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File: 419 KB, 667x670, 1368009259781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5602305 No.5602305 [Reply] [Original]

>audio books

Is there anything worse?

>> No.5602311

Public readings by the author

>> No.5602318

he has the charisma of a wet carrot

>> No.5602328

I just came to /lit/ from /b/ because those ppl are insane. Ive seen a few of these threads come and go in the last couple days.
I would personally never replace actual hardcopy books for audio books; but I certainly have used audio books as supplementary to hardcopy reading.
I am actually curious what does /lit/ have against them? Do you really think they have NO value?

>> No.5602333
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>just roll a fuckin grenade right into that room

>> No.5602355

is he actually autistic
i'm serious
he's definitely got something wrong with him

>> No.5602363
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He's asian. They're all socially retarded to some degree or another.

>> No.5602371

Sigh, it's the /b/pol/fag again/

>> No.5602382


My best friend is Korean and I don't go to /pol/, it's full of nazis.

But asians are socially retarded, it's true. They're either:

a.) incredibly rude and distant
b.) severely introverted and shy
c.) overly exuberant and obnoxious with no regard for social boundaries

There is no middle ground.

>> No.5602385

>don't go to pol
>saves webm's with pol filename

>> No.5602398
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Because it's representative of the people on /pol/.

>> No.5602411



I chuckled.

>> No.5602423

He is so pretentious

>> No.5602433
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I can't tell if he's putting on an act or he's truly got Autism.

I really suspect it's a bullshit ploy to create some kind of nu-vogue persona, and that people will think he's some kind of introverted genius.

What a fucking hack.

>> No.5602462

Came to my college last year to give a reading. We got to hang out with him after, our professor said he's clearly stoned out of his mind.

I think he's just really awkward.

>> No.5602483


No drugs involved, he's just a fucking faggot who thinks it's OK to be that socially retarded when you've written one over-rated novel. Someone needs to smash his teeth in.

>> No.5602495

Knew what it was gonna be before the embedded video finished loading.

Nothing wrong with audiobooks, OP. The ones with shitty robotic female voices are awful, but ones with good voice acting can be nice.

>> No.5602499


>needing audio books

I just read real books in Morgan Freeman's voice inside my head. So creamy.

>> No.5602505


>> No.5602515

>asians are retarded
>my best friend is asian

yeah, he'd have to be

>> No.5602517


>> No.5602518
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Is there anything worse?

>People who haven't read Beyond Good and Evil

>> No.5602527


>> No.5602529

The only thing Nietzsche ever wrote that is of value is The Genealogy of Morals.

>> No.5602534

u shut ur fucking mouth nietzsche was a professor of philology at age 21 what the fuck have u done with your life you absolute prick

>> No.5602542
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Steve Carrell didn't just destroy The Office when he left, he gutted everyone on that show.

>> No.5602543

He became a professor and wrote that disgrace 'The Birth of Tragedy'.

>> No.5602544

audiobooks of contemporary writing are alright sometimes when the author reads them. people say tina fey's book is better on tape, for instance. not really any other reason for them unless you have a long commute and drive

>> No.5602545

>This is what tarantulas actually believe.


>> No.5602546

It was shit by the time he left anyway

>> No.5602557

and no matter what you think of him he is revered by academics and has gone down in history as one of the greatest philosophical thinkers of the past 200 years
so pipe the fuck down and go back to wanking underneath your anime bedsheets

>> No.5602561


Season 5 was the last good season. Everything after that was just a wind-down to his departure, followed by an increasingly unfunny cast of new characters.

Second last episode was great though.

>> No.5602566
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>watching the American version of the Office

>> No.5602568

>he is revered by academics
Maybe by continentals, but actually philosophers have little time for his unsubstantiated opinions.

>> No.5602572

>implying all philosophy is not simply unsubstantiated opinions

>> No.5602580


>implying anyone but Britons would find the British version funny

It's fucking shit and Ricky Gervais is only amusing when he's taken out of his natural habitat. Otherwise, he's just pandering with the unimaginably dry, postured bullshit limeys call humour.

Oh but you're le edgy film guy who only wants the original of [everything] because somehow that makes him more unique.

