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5566316 No.5566316 [Reply] [Original]

>drink wine to relax and write paper
>get headache and too drunk to do anything

Mfw that's what I wanted anyway

Pic related

>> No.5566348

even fedora bearers can get drunk on their own intelligence and you need to consume some suspicious liquid for that? are you worse than them?

>> No.5566352

kitty I want to get drunk on your menstrual fluid

>> No.5566358

le epik maymay fedora shitpost good sir! *tips hat*

>> No.5566549

You drink maybe a glass or two, depending on your tolerance.

Protip: Do that thing the industry tells you not to do and consume caffeine with it. Loss of inhibition plus more wakefulness.

>> No.5566564


a glass of wine makes me giggle
how they even manage to write being drunk

>> No.5566571

The best thing to do is make a cup of coffee and pour some whiskey in it and after every few drinks pour some more whiskey in and drink until the mug is empty.

>> No.5566716
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>drink wine
>get drunk