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File: 159 KB, 640x640, sterling-stop-racism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5545312 No.5545312[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, how do I stop being racist?

I try not to be racist, but I constantly find that I hate most blacks. Stumbling across racism threads on 4chan doesn't usually help, either.

Are you racist? Any good books about racism?

>> No.5545319

Start with the Nubians.

>> No.5545322

A Practical Guide to Racism

>> No.5545323

Step 1: Go to >>>/pol/
Step 2: Cringe over seeing how retarded they are.
Step 3: Realize that you don't want to be associated with these manchildren.
Step 4: You will now naturally drop all racist beliefs only to distance yourself from this cesspool of delusion and patheticism.

>> No.5545329

I don't think black people are necessarily inferior, I just like homogeneous countries. Its more OCDish but I can't deny having a bad thoughts about black people too, this thread is relevant to my needs to

>> No.5545331

Honestly if you're aware of it then that by itself is pretty good.

>> No.5545336

I actually used to be subtly racist. One time I was hanging with some friends and one half-black half-white dude. Now he's pretty chill, he can tolerate crap (I had been told) so I took the Zizek route and after we had been drinking for a few I talked some shit on him. Like, I said "Haha, are you just drawn to purple things like a magnet?" and "I just love being white." We went outside and wrestled and after that we were cool. It helped me get over the whole thing really easily

I wouldn't suggest you just do this though

>> No.5545346

It sucks because some black people are great people. It just seems like the majority of black people are terrible people.

I don't understand it. Will this cease with time?

And wtf moot. There are fractions in my captcha

>> No.5545351

Get to know a black person who isn't an idiot.

>> No.5545358

Pretty much this. Some are great, most are shit. I would say this is mostly true of white people too, really, and in fact I'm tired of the obsession over race because it makes it harder to just talk to black people like people talk.

>> No.5545359

Race is real and not wanting to have anything to do with a statistically inferior group or allowing them to shit yours up is a perfectly natural response. The best you can do is judge by the individual, but if 9 people kick you in the nuts, you're going to cover your balls when the tenth goes by.

>> No.5545366

→your keyboard doesn't have fractions

>> No.5545367


I'm constantly being taught, even in university, that race is a lie.

But how? I don't understand how race is a social construct or has no genetic/biological basis. Obviously black and white people are fucking different. I wouldn't be surprised if black people are more instinctual.

>> No.5545376

Most poor white people are terrible people. Just more poor black people

>> No.5545428

You're being lied to. All science not based on feelings heavily implies that race is genetic and blacks have shit genes and a culture supported by affirmative action and the welfare state what will never breed it out.

>> No.5545435

>all science implies that [...] blacks have shit genes

such erudite opinions

>> No.5545448

Daily reminder that Civil Rights was the biggest failure in human history.

>> No.5545511

>how do I stop having an IQ above 110?

You're well on your way lol. May I recommend moving to Sweden?

>> No.5545522

It's really embarrassing that you're asking this question, OP. What the fuck do you think people are going to tell you?

There's nothing wrong with being racist anyway. Of course the black in your white country who is in your college is going to be cool (a friend like this is the #1 reason whites are "anti-racist") but the truth is people dislike other people for seemingly arbitrary reasons all the time and being/acting black is actually one of the less arbitrary reasons. Same with queers.

It's really fucking pathetic when people "want to stop being racist" and start apologizing and grovelling. If you think it isn't, (and you probably don't) imagine saying this shit in real life to somebody. If it doesn't strike you as cringeworthy then gg you have literally been brainwashed or more likely pussywhipped because girls just love to spill their empathy everywhere and they let you come within arms reach if you do too.

youre a fuckin idiot no matter how you slice it chief

>> No.5545524

daily reminder civil rights doomed the U.S.A, and since Europe/Canada/Australasia follow in their footsteps, the human species is also doomed.

plz don't ban me again mods I didn't even use a slur

>> No.5545527
File: 2.77 MB, 979x987, forherpleasure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate these "minorities" in this descending order:

2.Southern Asians

I consider these "minorities" less capable of 21st century relevant excellence, and therefore would not breed with them:


I consider these "minorities" ugly, and therefore don't enjoy their presence on Earth, nor would I breed with them:

Southern Asians
Middle Easterners

I am threatened by these "minorities" ability to excel in 21st century-centric ways, and therefore would prefer they didn't live in the same reality as myself:

Southern Asians
Best Koreans

Lastly, I would never breed with someone you can tell is majority irish. I don't care how hard-core my freckles fetish is.

>> No.5545535

You can't argue with the progressive agenda because there is no logic to it. They can actually Doublethink and hold two conflicting ideas just to ignore the simple truth that clashes with what they've been shamed into believing.

>> No.5545540

I agree, but that applies to civil rights for all races.

>> No.5545542

if this man get banned, 4chan will be as censored as reddit is today, in 5 years

>> No.5545554

if race is a social construct, then claim you are black and get government hand outs

beat them at their own game

>> No.5545565

Government doesn't give hand outs based on race except to Indians. Blacks get more hand outs than white cuz dey poor

>> No.5545566

Censorship is necessary to maintain order. There is such thing as dangerous writing/thought.

>> No.5545569

There's nothing wrong with being racist.
If you see a red apple and a black apple, which one would you pick?
Think wisely, there is no clock.

>> No.5545572

alright, then claim injun status. I know they require proof - but if race is a social construct, how do you empirically test that? And if they're just constructs, why does one get money and not the other?

>> No.5545574

I got banned for saying nigger four days ago, it's ogre

>> No.5545576


Slippery slope fallacy, bro.

Dangerous writing/thought doesn't lead to dangerous acts because one is illegal which is the ultimate deterrent, as you know.

