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/lit/ - Literature

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559228 No.559228 [Reply] [Original]

sup /lit/

been a month or two, are you guys over Ayn Rand and Gaiman (Gaymen) yet?

Anyways, I've read more of Neil Gaiman's work. I am convinced he is a hipster faggot. Several of his works have at least one homosexual character in them.

Why is this? does he think he's being unique, does he think adding in a gay character makes him work any better (or more deep)? is he gay himself?

just some questions /lit/

>> No.559233

hehe... gayman

>> No.559234

His name is Neil Gaiman, of course he's gay.

Saging for stupid question.

>> No.559238
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He's got a contest going with Moore to see who can introduce more politically incorrect, arbitrary homosexuals than the other.

Moore is winning. By a long lead.

>> No.559239

you should read the sandman graphic novels
most of his creative ideas were used up in its 75 issue arc

>> No.559281

Michael Chabon has a gay character in almost all of his books. He says he has no explanation for why this keeps happening but likens it to a kind of "writer OCD" that pushes authors to return to the same themes and motifs over and over again.

>> No.559283

Why does it matter? Faggots are everywhere IRL, why shouldn't it be the same in fiction?

>> No.559291

Because fiction is supposed to present idealized worlds. There should only be lesbians in fiction.

>> No.559292
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Whoops, forgot my pic.

>> No.559555

Check out

>> No.559570

>Anyways, I've read more of Neil Gaiman's work. I am convinced he is a hipster faggot. Several of his works have at least one homosexual character in them.

Who fucking cares?

It's not like any of his gay characters are some sort of ploy to garner sympathy for gay rights or anything.

It's a neutral trait.