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/lit/ - Literature

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5586340 No.5586340 [Reply] [Original]


I present to you my 29-page philosophical treatise, written in response to others that have been written by our collective. This is the first philosophical work I've written, and I wanted to share it with you, the people who inspired it.

>> No.5586343

This is the gayest shit.

>> No.5586363

Too many words for a parody of /lit/. The title is not that bad though since /lit/ really is a diarrhea of ideologies, I appreciate the irony of this diarrhea taking itself for a critique.

>> No.5586370

It's not as ironic as you think.

>> No.5586373

The critique, that is, not /lit/. It's diarrhea, but it has a point.

>> No.5586386


>> No.5586390

What parts were particularly terrible?

>> No.5586400

Your autism is incredible.

>> No.5586417


>> No.5586418

It seems you didn't really read any of the philosophers you mention, what you've written is full of unsophisticated contemporary common sense.

>> No.5586422

That was kind of the point.

>> No.5586460

So... why write it at all? Boredom? Cynicism? Lack of ideas?
Read a few of those philosophers well. And drop this überrational überlogical übersystematic style, it's boring, badly worded, and full of holes. Start writing series of short but not too tightly connected pieces of text, around half a page long each: it will help your thinking and creativity instead of killing it. You need to practice how to do a lot with a small amount of language, poetry is not an inessential part of writing philosophy. It can be said that only when you find a good formulation of your thought you come close to that thought to begin with.

>> No.5586618

Boredom, cynicism, and lack of ideas were pretty much it. I felt like I had to write something, even if it ended up being shit. I then felt like I wanted to know if it was shit and posted it here. I wanted to say something I can't say in speech to people I know, and I ended up saying it here. Beyond that, I can't explain myself.

>> No.5586621

I also wanted to try out a formulation of some of my ideas that I thought I'd made pretty simple, but even as I was writing this thing I realized they were still more complex than they should have been.

>> No.5586630

Continental garbage. Go write for a newspaper if you want to be an opinionist.

>> No.5586650

Yeah, that's why you need to master language really well. Don't just write down your ideas forcefully and leave it as it is without much change - this is something I've sensed in your writing. Play around for a while with various possible ways of expressing something, changing constructions, words, etc..., it will seriously help you improve your ideas themselves.

>> No.5586651

I was actually thinking of doing that.

>> No.5586663
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>terms used are defined
>with words that are as vague as the terms themselves

Way to go, dumbass

>> No.5586691

>implying you wouldn't grab a job as a columnist in a heart beat.

>> No.5586723

Thanks for the advice.

>> No.5587482

"How I Spent My Summer Vacation on 4chan: the Serious Philosophical Paper"

>> No.5588057

how do you get a username like that?

>> No.5588073

>defining words with other words

>> No.5588078

Jesus christ please leave i r8 this b8 sideways8/8

>> No.5588228

no im fucking serious ive been here since summer

no for real how do you get that username, mine just comes up with random numbers and letters.

>> No.5588308
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fucking lel

>> No.5588346

fuck i know it sounds like bait but i actually don't know how

>> No.5588377

H-how did you know the entire context?

>> No.5588428

tell me how you do that name man seriously

>> No.5588438

It's a dialectic, m8.

>> No.5588454

>being this new

>> No.5588459


>> No.5588530

just tell me how to get the fucking name

>> No.5588539


oh no, another fucking tripfag

>> No.5588540

Like this...`

>> No.5588543

List of /lit/ tripfags you need to filter:


>> No.5588547


go ahead and trip so i can filter you

>> No.5588591

did it but mine are just numbers and random letters. i want a real username

>> No.5588771


>> No.5589140