>> No.5545578

Socrates, my name is Hemlock.

>> No.5545580

race has nothing to do with colour.

Africans are the same colour as Aussie abos, but they're very different.

but I know what you're getting at m8 and I agree with you

>> No.5545585
File: 69 KB, 573x432, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I got banned for a week for saying kike

someone should screenshot all these people coming out of the woodwork

>> No.5545586

Can you define 'dangerous writing/thought'?

>> No.5545595
File: 189 KB, 1366x768, poem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once got banned for a poem I wrote on /lit/.

Pic related.

>> No.5545597

lol he's an advocate of whites going extinct - it is whatever he wants it to be

>> No.5545602

It looks like you wrote that on /pol/, and still got banned

>> No.5545603

Nice IP, faggot. Prepare to be hacked.

>> No.5545604

Too bad they didn't ban you forever for that childish crap. It turns out some people do pass through the shit-filter that is /b/.

>> No.5545611

>it is whatever he wants it to be
That's what it always is with those types of people. They use vague, subjective terms like 'hate speech' or 'bourgeoise speech' to silence those who oppose them.

>> No.5545615

is this /b/? go steal some nudes fag

>> No.5545621

>doesn't understand poetry
>supports censoring it

Fucking fascist.

>> No.5545622

It says right at the top that he was banned from /lit/, dipshit.

>> No.5545625

Or hate crime. wtf is that? it's only hate if they're a different race? I can guarantee a guy who kills his cheating wife hates her

>> No.5545627

>omg they won't let me post it on my favorite mongoloid-cartoon imageboard CENSORSHIP

>> No.5545635

apologizes, I am on my phone and panning is difficult

>> No.5545637

Indians get money as retroactive compensation for their pseudo-property being stolen.

>> No.5545642


>imagine saying this shit in real life to somebody

>not having a weepy white guilt heart to heart with your skinny white peers in the cafeteria while girls can hear


>> No.5545646

Should have said quasi-property, sir.

>> No.5545649

When people like him and I are long dead from government homicides, and your masters finally turn on you, you will see all you chose not to.

>> No.5545657


>> No.5545660

Ahhh. What a fucked up country, that the conquerors pay the conquered.

>> No.5545663





>> No.5545665

>if we put merchants and marketers in charge of everything, we will live in a paradise :^)
>if we don't live in dreamboat land, it your fault!

>> No.5545668

It's not if they're a different race, it is if a white person commits a crime against a black.

>> No.5545675
File: 64 KB, 850x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"*flashing neon text"* RELEVANT *"flashing neon text"*

>> No.5545681

I'm sure Stalin wouldn't have put you in a gulag after the execution of vocal dissenters.

>> No.5545687

It's part of our legal system that theft isn't okay. I'm cool with that, compensating Indians is hardly anything compared to other state expenditure.

>> No.5545689

you should have written it as a sestina like petrarch did or in tercets where two first lines are rhymed to each other and the third to the third of the following tercet like aquinas did, at the very end in the rap style with a lot of simple couplets like pope did, they banned you for no meter and rhyming nigger with nigger

>> No.5545691

ahh yes I forgot the first rule of this dystopic Marxist century! Only whites can be racist. Silly me.

>> No.5545696

>implying I'm a leftist
I'm rightist, but nice try

>> No.5545701

You've clearly never lived in a town where they make up half the populace.

>> No.5545703

>the government is going to kill me because I say niggers on the internet

Every time I realize people like you think saying niggers on the internet is a revolutionary act, instead of as childishly bucking against social taboos, I laugh.

>> No.5545705
File: 23 KB, 292x268, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>racism is prejudice + power
Except in Asia and Africa and other non-white dominated areas, if course.

>> No.5545707

I haven't, then again I'm not the one complaining about the government funding reservations for them.

>> No.5545716

You're neither left nor right, you're a neckbeard wasting his life on 4chan. In one or two weeks you're gonna have a different name+tripcode, a different favorite philosopher and a different political stance.

>> No.5545717
File: 204 KB, 699x1459, stormfrontbullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will never stop being relevant as long as I surf 4chan.

>> No.5545721

>Civil rights
>Other countries following 'murica, plz

>> No.5545724

We could learn a valuable lesson from those natives, if you let in other races they will destroy your culture.

>> No.5545727

>this will never stop being relevant as long as I surf a board that caters to the most irrelevant and impotent demographic that actually hates itself and intentionally misrepresents itself just to upset itself

>> No.5545730

I recommend living near them for even a few short months. Will be such an adventure!

"AAYYY white boi. Ya got any money? Can ya buy me some smokes and booze"


*proceeds to swing at your head*

Such a noble race.

>> No.5545735

Why does everyone insist on making this comparison. Until Mexicans/Muslims start slaughtering people and stealing their homes, I think we're pretty safe.

>inb4 anon links a fucking robbery or murder as proof that this is an invasion

>> No.5545738

Put some words in my mouth why don't you?

>> No.5545741

I don't think they're noble. I don't think nobility has anything to do with this..

>> No.5545751

>I don't think black people are necessarily inferior, I just like homogeneous countries. Its more OCDish but I can't deny having a bad thoughts about black people too, this thread is relevant to my needs to

Same here man. Why do we need to be "diverse" as a nation? Why the push for diversity? See, it makes me sound like a racist. That's problem with this stuff. You honestly express a question like this and someone repackages it like "Well I'm not racist but why do we need diversity?" and of course everyone jumps on you.

I just want to know things guys. I don't see what's wrong with questioning the status quo

>> No.5545753

This. Let's not lose our heads over a little immigration.

>> No.5545758


It's ok to hold different views, just don't be an immature prick screaming racial slurts at people and be able to back up your view with facts.

