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556896 No.556896 [Reply] [Original]

H.P. Lovecraft was a genius.

>> No.556900

this is...true. except for the bigotry, what was up with the white power...

still, geniuses all have their quirks

>> No.556906


That was made him most kick-ass

you cant tell me you didnt laugh your ass off when you read"jostled by a nautical looking negro"

>> No.556908

Repetitive but his scenery was extremely well painted.

>> No.556913

it was the 30s bro, everyone was a racist and it was ok

>> No.556915

Einstein was an avid violin player. And loved riding bicycles.

>> No.556930

> start reading The Silver Key
> 10 giant paragraphs about how all philosophies are stupid before plot begins
> give up and never read Lovecraft again

>> No.556934

I don't meant to be a prick, but this whole 'it was the 30s' or 'everyone was racist' thing. Were Hemingway, or Fitzgerald, or Faulkner's works riddled with as much overt racism? I personally find it distracting.He was talented though.

>> No.556938
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now riddle me this:


1, you dipshits. Old gods are no match for atomics

>> No.556941

I don't meant to be a prick, but this whole 'it was the 30s' or 'everyone was racist' thing is tiresome* (but then again so is pointing out the racism thing each time there's a thread about him)

>> No.556951

He also abandoned a daughter and left his wife for his cousin.
Doesn't make him any less of a genius, I don't know why people think that just because a person had a positive influence on society that they were a good person.

>> No.556955


sorry bro Great old ones regenerate.

>> No.556960

ever read a John Steinbeck novel? East of Eden is one of the greatest novels ever written and it calls Indians a useless and lazy people in the first chapter.
Also who the fuck cares if he was a racist? The inability to distinguish art from artist is the very worst thing about pretension

>> No.556996

>East of Eden is one of the greatest novels ever written
trolling or you read it in school

>> No.557024

I'm deathly afraid of deep water (such as OP's pic). Would Lovecraft scare the shit out of me? Wanted to read some Cthullu stuff for a while now, but I've been pondering on this question for a while.

>> No.557036

I remember when I was reading Call of Cthulhu. It was great, shit was intense, kinda scary, Ry'leigh was sinking and they were running out of it. And then. This fucking sentence:
"[guy running away] was swallowed by an angle that looked like an acute but behaved like an obtuse"
I burst out laughing, all that tension and atmosphere instantly gone. Such a ridiculous sentence, it makes me laugh just thinking about it

>> No.557058

much of lovecraft's writing was based on blasphemy on things that literally didn't make any sense, and sometimes a line that just drops about 30 yards from being any good at all comes about, like that one. give the guy a break.

>> No.557096


math major here. Non-euclidean geometry can be pretty fucking scary.

>> No.557132


Are you a female? I've noticed they tend to laugh when they don't understand something as it's much easier than thinking.

>> No.557149

I didn't

>> No.557152


grow a funny bone then.

>> No.557172

I think it might be because I am black.......

>> No.557174


Oh,your just a bitch.

>> No.557187

>racism, lol
Grow the fuck up

>> No.557184

Love Lovecraft's craft.

But seriously, he was crazy, and wrote the same shit I had nightmares about. Sure, the writing style may be pretty heavy and shit, but I love it.

>> No.557193

I'm a male cs major with math minor as a matter of fact, not that I need to be to understand that. They teach angles in like what, middle school? I know exactly what it means. It still completely broke with the tone of the story and was a silly statement. Just the word choice of being swallowed by an angle, hilarious.

>> No.557202


you have an interesting sense of humor.

>> No.557214


Why do black people think it's acceptable to make jokes at white peoples expense ,yet some anon points out some funny alliteration and suddenly the minorities shit bricks.

>> No.557243





>> No.557254

>read 10 paragraphs about the death of wonder in Randolph at the hands of the human need to rationalize and order

Fixed. I'm not sure why that would be so off-putting

>> No.559198


Neither am I, he was master of horror.

>> No.559220

On the subject of negroes, Lovecraft was quite brilliant. He depicted them accurately and honestly, a feat rarely achieved by any author, either coming before his time or after it.

>> No.559225

Lovecraft was just a sheltered xenophobe. Not uncommon for his time. He married a Jew ffs.

>> No.559255

Is this guy worth reading?

What should I read first?

>> No.559276
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>Is this guy worth reading?

Is the greatest horror writer of all time worth reading? Nah, nothing even remotely interesting about his work or the works of the hundreds of other writers who were inspired by him.

>> No.559287


Alright alright. What should I read first then?

>> No.559295

Rats in the Walls
The Colour Out of Space
Call of Cthulhu
The Whisperer in Darkness

All good places to start. Save Mountains of Madness and Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath until later on, though.

>> No.559312


The Call of Cthulhu, or The Rats in the Walls

sea/sunken city vs subterranean/castle

Racism factor:
savage depiction of African people vs. a cat named Niggerman

>> No.559325

Someone should write a book about Niggerman watching Lovecraft write his stories.

>> No.559330

I love HP Lovecraft. I own all of his work and a few of the magazines they were originally printed in.

>> No.559378

Lovecraft's works don't tend to be overt in racism, more often an offhand comment (Reanimator's negroid features and such, CoC's disparaging of savage cultists) than outright central to it. (Arthur Jermyn, Red Hook and arguably Shadow over Innsmouth)

Anyway I recommend in no particular order:
Colour out of Space
Shadow over Innsmouth
Call of Cthulhu
Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath
Statement of Randolph Carter (and the stories that follow)

>> No.559448

His essay on why cats are better then dogs.

>> No.559583

>Implying Lovecraft wasnt deeply influenced by Poe and Inferior too.

>> No.559587

>implying your opinion is valid

>> No.559608

The Shadow Over Innsmouth is my all-time favorite. You should add that one to your list.

>> No.559627

>implying Lovecraft did not write about how influential Poe was to him

>> No.559637

>implying having an influnce means that the influencer is superior to the influenced