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File: 635 KB, 1700x1000, cyberpunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5580123 No.5580123 [Reply] [Original]

Are you disappointed that cyberpunk never became a reality?

The Internet is a big mall, Japan never became a more influential nation economically than the US, and you look like a dingus if you wear mirrorshades and a trenchcoat.

>> No.5580131

There's time yet. Don't count us out.

>> No.5580147

Where is the most cyberpunk place irl, /lit/? Tokyo?

>> No.5580155

you mean corporations have never gained power over governments and there isn't a massive surveillance infrastructure that the corp-state alliance can use to spy on anyone it wants to as the power of China grows relative to Europe and the US?

>> No.5580160
File: 27 KB, 604x476, bearbearbear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NYC, Tokyo, Berlin, Hong Kong.

>> No.5580175


>> No.5580191

Wat the fuk?

>> No.5580242

Pottsdammer Platz

>> No.5580245

waht about steampunk?

>> No.5580265
File: 163 KB, 1280x1024, howls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes i feel like selling out and saying i like steampunk so i can bang some plump girl, but then i look into the subgenre's media and i just cant push myself over the edge.

>> No.5580274

Know any cool books set in Berlin?

>> No.5580284

Hong Kong, Tokyo not more.

>> No.5580295
File: 411 KB, 1280x1256, 1391343740420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no living the cyberpunk life style

>> No.5580332

I think one of the Gibson books has a character in Germany, but I meant more that the city itself (not in literature) has that feel.

>> No.5580335

>The internet is just a mall
Except hacking is currently making some of the bigger hotlines real recently. Big corps are getting hit by hackers who have not been caught for their crimes Occulus Rift being bought out by Facebook could bring about a much more interactive Internet with many more options.
>Japan never became a more influential nation economically than the US
No but they still lead the world in Robotics study, which is cyberpunk as fuck.
>Mirror shades and trench coats
Mirror shades are a dime a dozen and yeah the pea coat has taken the role of the trench coat but I think you're focusing on the more gimmicky elements of cyberpunk.

Corporate strangleholds, wealth gap increasing, the popularity of escapism, and civil unrest.

I believe the world is becoming cyberpunk.

>> No.5580343

Just wait and see, we will be cyberpunk

>> No.5580346
File: 264 KB, 1600x990, cyberpunk_city.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Cyberpunk DID happen. We're living in a cyberpunk future right now.

>> No.5580361

No one likes fat chicks, faggot.

>> No.5580366


Could not agree more. Just had an argument with friends about this the other day.

>> No.5580367

>disappointed that the world didn't become a sunless shithole flooded with Chinese ads and trashy pop religion groups crowding the streets
Not quite.

>> No.5580369

Dude, Between the rampant corporatism, government surveillance and our increasingly reliant relationship with digital technology and the internet, we are living in a fucked up cyberpunk future. I mean, if we aren't already, we will be soon. It isn't totally in step with 80s cyberpunk tropes, but thematically, it's pretty much there.

>> No.5580502

If you think cyberpunk didn't happen because those specific details never came true, then you don't understand any of the actual themes of cyberpunk.

Cyberpunk is more than just "The future according to the 80s" or "Stories about evil corporations taking over."

>> No.5580529


>> No.5580738
File: 2.05 MB, 355x200, BITES ZA DASUTO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you read Stand on Zanzibar and it's only a little more dystopian than today

>> No.5580757

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.5580779

Define what your "cyberpunk" is.
What are some major characteristics of it?
Flying Cars - we don't have
Fancy portable gadgets - we do have
Hackers - exist
Megalopolises - exist
Chip implants - exist
World wide surveillance - exists
>evil corporations taking over
It's an extreme statement and i'm probably wrong, but i can really see this happening in our lives.

The world is more cyberpunk than we can imagine, it just doesn't look like in the movies.

>> No.5580784
File: 450 KB, 245x245, 1393825489951.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw living in the future and still no flying car

>> No.5580796
File: 936 KB, 800x589, watchin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cobbled this together real quick in paint. one shot is from "a scanner darkly", which is arguable cyberpunk. the other is a privately owned public surveillance "crime camera" operator in baltimore.

>> No.5580805

oh man i love that movie so much

>> No.5580819

reminder that if you were living in 1900 the science fiction you read as a child would have come true in your lifetime


>> No.5580852

Postmodernism killed any kind of futurist dream world we could have.
And it's a good thing.