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/lit/ - Literature

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554758 No.554758 [Reply] [Original]

Hey fellas, I'm looking for a really gripping fantasy-adventure type of novel.

I just finished the third book of the eragon series, and am looking for something of a similar genre. That is:
Protagonist has a supernatural [magic] power
[magic] exists in the universe and the protagonist can use it
(any supernatural ability works)
protagonist travels
Protagonist faces many struggles

Similar books: Harry potter, The Merlin series by T.A. Barron. The "Darth Bane" 2-book star wars set.

I really like the idea of the protagonist coming to greatness from nothing. Anyone have any suggestions?
It would also be way cool if you gave a simple, few sentence synopsis, but try not to reveal any major plot themes. Thanks guys!

Pic kind of related: just a goofy picture I found on my computer XD

>> No.554779

Bamp plox. You don't even have to include a synopsis, I can look that up myself. I would just like suggestions for a good read! it'll only take a moment to type it in!

>> No.554786

>Superantural ability
>Protaganist faces many struggles
>I really like the idea of the protagonist coming to greatness from nothing. Anyone have any suggestions?

Book of the New Sun might be to your liking

>> No.554789




>> No.554790

Memory, Sorrow and Thorn series by Tad Williams

>> No.554797

LOL I can't believe you recognized that! XD
Choose your own adventure was the shittttt

I'll look it up!

I'll look this up too. Thanks guys!

>> No.554809



>> No.554855

Kill yourself.

I'm not even joking.

>> No.554859

You'd probably enjoy the Belgariad by David Eddings

>> No.554903

One of the fifty or so books that Eragon ripped off

>> No.554922

50 is a bit low. Try 75 or so.

>> No.554980


Oh he for SURE ripped off a bunch of books. I know this well.
There's a reason Eragon is a bestseller- It's great!

I will look into this one as well.

By the way, does anyone know where I can pirate the PDFs from? It's nearly impossible to find them. I could only get the eragon series because it's so fucking popular...

>> No.554988

>it's great!


Enjoy your premasticated garbage, I guess. Seeing people reading that book in airports and at bus stops makes me wish I had a gun so I could shoot that book full of holes and save them from a shitty reading experience.

>> No.555003

It makes a shitty reading experience only if the reader isn't enjoying it, in which case- why would he be reading it? I like fantasy stories, so I liked eragon. The protagonist was a little too moral for my liking, but that made for a "good" hero. The scenarios were outrageous and unlikely, even within its own universe, but it made the story fun and exciting.

Sure you hate Eragon, but that doesn't mean everyone else has to too. Maybe you should write a novel yourself and get it published ;P. If you do, I promise i'll buy it :D

>> No.555006

Eragon is true shit. We're not even discussing this.

>> No.555011

Just go watch Starwars.

>> No.555014

You think Eragon was good, and you're spamming smilies like a Gaiafag.

Please just leave, you shitposting retard.

>> No.555017

Stop trying to defend Eregon. You cannot. It has no redeeming qualities.

Twilight can be defended more easily.

>> No.555027

Twilight at least is based on some sense of beauty and has some grounding in the tradition of gothic classics like Dracula, Mysteries of Udolpho, etc., and much of the concept explores the themes of Christian morality present in the author's culture

Eragon, on the other hand, is a shitty LotR ripoff written by a weasel-faced asspie redneck

>> No.555039

I've used 4 smilies in this thread...
Come on now guys, I'm just trying to be friendly. You don't have to hate on me just because I have different opinions. We all have different opinions. I'm just looking for some good reads. If you think eragon is shit, just give me something that you think is good to read. I will try to find a download, and will promptly read it. You could go as far as to give me your email so I can email you thanks and gratitude for recommending such an excellent book!

Ok, I'll stop.
...I liked twilight too...

I am easily entertained! Give me something better to read so I can learn how shitty twilight and eragon really are!

>> No.555041

He certainly is pretty weasel-faced heh

>> No.555048

OP, do yourself amassive favor and read A Song of Ice and Fire.

Greatest fantasy series of all time. All the hype is true.

>> No.555057

>different opinion

Sorry. Not all opinions are valid. It is a shit book.

Some people eat shit and as such I do not view their culinary opinion to be of any value.

>> No.555056

I haven't heard of it, but I will look for it now and read it. Thanks, pal!

>> No.555064

>likes fantasy

>hasn't heard of A Song of Ice and Fire

You must be in middle school

>> No.555074
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I recommend you try the first discworld novel and then continue the series if you like it.

>> No.555075

OP, His Dark Materials should be up your alley, and so should Clive Barker's Abarat

>> No.555079
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I think you'd enjoy the works of Mel Gilden

>> No.555086

Can we all agree that Eragon is a giant marry sue?

>> No.555088

The Chronicles of Thomas Covanent

>> No.555105

OP, if you can find it check out the Guin saga

>> No.555114

What's that gutenberg website where you can view books online and download their pdf's?

>> No.555120

it's only old books.
just use demonoid

>> No.555132

Fantasy adventure with the supernatural with traveling protaganists wandering the land?

How about THE BIBLE?

>> No.555141

Ok, it's an invalid opinion and a shit book. Let's move on now haha

I only just re-awakened my love of fantasy. It's been dormant since junior-high, and I grew up in a redneck part of the country. People didn't read shit out there except the bible. And even then they just skimmed.

Ooooh this one looks very interesting. Thank you anon!

>> No.555148

the dresden files are fun. after the first three particularly

>> No.555152

Wheel of Time Series by Robert Jordan (begiing with Eye of the World)
Magician by Raymond E Fiest
Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss

>> No.555162


This. they may not be works of art, or anything close, but god damn if im not excited for each new book. they're so much fun.

>> No.555199

Thank you everyone for your suggestions! I've downloaded a few already and will have several books to read now. I am very thankful for all of your suggestions! Even you, Eragon-slayer. I hope I will recognize the failure of eragon after reading these other books, particularly A Song of Ice and Fire.

I will not download all of these or get around to reading all which was suggested to me, but I now have a great deal of entertainment ahead of me. Thank you all! I really appreciate it!

>> No.555245

Read the Dresden files baby. If you're into action and magic it will make you a helluva lot happier than A Song of Ice and Fire.

>> No.555260

I downloaded that one too. Should I read those ones first?

>> No.555286


Yes because after Ice and Fire all fantasy will taste of naught but ashes in your mouth.

>> No.555290

I recently (within the last year) picked up the Discworld series, it's a pretty clever satire of fantasy novels/ D&D canon. I recommend this to you as well OP

>> No.555956

ITT: /lit/ indoctrinates yet another unsuspecting book-lover into being an e/lit/ist fucktard.

>> No.556030


>> No.557561

Piers Anthony? I remember my brother reading and liking a lot of his books.