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5596317 No.5596317 [Reply] [Original]

That feel when too intelligent for this world.

>> No.5596329

I'm truly sorry you'll never know it.

>> No.5596345

lol @ when depressed people actually think that. If you are that intelligent, go out and do something to prove it. Invent or cure something by yourself. It takes a team to race for a cure of a disease, prove so by curing lulzy ebola yourself.

>> No.5596351

I mean virus in this case.

>> No.5596354
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>> No.5596362
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That feel when jealous dumb people ruin your thread with their inferiority.

>> No.5596382

>prove so by curing lulzy ebola yourself
That would require /lit/ to get jobs.

>> No.5596390

>implying someone who's actually this smart wouldn't be able to mold their surroundings to suit them

>> No.5596395

lol OP delivers

>> No.5596399
File: 15 KB, 214x317, MV5BMTQ0MjIwODY3N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjkzNzM3Ng@@._V1_SX214_CR0,0,214,317_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kurt Cobain also thought he was smarter than everyone or at least the majority. The song "Dumb" reveals that.

The very start of the song is how he sees the average person:

I'm not like them
But I can pretend
The sun is gone
But I have a light
The day is done
But I'm having fun
I think I'm dumb
Or maybe just happy

Skin the sun
Fall asleep
Wish away
The soul is cheap
Lesson learned
Wish me luck
Soothe the burn
Wake me up

The song "Very Ape" is also an example.

So are you smarter than Kurt Cobain or just have an ego that believes so? Fuck off.

>> No.5596880

Not sure why you're holding KC up as a paragon of intelligence. All he did was make some decent music.

>> No.5596887

Your manner of behaviour and type of statements are not the traits a smart person would show.

>> No.5596900

People who call themselves smart generally aren't smart at all. That's what I've learned. Smart people have tact, or at the very least, humility. Even worse, they probably think they're not smart.

So, none of those apply to you, OP

>> No.5596921

That's not the point. Kurt had similar thoughts as OP. In interviews, etc. this came out.
Many depressed people have/had similar thoughts.
Welcome to the club. You are not special.

>> No.5596993

That is a very general claim, however. Smart people are expected to display humility and deny their intelligence, but they probably know they are smart. Given the anonymity of this website, OP may actually be smart and displaying his awareness of it. We really can't tell from what OP has said so far, but at this time one thing is certain: OP is an faggot. This we can conclusively prove.

>> No.5596998

In a world of absurdity and uncertainty, we have only the faggot constant to which we may objectively base our views off of.

Thank you, OP

>> No.5596999

The more you know, the more you know that you don't know shit.
That's how I know I'm more intelligent than I think

>> No.5597012

I know this is bait, but I'll bite

You know that song was about depression, and having to mask it for his relationship, it has nothing to do with Cobain having some sort of superiority complex or thinking he was more intelligent than most

He was famous for being incredibly down to earth and humble, he's really the wrong target for the shit you're projecting

>> No.5597018

All I know is that I don't know nothing.

>> No.5597028
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>tfw claiming that one is intelligent is socially unacceptable

>> No.5597031

Socrates' philosophies and hypotheses
Can't define how I be dropping these mockeries

>> No.5597035

Arrogance is socially unacceptable

>> No.5597041

then why does it cause women to soak their panties?

>> No.5597058

You dont claim intelligence, anon, you demonstrate it. Do you think people with doctorates go around saying "hi, I'm intelligent!" at cocktail parties? No. They say "Hi, I'm Dr. Pavel", and their intelligence is thus understood by all in the room.

>> No.5597060

Wrong. Women love it and I'm not talking about just confidence.

>> No.5597064

Oh, shit, nigga you didn't!

>> No.5597067

>tfw starting to realize there are so many smart people in the world
feels good

>> No.5597069

Claiming that you are intelligent may be socially picky due to the tremendous size of most egos but not in my personal interpretation.
Claiming that you are too intelligent for this world is a signal for stupidity.

>> No.5597074

lol. whether it is or should be are two different questions

>> No.5597082


Hey another broheim that read The Game, good for you! Hope it works out!

Women respond to charm, humor, confidence and good looks

Wry arrogance gets you nowhere with no one.

But you know that, we're just arguing for arguments sake now.

