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/lit/ - Literature

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5596449 No.5596449 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think are the most popular books of the other boards on 4chan? Which boards do you think generally have the best taste in books? Which have the most plebeian?

>> No.5596457

we should care?

>> No.5596469

/b/ - Any kids book

>> No.5596470

How else are we supposed to assure ourselves of the massive size of our penises?

>> No.5596472


I think its just interesting trying to build a profile of a board based on what they read. For example.... /tg/ probably having fucking awful, infantile taste in books that doesnt ever extend past schlock genre fiction.

>> No.5596514
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bet you thought you could start a self-congratulatory circle jerk, but was being a faggot part of your plan?

>> No.5596518

Most of the /lit/ posts promoting "board culture" meme shit seem to be /mu/tants, so I guess /mu/'s most popular books would be Infinite Jest, Gravity's Rainbow, Ulysses and perhaps Taipei.

>> No.5596528
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It always was

>> No.5596609

The most plebian are obviously the weeaboo boards.

>> No.5596654
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>nobody in /jp/ has probably even read Murakami

>> No.5596661
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>nobody in /jp/ has probably even read Mishima

>> No.5596669

/sp/ has the best taste, obviously.

>> No.5596673

>nobody on /lit/ has probably even read Sca-ji, Jackson, Shuumon, Masada etc.

>> No.5596774

Well /pol obviously favors mein kampf

>> No.5596800

I love you.

>> No.5596837

>/a/, /b/, /c/, /d/, /e/, /f/, /g/, /gif/, /h/, /hr/, /k/, /m/, /o/, /p/, /r/, /s/, /t/, /u/, /v/, /vg/, /vr/, /w/, /wg/, /i/, /ic/, /r9k/, /s4s/, /cm/, /hm/, /lgbt/, /y/, /3/, /adv/, /an/, /asp/, /biz/, /cgl/, /ck/, /co/, /diy/, /fa/, /fit/, /gd/, /hc/, /int/, /jp/, /lit/, /mlp/, /mu/, /n/, /out/, /po/, /pol/, /sci/, /soc/, /sp/, /tg/, /toy/, /trv/, /tv/, /vp/, /wsg/ and /x/ probably have fucking awful, infantile taste in books that doesn't ever extend past schlock genre fiction.

>> No.5596872
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/pol/ already made their own book guide

>> No.5596873
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people on /tg/ are relatively well read, but mostly fantasy, yeah
people on /vg/ dislike couplet rhyming, they criticized this pic (some questionable poetry from adom game) because it's rhymed with couplets

>> No.5596892

Holy lel

>> No.5596907

oy vey!

>> No.5596932
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>tfw no qt3.14 Lolita

>> No.5597318

/gsg/ used to recommend decent history

>> No.5597337

As shit as this list is, as lowbrow, outdated and terrible as many of these books are, I can assure you that 99% of /pol/ hasn't read a single one of them

>> No.5597343

>Guns, Germs and Steel
this is bullshit, there is no way /pol/ would recommend that

>> No.5597377

>thinking most people on /pol/ have read any of those books

don't do it anon

>> No.5597394
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I don't
but /pol/ has regular threads about how shit it is

>> No.5597436

wouldn't /co/ has pretty 'plebeian' taste? They spend all day reading their childish cape comic crap instead of reading real books?

>> No.5597455

>implying GR and Ulysses aren't masterpieces
Infinite jest is okay as well, it's more entertaining than enlightening. Tao Lin is meme garbage.

>> No.5597479

1 is wrong
2+3 are correct
4, 5, 6 and 7 are either wrong or disingenuous
8 both people are wrong

>> No.5597520
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The Halo books get mentioned on /v/ quite a bit

>> No.5597575

/mu/ and /fa/ both experience some pretty heavy /lit/ cross-pollination
i'd reckon /mu/: /lit/-core with more of an emphasis on quiet soft warm feels virginia woolf-style books
/fa/: /lit/-core with more of an emphasis on burroughs-style experimentalism and pomo tao lin-esque disinterested-ppl-doing-drugs-core

>> No.5597599

>GR is enlightening
l o l. it's as garbage as IJ. they're pop reads: all style, no substance.

>> No.5597603

"We define ourselves by the books we read"

yar'e a cunt 'arry

>> No.5597665

My main board would be /a/ only come here occasionally
>favourite book:
1982 or Metro
rarely read anime related book but suppose Welcome to NHK would be one of my favourites as well

>> No.5598103

>implying you have read it
GR is one of the most thematically dence works in all of literature. Once again IJ isn't brilliant but it's a fun read.

>> No.5598117

No but the books you read are determined by how you define yourself


>> No.5598129
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>pop read

>> No.5598136

This seems like a typical list for useless people who want to think they're part of big problems. It fits /pol to a T.

>> No.5598145

I'm guessing the complex plot about fate, death, human behavior and paranoia doesn't count as substance? Nor do all the moments of hilarity and the interesting characters?

>> No.5598575

See, I knew it. Nazi fags the whole lot of them

>> No.5598800
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>> No.5598896
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>> No.5598905

Way of Men
Generation Identity
Ride the Tiger
Men Amongsr the Ruins
Revolt against the Modern World
Mein Kampf

>> No.5598912

are they good

>> No.5598936


>> No.5599081

Sca-ji for ponderous insanity, Jackson for world-building and characters, Shuumon for subtlety and Masada for being over the top.

>> No.5599083
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Better taste than /tv/, at least

>> No.5599084

/pol/ - Mein Kampf
/b/ + /a/ + /vp/ = some manga
/sp/ - Fight Club
/lit/ - Infinite Jest
/tv/ - ASOIAF

>> No.5599185

I'm a /pol/lack and I've read 1984, The Art of War and Utopia.

I'm planning to read a few of the others too, the ones that are in the reading list of "How to read a book".

A fellow student of me is also a /pol/lack and he also read a few of those. I think your quota is wrong, it's probably 90-95% but not 99%.

>> No.5599326

/tg/: whiteknighting awful genre fiction

>> No.5599340
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/o/ actually reads Australian literature.

>> No.5599375
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/b/ sometimes has "god tier books threads" that mainly feature books from the /lit/ starter kit and classic sf

>> No.5599407
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>> No.5599414

When books come up on /a/ or /v/ its 99% genre fiction.

>> No.5599429
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I've read 17 of them, goml

Some of it is lowbrow, sure, but some of it is also quite good. The list more conspicuous by what it's missing. This one is much better.

>> No.5599439

/g/ - Neuromancer
/v/ - Snow Crash
/sci/ - Surely You're Joking, Mr Feynman!
/pol/ - The Lord of the Rings (most agnostic choice, everyone on there probably likes it)
/tg/ - Might be lotr there, too, but for other reasons
/b/ - Catcher in the Rye
/k/ - Turner Diaries or anything by Rand
/tv/ - A Song of Ice and Fire

>> No.5599446

/vr/ constantly mentions Masters of Doom

>> No.5599603

Everyone already knows that the only boards worth going to are ones that offer intellectual willpower or artistic ability.

The science boards, the artistic boards like /ic/ and /lit/, the nature boards and outdoor travel boards.

>> No.5599608
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>> No.5599609

/sp/ - Roy Keane's autobiography

>> No.5599961

>not alex ferguson's