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/lit/ - Literature

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5568031 No.5568031[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do women generally only read fiction?
Why do men seem to have more eclectic tastes than women?
Why have I never met a woman who has ever read any philosophical works?
Why have I never met a woman who knew who Plato or Aristotle were?

why /lit/ ?

>> No.5568037

everyone generally only reads fiction.
They don't.
Because you don't talk to many women.
You're just outright lying on this last one.

>> No.5568043

because men are more boring :p

>> No.5568046

I've never actually met a woman who actually reads books.

And no I don't count reading trash to be serious reading. It doesn't count.

>> No.5568047

>never knew a women who knew who Plato or Aristotle were
You just don't know very many women, I think. Even the women I know who don't read and really quite vapid would probably know who they are.

>> No.5568051

You know anon, I really wish I was lying on the last one. You can believe whatever you want about the speaking to women part, but the last one I am seriously not kidding about.

>> No.5568061

I agree with the other anons. You don't know many women. You also suffer from confirmation bias. According to PISA results, girls read more and comprehend better than boys.

>> No.5568062

>talk to woman for the first time
>"oh, I don't read."

this is what women are like

>> No.5568067


>> No.5568069

>I've never actually met a woman who actually reads books.

>> No.5568071

>girls read more and comprehend better than boys.

Just because they look at more words doesn't mean the truly READ

>> No.5568072

Top lel, you're asking for it m8

>> No.5568093

"Mom, do you know who Plato is?"

"Like the planet?"

"Ha, girls are so dumb"

>> No.5568109
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One of the most important qualities a girl can have is the ability to hold an interesting conversation with you. Instead of looking for someone who is already into those things, find someone who is capable of being into those things and help her grow. Also, remember that every girl doesn't have an OkCupid profile. The rest are on Plenty of Fish.

>> No.5568113

This is what I'm talking about. In every tested country except S. Korea, I think, they rate better in comprehension.

>> No.5568120

OP is the one who needs to grow.

>> No.5568125

Twiggy could barely think with all that malnutrition.

>> No.5568146
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What is the source of your frustration, OP?

>> No.5568159

I actually knew a girl who thought Plato was a Roman god.

>> No.5568291

Because you're sociopath who can't talk with people that aren't internet shitposters.

>> No.5568304

Personally, the majority of girls who I've known bring up something they read in high school, and wouldn't be interested in philosophy.

Actually, no, that's just most people in general.