>> No.5597083

its just such a vague, obtuse sort of claim. even if someone doesnt come off as an asshat saying that, what would he even do with it?

>> No.5597089

>tfw too intelligent to enjoy being a pleb, but too stupid to connect with smart people

>> No.5597093

This is how I felt in High School

Regular classes felt way too dumb, couldn't connect
AP classes felt way to advanced, couldn't connect to super smart kids

Thank god for honors classes, my people

>> No.5597096

Get mad pussy.

>> No.5597104

Because you interact with people dumber than you. If you're content with never being challenged by the people around you that's fine, but don't pretend it's what everyone wants.

>> No.5597178
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>tfw too virtuous for this world
A lack of intelligence isn't why people spend all their free time browsing social media and watching reality TV. OP is as much a part of the problem as those he despises.

>> No.5597211

>tfw I had no choice if I wanted to enter this world or not
>tfw I hate life

>> No.5597227


>> No.5597257

funny how most of you pseudo intellecutals here declare the same stubborn mantra of deluded and brainwashed idiots vegetating on this planet.
i work in a job which is full of people that study or did study and most of them are retards who just repeat the words of their lecturers as if that would make you intelligent. i've seen enough dr.-monkeys and i can tell you those apes are far away from it. you have to realise we live in an age of performance and endurance where intelligence mostly won't be recognized since it is not too important anymore. once succeded with your dissertation you are allowed to be dumb for the rest of your life, and that's what most people do. you start to think you belong to a very small circle of elitists and you will refuse to listen to anyone who didn't study, even though the one talking could may have the potence of being the next einstein. intelligence often gets mistaken as knowledge by those apes, when it actually has more to do with the ability to understand, create links and empathize within a high range of different fields.
intelligent people often are socialy isolated since the average person finds their thoughts or talks boring, unimportant or too complex. and it's quite difficult to demonstrate intelligence if noone gives you the chance to do so, or if one does, forces you to do it within the established parameters which will obstruct your intelligence and therefor the glory of new perception.

however, i don't think op is over-average intelligent either. you don't complain about how it is to be too intelligent, because you'd already know noone cares.

>> No.5597263

>wall of text
>no capital letters
>no formatting

Are you expecting anyone to read this?

>> No.5597276

i'm sorry that wall of text overpasses the limits of your brain capacity. maybe you shouldn't be in here. it's about intelligence.

>> No.5597281
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I know exactly how you feel OP.

>> No.5597297

>I'm a fucking loser

>I have no friends or social skills whatsoever

>I have never had a girlfriend much less a friend

>I have no job or aspirations

>I have no skills whatsoever except being able to browse the internet for porn and playing video games

>I live at home with my parents

Must be because I'm a genius.

>> No.5597299

It is an unpleasant mess and thusly difficult to read. Maybe you souldn't be on /lit/.
>intelligence and sense of aesthetics are in any way related
And you're quick to appear dumb too.

>> No.5597324

Magnvs Carlsen is a genius and very cocky as well, so yeah, how can you be defined as a genius if you can't even know you're one of them

>> No.5597328

It is absolutely depressing that you people actually have to attack the OP.

>> No.5597345

If he came in saying that he wants to be more intelligent I doubt he would get such responses. No one likes a one upper

>> No.5597348


>there is only one kind of intelligence

>> No.5597354

Nice try

>> No.5597358

>claiming you can avoid a wall of text with high numbers of words
>claiming a billion lines do not destroy context
>claiming a passage is difficult or unpleasant to read because its a passage
>claiming someone is dumb when being dumb himself

at least you know about the connection of aesthetics and intelligence

>> No.5597362
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>tfw no accurate way of measuring 'intelligence' and never will be

>> No.5597365

Usually intelligent people think they're dumb.

>> No.5597366

What's the point of trying to "debunk" a claim that is obviously hyperbolic, self-evidently false and probably humorous?

Even when someone is claiming, in complete earnestness, to be smarter than most people, only someone very insecure would believe it's necessary to become agressive and try to ruin that person's self-confidence.

>> No.5597368

i think that im dumb

>> No.5597370

stay dum faget

>> No.5597380

>giving advice of english grammar
>spelling dumb faggot dum faget

>> No.5597381


>watching who wants to be a millionaire
>the stems of the questions usually reveal the answer
>common sense and logical reasoning
>common knowledge
>people still struggle, and don't make it very far

I feel like the rest of the world is plebian as fuck. The thing that sucks is I'm smarter than most I encounter on a daily basis, but I am not jeopardy smart so I don't have much to brag about.