>> No.5545767

>Gave a Native American and Mexican a car ride down to the recycling joint to get cash for their bags of cans.
>Got weed from them.

I've lived in shitty neighborhoods. I've met "them". Shit, I've even had fucking dangerous encounters with some of them. But I never felt justified in going full A Wyatt Mann. Most of the time, everything is normal. And I've had just as many good encounters as bad.

I know I'm not saying anything strange here. But I'm pretty sure most of the anons talking about these people are just autistic as fuck and couldn't handle *any* social situation, let alone one where they're shitting their pants in racism-induced fear.

>> No.5545768

Why do black people get so much more offended over racial slurs than whites? Is it because they have inferior brains, or because they realise they are inferior?

>> No.5545771

They were trying to get you addicted so you would buy from them.

>> No.5545774

If you take a black baby and raise him like a king he will grow up to be a king but if you raise a black baby like a violent street rapist then that is what he will be

>> No.5545775

Meant for >>5545767

>> No.5545781


>Why do we need to be "diverse" as a nation? Why the push for diversity?

The real problem is that most western nations already are, and once they are there what are you going to do? Forcibly relocate them? That couldn't possibly go wrong and lead to mass death and destruction or anything. It's a better question why the diversity arose in the first place, and it has to do with white people getting too rich for their own good.

>> No.5545785

because diversity leads to a country where people don't give a fuck about each other, see: Brazil. Once you have that, it is much easier for people who truly run the world to keep money and power. The goal is to make a worldwide favela, anon.

>> No.5545787

wow how ebin
I badly want this shit to be forever purged

>> No.5545790

Because it's something to get upset over that's been culturally bred into them.

Everyone wants to be offended, anon. We've just conditioned the "white people" to be less offended at things from an odd sense of guilt, you know?

>> No.5545791

But then surely your real enemy is the people who run the world, not the people being imported as scabs and diversions? Make common cause with them and turn and fight your real enemy.

>> No.5545795

>implying it wasn't going to happen anyways

The entire world is basically a days travel away. What the fuck was gonna happen? Do these nationalists think they were going to make impermeable borders?

The better question is why nations at all? I'm not talking about anarchism. More like, why not nations without the land-based sovereignty. Why not groups of people united under a flag, all across the world?

The nation state is over.

>> No.5545796

wow It's really funny how all these retards somewhat watch almost every thread in 4chan to spread their shit
Thanks OP for lowering the quality of /lit/.

>> No.5545803

Nah, whites just have thicker skin than the animalistic blacks,

>> No.5545804

Actually, conversation in this thread has been quite good.

>> No.5545805
File: 18 KB, 400x386, 1408817988316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why Did British Police Ignore Pakistani Gangs Abusing (RAPING) 1,400 Rotherham Children? Political Correctness

Police were afraid to investigate one ethnicity and one religious group (paki muslims) responsible for these atrocities for fear of being labelled racist. Go figure.


>> No.5545809

Nope. It's just the typical talk about muh statistics like you find them on /pol/.

This is not even /lit/ related.

>> No.5545811

Nah, you're just retarded. Fuck off back to /pol/ until you realize there's more to people than just their skin color. I'm gonna throw you a curve ball here and say skin color does play a role in their personas, but it's the not the defining factor.

>> No.5545814

This is false actually. I don't have the source, but the in a study of adopted kids, the test scores/IQ of whites Asians raised by white parents are highest, then whites raised by non biological white parents, then blacks by white parents. No matter what, the blacks always scored worse than whites and Asians.

So don't talk about shit without researching it.

>> No.5545821

>implying race is just skin colour

>> No.5545825

This happen in every other race too.

Also, what's with that shit of dividing races with skin colours?
Is this USA or something?

>> No.5545829

My enemy is both the international nation wrecker, and the third worlder who will rape my daughter and do the jobs my teenage son should be doing, but for 1/4 the pay.

>> No.5545832

So, the people that brought them here?

>> No.5545834


You can be as racist as you like, I'd even say it's natural to be to a degree. But just be mature about it; you can hold preconceived biases about people but give them a chance and be civil in social situations. Don't go full /pol/ and hand out infographic fliers to your dad and teachers.

>> No.5545838


That's what I said, white people getting too rich for their own good. National/racial/ethnic identities were important categories in the building of the industrial society, but ultimately once industrial society began to trend towards globalism could only proceed to apotheosis (Naziism) or nothingness (communism and capitalism).

>> No.5545840


http://edge.org/conversation/rethinking-out-of-africa <----- this is really good

http://www.americanscientist.org/bookshelf/pub/race-finished <---- addresses several things, including medical/medical treatment differences


^it's not all covered in this essay, but middle class whites currently get a disproportionate amount of entitlements. Think it's touched on here, actually:


Anyway, whites have historically received more welfare and entitlements than blacks in America. For example, blacks couldn't benefit from the housing provisions of the GI bill (gov.-backed loans), and they were left out of social security for about 20 years.

>> No.5545848

Yes. But I have very little power to stop the gene pool and social cohesion of my country from being permanently damaged.

>> No.5545849


race is deeper than skin color, you shouldn't be so superficial.

>> No.5545850

There were also studies showing that blacks scored consistently lower on IQ tests when they were told that their scores were going to be compared to those of the general population than when they were told their scores where going to be compared to those of other blacks only.

So it's actually too complicated a topic for /lit.

>> No.5545851

You can't post the truth here m8.

You will be called a kike. good luck

>> No.5545860

/lit/ is one of the most Marxist boards. I am quite surprised this hasn't been deleted.

>> No.5545862

Kek. It isn't faggot. It's like saying /pol/ is a nazi board or something else.

