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File: 39 KB, 948x1422, lolita-74516bfc28d27bed4f33d672ccfc2fd18daa9b66-s6-c30[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5601899 No.5601899 [Reply] [Original]

Got an e-mail from Indigo saying some books I ordered came in. They have a promo where if you spend $50 you get a $10 gift card, so I figured I'd pick up some /lit/ recommendations. Got The Brothers Karamazov, Notes from Underground and Lolita. Tucked Lolita in the middle to reduce the chance of being labeled a pedo. As I'm paying, the female cashier scans Lolita last and looks at me with contempt.

I seized the opportunity.

"Have you read it?"
"No. It's not the kind of book I'm interested in."
"You're not interested in classics?"

She then finished my transaction and gave me my bag without saying a word. How often does /lit/ have fun cashier experiences when buying books?

>> No.5601903

That's stupid.

>> No.5601910

>huge pleb buys Lolita instead Pale Fire, Pnin, Invitation to a Beheading, etc.

That security footage is going on YouTube, haha!

>> No.5601911

its like you described your own post before you posted it.


>> No.5601913

Lolita was the only Nabokov they had. Blame the pleb bookstore, not me.

>> No.5601918

not your fucking blog. no one gives a shit about your made up crap

>> No.5601926

>buy Ulysses
>"Good luck with that"

>> No.5601932
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>buy Anarchist's Cook Book
>"Ah, I got that for my kid last Christmas, he loved it"

>> No.5601938

If I made this up, I'd be a lot more creative than "You're not interested in classics?" you idiot.
>public board
Think about those two words for a bit. (Hint: together, not separately)

>> No.5601945
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>(Hint: together, not separately)
then why did you put a space in between?

>> No.5601949

never had this happen, but i'd be mad

>> No.5601955

It was in a friendly way, not a rude way.

>> No.5601960

Fucking kekd

>> No.5601962

>not verbally acknowledging the stigma around the book and disarming her discomfort

sometimes you gotta point the finger right at the big Other

>> No.5601971

no. i'd still think you'd be a retard either way given that you're reading lolita

>> No.5601972

>No. It's not the kind of book I'm interested in.

I'm an open book. Are you interested in me;)?

>> No.5601976

>Reading a great classic is being retarded
>He thinks his trolling is smart and meta bait
>People just think he's a retard

>> No.5601980

how often has this worked? I gotta write that shit down

>> No.5601984

Only idiots read classics? :v)

>> No.5601989

I've never tried. If you're taking the piss then I didn't notice it.

>> No.5602000

OP finally notices the contempt people hold them in but ascribes it to a deep-seated societal taboo. Rather that the especially unctuous, self-congratulatory, shit-eating grin they were sporting as they tried to ascend into their fantasized patrician-hood. Only magnified by their awkward, unwarranted, not to say slimy attempts to engage in conversation with the only female that has made eye contact recently, for which she is pitifully paid.

>> No.5602004

If I said that she'd probably give some smart-ass response like "Sorry, I'm above the age of consent" and that would have been pretty awkward.

>> No.5602016

I vaguely remember that when I bought my copy of Lolita, there was a lady behind me at the counter, and the clerk (also a woman) wanted to offer me a cheap extra book which I promptly refused but the lady waiting behind me asked if she could have it instead, so I bought it and she paid me afterwards and thanked me. Doing something nice that pleased another human being while buying such a neat little book made me feel warm and fuzzy.

>> No.5602041

Then you could say some shit like "I didn't notice."

>> No.5602049

There's nothing better than helping someone out in a public place and you get that look of wonder and pride in others faces.

>> No.5602067
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>be me at Chapters
>oh boy some good reads here
>slap down my selection on the checkout counter
>Mein Kampf
>The Communist Manifesto
>Anarchist Cookbook
>50 Shades of Grey

>> No.5602080
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>helping others is only worth it when everyone knows you did it

>> No.5602084

Was The Turner Diaries out of stock?

