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File: 71 KB, 347x539, meinkampf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5558295 No.5558295[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What did you guys think about Mein Kampf?

>> No.5558297

It makes for pretty good toilet paper

>> No.5558298

Nothing wrong with it.

>> No.5558300



>> No.5558306

A book written by one of the arguably most famous people of the last 500 years.


>> No.5558310


Mein Kampf is not authentic. Any good WW2 scholar will tell you this.

If you want to understand the Furher you should read Hitler's Table Talk. It's legit and you can find it online easy.

Good luck OP and ignore the parasites >>5558300 that will sully your thread.

>> No.5558316

It's just a book and I'm trying to find out what you guys think about it.
This is the literature board right?
This guy right here is okay. Not trying to send me to /pol/.

>> No.5558319

A delusional sociopath ranting about the world..Sounds exciting, but it actually quite boring.

>> No.5558365
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>A delusional sociopath ranting about the world..

And this, my friends, is the entire human history.

Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

>> No.5558373


refer to >>5558310

Hitler is very insightful

>> No.5558405

Fuck no, the 'i's make my butt hurt

>> No.5558422

Can someone explain why hitler hated jews? Was it because of an irrational hatred as portrayed by the media, or more that his bolshevist enemies were predominantly jewish?

>> No.5558423

>If you want to understand the Furher you should read Hitler's Table Talk. It's legit and you can find it online easy.


>> No.5558430

>his bolshevist enemies were predominantly jewish?

This is it. But he didn't really "hate" them, he just realized their culture is not German culture, the two were not mixing very well at all.

Israel was Hitler's brainchild, he wanted them to have their own land with their own Jew Culture...away from germany.

>> No.5558435

Pretty shit, well below expectations, verging on boring. The only reason anyone give any credence to the book was because of who the author was in all other respects it was completely ordinary. The eugenics stuff is poorly researched, what political stuff there is is not well explained and he spends most of the book talking about himself.

>> No.5558540

So Theodore Herzl is nobody?

>> No.5558581 [DELETED] 

Based as fug

>> No.5558619

>or more that his bolshevist enemies were predominantly jewish?
well, they weren't only a couple of the bolsheviks had jewish origins and the party was atheist. his hatred of jews came from the fact many of them didnt fight for Germany in WW1 for religious reasons, and also back then antisemitism was pretty common and jewish conspiracy theories were sometimes taken seriously.

>> No.5558630

also the head of vienna art school who wouldn't let him in was jewish

>> No.5558633


they were also responsible for degenerate art, i mean did you see what they were painting? lol...it lead to our current "modern art" of people taking a shit on paper and putting it up on a wall....

Hitler saw these things happening. As well as cultural differences that wouldn't mesh with Germany, like the Jewish porn industry.

But the real reasons for the difference in opinion were Economic. They played a large part in destroying german economics banking and finance.

>> No.5558640

>They played a large part in destroying german economics banking and finance.

Yes they did but Hitler fixed that which is why he had such unbelievable and universal approval among germans.

The thing he never expected was being attacked by the entire world for simply defending German's abroad in Poland who were being persecuted and killed. Go figure.

>> No.5558643

Oh Hitler's a nazi right?

Ok so I'll call everything he and his acolytes produced vulgar and provincial.

Because obviously only Soviets produced the highest of art in the 20th century.

>> No.5558644 [DELETED] 


Don't listen to these Marxist fuccbois, anon.

I would tell you, but I'm posting from my phone and it's not worth the effort.

He hated Jews because of Marxism, they didn't fight in World War One for germany, they had leftist propaganda, ran the parliament and press, and ran the international monetary system.

Anyone who thinks otherwise hasn't obviously read Mein Kampf and is an incompetent faggot.

>> No.5558650 [DELETED] 

>*he hated leftist jew propaganda

>> No.5558657


so he was saying the same things Ezra Pound was saying?