>> No.5545864

Have y'all read Nigger of the Narcissus? It's not strictly about race, but one component of it is the ugly hate that boils up from the behavior of just one person, James Wait, who is thought to be a malingerer, but is actually very sick and dies at the end.

You guys think you don't generalize based on your narrow experiences, but you do:


>> No.5545865

>people using Marxist to mean Leftist

I fucking hate you.

>> No.5545871

but /pol/ IS a nazi board

>> No.5545876

It isn't. Just because it's full of stormshills doesn't mean it's /nazi/.

>> No.5545878

explain the difference darling

>> No.5545879

Marxism is the logical conclusion of left wing politics.

>> No.5545882

It will pass with most races, but black people and their culture are just shit. Just don't get hung up on it.

>> No.5545884

>You will be called a kike
The horror!
The black versus white race struggle will never end, will it?

>> No.5545893

You don't know anything about genetics. If you think you do, tell me, what is g other than a tautology?

And before you bring up twin studies:


http://www.slate.com/articles/life/twins/2011/08/double_inanity.html <---- flawed, but a good overview

>> No.5545895


It won't cease with time because there exists no economic incentive for black people to form large-scale bourgeoisie to which bourgeois whites can relate, and quite a bit of incentive for them not to do so. By definition they are despised. They are called "blacks", for fucksake. And it can very possibly get worse because of retarded centrists trying to cultivate "black culture" in the name of diversity when what they want is genocide.

>> No.5545897

it will stop if the USA gets nuked
It's the only way
That country is fucked up

>> No.5545899

It will end when whites are extinguished. Which will be within the next 3 centuries, seeing as every traditionally white/euro majority country is being flooded with Nigerians, Somalians, Pakistanis, Indians, Chinese, Filipinos, etc

>> No.5545905

At least that will stop retards like you who shit this board

>> No.5545907

Marxism is a philosophy that resides on the left side of the political spectrum, along with many otters.

>> No.5545908

Conviction is the excuse the stubborn give for not thinking.

>> No.5545915

Wow how masculine you are for following quotes of an image

>> No.5545916

One thing that bothers me about the Left and political correctness is that it can hurt science.

There is such a thing as race-based medicine some medicine works better on blacks than one whites and vice-versa, but SJW ostracize anyone who says race isn't an imaginary construct and anyone who tries to do race-based research.

I remember Zizek saying in a lecture that even letting scientists TEST racial theories like "IQ differences" or seeing if one race has better physical properties than another is INHERENTLY RACIST and should be fought against.

>> No.5545918

You know nothing of me and my contributions. Also the worst trolls on the Internet are Brazillians, so you're sorely mistaken.

>> No.5545919

Uh, black people have a really great culture. They made most of the best music in the 20th century. They've made lots of great literature:

Charles Chesnutt
Nella Larsen
Chester Himes
Paul Laurence Dunbar
the Frederick Douglass narrative
the Booker T Washington narrative
Ishmael Reed
Chester Himes
Samuel Delaney
Zora Neale Hurston
Angela Davis
PM Shiel
James Weldon Johnson
Walter Mosley
and so on!

>> No.5545920

what contributions?

>> No.5545930

Addressed itt. Do your homework. "Political correctness" won't actually hurt science. Political correctness was and is about politeness and common courtesy.

>> No.5545931


>> No.5545932


>cites a Slate blog post as a source to support his argument

Perfect logic Aristotle.

>> No.5545936

You two seem to have a strong conviction to oppose my view.

>> No.5545938

Are your contributions creating apps? Are those writing Legacy of the Totalitarianism in a Tundra?
>worst trolls on the internet are brazillians
They are, but not in this board. Here it's full of "white" guys like you who just read an article made by Ben "Nuke the spooks" Gasmaggedon and thought you were red pilled.

In fact, I appreciate that you guys make some funny image macros, but when discussing serious shit you don't need to say retarded shit.

>> No.5545939


It is "inherently racist" in the sense that such research exists to determine which race is better than which - as you just, yourself, said. Zizek with his cryptochristian stuff and nonsense seems to honestly think we should all be colorblind and hug it up, which is fair enough imo because most "leftists" have attitudes towards race that range somewhere between "as long as you paint them white its okay" and "uhhh just let them languish in poverty and culture of crime and hopelessness". Zizek doesn't trust white people to not erupt into genocidal wrath if they were to figure out that black people have -4 INT or whatever. Frankly I don't either, not because white people are particularly vicious (lol if you think that blacks wouldn't treat whites as shit as whites treat blacks if they could) but because people in general are pretty god damn dumb

>> No.5545942

Regarding what I post and discuss on this board.

>> No.5545943

>Political correctness was and is about politeness and common courtesy.

That's the baby definition that everyone agrees with...

The real monster we are talking about is something far more disturbing and psychotic. Political Correctness is an ideology now that has a ton of beliefs about race, gender, social classes, etc..

>> No.5545947

>claims that black culture is worthless
subjective and obvious bigotry

>> No.5545948

Because I'm a man who doesn't tolerate

>> No.5545951

Is this satire? I have lost the ability to differentiate between parody and what leftists actually believe.

>> No.5545955
File: 15 KB, 216x209, frog laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> race-based medicine some medicine works better on blacks than one whites and vice-versa

Oh god this guy right here.

>> No.5545961

and a non-slate article by someone who's published peer-reviewed articles on genetic theory that you conveniently left out.

>> No.5545963
File: 71 KB, 805x674, counselor bolo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is "inherently racist" in the sense that such research exists to determine which race is better than which - as you just, yourself, said.

No the research is there to find objective differences.
The value judgements people make about those differences is their own preference.

It's objectively true that men are more physically powerful than women, east asians are short as fuck compared to northern europeans, etc... whether that makes them "better" is another issue.

