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5594701 No.5594701 [Reply] [Original]

As someone who is just now getting back into reading (bought a nook) is this book going to be enjoyable for me to read? I've recently read The Mazerunner, The Road, and Gone Girl. Will I be able to comprehend A Brave New World?

>> No.5594722

Who are you?

Seriously, who the fuck are you? I know nothing about about you other than the fact you read some books recently (and I dont even know if you liked those), so how will I know if you'll like some Dystopian novel or not?

You might as well ask "I'm going to try shrimp pizza for the first time, will I like it?"

How the fuck should I know.

>> No.5594728

>You might as well ask "I'm going to try shrimp pizza for the first time, will I like it?"

I really, really like this post

>> No.5594729


it's pretty good, but In Search of Lost Time is 2.99$ on a Kindle right now.

>> No.5594730

Well I really like dystopian books. Which is why this book peaked my interests.

I'm really asking what age group this book is aimed at, like reading level.

>> No.5594732

Am I a bad person for just downloading books off of thepiratebay..

>> No.5594733

Oh dear are you being serious? Okay now that that's out of the way I'd wager around 11th grade reading level but I know nothing about "reading levels" because I am not a dirty plebeian swine.

>> No.5594736

Thanks. It's all yours, my friend.

>> No.5594739

Not if the author is dead or very famous

>> No.5594743

>peaked my interests.

>> No.5594744

So pretty much of it's a New York times beer seller it's fair game :p

>> No.5594745

It's a parable, it's supposed to be easy, it's high school level.

>> No.5594748

What's wrong with that phrase lol

>> No.5594751

try googling it

>> No.5594752

Old timey books like that are harder to read tho

>> No.5594754



>> No.5594756


>> No.5594757

Fuck, how embarrassing... This is why I need to read more.

>> No.5594761


Okay I didn't want to say it but now, I'm saying it. "Reddit pls".

>> No.5594762

It just doesn't put the petal the medal, phrases like that are a diamond dozen.

>> No.5594764


that's okay bro. spend some time at the liberry and reading the author's you're apposed to read and once you've red alot you'll be more happier.

>> No.5594765

don't put reading on a petal stool or you'll find you'reself falling behind in this doggy dogg world

>> No.5594768


>> No.5594773

Advice like this is a diamond a dozen :D

>> No.5594783

haha,great post

>> No.5594793

>really like dystopian books
>hasn't read BNW

>> No.5594796


>> No.5594802

It's put the peddle to the mettle.

>> No.5594814

Uh no it's "meddle".

>> No.5594833


>> No.5594846


commit sudoku.

>> No.5594850

No fun allowed eh, Randall?

>> No.5594865

Quit being a pre-madonna

>> No.5594874

this thread turned into a real catter's trophy

>> No.5594877

For all intensive purposes yes.

>> No.5594893
File: 62 KB, 598x496, pidrila-ebanaya_30704498_orig_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This fuckin' thread.

>> No.5595067

Thank Lori.

>> No.5595155

nobody likes shrimp pizza

>> No.5595162

I don't think it's hard to comprehend. It's not very subtle, actually. I read it in high school and enjoyed satirical and dystopian aspects a lot.

>> No.5595182

it's extremely easy, highschoolcore

>> No.5595366

I hate your kind.

>> No.5595381
File: 81 KB, 333x500, 415[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like dystopian books and you fear Brave New World is too hard, you could give Gravity's Rainbow a try. It takes place during world war two, so the setting is more relatable and there is a more humor so you can tie yourself to the story.

It's really good and accessible to everyone.

>> No.5595386

I fucking love shrimp pizza.

>> No.5595387

Hilarious anon, simply hilarious.

>> No.5595389

Well, they do call me Dr. Hilarius.

>> No.5595450

Ugh you don't get to bring friends