>> No.5602587

>he's just pandering with the unimaginably dry, postured bullshit limeys call humour.
american humour is worse

>> No.5602588
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Hahahaha this x infinity.

>> No.5602589

Not since the analytic revolution. Now analytic philosophy is dominant worldwide.

>> No.5602592

have you read any philosophical work of the last 50 years?

>> No.5602593

being blind

>> No.5602595



But in all honesty, Seinfeld still has more merit than Gervais ever will.

>> No.5602598

Yes. Most philosophical works that I've read have been from the last 50 years.

>> No.5602603

then fuck off with your claims about nietzsche

>> No.5602605

Holy shit this, Ricky Gervais is such an unfunny piece of shit.

I'm Telling You For the Last Time is still one of the best standup specials ever, and Seinfeld shits on Gervais. All the best standups are American.

>> No.5602607

>Maybe by continentals

Why don't you go cuddle the Tractatus in a corner and think about how illogical you are

>> No.5602608

>implying that's why

It's quite obvious which one is superior comedy wise and in writing.

>> No.5602610

If you want to sound more American you need to make your Rs more rolled. Try to sound like a whiny pirate.

>> No.5602615


Yes, Seinfeld is superior. We already established that. Let's move on.

>> No.5602616

>hur dur british comedy shit
>yall think yer so highbrow with your dry wit
>hur dur gervais shit
>"W-why is he shit?"
>hur dur hes shit because i sed so dammit! i dont like his personality so thats a reesun to h8 that darn tootin sunofaagun

>> No.5602617

Nietzsche is irrelevant in philosophy. Go read the chapter on him in Russell's History of Western Philosophy.
I'm wholly logical, though.

>> No.5602619

You do realise Seinfeld isn't that good, right?

It's really not innovative or witty at all.

>> No.5602621

why do americans have no high-brow comedians? who are the stewart lees of america?

>inb4 bill hicks, louis ck and george carlin, i said high-brow not pizza-and-weed-brow

>> No.5602628

>who are the stewart lees of america?
dane cook

>> No.5602630

oh so you get your views from russell's completely biased incorrect piece of shit book

>> No.5602632
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stay mad limey cunt

>> No.5602633
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>Dude white privilege lmao

>> No.5602637

>dane cook
provide links

>> No.5602640

>well lookie eer now
>wots this show oll about?
>"the off-is usa huh"
>damn tootin tommy! this shit is funni as ell!!
>look at dat gorjus boy lookin at the camera every two minuts
>damn that makes me laff!!! look there he goes again!!
>and whats with that awkward charactur that is too unbeleevabal to be reel!!
>my god, even his name dont make sens, the hell is a dwyt?!

>> No.5602645

All I can gather from that 'critique' is that Russell somehow personally offended you.

>> No.5602650

and larry the cable guy

>> No.5602652

The fact you hold Seinfeld and The Office USA in such high regard displays your ignorance of comedy and how lower class your level of humour is.

Stay mad, Americlap.

>> No.5602655


>> No.5602660


>Briton honestly thinks his culture hasn't been turned into murky toilet water like the rest of Western society
>thinks his comedians aren't just as shit as the rest of the world
>still can't fucking speak English properly
>still has bad teeth
>still has shit food
>still takes public transit everywhere
>still lives in a tiny one room shithole
>still pledges allegiance to some must old cunt in a palace


>> No.5602665

Spalding Gray
Watch Swiming to Cambodia, or Monster in a Box.

I hate when he gets all conformist about how awesome things are and people should shut up, even if I've seen irl examples of his strawmen. He's pretty cool otherwise.
Not high brow, of course.

>> No.5602666

>has never left america and bases his opinions of the uk on sitcoms from the 1990s

>> No.5602667
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>samefagging already

>> No.5602671

>still has bad teeth
>free dental care until the ages of 18

>still has shit food
>an american says this

>still takes public transport
>implying this is bad in any way
>being this mad that your country has a shit transportation system
>not taking the bus and looking out the window on a sunny day with a book

>still lives in a tiny one room shithole
>nice point american, i bet it took a lot of time

>still pledges allegiance to some must old cunt in a palace
>no one does this and americans pledge allegiance at school in the morning

This was shit b8, you can try harder.

