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/lit/ - Literature

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5579850 No.5579850 [Reply] [Original]

Who's doing this with me:


>> No.5579856

I would do it if I had a good idea of what to write about.

>> No.5579860

You've got the rest of October to come up with an idea, anon-sama.

>> No.5579869

T-thanks Steinberg.

>> No.5579871

I'm doing it

>> No.5579927

I've said I was going to do it for the past 5 years. Haven't been able to write anything every year. BUT THIS YEAR I'm really going to try. I have a few story ideas that I can run with, so now I just need to pick one and start outlining or else I'll never get anything done.

>> No.5579937

This will be my first time. How important is outlining? Would it be possible just to wing it and have it still be coherent?

>> No.5579938

The name is Zeeburg, babe.

>> No.5579944

Outlining is the key to finish your shit, otherwise you're tied to whatever shit you want to do each day and you'll keep on kicking it on and on.

>> No.5579948


>> No.5579965

50,000 words
30 days in November

So, I have to write about 1667 words a days to finish this bad boy.

I'm just gonna turn my short story into a novella.

>> No.5579978
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>> No.5579980


I think for something like Nano it's not as important, because honestly for the most part you have semi-retarded house wives who take stupid writing challenges just to fulfill daily writing quotas. Like they'll be writing a scene and then suddenly start typing up grocery lists and describing random house items.

If you're serious about using Nano as a kind of kick start for your novel, then take the outlining seriously. But if you're in it just to write 50k words of mostly bullshit just to say you won, then you don't need to outline whatsoever.

Also, a lot of these people will stuff their 50k with all kinds of filler and say they'll go back and edit during December. But they never do and it's just an excuse.

>> No.5579991

Pls no bully, anon-sama

Just take whatever you want, just don't take my BEE collection

>> No.5579994

That's another thing about Nanowrimo, the vast majority of participants are women who can't write worth a shit. So take the whole thing with a grain of salt.

>> No.5579996

All the more reason for us to do it, niggas.

Are you doing it with me or not?

>> No.5580009

Fuck it, I've been working on pieces of a project and I've got a pretty solid outline. Let's do this. I'll probably have to throw out half of it, but at least I'll have that other half to work with.

>> No.5580011

My nigga

What's yours going to be on?

>> No.5580017

I am now! very happy, very excite, yes yes

>> No.5580024

You're awesome, anon-sama!

Much excite! Much write!

>> No.5580026

Thats so PoMo

>> No.5580033

pls no bully

>> No.5580043

I'm going to cheat and start writing now, and no one can stop me.

>> No.5580049


Yeah, I'm with you Steinberg. I'm doing it for you.

>> No.5580052

b-but, anon-sama

What are you writing yours on?


>> No.5580056

I wish you the best, anon-sama

I'm secretly z, doeee

>> No.5580060

I'm going to write on my mourning adventure of getting dressed.

>> No.5580081

How ln earth can you write a 50,000 word novel about your morning routine?

>3 chapters on just deciding whixh underwear to wear

>> No.5580087

It's some hyper self-aware pomo stuff. I don't want to give away too much because I actually think it's pretty clever and have hopes of getting published some day. I will tell you that it exists primarily as a dialog between two characters. I have alot of clever scenarios planned out that hopefully hide up the average to above average prose.

>> No.5580092

Lots of descriptions on visuals, smells, etc. I'm not sure if I can make it to 50K words but I'll try.

>> No.5580097

I'm probably going to go for some BEE knockoff.

I'm currently at university and have been neglecting my school work and smoking mad weed. So I'll probably try to tie that all together and make a fictional world that references a lot aspects of my life.

>> No.5580101

I would like to read it.

What's your tripfaggotry mean?

Are you a grill? It sounds like a feminine topic.

>> No.5580104

I will, but I'm using it to work on something I'm already 1/3 done with and want some encouragement to sprint to the finish (or the 2/3-finish, or whatever)

>> No.5580106


Come on anon, that's no story. Unless you're like a quad amputee.

>> No.5580120


Here is my personality. Anyone can add me as a writing buddy if they want


>> No.5580125
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>> No.5580128

>inb4 pleb books

I majored in STEM

>> No.5580138


My name has no meaning.

Not a grill.

Ok. It may be a fictional tale of a morning routine, then. Maybe a morning routine of some fictional character or something. No idea.