>> No.5602101
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picked that up last time with By Any Means Necessary and The Philosopher's Stone

>> No.5602110

>buy crime and punishment
>owner of 2nd hand bookstore: ah, a heavy read. but a rewarding one!
>me: o-o-ok... thanks

>> No.5602147


>tfw you realize it's a piece of shit
>into the garbage it goes with Atlas Shrugged, War and Peace, and the french manual from my TV

>> No.5602158

>Me at second-hand store
>Buy "The story of the eye"
>Owner takes my money and winks at me
>Run for my life

>> No.5602159

>not getting your sweet little boipussy ravaged by him

>> No.5602174

>Crime and Punishment
uuuuuuuuuh mate ur wrung muddafucka

>> No.5602175

>and the french manual from my TV

slightly funnier to me than it should have been

>> No.5602176


Why do people seem constantly surprised about this? Who the fuck else would own a second-hand book store if not sexual deviants and convicted pedophiles?

>> No.5602188
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>reading Lolita in various public places with the cover visible so that people will scold me for it, so that I can in turn defend it as a literary classic etc.
>mfw I'm actually just a pedophile

>> No.5602191

lolita is about the same level as those books tho

i like pnin most i think

>> No.5602196

What about The Luzhin Defense?

>> No.5602202

Yes but they're less well known equals better because you get cred from the cool cats on /lit/

>> No.5602208

>have you read the book you're about to buy?

>> No.5602211
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Pretty sure everyone just assumes you're a pedophile anyhow.

>> No.5602213
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>mfw people think lolita is erotic in any way

read the book plz...

>> No.5602214

You'd think reading comprehension here of all places would be prerequisite.
He asked the cashier if she had read it.

>> No.5602217

>"No. It's not the kind of book I'm interested in."

should of called her a pleb then came on the receipt because the cover turned you on some much

>> No.5602223

while dressed in a shirt that says:
>I'm a registered sex offender

>> No.5602224
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You probably tugged your little weenie to it anyways.

>> No.5602233

wow people actually start conversations with others?
people really do that?
like it's a normal thing?

>> No.5602264

So am I a plen if Lolita is my favorite nabokov novel? Or my all-time favorite novel?

>> No.5602277

what other nabokov novels have you read

>> No.5602293
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>go to video rental store in the old days
>rent Dawn of the Dead remake for the third time
>cashier says "man you need to go back to school"
>no idea what he means by that but feel vaguely chastised

I get that there are more worthwhile movies out there (although I probably didn't know that back then) but what does school have to do with anything? Unless I misheard him or something

>> No.5602358

>go to video rental store
lol what are those

>> No.5602366

No you didn't. Worked at Chapters for over a year. Don't carry Mein Kampf in any stores, thanks to Heather.

>> No.5602380

>he thinks that's what I meant

>> No.5602384

>mfw this is a real human bean

>> No.5602424

>at second hand book store
>qt cashier
>selling one of my copies of 'the legacy of totalitarianism in a tundra'
>she looks it over and giggles
>"you a huge orson welles?" she asks
>"w-what" I respond
>she shakes her head and shoves the book back into my hand, says they can't offer me anything for it
>"you busy later?" she asks me
>"g-grocery shopping" I mumble
>quickly turn around and hobble out of the store

>> No.5602479

my hero

>> No.5602658

>Bought an used copy of Lolita from another person
>Go to his house to pick it up
>It was not a he but a she, and an almost-dead old woman
>First thing she says: "What are you doing reading this?"
>Last thing she says "oh, and watch the movie by XYZ(some director)"

>> No.5602675

underrated post

>> No.5602850

>buying lolita
>"you're reading this for a class?"
>"ughhhh, yeah"

>Buying 120 days of Sodom
>cashier smiles and winks

>buy a collection of Melville at used book store
>she blushes as she scans the books
>"you like Melville?"
>she stops and shakes her head lightly
>"you must be pretty smart to be able to read them"
>"nahhh i need them for a class, i kinda like Moby-Dick though"
>"i hated that book"
>she winces and blushes more
>"because, i feel bad for the whales"
>"that will be 14.99"

