fits perfectly because I don't know any anon, but it could be perfectly true for what's been shown.

>> No.5606860

Adam Sandler is a jew and you have to purposefully omit so much to even attempt to make this post that I honestly can't believe you would hurt your argument this badly with such a dumb comment. Like seriously, holy fuck are you dumb.

>> No.5606861

I think it is an issue that they aren't as aggressive or confident in pursuing something. It makes them seem unsure and less genuine compared to a man who might be just as delusional as his counterpart.

It still is a little annoying that they are more transparent.

>> No.5606862


>You're trying to make it sound like black people are inherently more criminal or deficient in some other way.

I'm not making such a claim nor am I denying it. We don't know enough about genetics or the brain to make such a determination.

>white supremacists such as yourself

Wow hold on there with your assumptions, chief. I like how you started politely with "you make it sound like" and then got progressively more pissed off culminating in a ridiculous insult based on false assumptions. Try it with more logic and less emotion next time, kiddo.

>> No.5606863

>Not accepting what we say at face value and catering to whatever we want is IRRATIONAL AND IF YOU EVEN ATTEMPT TO ARGUE THIS YOU ARE A LE MAD WEENIE WITH A LITTLE DICK


>> No.5606864

Multinational corporations own Hollywood. Jews used to own Hollywood, but even then they were full of appeasers (except at the very least Carl Laemmle, who fought really hard to save every Jew from the Nazis that he could). I don't even know what it's supposed to mean that there were a lot of Jews who owned Hollywood studios. So what? The studio system (RIP) made a lot of great movies.

>> No.5606866

There might be some confirmation bias here.
I mean I dont bring up the times I've smoked(the occasional binge every once and a while) unless asked.

I'm just not sure whether you could find out whether someones a stoner unless they talk about it, and that already skews it for the obnoxious ones.

On a side note, I dunno why the stoners that talk about weed piss me off so much. I think its just, you know its hard to get them to talk about anything else. It's weird. Junkies arent like that

>> No.5606868

Why do you think there are no famous philosophical women? They just can't logic.

>> No.5606869

thats a point, the few that ive met that are passionate have been very confident

>> No.5606871

As you grow out you find that a lot of people smokes or smoked, if they don't publicize it you wouldn't know.

Also, any discussion about stoner culture is sort of stupid because it's as much that a certain type of people get into it as it is that they feel they need to act that way. Stereotypes work both ways.

>> No.5606873

You have no idea what you are talking about. What in the fuck to you think Warner Brothers, Bruckenheimer, Speilberg, The Cohen Brothers, Michael Eisner, Sumner Redstone etc are? Muslims? If I wasn't so used to dishonesty from you people I would be shocked by your willingness to lie through your teeth about something you are so totally ignorant of, but unfortunately I expect this regularly now.

>> No.5606878

I'm not pissed off at all. If someone says "Black people are statistically more likely to commit a crime" without qualification, I feel completely comfortable characterizing that person as a white supremacist. White supremacy is so pervasive in society (and especially on 4chan), that it's not really shocking or angering.

And again, incarceration rates are not a likelihood of committing a crime, which was your assumption.

>> No.5606880

Women don't need logic. They have "women's intuition", whatever the fuck that is.

>> No.5606887

literally don't care about stoner talk. so long as they let me smoke their shit for free i'm good.

>> No.5606889

Not the same anon, but I'd like to know how you know it's a fact? The so-called "warrior gene"? Because I'd like to know how MAOA studies have been anything but p-value chasing of small, repeatedly invalidated effects.

>> No.5606891

>That evidence isn't valid because it means I am wrong


>> No.5606894

Intuition only works if you have extensive knowledge about the subject and could make quick decisions without having to go through a elaborate thought process.

Otherwise you are just wrong and stupid.

>> No.5606897

Yeah, I've known a lot of putrid, reprehensible stoners, but two of my best friends get regularly stoned, and they don't really fit any stoner stereotype. One in particular is such an upstanding member of his community that it's funny how unlike a stoner he is.

>> No.5606898

Because when you meet black people they are violent drug users who can barely talk, and they glorify this in everything they produce, then eventually go to prison for it and leave behind trackable statistics.

>> No.5606904

Lol and you did not know the stories were true beforehand?
My poor mother having to work with the disgusting scum...

>> No.5606912

Those are my favorite people to smoke with. You can talk about things when you are high other than 'sinking bowls' and other times you were high.

I have met some people that dab and they are the worst kind of stoners. Just taking it to a level that seems gratuitous.

>> No.5606918

Saying you are ok and you are free to mutilate your genetalia is not helping it seems.

>> No.5606924

As has been said before, "transphobia" and "homophobia" aren't widely used to mean a "type of anxiety disorder etc.," and you're being obtuse to continue to pretend that most people, including clinicians, think that that is what those terms mean. Words, roots, prefixes and suffixes can have more than one meaning, and your own writing wouldn't function if you didn't abide by that fact. The meanings of words are determined according to the analysis of a corpus. That's how dictionaries get their meanings, and their meanings can become more contemporary and be updated (albeit slowly) by using much larger digitized databases such as the COHA and COCA, and those are in fact two of the tools that linguists use to learn new things about English syntax and meaning.

>> No.5606932

No, we just recognize it for what it is—an attempt at shaming people into conforming to the social narrative. Stop being so assblasted you can't point and jeer about how we're afraid of some 100lb fruit.

>> No.5606933


>And again, incarceration rates are not a likelihood of committing a crime, which was your assumption.

They're not the same thing, but to suggest that the clear disparities between the races when it comes to violent crime statistics could be attributed to nothing but simple institutional racism on the parts of the police and the justice system would be delusional. The difference is too great. From the statistics it is perfectly logical to infer that on average black people do commit more crime. This fact doesn't make any assumptions about why black people commit more crime.