>> No.5602672

>pledges allegiance
unlike america we're not forced to swear fealty to anything

>> No.5602678
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Stay mad, Americlap!

>muh samefag argument

>> No.5602679
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>spoiler: i'm not american

>> No.5602681
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um no go away

>> No.5602686

implying your shitposting wasn't obvious

>> No.5602687

where are you from then
considering britain and america are the 2 best nations in the world you must be from a shithole in comparison

>> No.5602693
File: 26 KB, 358x146, samefag3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>literally 5 seconds in MSpaint

>> No.5602696

It's okay, m8.

You lost, no need to try and win now. There is no shame in admitting defeat.

>> No.5602697
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That was almost too easy.

>> No.5602699

considering our comments were posted within 40 seconds of each other......

>> No.5602704
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>>audio books
>Is there anything worse?

Yes, British people.

source: this thread

>> No.5602709

>audio books
>Is there anything worse?

jingoistic shitposting

>> No.5602712


>> No.5602714

>It's really not innovative
you're revealing your age and your ignorance, Seinfeld was HUGELY innovative.

>> No.5602717


>> No.5602718
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>i was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.5602720
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>> No.5602721

>still defending seinfeld
i bet would be a fan of michael mcintyre

>> No.5602723

>I really suspect it's a bullshit ploy to create some kind of nu-vogue persona, and that people will think he's some kind of introverted genius.

This. It's obvious. The pretending to think during long pauses, the fishing for words to say, the "oh I'm so stoned but I'm not this is just how I am I have something to say but I can't octopuses man" act

I have a strong urge to punch him in the face and beat the shit out of him I haven't hated someone like this not even in elementary school

Oh an he's a fan of Terrence McKenna. One one hack to another.

>> No.5602725
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>mfw you're *still* upset by such an obvious troll

>> No.5602727

>i was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.5602729

Even if you don't think he's funny, to say he wasn't doing anything new is just wrong.

>> No.5602734

>hah, you guys didnt notice my elaborate troll
>y u mad

>> No.5602735

tell me what he did that was new

>> No.5602740

He made jokes, about things.

>> No.5602743
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Twas all an elaborate ruse, faggot.

And you fell for it.

And now you're butthurt.


>> No.5602744

Made jokes on stage and had clever show.

>> No.5602745

Nobody was doing the clean for-all-audiences observational humor he was doing. Why the fuck do you think Seinfeld (and "Seinfeld") was so huge? Why do you think he's still (one of) the most respected comedians ever?

>> No.5602749
File: 447 KB, 640x480, STOP!! Hibari kun! 02 (DVD 640x480 DivX5.11) 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone answering is really mad, sweating in front of their computer and crying
no one cares about anything, I don't see why you'd think they do

>> No.5602750

groucho marx did that 30 years before

>> No.5602751

>i was only rusing guys

>> No.5602754



>> No.5602755


>> No.5602758

No one had ever made a joke about airplane food before Jerry Seinfeld did it. This means he's a comedy revolutionary.

>> No.5602759

>attempting to deflect an argument that completely undermines everything you said in the entire thread

>> No.5602761

>wavering away groucho
>being this stupid

>> No.5602762

>implying It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia isn't superior to both.

>> No.5602765

Uh, no. Groucho Marx didn't do observational standup. Try again.

The best way to diminish Seinfeld would be to say he's just a clean Carlin, but even that is unfair.

>> No.5602766

>trying to imitate a brit
>accidentally does an american instead


>> No.5602767

I just saw for first time a Marx Bros movie and I don't get how comedians can do the same thing at a tenth of the speed and quality and pretend to be modern. It's as if modern comedians were performing for retarded children.

>> No.5602768

I am a Marxist, of the Groucho variety.

>> No.5602771

>Groucho Marx didn't do observational standup.
Well, not if he could sit down or lie down!

>> No.5602772






>> No.5602773

>this faggot defending seinfeld so badly
>he believes the /tv/ propaganda this much

>> No.5602775

so embarassing

>> No.5602777

"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others."

>> No.5602780


>> No.5602781

Guys, this is the only thing in this thread that's actually made me upset. I'm really mad right now, I don't even care if it was just trolling.

>> No.5602782

I just recognize the difference between a personal opinion about his comedy and a reasonable appraisal of his role in standup history.

