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5602270 No.5602270 [Reply] [Original]

>"late capitalism"

>> No.5602282

It's a more useful term than "postmodernism"

>> No.5602303


>> No.5602309

thank you for reminding me again to filter your dumb ass

>> No.5602310
File: 130 KB, 577x900, jc leyendecker capitalists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can we leave? it's getting too late capitalist here.

>> No.5602329
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>> No.5602444

There is literally nothing wrong with this term.

>> No.5602457

I don't see the problem.

>> No.5602489
File: 61 KB, 343x500, haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anarchy works though have you never heard of spain? Lol fucking pleb, go stick your dick in the state's pussy some more"

>> No.5602535

i don't know about that anon, but I found it ugly that we could be considered post-scarcity already if we didn't waste so much food for abusive health reasons (restaurants just throwing away food that people didn't like or finish, vegetables that start to look off) or just waste it (canned food no one eats and goes bad, so much water used to make less amounts of soda)

>> No.5602737

dumb frogposter

>> No.5602857

>"free" market

>> No.5602862


>> No.5602905

it's not a term used to describe that though. We are post-scarcity, in terms of necessity and in terms of our productive capacity. We have the ability to feed/ water everyone in the world, but the current system we have just isn't really geared towards making that a reality.

>> No.5602916
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>classical liberalism
>rational self-interest
>non-aggression principle

>> No.5602928

what's wrong with classical liberalism?

The most confusing/ ridiculous thing is when Americans call any democrat/ socialist/ communist/ left wing person a "liberal", with no actual understanding of what the term means or how it makes no sense to call a communist a liberal

>> No.5602934

Oh, yeah, of course. But people talk about post-scarcity as if it were a matter of time and technology when it's a market thing.

>> No.5602936
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>> No.5602939

Can someone PLEASE explain to me where this smug frog face meme originated.

>> No.5602945

I don't really get what you mean tbh.

The only time I've known the term to be used is in anarchist/ communist books. Murray Bookchin's post scarcity anarchism for example

>> No.5602972


Not sure which one, but:

>> No.5602983
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>> No.5602998


>> No.5603000

/int/ on Krautchan. It was popular there last year.

>> No.5603011
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>"late capitalism"
If only

>> No.5603026

Lately I'm seeing you more in /gif/ than here, Butters.

>> No.5603122

are you feminister

>> No.5603125
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>> No.5603128

She has said before she isn't.

>> No.5603129

that's a shame, I liked feminister
fuck this bitch

>> No.5603139

People hated feminister for being trans or pretending to have a boyfriend or something. Anons can get really mad with tripfags some times.
feminarkist has been more or less nice so far

>> No.5603167

I didn't know about any of that. I liked that she was one of few people on /lit/ who talked about Stirner and actually read Stirner.

>> No.5603178

I had adopted a thread the better part of a month ago, (gone now) on top of that I have had a bad/tiring time at work (ongoing I'm afraid) There isn't much thought involved in posting on /gif/. Just raw sexual urges and such.

Wait, I thought Feminarkist said he was male?

>> No.5603186

I hope your bad time at work never comes to an end and /lit/ stays free of your presence for a long time to come.

>> No.5603201
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*Hugs* Luv U 2 hon.

>> No.5603204
File: 38 KB, 643x440, Fashion-model-Dovima-with-Audrey-Hepburn-on-the-set-of-Funny-Face-1959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't you tell us what your job is without revealing doxing details? There are like 4 guys currently here.

Maybe feminarkist is a guy, I don't know, assumed it was a female because I'd rather think everyone here is a girly girl. It makes it easier to chat with people when you think you might want to hug them and rub your face against theirs.

>> No.5603219

Even with what we waste, there's enough to feed everybody. The problem is distribution.

>> No.5603225

Yeah, check the other person who answered the same post.

>> No.5603258

What kind of pleb /wants/ post-scarcity? Struggle ennobles man. What good a full belly without nourishment of the soul?

>> No.5603260
File: 3 KB, 480x400, As of 6-30-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've thought about being vague the service industry but I just *know* someone was going to run with that and call me a hooker or some shit. Yes, any further and it can aid in finding me.

>> No.5603266

>the service industry

Isn't that American code for "I work at McDonalds"? Top kek.

>> No.5603268

Okay cool Paul Ryan

>> No.5603271

What kind of idiot are you?

Fast for two days.

Go nature hiking through the Amazon with just a pocket knife.

Play football without a helmet.

Go struggle on your own time. Humanity needs to grow the fuck up.

>> No.5603275

a good full belly
I'll take your food, if you won't eat it

>> No.5603277

Paul Ryan is just another globalist progressive shill. I think of myself as a reactionary.