>> No.5580140


Hey yeah, we should all form a group on there for when the time comes.

>> No.5580144

I've got something a bit like that going to. A semi-autobiographical novel that draws on my experiences. I know alot of the things I want to say in it and some of the scenarios and events have been written/outlined for 5+ years. I just don't know exactly what I want to include and whether I want to tie things together or just maybe have them be their own shorter stories.
Just how it all should fit together eludes me and as personal as it is, it's very hard to make these decisions.

Needless to say, though, it's not quite ready for something like NaNoWriMo where the other one just needs a fire lit under my ass to finish.

>> No.5580148

I'm down for this. But only if you guys are serious.


>> No.5580152

You should try it anyway, anon-sama. Even if it's not exactly what you're looking for, it may kindle the fire to start you up again.

>> No.5580184

Okay guys I need your help. I have three story options to choose from:

1. Comfy Hobbit/Halfling wars against equally stout Goblin neighbors.
2. Homeless man who thinks he's a knight and tries to act chivalrous in [insert horrible city here, like Detroit]
3. Monk who gets sent out from his monastery as an unknowing human sacrifice, turns out to be a grand adventure plot.

All stories are basically Fantasy.

>> No.5580201

It's insulting for STEM majors to say that they couldn't have read better books.

>> No.5580205

I'll do >>5579850
t, >>5579850
I guess>>5579850

>> No.5580215


>> No.5580221

e-excuse me?

>> No.5580228
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I was afraid you were going to pick that one. But anyway, here's the picture that has been my main inspiration. Basically going to be my tribute to Don Quixote.

>> No.5580233

2 is good shit

>> No.5580238

Could be dope, anon-sama.

I actually just bought don Quixote! It's in my backlog. I'm excited to read it, but I'm not really sure what to expect.

>> No.5580254


>> No.5580264

A story set in a cyberpunk setting about a guy in his early twenties who sells fruit. The story will be a vivid description of his life and his world about the people coming in and out of his life (girlfriends, friends, family) and has no particular ending or conclusion other than the fact that his life just keeps going. Mostly a story about the people I have met and what I think about them just told in a cyberpunk setting with part. Sort of trainspottingesque

>> No.5580272


I'd say it's one of the greatest books ever written. The first modern novel. The only book that managed to make me cry too.

>> No.5580279

selling fruit isn't very cyberpunkish

>> No.5580301

I think it'll contrast nicely.

What do you think people will want most is the sterile world man-made world? Some fresh fruit. All the other food is packaged, processed, quick food.

Also I don't want to go overboard into a full on fantasy cyberpunk world.

>> No.5580305

Instead of a structure keep at hadn a list of things you want to go through for each situation, it's just as important.

You haven't read the bridge trilogy by Gibson. It's better that way. Technology outsiders is as much of cyberpunk as weird goggles, if not more.

>> No.5580308

Buddy with me and you will have no worries. For I am the best contemporary novelist of our plane. Your granted wishes will wash down my come, though, you do not wish it. I come on your backside and it becomes sticky like pop. My hard, throbbing red cock splices your lips in two. I pound your mouth as my cock become bloodied by your teeth. Faggot! Haha, you are now dead you bitch. That is what you get for bloodying my cock, bitch.

>> No.5580310

Anyone else get inspired to write by music?

It helps get me into moods where I can actually envision what I feel

>> No.5580311


But what's the point of the cyberpunk, besides being the setting? If it's just there to be cool and aesthetically interesting then what's the point? It should have a purpose. If you were telling a story about the nature of man and artificial intelligence or something then cyberpunk would be more fitting. But a guy that sells fruit? Not really.

>> No.5580318

By the way, you are now dead you bitch. Though, in reality you were always dead.

>> No.5580321

Take it e-easy, anon-sama. You're scaring me.

>> No.5580324

I just added this guy as a buddy. Should be a fun ride. Good thing I didn't choose to display any personal information.

>> No.5580327

I'm just mad that I write poorly.

>> No.5580328

Then get gud

>> No.5580333

>Sign up
>Your Preferred Username

Oh god...this is going to take awhile.

>> No.5580336

Well that's sort what the fruit is about, it's about a feeling of alienation from the world around him (ughh so generic, kill me now). Cyberpunk represents progress, productivity, consumption, efficiency, aggressiveness. He isn't any of those. He's slow, aimless, calm. He's just happy selling a relic of the old world to a niche market as the world, and those around him march forward while he just hangs back.