>> No.5602870
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>watch the movie by XYZ(some director)
>some director

>> No.5602887

i think that while lolita may have the most shocking theme out of nabokov's work, it's very accessible in the way that it doesn't explore surrealism like other novels he has written does. it's still a beautiful novel, but there is so much more to be gained from nabokov. amazing author

>> No.5602904


Are you female? You regurgitate bullshit like a female

>> No.5603007

>(some director)

>> No.5603010

are you a virgin? answer honestly :-)

>> No.5603025

Female confirmed.

>> No.5603031

virgin confirmed
lol good luck living a life of misery

>> No.5603040

Again with the regurgitation of bullshit. Typical female.

>> No.5603048
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*tips fedora*

>> No.5603059

i bought lolita at an indigo, along with von clausewitz and i think blood meridian. the (male) cashier mentioned how great lolita was. he very effusive.

>> No.5603066

Could you two stop shitposting or at least be original?

>> No.5603080

Shut up nigger

>> No.5603105

Two women cashiers gave me a really disgusted look whilst I was buying some Nietzsche and Schopenhauer. Even in death Schopie can't score.

>> No.5603108

Schopenhauer had a veyr active sex life and even had a child.

>> No.5603109

what's the matter with you lot? read too much dostoevsky or orwell i suppose. misogyny truly is a disease that can bring down any man

>> No.5603113

the morale of the story - read philosophy books and score a job of a cashier :3

>> No.5603114

this picture triggers me

>> No.5603119

Youe a braindead fucken moron

>> No.5603121

>last harry potter book has a midnight release
>be secretly excited and line up for two hours
>see girl in my high-school in store
>instead of buying Deathly Hallows pick up some random penguin classics book to look intelligent
>get to cash register right before her
>"Hiya anon" she says as my debit card gets declined for the 3rd and final time

>> No.5603145
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>> No.5604712

top kek

>> No.5604731

Bought my copy of Lolita in a book shop in India. Indians do read, but only a small proportion have good enough English to go for the classics. Took it to the check out (along with Grimus by Salman Rushdie), guy scans Lolita without a flinch, but gives me absolute daggers when he sees me buying Rushdie. Looked at his name badge and saw he was called Abdullah. Paid for books (500 rupees all together, so around £5, bargain) and smiled politely before asking him whether they were getting any copies of The Satanic Verses in.

>> No.5604736

I got several boners from it

>> No.5604743

They were magical places that smelled of sweat and carpet cleaner. Inside there were rows of shelves that first held VHS cassettes, and later held DVDs. You could also rent video games if mom was in a good mood.
Each store was staffed by a pissy college drop out with bad acne and a hard on for his co-worker, the dingy Mexicana chick, Harquita.

>> No.5604746
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>Mow you referred to one of the greatest filmmakers of all time as "some director"

>> No.5604751

>Indians do read, but only a small proportion have good enough English to go for the classics.
i bet they translate books too

>> No.5604778

Into local languages? Not so much, especially not older books.

>> No.5605168
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>be me
>go to the hugest bookshop in the country
>pick two or three pocketbooks, and two or three comics, just the usual stuff for a week
>one of the comic is "Emmanuelle", by Arsan and Crepax
>look the cashier, a girl, right in the eye
>she, a little red on her cheeks
>she types 14,50, instead of 142,50 for Emmanuelle
>look the cashier, a girl, right in the eye while giving her the bucks
>end up living the store wirh a bill wich is less than this one book
>life's too cool

I can't believe such a load of faggotry
what are you ? pussies ? monks ? idiots ? FBI sheeps ?

>> No.5605178

There are multiple adaptations.

The concept of "greatest filmmakers" implies there's objective quality to measure, don't be silly and watch more variety.