>implying there's such a thing

There are only unequal individuals. You're the one who need to grow up.

>> No.5603278

We're all doing service industry work now. McDs are everywhere though. Last clue.

>> No.5603292

>There are only unequal individuals
There are also unequal siblings in a family. Should the weaker ones bunk in the dog house and have the cheap shitty food only after their chores, while the favoured son gets a nicely furnished room, a tutor to help with his education and a car so he can attend parties etc.?

You need to grow up.

>> No.5603297

>I think of myself as a reactionary
See this is why we can't overuse memes. The fedora thing would be perfect here.

>> No.5603299

Your dumb analogy is completely irrelevant and besides the point, but incidentally, yes, in the best traditional societies the lesser are treated as lesser (male children, for example, would be fed a better diet than the female children, as in ancient Athens).

>> No.5603302

>Liquid Modernity
>Liquid Love
>Liquid Life
>Liquid Fear
>Liquid Times
>Liquid Modern World
>Liquid Sociology

What's that shit with Zygmunt Bauman's obsession with liquids?

>> No.5603303


>> No.5603307
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>> No.5603310

>in the best traditional societies
You see? Can't be assed to grow the fuck up.
Can't you see where the best has taken us? Oh, you can't.

No no. the fedora thing is terrible. Leave it to the babay Christians.

>> No.5603319
File: 148 KB, 833x279, 1398956679877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intellectuals want post-scarcity because they are useless parasites who never had to harvest, hunt or even cook their own food. Just like medieval priests, confucian sages or buddhist monks they are willing to trade status and wealth for security gained through tribute.

Pic somewhat related. This is the kind of people who talk about "resource based economy" and shit like that.

>> No.5603331
File: 205 KB, 780x1089, Bauman - Liquid Times.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liquidity. Fluid things. Not so stilted and solidified.

...Can you recommend a book of his?

>> No.5603334
File: 118 KB, 704x960, Job creator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Intellectuals want post-scarcity
Hungry and impoverished people want post-scarcity. You fucking degenerate.

>> No.5603343

>Struggle ennobles man.

But purposefully wanting people to starve and suffer and die, including yourself, for your and their "ennoblement" is a mental illness.

If suffering and struggle comes, then you suffer and struggle. But you don't willingly embrace it.

I remember recovering from a significant surgery where I was in a lot of pain and had trouble walking after, and I feel that I grew a lot as a person and that going through the suffering strengthened my character, but would I wish it on someone else as a learning experience? Never. Amor Fati.

>> No.5603356

These used to be serialized in The Believer too, right? Or maybe they still are. I remember being very confused as to how something came to 4chan through Dave Eggers' cultural magazine for posers.

>> No.5603369
File: 22 KB, 480x360, funk ostentação.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people, including "hungry and impoverished people" want power, wealth and status. The historical phenomenom of people abdicating all that for a "safe" lifestyle funded by tribute is a strictly intellectual phenomenom.

>> No.5603403

>The historical phenomenom of people abdicating all that for a "safe" lifestyle funded by tribute is a strictly intellectual phenomenom

Really nigger?

>> No.5603412

You clearly are a secret agent for the army and if you say too much they are gonna kill you. You're aiding the return of the Khmer Rouge under american interests, surely.

>> No.5603419
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>Saves pictures with butterflies in them.

>> No.5603421

Late capitalism, to me, just means the mass media transformation of capitalism. I think that the moment our bulk cultural output became advertising, a major revolution in the mechanism of capitalism occurred. There were real fears among the elite that they were producing more than they can sell. Then, some people invent a box that can pipe consumer fetishism direct into people's homes.

>> No.5603447
File: 7 KB, 215x153, La taupe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not a Khmer Rouge bitch.

>> No.5603449
File: 6 KB, 150x156, notspecial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw your post on the front page.

Just wanted to let you know that you are a douche bag.

Though your buddies aren't much better, even with irony in mind.

Love, Anon

>> No.5603454

Suuuuure, no cambodian kids need to die for southeast capitalism, wink wink

>> No.5603457

>I want thousands to starve daily because I Sparknoted a copy of 'Thus Spoke Zarathustra' once when my brain was soft and stupid

>> No.5603464

Why do you have a tripcode now?

>> No.5603475

He couldn't stand people impersonating him and taking away his attention so he caved and got a tripcode.

>> No.5603478

What a fag.

>> No.5603480
File: 628 KB, 500x750, Gawd the butterflies are everywhere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mod banned everyone with the name when the imposters were running amok

>> No.5603485

Sounds like there was some excitement in my absence. Oh, B-fly how I've missed you.

>> No.5603497

When did you leave?