>tfw just wanna be jeopardy smart.

>> No.5597389

Ever watched Only Connect? It's a british game show, most of it is on youtube. I'd kill to be as smart as these people.

>> No.5597390


>paused at mantra
>comtemplated at deluded
>stopped reading at brainwashed

You're like that old guy drooling over himself in the Burger King, while screaming about communism.

>> No.5597406

>not noting that I also misspelled lmao
>not getting that it was intentional
stay dum faget

>> No.5597407
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There's a statistical way to get good at Jeopardy through rote memorization of facts. Like that guy who did it and won like $70,000 in his first show.

>> No.5597413

Well I think it really depends on how you interpret what he's saying. What if he is saying is that he has a shit life with no chance of improvement and because he isn't an ant or some lower creature he is aware of his suffering and it's making him suicidal.

I think that people are activating some defensive kneejerk reaction. Or OP could just be an arrogant dick. But the point is I don't think what OP said is inherently a signal for stupidity.

>> No.5597426

most people know the "stopped reading at blablabla" thing is just rubbish. why would you even comment? do you really think a stranger on the other side of a planet gets offended by your empty post?

>> No.5597437

I really, really, really like this image.

>> No.5597438

>not noting that I also misspelled lmao
what? intentional too? shut up already before you hurt yourself.

>> No.5597443


The problem is, in my opinion, you never know whats going to be asked during a game of jeopardy.

>> No.5597453
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You're frustration is a telltail sign of lack of intelligence. You literally should go see a doctor about those levels of mad. Maybe pick up some pills to cure that stupidity to.

Sincerely, Not-Trolling

You really aren't as intelligent as you believe yourself to be tho.

>> No.5597464

oh, i'm quite amused, and btw i think you are way more intelligent than me. just not able to make good use of it.

>> No.5597465

Anyone wanna see my dick?

>> No.5597478

No-one posting on 4chan is making good use of their intelligence, no matter how large or small.

Remember: You'll be here forever.

>> No.5597499

sound like you try to threaten me. cannot wait for what's next.
no-one posting is pointless. without any response your voice is soaked up in the night. even an argument like ours has more depth than that.

>> No.5597534

It's not a threat, it's a meme. As the meme goes: if you've ever frequented 4chan, you'll never stop.

I can agree with you that there is a point to every post, but that doesn't mean we couldn't be doing better things with our intellects than to post on 4chan, no? For example, instead of having this argument I could be brushing up on my programming skills, or read a book, or start working on that novel I've always wanted to write. But instead I'm here. And while there may be a point to all this, it is not a pretty one.

>> No.5597550

So you do know some things then?

>> No.5597566

IQ is pretty good. Don't be a baby.

>> No.5597738
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>tfw not intelligent enough to save this world

>> No.5597779
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>feel when nobody appreciates my genius

>> No.5597812
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>IQ is pretty good

>> No.5598268
File: 85 KB, 750x750, mfw someone said IQ wasn't a reliable measure of intelligence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't think IQ is a pretty good way of predicting educational performance, job performance and future income

I can do the "reaction face" meme too, my friend.

>> No.5598308

Did you seriously just quote MF DOOM on lit?

>> No.5598317

I'd rather be retarded, retarded people don't have to deal with wondering who they are or what they should be in life.

>> No.5598325

yeah it's almost like the arbitrary standards of intelligence a test measures are similar to the arbitrary standards of intelligence valued by society

>> No.5598330

So what actually matters more, intelligence, or morality?

>> No.5598341

>read filename
>trying to steal
>picture was already in folder with the same filename
jesus christ

>> No.5598495

Chasing intelligence is idiotic. The most intelligent people in the world can still be very easily unhappy. And that's what life is about, being happy, being content.

Wisdom is much more powerful. The knowledge that you and you alone control your mental state. It is a choice to be happy, it's just a switch to be flicked for those with the capacity to understand themselves well enough.

Sadly, 4chan breeds "above average" intelligent people that are obsessed with intelligence, even though their idea of intelligence is just finding information that justifies their shitty lives.

>> No.5598504

My cock, in your arse?