>> No.5558664 [DELETED] 

Not going to act like I know who that is, so I will stop there.

However, I would say that I have a bretty gud understanding of hitlers political philosophy and anti Semetism.

>> No.5558680
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You should know who Pound is, you're on /lit/ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.5558687 [DELETED] 

Tell me

Isn't that the lead faggot of vampire weekend?


>> No.5558689

Awful, Hitler was just an unenlightened faggot, who only say jews, and couldn't see the bigger picture.

>> No.5558698 [DELETED] 

Marixist idiot detected

>> No.5558739

Yes, jews played a disproportionate role in the various communist revolts in central and eastern europe during the aftermath of ww1.

It's not very known, but there was a communist revolution in 1918 in Germany, which led to the establishment of the Bavarian Soviet Republic. Almost all of the leadership of the revolution was jewish.

>> No.5558784

You're not allowed to say this unless you're a tyrant about to be slayed by the allies of the legitimate ruler. Hitler might have said it, but you shouldn't.

>> No.5558785

>It's not very known
yes it is.

anyway the book is pretty stupid mostly due to the obviously faulty arguments.
we read parts of it in highschool and kids who didn't cared about politics and weren't well read used logic and easily refuted everything.
despite that most people on /lit/ will say that the main problem is the prose.

>> No.5558794

Anti semite conspiracy theorist detected

>> No.5558799

>Israel was Hitler's brainchild, he wanted them to have their own land with their own Jew Culture...away from germany.

Sure he gave them a land...in the clouds.

>> No.5558822

>yes it is.
No it's not.

>> No.5558829

This post is so full of keks it must be from a kike.

You seem to believe the Jews have the magical power of subduing everyone they work with, even when they're a minority and when many of the leading figures are not Jewish. Only a Jew would really have such an inflated opinion of the jewish ability to influence people.

See you at the synagogue, brother. Don't foget to put on your funny hat and your yiddish accent.

>> No.5558844

That's not so off the mark. But I like how you let irrelevant dichotomy shape your worldview on every issue.

>> No.5558858

>The thing he never expected was being attacked by the entire world for simply defending German's abroad in Poland who were being persecuted and killed. Go figure.

Aha sure he didn't.

The leader of the biggest country on central europe, with the responsibility of overseeing one of the biggest military in the world, the he had absolutely no clue of what would happen if he invaded Poland. There were no warnings or foreshadowing, no political reasons to expect retalation from the Allies, and of course it's well-known that Hitler had no diplomats, no intelligence services, no contact with leaders of foreign countries. He was sitting alone in his room, planning moves to free the Germans of Poland from oppression, and nobody could have foreseen what ensued, because it was so random and so unexpected. You could even say France and England, were meanies. Poor Hitler ! He didn't know.

>> No.5558958


As a Jew, I'd say it was a mixture of the semi-rational and the utterly retarded. For one thing, he didn't like the more leftist attitude of most Jews, and he didn't like that many Jews refused to fight in World War I for religious reasons. He also resented the sizable role Jews played in the 1918 Revolution. None of these are good reasons, but they're reasons nonetheless. As for the completely retarded shit, he also resented us because the administration of the art school he was denied access to was largely Jewish, and because he was a gullible fuck in his early years who fell for the International Jewish Conspiracy(TM) literature at the time.

>> No.5559107

>As a Jew
Why is this relevant?

>For one thing, he didn't like the more leftist attitude of most Jews
I think what he really didn't like was the extreme leftist attitude of some jews.

>and he didn't like that many Jews refused to fight in World War I for religious reasons
I thought german jews served in the army in the same proportion as germans. Do you have a source to back up your claim?

>He also resented the sizable role Jews played in the 1918 Revolution.
True. He also resented the sizeable role jews played in the Weimar government.

>None of these are good reasons, but they're reasons nonetheless.
Good reasons for what?