>> No.5602786

he is literally Friends-tier

>> No.5602791

No one cares m8, just do what you want in life instead of wasting time arguing about a fucking comedian you don't know on a japanese anime image forum

>> No.5602793


>> No.5602797

>wasting time arguing about a fucking comedian you don't know on a japanese anime image forum


>> No.5602798

>just do what you want instead of wasting time arguing about fucking authors you don't know on a japanese anime image forum
rip /lit/

>> No.5602806

>living in a country that regards comedy as a high form of are
True patricians live in a nation where comedy is non-existent and everything is a depressing existential look into the human condition.

>> No.5602807


>> No.5602808

It was a joke, man.

>> No.5602810

I would agree and say this too

>> No.5602812

Nah, Mad About You is Friend's tier.

>> No.5602822


>> No.5602823

Slavoj Zizek would actually talk about Seinfeld as an example of his own idea (ideology), making him the superior philosopher.

>> No.5602824

I don't care, I'm like, visibly shaken. I've been crying a punching the wall since I read the post.

>> No.5602826

I'd really do the asking student, no matter it's gender.

>> No.5602827
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>tfw your Britain is fuck all

>> No.5602836

What? You mean that 50+ year old woman?

>> No.5602837

>one british racist
>coming from the country with the kkk

>> No.5602844

No, the african manlygirl girlyboy at the beginning.

>> No.5602847

he's just baiting faggot, he's doing a shit job but he's still reeling you in faggot

>> No.5602848


KKK was started in Liverpool by Britons. Look it up dumbass.

>> No.5602855

'The first Klan was founded in 1865 in Pulaski, Tennessee, by six veterans of the Confederate Army.'

>> No.5602856


nigga r u srs

>> No.5602861
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>mfw I actually got you to look that shit up

holy fuckin shit how gullible can you be

>> No.5602863

10/10 trolled hard

>> No.5602866

>implying we believed you
>implying it doesnt just make you look like a fool in front of everyone
>hur dur dad i try to ruse on 4chan


>> No.5602867
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>> No.5602869

>mummy look i'm trolling le 4chins

>> No.5602871
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I'm genuinely laughing at this shit right now.

>> No.5602875

Are you fucking serious, it's clearly stating the the KKK started in Poland.

>> No.5602881

can we delete this thread it is the worst piece of shit

>> No.5602882
File: 125 KB, 770x580, ss+(2014-10-18+at+10.09.44).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same already screencapped

>> No.5602883

why don't you kill yourself already anon we all know you've been feeling depressed for a while

>> No.5602890


This is the best thread in ages.

>> No.5602893

>black background
ooh i bet you're really gothic

>> No.5602894

You probably laugh at Seinfeld too

>> No.5602898

audiobooks lower comprehension in my opinion

>> No.5602899

i stare at this shit all day, hurts my eyes after awhile

>> No.5602901


Does it change the fact that I just reamed your asshole in front of everyone here?

Chuahahuauhahua sick m8.

>> No.5602908

Yeah it does for me too, it's a lot easier to get lost for a second and lose track of what's going on completely. Especially in the situations where people say they listen to audiobooks, like while exercising or driving.

>> No.5602915

you haven't been arguing with me, looks like you've just been waving your willy

>> No.5602922

>I just reamed your asshole in front of everyone here?
Woah, that's a really pathetic character you're playing there.

>> No.5602924

> Especially in the situations where people say they listen to audiobooks, like while exercising or driving.
i also hate how you can't easily go back over sentences. only when reading along to an audiobook did i realise that i read certain sentences several times

>> No.5602929

keep responding, keep the laughs going

>> No.5602930

I really like to use audiobooks while I clean the house.

>> No.5602933


>damage control

Oh boy here comes phase 2 of denial.

>> No.5602935

Some good software where you could quickly go back a sentence or a paragraph with one button would make audiobooks a lot more usable

Yeah I could see that going well, I listen to lectures and podcasts while cleaning

>> No.5602937

fuck meant the second quote to be

>> No.5602942
File: 75 KB, 960x574, jesus_christ_what_the_fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>cleaning the house
>not living in squalor
>with tomes of literature crowding every inch of every surface
>thick, slimey dust coats the entirety of your possessions
>the choking stench of dirty diapers piled in a corner
>because an absent minded intellectual can't be bothered to unclog the toilet
>wearing but a single shredded curtain, torn down from the musty bay windows
>now covered in newspapers and black paint made from melted crayons and your own shit
>eating the decayed remains of dead rodents who became lost in your savage paradise
>the literary lifestyle

>> No.5602952

Pretentious geek.