>> No.5545970

I think the only answer to all these isseus, racism, sexism, nationalism, is the realisation that the majority of people are complete garbage, while always being on the verge of considering yourself part of the majority.

Most women are shallow, iPhone drones, most men are pussy chasing drunk dickheads. Most whites are cunts, most blacks are cunts, most arabs are cunts, most asians are cunts, most of your country's population are cunts, etc.

If you can pull this off without being too arrogant, you're good.

>> No.5545972

lol no that's not the baby definition that everyone agrees with. Your Fox News talking point has much more in common with how "political correctness" has been discussed in the last 25 years or so. You wanna do a corpus media search on the term "political correctness" and tell me which comes up more, the one that sounds like mine or the one that sounds like yours? It'll be the one that sounds like yours.

>> No.5545973

It's OK OP, more people are becoming "racist". Its inevitable after the failure of the welfare state in equalizing minorities.

>> No.5545978

Plan B, Chester Himes' rough draft of a novel about a race war in the US.

>> No.5545979

Nothing is more effeminate than whining about some undeserved success.

>> No.5545980

reminder polar bears and grizzly bears can reproduce fertile offspring, yet are classified as different species.

reminder whites are between 2-7% Neanderthal, who were 4x more genetically distinct to sub Saharan Africans than Grizzlies are from polars...

Whatever it's hopeless. Enjoy your civil decay and double digit IQ, brown grandsons /lit/, I'm going to bed.

>> No.5545983


Objective difference in goodness -- again, to find which is "better" is YOUR wording -- is simply not evaluable. Every one knows that women are weak as shit and chinamen are short, and this provides a great excuse for white men to assume notions of goodness that rely on not being short and weak as shit. Which is cool and all, but it means that doing studies on whether or not white men are better at being strong than white women isn't of any use. It's already tacitly accepted by so-called leftists that the negro is stupid by comparison to the white man, in fact it's tacitly accepted and acted upon by everyone; what these who fancy themselves a social conscience are worried about is lending any further legitimacy to the notion of his stupidity.

>> No.5545985

He has a point. Niggers, because of its racial charge, has a great poetic usage to it.

>> No.5545986

NM, I'm out. You're not discussing collaboratively or in good faith, and no one here thinks you are.

>> No.5545992

Jesus, stormfront in-fighting.

>> No.5545994

Epin thread bruh

>> No.5545995

Wrong post link ?

>> No.5545999


Never posted there. Sorry you would rather dismiss anyone who can describe the racism that you live your life by by appeal to it.

>> No.5546001

>Objective difference in goodness

It's not clear that height, or strength or IQ are "goods" in themselves.

It's a matter of preference.

>> No.5546002

>watching your population go from the majority to the minority in just ~150 years (we are going to lose the majority by 2050, so imagine by 2150 what the percentages are going to look like)
>this isn't a cause of concern

Granted whites aren't going suddenly vacant the seats of power just because they aren't in the majority any more. Its actually much more likely that we will be concentrated upwards. But who know what will happen with our culture of racial politics when the majority voting base doesn't want to uplift other races but oust the current minority race. Can we really begin to imagine the social upheaval? I think its hard to believe that things will just continue as usual as whites lose greater and greater voting majority.

>> No.5546004

If blacks contributed to STEM fields it would be alright. But they don't.

>> No.5546013

>because diversity leads to a country where people don't give a fuck about each other, see: Brazil.

You cannot be serious.

>> No.5546014

L'epic post m8

You are the worst shitposter on /lit/. Perhaps this shit will turn into a STEM vs Philo and Literature thread thanks to a retard like you.

>> No.5546016

Are you saying the madinamerica link isn't working?

>> No.5546018

>not the revolution of 1789
Please don't talk if you're going to be that ignorant

>> No.5546020

Who ever is the majority will raise themselves up. Other races are just as 'racist' as you think whites are. Actually, they are probably more racist.

>> No.5546021
File: 64 KB, 574x800, learn to read.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's why I said, immediately after that bit, that objective difference in goodness can not be evaluated. There are no objective standards for goodness because goodness is concept pulled out of the ass of man and has no existence independent of his values. That was the whole point of my post.

>> No.5546023

The link dump higher up has more interesting stuff.

>> No.5546024

Friendly reminder that Jews are a race of people.

>> No.5546025

>disagree with me? You are a stupid idiot!!
Great argument.

>> No.5546026

No shit, they make up a much greater number of the population. Blacks are in the tens percentage-wise. It would be shocking to see them collect the majority of benefits.

>> No.5546027

I'm half Irish and I agree completely.

>> No.5546033


>> No.5546034

More accurately that's a conviction that your opinion shouldn't be tolerated.

>> No.5546035


Oh, you were confused from the start. I never argued about races being "better" in general, as in inherently more "good".

I said that science needs to explore particular differences, to see how one race is better at somethings than others, like if one race can metabolize sugar better than others.

Whether these differences make one race superior (more good) than another is another matter.

>> No.5546036

So now you want me to link you about black scientist or something like that? Don't you realise how stupid that is?

Also, I don't care if you get offended that easy in a cambodian cartoon imageboard, it's just that it's always the same shit.

It's like I'm in American History X, where the protagonist say EXACTLY THE SAME SHIT all of you racists, and mostly stormfronters say.

>> No.5546039

Just because you use words one way doesn't mean people won't use them another way. I think the context is very clear that when we talk about the radical left and "politically correct", its not saying everyone should be polite with each other, but more along the lines of UK officials covering up the 1400 rapes of white women by Pakistani's or DNA testing being avoided by police in fear that racial differences being used to identify criminals could lead to social backlash.

>> No.5546041

Then they agree with me by disagreeing?