>As for the completely retarded shit, he also resented us because the administration of the art school he was denied access to was largely Jewish
[citation needed]

>and because he was a gullible fuck in his early years who fell for the International Jewish Conspiracy(TM) literature at the time.
You just admitted that german jews were at the forefront of the 1918 revolution, tended to be leftists and dominated the artistic life (and cultural life too, if you look at the statistics).

Do you have a source that Hitler believed jews were all involved in a vast conspiracy? Obviously, he was pretty anti-semitic and thought that jews were undesirables, but did he really believe that they worked hand in hand to destroy germany?

>> No.5559144

This is the only recording of Hitler in a conversational tone. The recording was made without his knowledge.


>> No.5559151

"A long book written in bad German".

>> No.5559186
File: 27 KB, 493x305, hitler-speech-lie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So much misinformation in this thread. Mein Kampf was dictated to Rudolf Hess when he was in the hopsital after the Putch.
It was in print for more than 20 years during Hitler reign, Hess which was Hitler's second in command would not have dared to edit anything inparopriate.


So that's why he planned a false flag attack in Poland to start a war of agression? Idiot.



The old Jewish Bolshevism myth, Ur-Ideology at it's finest when the facts speak for themselves.

When during the German Revolution leaders Franz Mehring,Karl Liebknecht, Leo Jogiches,Clara Zetkin and Wilhelm Pieck were all non-Jews.

And when by 1922 jews made up only 5.21 of the Communist Party in Russia.

But by all means my /pol/tard friend keep spreading this age old propaganda.


>Hitler didn't know the consequences of the Treaty of Versailes and attacking a nation who was guaranteed by Belgium,Great Britain and France.

I don't know who is the bigger fool, Hitler or you.

>> No.5559228

Mein Kampf was edited for the purpose of making Hitler more appealing a figure, but that was of course with Hitler's approval.

>> No.5559270

>When during the German Revolution leaders Franz Mehring,Karl Liebknecht, Leo Jogiches,Clara Zetkin and Wilhelm Pieck were all non-Jews.
Of course, there were gentile marxist revolutionnaries. However, what is important is the incredible proportion of jewish revolutionaries among the higher echelons : they were incredibly overrepresented.


Count the jews listed under "commanders and leaders"

>And when by 1922 jews made up only 5.21 of the Communist Party in Russia.
There were hundreds of thousands of members of the communist party. According to wikipedia, it had more than 1 million members in 1925. So of course its jewish membership would mirror the percentage of jews in the russian population.

However, in the higher echelons of the party, Jews dominated the party until the rise of Stalin.

I honestly don't understand why some people so vehemently deny jewish involvement in the various marxist movements in central and eastern europe post ww1, despite overwhelming evidence.

>> No.5559315

my six million

>> No.5559318

same thing happened to Anne Franks "diary"

>> No.5559319
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>> No.5559337
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>you can trust me, my name is goldstein, I'm a 6th generation double holocaust survivor

>> No.5559343

It doesn't matter, Jews have a higher average intelligence so of course they're going to be over represented. Doesn't 'le joooooo!' conspiracy theory true.

>> No.5559350
File: 68 KB, 206x218, 992992.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The revolution was led primarly by jews.

8 out of the 10 leaders were jews. The rest are shabbos goy.

Try harder, shlomo.

>> No.5559359

>mistaking sociopathic tendencies with intelligence
pls stop

>> No.5559360


You do realize that there was a large german population in poland that was being persecuted and asking germany to help. You do realize that germany asked poland to stop persecuting ethnic germans and polands government played dumb. you do realize hitler was ASKED by the ethnic germans to save them. Oh that's right, you don't. Watch more ABC and read more Twilight saga.

>> No.5559361

>more that his bolshevist enemies were predominantly jewish?

There's your answer. The leaders of the 1918 Bolshevik Revolution in Germany were mostly Jewish. In fact, 4 years before Hitler's failed Beer Hall Putsch in 1923, there was a year long Bavarian SSR.