>> No.5602953

Sounds like a personal problem. I've never had an issue with driving and comprehension.

>> No.5602961


Ignorant plebeian.

>> No.5602964

Probably. I'm also a bad driver.

>> No.5602966

Of what? Ignorant isn't a disposition in of itself.

>> No.5602967
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>> No.5602974
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Correct eating and health are vital for correct thinking.
I mean, I barely do it, but you're making the baby socrates cry.

>> No.5602980

Normally I can't stand audiobooks but they do come in handy occasionally.

>> No.5603085

>sunny day

>> No.5603127


hahaha i picked up on that too, didn't want to fuel the shitstorm any more though

>> No.5603143

One really mad guy pretending to be a troll master to rail people up and failing to get attention isn't a shitstorm.

>> No.5603151

This thread got too many posts either way

>> No.5603160


Are we seriously going to keep going with this shit?

Some British faggots got trolled multiple times. It happens. It was probably fucking YOU.

Deal with it and move on you fuckin baby.

>> No.5603191

>people can't talk about things
>if they do they are butthurt and related to the thread
If it had been more than one guy it wouldn't had disappeared all of the sudden the sudden tendency of acting as if this was another board. There was nothing to be hurt about and most of the post were meaningless.

>> No.5603206
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Unbelievable how deep some random Anon's insults can sting, isn't it? You're STILL mad.

>> No.5603212

What insults?

>> No.5603217
File: 128 KB, 610x1024, arthur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh my god


kill yourself


>> No.5603229
File: 88 KB, 400x660, 9936a80b64e28950cf109b502a4d12d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cute that you think things in the internet matter to anyone.

>> No.5603243

I've borrowed Shakespeare audio cds. Also books in Spanish.

>> No.5603257


Sometimes I buy german newspapers and pretend to read them in public so people think I'm european and therefore show me more respect.

>> No.5603270

this guy is hilarious

>> No.5603276


it's not funny it's pathetic and disgusting

we are truly in a cultural depression when we celebrate asocial niptards like this

>> No.5603286

oh whoops i meant "audio books in Spanish"

I guess that's how it works.

>> No.5603294


I'd avoid reading latino newspapers in public, people will probably spit on you

>> No.5603323

I used to hold a sign for a shitty fucker company. paid pretty decent and it helped me get in shape a little. I started listening to audiobooks because music just wasn't doing it for me. It took me a while to get used to it but I like them now.

>> No.5603328

Public looks like pubic. I have pubic hairs on my crotch. My back is a little achy, so I'm going to do planks. Currently brushing my teeth. My belief-system is everything. (!) You caught me.

>> No.5603336


I'm going to shit on your chest. Don't be alarmed.

>> No.5603350

I have a cat. If it was a real scenario where I had to save you or the cat, I would save you out of obligation, but my life might change. They'd be big, subtle changes.

>> No.5603366


that's some absolutely abstract kind of real fuckin autism you've got there

>> No.5603379

He sounds like a high school kid in English class being forced to read aloud part of a book and forcing himself through it as fast and with as little thought as possible.

>> No.5603384

>the World War Z audiobook is better than the actual book

>> No.5603401


Really? He sounds like the pretentious, brooding, tryhard faggot in every tutorial from university. The one who spends 45 minutes before class postulating exactly how they're going to *sound* intelligent when they have to speak. He's a fucking fraud and I hope some niggers rape him.

>> No.5603570

I listen to audiobooks at work, and as such I've been able to work through a lot more material than I would have solely by reading.

I was skeptical at first, without a doubt, but I retain the information pretty well, sometimes even better than when I read. However I only listen to light stuff, usually genre fiction. I'm listening to East of Eden right now.

Also, after I finish a book, I'll go around the internet and read the synopsis, any analysis I can find, etc., to make sure I'm thoroughly familiar with what I've read. I'll occasionally miss something.