>> No.5606935
File: 88 KB, 400x660, 9936a80b64e28950cf109b502a4d12d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't do anything about people getting mad, it's their problem and their offtopic thread.

>> No.5606936

>le xP

>> No.5606938

They are words used when the one using them has shitty arguments and wishes to make the other side seem primitive or evil.
Basically like calling someone a communist during the cold war.

>> No.5606939

I meant that the use of homophobia and transphobia isn't really that far away from the classic use of the term phobia since it's still an irrational exaggerated reaction.

Wouldn't you think that insisting that transfolks need to disappear and stop doing whatever they are doing is a more direct attempt to shame people into conforming to a social narrative?

>> No.5606945
File: 233 KB, 481x359, YEEEEEEEES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a clock goes in the opposite direction is it going counter clockwise? It is a clock. How could it go opposite clock?

>> No.5606947

I didn't even think about transexuals until the internet decided I need to know about the plights of 5 year olds who want to wear dresses and piss in the girls bathroom, and how oppressed 400ln furry lesbians who have a dick are. When they go back to keeping to themselves I'll stop commenting on how annoying and repulsive they are.

>> No.5606949

>it is perfectly logical to infer that
No, it isn't.
You have to take in consideration things like wealth (the Obama family isn't genetically likely to go out to gun people and inject heroine), neighborhood (white trash behaving like black people would suggest that their context dictates how they act more than the color of their skin) and many other factors.
Just throwing away numbers is failing to understand how to use statistics.

>> No.5606955

Poor white people do not act in the same excesses to the same degree in the same numbers as poor blacks. It is not even close.

>> No.5606957

Are you basing that in your inherent capacity to detect what people do at the distance with sonar like precision?

>> No.5606959

Obama family is likely to order someone else to do that stuff for them.

>> No.5606961

I don't think that poster "purposefully omitted" the fact that Adam Sandler is a Jew. I think it's more likely that he's so alienated and baffled by antisemitism that he doesn't even consider a person's Jewishness before commenting on a message board about a person who happens to be a Jew.

I would be hard-pressed to determine which group is less accepted by US society: transgendered people or anti-Semites. On the one hand, transgendered people are subject to incredible amounts of violence and descrimination; on the other, I think you're more likely to see a transgendered person depicted in a positive light on TV than an anti-Semite. We have, for example, trans-people regularly showing up on RuPaul's Drag Race, which had Logo's highest rated single episode ever (633,000 viewers). The difference might just be the fact that people can tell that most transgendered people are transgendered by looking at them, and anti-Semites hide their antisemitism more easily.

>> No.5606964

Does it sexually excite you to pretend that black people aren't very obviously shit tier? Do you jack off to the memories of defending your precious pets who are totally just like us and don't need to be constantly advocated for and excused?

>> No.5606966


Those factors don't contradict the fact that I inferred, they just explain why it is so (as in: blacks are on average poorer -> poor people are more likely to commit crime -> black people are more likely to commit crime)

>> No.5606968

I'm talking about how much culture be would have to omit to compare white artistic production to what blacks have. I'm sorry to have triggered you, Adam but I really wasn't bringing up your menorrah.

>> No.5606972

My country got rid of all the african slaves almost a hundred years ago by sending them to some meaningless war that didn't affect anything, a lot of people would be troubled connecting a time when black people were around to the present and would probably assume they just migrated in mass to some island.
They are as meaningless to my day to day life as american civilians who don't own multinationals.

>> No.5606981

You named some Jews in Hollywood. Multinational corporations own Hollywood. Warner Bros., for example, is a subsidiary of Time Warner. And I still wonder what it matters that Jews are involved in Hollywood.

>> No.5606983

You just admitted that this entire shitshow you've been bumping is based entirely on your brainwashing that they are "just as good" and you actually have no idea what you're talking about. Thanks for playing, for further educational models I invite you to observe any nation in Africa or the city of Detroit.

>> No.5606986

>And I still wonder what it matters that every time the jews are accused of something it's true but we still get really offended

>> No.5606993

/pol/ was right again :-(

>> No.5606995

Was slavery really worth all the trouble afterwards? Why didn't people follow through with the colonization movement?

>> No.5607001

I think jews can be very talented. They handle money well and have great business orient minds.

But shit are the insufferable. Most are conniving and stubborn. Ugly and short for the most part too.

>> No.5607027

that's the hidden price of colonialism and slavery
even romans met it

>> No.5607032

How is this thread at any level literature related?
An icon from /tv/ said something concerning /pol/, /lgbt/ chimes in.

>> No.5607036

If you really read this thread, it's just one /pol/faggot samefagging and arguing against strawmen.

Lets all take a step back and consider the tragic amount of autism involved here.

saged and hidden for bait thread.

>> No.5607038

Are you the same poster who was saying he wasn't a white supremacist?

I don't think it's "perfectly logical." Racial profiling is incredibly widespread (eg see the small DWB study here):


RA Brown has done a lot of research about arrest outcomes for different demographics in Cincinnati. His results show a picture very complicated by race, not just the trend of blacks being arrested more than whites in the same circumstances (for example, black officers are more likely to arrest black officers when situations are matched), but this is a general trend:

>The estimated model for black suspects is clearly different from the white-suspect model in both the number of variables and the specific variables that significantly influence arrest decisions. In the black-suspect model arrests were more likely if the encounter involved a male, a juvenile, if the person was involved in drug use or drug sales, if the officer was dispatched to the encounter, if they were disrespectful to the police, if they committed a criminal offense in the presence of the officer, if there were other citizens present during the encounter, or if someone requested that an arrest be made. None of these factors influenced the arrest of white suspects.


>> No.5607043

Oh, I see. I don't disagree! It's hard to tell who's who in these threads.