>> No.5603508
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>> No.5603511

I want to say the end of June. Can't recall the exact date, might have been May or April even. It's been a few months for sure.

>> No.5603520

when did pepe take over this board

>> No.5603539

>Its been a few months for sure.
Why did you have to come back? You could had been free, dumbass.

>> No.5603540

Yes, you missed quite a lot of junk.

>Rêve went to LONDON (this is a meme now)
>I broke my arm and spent a month and half recouping, many hours clocked in on /lit/
>Feminister has gone missing, and though people will say she was outted as a man, nothing of the kind happened.
>While I went back to work imposters made a general nuisance of themselves: Took a trip and ended it.

The global warming is killing off their kind. They are sad sad robots from /r9k/

>> No.5603554

Feminister was unquestionably outed as a man.

>> No.5603558

>Why did you have to come back
Procrastination, mostly. Don't worry, I'll try and make my relapse short.

>Broke your arm
That sucks. Hope it's back to its full function.

>Reve went to London
I recall her mentioning something about going on a trip, though I can't be sure.

I believe the day after the post "outing" her came out, I left. Not sure when that happened.

They've always been a nuisance. Glad you have a trip now.

>> No.5603559

Hello Femi. Looking forward to your return. Don't hook up with any strange men just yet.

>> No.5603584

That cognitive dissonance tho. There is pretty much no way Fem was not a man.

>> No.5603591

Generally, American conservatives are referring to social liberalism when they say that, and as a result of a trend in America toward a linking of social liberalism and, for lack of a better term, "big government," (though I won't say socialism as that's an exaggeration), the word "liberal" here has over time been connected with large amounts of government spending.

>> No.5603599

No no. There was nothing about her leaving, that whole kerfuffle, that proved things one way or another. I freely admit to things being as left up for interpretation as they've always been.

>> No.5603615
File: 3 KB, 480x400, 7-19-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up, flutterby?

>> No.5603669

it's like every time I don't think it's possible for you to get worse, you do

>> No.5603672

So you can't recommend anything of his?
Why though?

>> No.5604060

This kind of thinking is why the Jews got to find themselves in the intellectual and financial elite. While Abe Goldbergstein's dad bought him books and tried to get him into a good school, his goyim friends' parents said "LOLNO YOU ARE GONNA WORK THIS LAND LIKE ME AND MY FATHER AND HIS FATHER, WHAT ARE YOU A FAG????". "Master race" indeed.

>> No.5604977

Surely the extreme nepotism and chauvinism have something to do with it, hmmm?

>> No.5605087
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Ya'll guys are radical.

>> No.5605106


>> No.5605118

I just love how americans have a problem with "big government" but find no correlation with "huge army". Why would you care more about your government regulating companies, education or culture than your government having militarized police just doing the rounds and more regulations to move between states than most countries have to leave them?

>> No.5605128

>I'm a teenager who gets my news from the daily show xDDDD

Back to le leddit.

>> No.5605137
File: 275 KB, 680x356, 1413646493224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a mystery, but i cant enough of the smug litttle fellow

>> No.5605149

>goyim help each other out at the expense of other ethnic groups: Ethnic pride, racial solidarity
>Jews help each other out at the expense of other ethnic groups: Chauvnism, nepotism

>> No.5605154 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5605155
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>> No.5605163

>>goyim help each other out at the expense of other ethnic groups: Ethnic pride, racial solidarity

Where does this happen? Only do Jews do this. The goyim are post-racial at this point, they've been completely brainwashed into rejecting all forms of tribalism.

>> No.5605181
File: 34 KB, 160x168, Feelsgood man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sheeple. there's been a large long-term propaganda campaign from the right. In Roosevelt's day unions were a good thing, now people are supposed to hate them for being lazy or thuggish or some shit, and so on.

A comic strip. Don't recall the name.

>> No.5605182

But you want to reverse this, and you have no moral qualms about doing so.

>> No.5605185

every post with le smug faec frog man is a shitpost. every single one

>> No.5605202

>But you want to reverse this, and you have no moral qualms about doing so.

I never said this.

Typical Jewish rhetoric right here. Do you live in Tel Aviv?

>> No.5605206

Didn't the daily show get a visit by Obama? Why would I watch american propaganda?

>> No.5605238

All American television is propaganda. Politicians show up on all manners of television programs. It's disgusting.

>> No.5605253

Well, mass media is always propaganda or at least serves to set precedent for indoctrination.

>> No.5605260

whenever a prof says that i think it's so cute

sure buddy sure keep dreamin'

>> No.5605269

I'm pretty sure they use it to differentiate it from the classic idea of capitalism that doesn't include corporations and other more modern enterprises. It doesn't mean late as in dead.