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/lit/ - Literature

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5591242 No.5591242 [Reply] [Original]

Who here's read this?

>> No.5591287


>> No.5591301

I, too, have read it.

>> No.5591338

I'm suffering from Stephen Fry exhaustion. He's fucking everywhere.

>> No.5591368

And what did you people think?

>> No.5591377

It's good

>> No.5591384

Sorry, I don't read homosexual books.

>> No.5591399
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>> No.5591400

He's unjustifiably dismissive of free verse in a very cunt-y way, but other than that it's good. He's dug up some very interesting forms, and explains them well.

Next time you make a thread, try to include something interesting in the OP. "Who has read X?", "What does /lit/ think about X?" and such isn't much of a topic for discussion. Include your own views, if you have some, or at least tell us why you want to know.

>> No.5591407

>telling people how to post on 4chan

>> No.5591413

>telling me not to tell people how to post on 4chan, thereby implicitly telling me how to post on 4chan

>> No.5591417

Well then your life must be very boring.

>> No.5591421

>or at least tell us why you want to know.
Presumably OP wants to know whether the book is well received or not before he decides to read it.

>> No.5591424

I understand what you mean about the free verse dismissal, but at the same time he isn't wrong, it's very rare that someone can pull free verse off so well. Plus, because of the Bukowski generation, so many young poets simply write whatever comes into their head and labels it poetry under the guise of "free verse".

And thank you for the advice on how to post. I haven't started a thread on /lit/ before.

I am reading it, I just wondered what the good people of /lit/ think.

>> No.5591439

>He's unjustifiably dismissive of free verse in a very cunt-y way
No he isn't? He says it's just super hard to do well so he isn't going to teach it in the book, because if you're good enough to do free verse you wouldn't be reading that book anyway. And he wants to dissuade young poets from shitting all over the page and calling it "free verse"

>> No.5591608

It's a really good book and I recommend it to anyone who wants to write poetry.

eat a dick you faggot

>> No.5591629

Haven't read it yet, but seeing as it gets recommended a lot it seems an interesting example of a teacher not needing to be an expert in the practice of what they teach. I'm assuming here that Fry isn't actually a great poet... I think I would have heard about it if he was.

>> No.5591650

Having read the first few chapters, his included examples are technically very good, just not so evocative. I think this is why he can teach it well, but hasn't gained any fame as a poet

>> No.5591654

Fry has never published any of his poetry so we'll never know.

Anyway, you can be an expert in the technical aspects of poetry without ever writing a single poem yourself.

>> No.5591665


>> No.5591683


>> No.5591704


>> No.5591707

he says all of the poetry he writes for it are shitty examples just to show how to do the meter / techniques

he refuses to publish his poems (pls tell me they will be amazing and published once he dies and he will win a posthumous nobel)

>> No.5591715

>here[ ha]s
What's wrong, English too hard for you?

>> No.5591719

lol wrong

>> No.5591722

A stupid persons idea of what an intelligent person is like.

>> No.5591724

>here[ ha]s
Kek, it's 'Hear' or in your case it's 'Hear's'

>> No.5591730

Fuck off Peter you boring old cunt

>> No.5591731

you obviously haven't read the book
i thought the same of fry until i read it
it's actually really fucking good

>> No.5591735

I'm pretty sure he specifically said he doesn't write for publication.

>> No.5591737

it's something about how to count stresses in meter etc? i thought to read a book like that recently but i'm too lazy and what's for, it doesn't help you read or understand better, and i don't want to be a critics or something. well it may be cool to know anyway so eventually...

>> No.5591933


>> No.5591940

lol fucking moron

>> No.5591943


Contraction of here is.

(nonstandard) Contraction of here are.

>> No.5592423

Contraction of 'here has' too