>> No.5559362

The average IQ in Israel is 94.

They're dumb as fuck. The only intelligent jews are the ashkenazis, that's mainly because of their european blood. Without european admixture they would be dumb as rocks.

>> No.5559375

Holy fuck, you don't actually think Europeans are more intelligent than jews?

Half of Israel;s population is Arab so of course the IQ will be lower, but if europeans were more intelligent than jews then there would be no need to be jealous and hateful towards jews, would there?

>> No.5559384
File: 156 KB, 634x942, butthurt stormdweeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antisemitism is a mental disease

>> No.5559387
File: 24 KB, 286x444, english bloke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any books similar to this?
the data is cherry picked but the author's reasoning is on point

>> No.5559390

> jews are as dumb as fuck
> a secret cabal of jews controls the world

which is it to be, tinfoil hat wearers?

>> No.5559393
File: 2.44 MB, 481x271, 1404795383423.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anti-Semitic stereotypes are bad

>Pro Jewish stereotypes are good

>> No.5559398
File: 144 KB, 772x569, Screen Shot 2014-10-10 at 2.15.53 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought jews are not a race. Weird. Did the left lie to me? Oy vey.

The average IQ in israel is 94. Fact.

Also the high IQ of the ashkenazis comes with a high price. Ashkenazi jews have filthy hereditary diseases.


>> No.5559401

zionists != the common jew
ask norman finkelstein

>> No.5559410

If jews are so dumb, why are you so hateful and jealous of them? If you had an higher intelligence than Jews then you'd have no need to worry, no need to be anti-semitic because you would be able to out smart them.

>> No.5559411
File: 98 KB, 523x337, Revolutionary German sailors posing wMG in Berlin, 1918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Of course, there were gentile marxist revolutionnaries. However, what is important is the incredible proportion of jewish revolutionaries among the higher echelons : they were incredibly overrepresented.

I just disproved that claim in the previous post,overall active jewish participation was marginal. The majority of Jews at the time were middle-class mechants,bankers or doctors they had no insentive to join the revolution. Unless you can up with an objective statistic I consider the point moot.

furthermore Rosa Luxemburg was not a "leader" but an intellectual anchor. Most of the Spartacist preceded organised Communist support and were made up of industrial workers,sailors and unenployed disenfanchised people as well as former soldiers of WWI.

>There were hundreds of thousands of members of the communist party. According to wikipedia, it had more than 1 million members in 1925. So of course its jewish membership would mirror the percentage of jews in the russian population.

Are you that lazy of a peice of shit that you cannot even read the Wikipedia article? Typical.

>According to the 1922 party census, there were 19,564 Jewish Bolsheviks, comprising 5.21% of the total.[21] Jews made up 7.1% of members who had joined before October 1917.[23]

>Between 1936 and 1940, during the Great Purge, Yezhovshchina and after the rapprochement with Nazi Germany, Stalin had largely eliminated Jews from senior party, government, diplomatic, security and military positions.[25] A prominent victim of the Purge was the Head of the State Security or NKVD ( the enforcement arm of government previously known as the Cheka and GPU ) who also happened to have come from a Jewish background: Genrikh Yagoda. In 1939, Stalin directed incoming Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov to "purge the ministry of Jews".[26] Although some scholars believe that this decision was taken for primarily domestic reasons,[26] others argue it may have been a signal to Nazi Germany that the USSR was ready for non-aggression talks.[27][28]

>I honestly don't understand why some people so vehemently deny jewish involvement in the various marxist movements in central and eastern europe post ww1, despite overwhelming evidence.
Because you keep on shilling 100 year old propaganda that you read in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion my foolish /pol/tard friend.

>> No.5559412
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I'm all for diversifying Israel. Israel is not tolerant enough. You have to open your borders and let more immigrants in. You're a racist country who needs to learn tolerance.

Operation diversify Israel. Now.