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/lit/ - Literature

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5552581 No.5552581 [Reply] [Original]

>using the sea as a metaphor

>> No.5552600

>implying the sea can't be a great metaphor if used right

>> No.5552609
File: 61 KB, 405x720, Ultimate_neckbeard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using the sea literally

>> No.5552610

Yeah, except it's been "used right" so many times over thousands of years that it's gotten kind of old.

>> No.5552615

Sometimes a sea is just a sea.

>> No.5552627

Sea of troubles is he only time I've really liked it. Other than a few instances it is a death trap and should be avoided at all costs.

>> No.5552637

i dunno how you can think of sea as of not a metaphor if you ever saw it

>> No.5552641

This goes for many other metaphors. And honestly, if you don't know what you're doing with a metaphor you shouldn't use one at all. This isn't true for just the sea.

>> No.5552645

>using the forest as a metaphor
>using the desert as a metaphor
>using the mountains as a metaphor
>using weather as metaphor

>> No.5552655

>using metaphors

>> No.5552658
File: 53 KB, 475x533, 1385796785254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Using a character as an allegory for god/satan

>> No.5552736
File: 314 KB, 1280x883, The_Great_Wave_off_Kanagawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ceci n'est pas la mer

>> No.5552746

For some reason the sea is an easy point of entry for a sea of overlyconfident amateurs to describe their sea of love for a girl is a sea of hardships because she is such a deep sea of depth

>> No.5552774

je ne sais pas ce qu'il essayait de dessiner, mais c'est un millier de mains blanches en essayant de attraper certains navires

>> No.5552819

is that ulysses bouchard?

>> No.5552830

Intentionally overusing the sea in shitty metaphors doesn't make it a bad metaphor. Just because something is popular doesn't mean it's bad. It this case all it means is that is more difficult to use the sea as a metaphor well and in a distinguished way.

>> No.5552844

Three shitty trips in one thread. Into the trash.

>> No.5552847

>shitposting rather than contributing

>> No.5552850

>shitposting rather than contributing

>> No.5552853

>shitposting rather than contributing

>> No.5552862

It seems like authors should use metaphors that they are familiar with. Most authors are not familiar with the ocean, at least not well enough to write about it.

>> No.5552872
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>contributing to shit

>> No.5552903

Why does no one use a metaphor for the sea?

>> No.5552915

the most common one it's probably plain

>> No.5552947
File: 321 KB, 500x749, 38.661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dem waves doe

>> No.5552958

Si ca c'est ton conception d'un main je suis effrayer pour ta femme

>> No.5552967
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tide deers made of waves?

>> No.5552981

Ah, yes, the sea is still and deep,
All things within its bosom sleep!
A single step, and all is o'er,
A plunge, a bubble, and no more.

>> No.5553003

Camus knew how to pull such stuff off

But again, not everyone on /lit/ is Albert Camus

to be absolutely honest with you, nobody on /lit/ is Albert Camus

>> No.5553151

I don't understand you /lit/ tripfags. For what purpose do you wanna throw your anonymity away, when it's the best thing about this site? Does your trip ever contribute to anything? It's just really annoying seeing you guys constantly doing nothing but stir up shit.

>> No.5553178

I personally do it as a first step in overcoming some pretty awful social anxiety. I honestly don't ,eam to stir shit up, I just post as I'd regularly post. Having a trip does seem to upset some people though...

Others probably do it either for attention or because they feel a need to differentiate themselves from the masses for one or another reason.

>> No.5553192


>> No.5553241

It's funny you specif "/lit/ tripfags" when /lit/'s tripfags are actually pretty good. There are some really shitty ones, sure, but good ones like Feminister can really help us have good conversations that don't start and end with the thread they're in ("but haven't you also said that...?")

>> No.5553245
File: 20 KB, 300x200, rmccullom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least you seem alright about it. Though I'd advise you to take some pills for your social anxiety, even if you'll go through months to a year of side-effects, they do somewhat help. Did in my case at least. But my post was generally aimed at butterfly, kitty and whomever else that contribute nothing to the board and just shit up a thread the moment they enter.

>> No.5553264

I specified it since /lit/ isn't a big board, so you usually see the same names recurring. I generally don't like tripfags, but on bigger boards you tend to see most of them once and never again.

>> No.5553370
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it is like sailing the ocean divide,
never knowing what horrors will crash alongside your ship of glittering threads

Always moving, always blue. With no hospitable land in sight.

>> No.5553398

Personally I started tripping so I could go on archives and see all my posts

>> No.5553408

is this shopped?