>> No.5580342


Okay, that makes a lot more sense now. Sounds good to me.

>> No.5580348

2 sounds great but 3 could be better if done well

>> No.5580352

>not writing cyberpunk that takes place exclusively in the country side

Do you even cyberpunk

>> No.5580360

Just pick some /lit/ meme as a joke and be done with it.

>> No.5580371

My infor for anyone who wants to add me. http://nanowrimo.org/participants/towelin

>> No.5580372


>> No.5580374

>Cyberpunk story about semiotics
>Fantasy story about exploration and community
>Kotaro Uchikoshi inspired mystery
>Vampire grows up indoors being a neckbeard, decides to become the goddamn batman/kamen rider

If I'm writing a book in a month, its gonna be fun.

>> No.5580379

A story based on a vivid dream I had

The main character meets a man who takes him to a 1% world. This means he is in the real world but time has completely stopped. But afterwards the man disappears and our hero is desperate to find out more, but knows nothing. Then one day in an airport he sees a station for to GXR, and all of a sudden he realizes getting on the plane is the most important thing in his life. He gets into the gate and there is a passcoded door, and as the timer goes down to enter the code, he can't think of one and is terrified. As time runs out, the door opens, turns out no code is the correct code. He enters the plane and there are 2 people there, one in just swimming trunks and the other in a jevivid ans and leather jacket. An attractive stewardess comes out and gives them drinks. He tries to ask the leather jacket guy for help and he just indicates to follow him. As they land he starts following but looking around and talking to people. Turns out he is in a 5% world, and people claim that a 1% world is impossible. The city looks like those golden/marble cities but with a mix of future space age tech but the people mostly appear to be from our world. He sees some people who he knows from our world. And there is talk of some sort of serious corruption from the congress of this world. Our hero's goal is to find the 1% man.

And that's it, that is the full dream. It's not a book yet, but it is so that I can close my eyes and see it and feel it. I want to work it into a story.

>> No.5580380


That's what I've been struggling with. 2 is more like a novella situation and I don't know if I'd be able to get 50k words out of it. 3 is a large scale novel that I've been planning for awhile now. Very much high fantasy with bits of sci-fantasy, lots of adventure, large cast of main characters as a group but it's POV focus is on the monk mostly. Theme is more or less about discovery.

>> No.5580382

Add me, m80

>> No.5580412

I'll try, I have a very brief outline and some character sketches. During a prolonged period of warfare/natural disaster, the US government grants the richest family in the world (head of many multi-international corps) sovereignty to have their own country somewher ein the north Atlantic. The family sets up a monarchy government and invites personal friends and high profile individuals to live in their court. modelled after Versailles and the great courts of the early modern era. Political intrigue happens on island as the fledgling state deals with existential threats to its survial. Im snatching inspo from real life historical figures for some of the courtiers. Tone is pretty bleak and melancholic, as the lives of ultra-elite members and their unimaginable excess at court reveal their vanity and disconnect from suffering outside.

What do you think guys? Sound like interesting or too convoluted?

>> No.5580430

Sounds gold to me, anon-sama.

Pretty original.

>> No.5580450

I had an idea about a billionaire who starts up his own country on a private island and rules and a benevolent dictator, creating a kind of utilitarian utopia, but then he gets killed.

I guess that's kinda like Bioshock isn't it?

>> No.5580468

Add me m8s: http://nanowrimo.org/participants/dan-the-druid


Adding all of you.

>> No.5580752


>> No.5580787

I will, assuming I'm not in jail

>> No.5580838

Anyone have moments where you suddenly don't want to write anymore? I have ideas but shit it's going to be hard to execute them. And November is coming in fast.

>> No.5580842

>I have ideas but shit it's going to be hard to execute them.
No one said writing was easy. It's manual labor for the mind.

>> No.5580876

Yes. Always. Use music as a tool when I am stuck.

I am writing a novel about a man who goes searchig for his wife. Simple, boring.


>> No.5581181


Add me guys? And by the way, is the /lit/ nanowrimo group a thing?

>> No.5581424

Well hopefully something good comes out of this..


add me plz

>> No.5581450

Added you back. This thing might be fun.