>> No.5546042
File: 99 KB, 698x942, 1384728536831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Middle Easterners

You'd be surprised.

>> No.5546043

You can become a Jew by conversion. You perhaps won't be considered an ethnic Jew, but your children will be, if you had them with a Jewess.

>> No.5546044

races dont metabolize sugar, individuals do.

>> No.5546045

Yeah, I know.

>> No.5546046

Easy there, Jew sympathizer.

>> No.5546047

Oh, like how that black 'scientist' disproved homosexuality with magnets?

>> No.5546048


Good point.

I also recall a stupid story about a girl being suspended from school for saying "bless you" after someone sneezed.

>> No.5546049

What? I dismiss people who describe the racism I live my life by by appeal to it? I don't understand at all. That's just incoherent. Maybe I didn't reread it enough times.

I dismiss people who argue their bigoted position with stormfront-quality pseudoscience. I dismiss people who don't even try to engage with facts of history, up-to-date theories of anthropology, reasonable objections or arguments itt, etc. I dismiss people who obviously have no more than a token black friend, people who have never dated one, people who weren't raised by one, people who have no black best friends or black close friends, and yet make these boneheaded arguments. I doubt OP was sincere, but if he was, it's certainly more sincere to just say, like he did, "I'm racist and I want to stop, but I don't know how."

>> No.5546050

At best you could say you are all agreeing that the opinion in that image is empty and inconsequential, as it doesn't allow to differentiate anything from anything.

>> No.5546052

Yes, exactly. "Raise themselves up" is a neutral way of putting it, but it will be done through the state, more than likely by force.

>> No.5546053


Is English your first language? "Better" is a comparative of "good", it implies value judgment; if you want to get more objective you should speak of some populations metabolizing sugar more quickly than others, but it's difficult to justify this inquiry if it's carried out along racial lines. the fuck does it matter that blacks metabolize sugar more quickly or less quickly than whites?

>> No.5546054

Top ke m8s. It's like you want /lit/ to become Tumblr so you will say " SEE I WAS RIGHT THE JEWS CONTROL EVERYTHING #GAMERGATE #GASTHEKIKES #POLE"

It won't happen and you still will post about that to at least win someting in your lifes.

>> No.5546056

They will never accept you. They're the most clannish race on earth.

>> No.5546057


and race is part of an individuals identity.

>> No.5546058

>being this much of a faggot

>> No.5546059

Again, context is important. Jews are a genetic race as much as they are a religion, due to them intermarrying so much throughout history.

>> No.5546060

lol yeah. You outed yourself here as THAT GUY. My GP is black, btw, and he's wayyyy better than my previous (white) GP. But that's fucking anecdotal like basically every bigoted thing said on this thread.

>> No.5546061
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>therefore would not breed with them:
This fat fuck thinks any of the people he listed even want to be near his proximity
Life must be so pleasant when you're this delusional.

>> No.5546062

I don't know what the hell you are talking about. So, because you are a kid I'll give you this link so you can say it was made by the kikes.

Here you go, it's for kids so you can easily understand it.

>> No.5546064

im a racist and meet all your checks, fuck off faggot.

>> No.5546065

I'm an actually an autist, correcting an inaccurate statement.

>some black dude disproved homosexuality with magnets
that sounds like gold

>> No.5546066

skin color is just a phenotype of an individual.

Or do we have the race of the less than 6ft? or the race of the balding men? or the race of thos who have dimples?

>> No.5546072

Yeah, but in this case, we're confident enough about you being an idiot that we're not going to waste our time arguing with you.

>> No.5546076

ITT left-racists and right-racists shitposting about nothing

>The failure of morale swung so far that large numbers of – first of all – the youth, and then the older people, were unable to sustain in themselves any pride in their past at all. All they had accomplished in the way of technical advances, energetic experimentation in patterns of society, justice – fine in concept if not always a success in practice – these accomplishments of theirs seemed to them to be nothing at all, and they were tending to sink into abasement and sullen withdrawal. In fact, this emotional reaction, seeing themselves entirely as villains, the despoilers of the globe, a view reinforced every moment by a thousand exterior sources of propaganda, was as narrow and self-centred as their previous view – when they saw themselves as God-given benefactors….

--a book

>> No.5546077

But the definition of that race isn't something so uncontroversial as you would think. Someone a nazi would consider a jew isn't necesarily someone the talmud would consider a jew, and the reverse applies.

>> No.5546078

Are you going to send me to the gulag for not liking black people, comrade?

>> No.5546080

You cannot seriously pretend that there is no such thing as "race" or that it doesn't affect someone's sense of identity. We don't have a race of people under 6ft, but if suddenly people under 6ft started living by each other, sharing the same culture, and grow separately from groups of people that weren't 6ft, then there would obviously be some basis of differentiation between them stemming from the difference in height, an other-wise meaningless difference now given importance due to this situation.

>> No.5546081

>incoherent rage and gibberish!!!!


>the fuck does it matter that blacks metabolize sugar more quickly or less quickly than whites?

1st because Science and it's interesting, that's why.
2. Because a million reasons practical reasons:
Race-based medicine...Diabetes medicine/treatments would be one.


Previous studies had shown that African American patients with congestive heart failure generally respond less effectively to traditional treatments than white patients with similar conditions.

>> No.5546084

You don't know what you are talking about. Why talk ? It's easier to become a Jew than to become white.

>> No.5546085


you seem confused, watch this a bit at 20seconds he address your question.


>> No.5546090

Alright, go try marry into a Jewish family, WITH her mother and father's blessing.

