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/lit/ - Literature

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555986 No.555986 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, I want you to ruin a book for me.

tell me what happened to Jimmy and the Crakers in year of the flood; I'm not fucking reading it

>> No.555992
File: 30 KB, 447x380, 1269393883724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you've always wanted to spoil someones day

>> No.556005

It turns out that his sled was really dead the whole time.

>> No.556010

Also a figment of his imagination.

>> No.556014

He's his own father from the future sent back in time to impregnate his mother to take down a race of machines

>> No.556026


The whole book is all about minor boring ass characters from O and C taking front stage and being wooden, leaden, and shitty.

Jimmy and Crake do nothing.

>> No.556105

Oryx and crake was a boring ass story about two perfectly flat characters in a perfectly stereotypical scare-story made by a far-left bitch.

that's why I'm not reading year of the flood; but it apparently has the real ending of what happened to fucktard jimmy

>> No.556124

eh, the people he goes to talk to at the very end of O and C turn out to be criminals who will kill him, luckily, a group of friendlier religious people (who most of the book is about) find him and save him from the criminals.
Jimmy's foot is still infected, but they cure that sort of, and it ends there.
Most of the book takes place at the same time as Oryx and Crake.

>> No.556141
File: 25 KB, 640x480, RAGEFACE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the people he goes to talk to at the very end of O and C turn out to be criminals who will kill him

okay, my hate for Oryx and Crake is confirmed. Fuck you, Atwood. You write shitty stories with flat characters and irrelevant social-justice subplots thinly tied together by a pages of melodramatic romance only meant to distract the reader from your totally formless plot structure.


>> No.556150

every time i see this image i wonder what movie it's from. can anyone (OP?) help me out here?

>> No.556159
File: 17 KB, 261x305, 1269802481393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what, this?

I dunno.... It's awfully difficult to explainnnn

>> No.556161

The Iron Giant

>> No.556163
File: 20 KB, 313x330, 1268361060165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because it's a really old film that I don't think you would understannnnnnnnnnnd....

>> No.556167

oh, sorry guys, didn't see you trolling

>> No.556172

haha thanks now I don't have to wonder who the fuck this animated hipster is every time I see him

>> No.556173

I was just trying to help.

>> No.556170


Do you have the one he's holding the cup? That's the only one I'm missing.

>> No.556169
File: 25 KB, 488x332, 1269107944436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fuck you. fuck you.

I was gonna have fun with this potato stick

>> No.556174
File: 71 KB, 300x300, 1271126743273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but I'll just dump all my related .jpgs instead

>> No.556184

see here

He's a personal favorite of mine for troll threads

>> No.556185
File: 10 KB, 264x282, 1258423029680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one?

>> No.556198


Yeah, thanks.

>> No.556200
File: 18 KB, 314x277, 1268492750029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ever more

>> No.556202

Wait! The criminals? They're male rapists! and they have a female main character as a hostage!

And then, after resolving the last novels "Mysterious parties approaching each other with no resolution ending", Year of the Flood ends with an IDENTICAL LAME CLIFFHANGER.

It's pretty much the worst book ever.

>> No.556215
File: 26 KB, 492x329, 1269037442787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're male rapists! and they have a female main character as a hostage!

goddamn it atwood you are way the hell to feminist sometimes. It's a realistic scenario, but still the irks the fuck outta me. It's a lame romance-plot with jimmy and the captive, amiright?

and having cliffhangers just fucking sucks. Its what ruined the last book for me.

>> No.556216

God I wish someone had spoliled this one for me.

All the characters are background from Oryx and Crake, but somehow they all know each other. Basically, every non-character that drifts through Jimmie's life, every girl he ever fucked, etc, are all sisters who live in a compound together as girls. It's like fan fic.

>> No.556222

nah, most of the book takes place pre-apoc.
They only get to the rapist guys at the very end.
Jimmy's still sick as hell the book does end.

>> No.556260
File: 21 KB, 312x294, angry_artist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

phew, alright. At least it has some consistancy

but I really couldn't give a fuck about atwoods dystopia. It seemed like such an obvious political commentary that I just about puked. Had some interesting points, but basically just a rehack of brave new world.

>> No.556321

I actually enjoyed O and C but flood sounds fucking horrible.

>> No.556335

I'm the big time Year of the Flood hater here.

I loved O and C. I even loved the ambiguous ending.

Year of the Flood physically pained me. I threw the book around the room and kicked it a few times.

>> No.556336
File: 19 KB, 330x200, 1268448989783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


okay, well thats cool too.

>> No.556340

I didn't think Flood was that much of a decrease in quality.
Sure, there were some bizarre coincidences that were clearly retconned, but it was sort of interesting to see things from the plebs' point of view.