>> No.5546092

Different people have different definitions of the same word, etc, etc. Absolutely no one can agree on what "Jewish" is, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist as a concept. Nazi's wouldn't give a shit what the Talmud says about Jews. We could suppose that Nazis want to hunt down all genetic Jews but the definition for them is more grey than that (and genetic Jew itself is a grey concept) --it has more to do with how they organized themselves in society and grew from there.

>> No.5546096


I'm perfectly calm, sorry if you are raging incoherently yourself. Again, what does it matter? Science is not its own justification, and neither is treating diabetes.

>> No.5546105

Why is anyone responding to this troll? Please let my post be the only one.

>> No.5546106

You couldn't even define Marxism if you wanted to. How can you say that it's the logical conclusion of left wing politics?

Marxism is a theory of economic and historical progress which asserts that capitalism will come to and end when certain economic conditions are met. Since not all leftists ascribe to this historical fatalism, it's hard to claim they're equivalent, let alone that leftists must be historical fatalists.

But why am I even arguing this? You probably think Marxism = Stalinism = Leninism = Maoism.

>> No.5546108

this isn't /lit/ topic

>> No.5546109

>craig bodeker

No, you would only have a buch of people that share the same phenotype.

>> No.5546111

>you stupid faggot

Check these

>> No.5546115

well done

>> No.5546117

Thank you.


>> No.5546118
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>> No.5546120

Do you not know about the PIE (Pedophile Information Exchange) and the history of pedophile rings in Britain? It's nearly all wealthy, powerful, white Brits. That's real political sensitivity.

Your 1,400 news story is overblown bullshit. People handling the case were reluctant to describe the race of those suspected, but that isn't considered a credible reason of why the case wasn't handled better. Here is a BBC quote:

>Prof Jay said the first of these reports was "effectively suppressed" because senior officers did not believe the data. The other two were ignored, she said.

And that's typical in abuse cases. Go to the Tao Lin thread and see the kind of abuse and rape denial that goes on there (you're probably one of those people who act as if false rape accusations are more common than actual rapes).

You can always throw around examples like these of "POLITICAL CORRECTNESS GONE MAD." It makes good scandal sheet copy for rubes like you who really want to believe that that's what "political correctness" was ever about.

>> No.5546121


>> No.5546124

>You couldn't even define Marxism if you wanted to.
>Marxism is a theory of economic and historical progress which asserts that capitalism will come to and end when certain economic conditions are met.

I don't even.

>No, you would only have a buch of people that share the same phenotype.
That also have a distinct culture and identity that appears to revolve around said phenotype. Thus "race".

>> No.5546128

>Again, what does it matter?

1st because Science and it's interesting, that's why.
2. Because a million reasons practical reasons:

>> No.5546134

>That also have a distinct culture and identity that appears to revolve around said phenotype. Thus "race".

So culture defines a race? you are a little confused.

>> No.5546136

>>craig bodeker

He asked your question and got a legit reply from a specialist in the field.

>> No.5546144

I can ask a question about anything to a gypsi fortune teller.

>> No.5546145

top fucking kek
That retard >>5546047
hasn't even read what I linked to him.

Maybe he was afraid. So, if you are reading this, stop drinking blue pills.

>> No.5546147


must be where you get all your crazy answers.

>> No.5546148

You don't hate blacks, you hate idiots and ghetto fagotts.

>> No.5546149


>Different people have different definitions of the same word

I mean, it's not only that there are disagreement, it's that you have laws that don't apply to the same people at all.

>Nazi's wouldn't give a shit what the Talmud says about Jews.

Actually Eichmann (who designed the final solution) was fond of bragging about his knowledge of judaism.

>-it has more to do with how they organized themselves in society and grew from there.

Ultimaltely it's boils down to mating habits: who will marry who, and who will be considered a legitimate partner, etc. Cultural features, typical jobs, crafts, and so on are considered defining features of Jewish identities, but they don't factor that much in determining wether someone is considered part of the jewish community, oddly enough. It's a strange mix.

>> No.5546151

i dont , but if i would , it would be as good as that "specialist."

>> No.5546152

If I had a venn diagram for those 3, it would be 1 circle :^)

>> No.5546154

>all this posting unreliable sources
>people calling each other faggots
>replies trying hard to make sick burns

Whoa, it's like I'm on pol and reddit

>> No.5546160

>still talking about this

Kill yourself.

>> No.5546164
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He's right though.

>> No.5546168


>> No.5546172

Wait, so your case of wealthy, powerful, white pedophiles is "politically sensitive" but my 1400 news story is just overblown bullshit? Police refusing to investigate wide-spread sexual assault and rape cases, and when said cases were brought to attention of even more officials, whom said the investigation needed to be slowed because it would be problematic if it was revealed, you are going to say that none of this is an issue and serves just to sell papers?

>you're probably one of those people who act as if false rape accusations are more common than actual rapes
Where did you get this from? False allegations are 2-8% at max (which is still a problem).

It is irrelevant what "political correctness" was originally about. What it has become in certain centers is vigorous pursuit to deny reality and cover up scientific facts in order to meet political ends. The massive outcry against works like The Bell Curve, for strictly political reasons, manifests itself here.

Who is the rube here? You just provide fodder that covers for groups you don't even agree with just because they use the same terminology you do.

>> No.5546174

Probabilistic treatment based on race would be pretty irresponsible. Just because there might (I'm not saying there is) be some genetic likelihood of African-Americans responding differently to treatment irrespective of their diet, lifestyle, upbringing, ses, etc., that doesn't exclude that subset of African-Americans who respond to treatment exactly like a White American would. It'd be malpractice to treat based on race. You'd have to do the tests anyway.

I guess genetic research like this is good for health policy and management, but it seems like the effect it'd have would be a drop in the bucket.

>> No.5546178

None of those scientists are worth a damn. It's laughable that you'd post them. Only a cuckolded Marxist would consider those of equal merit to Newton.

>> No.5546185


>I guess genetic research like this is good for health policy and management

And make more effective treatments apparently.

>> No.5546187

what did you invent/discover ?

>> No.5546188

>So culture defines a race? you are a little confused.
You want to define your terms so we can end this semantics? African-American, a race in America, very much has a culture attached to it, for example. The culture by itself doesn't "define" a race, but it is part of it.

>> No.5546198

so spaniards and portugueses are different races.

>> No.5546200

We're talking about races here, James Rolfe.

>> No.5546202


Do they still enjoy that hobby, what's it called, the knock-out game?

>> No.5546204

No. Kill *your* Jewish self.

>> No.5546207

That's what Marxism is you uneducated faggot.

>> No.5546209

>arguing on an Indonesian cartoon image board

>> No.5546214

Fucking kek

>> No.5546216

Yeah, your story is overblown bullshit. Give me an email or a quote of an official who was responsible for the case progressing or not progressing saying that their decision was based on race. I don't care about some people saying they didn't want to describe alleged offenders as Pakistani or whatever. This case blew up in a way that the pedo rings never have, so even if you can come up with a quote, it seems that official's white guilt didn't stop people from eventually being prosecuted. 450 people made complaints about Jimmy Savile. That fucker died without being prosecuted.

The Bell Curve is criticized because it's pseudoscientific garbage. g=g. It's tautalogical. At best, g=ses, education level attained by the mother, and other similar factors. g has not been isolated. I don't think there aren't some genetic differences between people, but that doesn't mean that a nebulous thing called intelligence has been isolated and measured with a test that has its roots in eugenics.

The false allegations meme has come up several times on the Tao Lin threads. They attract all the pedo and rape apologists, just like these threads attract all the white supremacists.

>> No.5546220
File: 25 KB, 600x405, IQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who are you quoting?

>> No.5546222

What treatments that we don't have? It's not apparent at all.

>> No.5546227

Good argument. Pick up a fucking book, you're on /lit/ for fucks sake.

>> No.5546231

For those we use the term nationality. Are you this obsessed with semantics? I am done replying after this, this isn't going anywhere.

More like a fuss about nothing, or more accurately nothing that was always something. "Knock-out game" has been around forever, at least since I was in high school 6 years ago. Maybe it got more popular or maybe the news finally caught on.

>> No.5546233

>implying that I don't read

>> No.5546234
File: 653 KB, 953x767, elephant BBC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What treatments that we don't have? It's not apparent at all.

"FDA Approves BiDil Heart Failure Drug for Black Patients"


>> No.5546237

Yeah, we've seen you around. You're still ignorant.

>> No.5546240

>More like a fuss about nothing

what? people died because of it.

>it's been around longer

Well blacks have been around for a long time.

>> No.5546241


>> No.5546242

>was still in high school as recently as 2008
>"that has been around forever"

proceed to hastly chop your testicles off with a cleaver before you breed

>> No.5546243

Left wing buzzword

>> No.5546244


Try harder, faggot.

>> No.5546245


/lit/ getting educated by a certain board.


>> No.5546248

Yeah, it's a combination of pre-existing drugs. The trial had no non-black control. The experimental group that took the drug had already been treated with limited or no success. Just giving that drug to a black patient with congestive heart failure because he was black would be malpractice.

>> No.5546250

I'll be as lazy as I damn well want.

>> No.5546254

Why are you up so late?

>> No.5546255


whatever the truth is, science should research racial differences asap

forget going to Mars and wasting money on the environment, the best thing we can do to save the planet is race research. it will help us make right choice about immigration and laws.

>> No.5546256

I live in Guam.

>> No.5546264

Coming from a guy whose argument was

>check em


>arguing on a mongoloid-cartoon image board

>> No.5546266
File: 101 KB, 899x676, 1410126509664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We know the right choice, retard.

If you're not Caucasoid or Northeast Asian, gtfo.

>> No.5546268

I bet you've used the term "Cultural Marxism" seriously. Be honest, you have haven't you?

>> No.5546270

The BBC documentary on the issue had:
"the author of a 2002 report to the Rotherham council on the scandal said her work was quashed. When she noted that the perpetrators were from the Pakistani community, a colleague told her ‘you must never refer to that again — you must never refer to Asian men.’ She was sent to diversity training and, by her account, nearly fired."

Do you really want me to dig more? Just Google the damn case, its very clear that the perpetrators being Pakistani put a wrench into the machine. If its all overblown all the way around I don't see what the point of citing the news at all is. UK officials and pedophilia is a separate issue which has trouble being reported for different reasons than the Rotherham one, but both have to do with power.

1400 rapes in an English city with little state intervention would be headline news and serve to get people shaking their fists, but the image of white people being angered with the actions of a minority group makes people's stomach squirm, so its avoided as best it can be: tell the facts, give a little emotional appeal, move on before you can rock the boat. You have to go to clear right-wing channels to see some real outrage.

There should be more action on all of these issues, why say any of them are overblown?

And I don't care about Tao Lin.

>> No.5546275
File: 63 KB, 532x242, 1409624978214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK SAKE. I love your philosophy threads /lit/, but when it comes to anything regarding current events, racial realities or anything REMOTELY /pol/ related, you're as brainwashed as the fucking teletubbies.

>> No.5546277

Word...wait...the irish? Really? Can't we toss them out as well?

>> No.5546279

Oh and I forgot to add:

You clearly never read the Bell Curve or read a review from someone who had. Literally every single one of your critiques are brought up and discussed extensively in the book. About 40 pages are devoted to what "g" could be, and why its illogical and impossible to pin down, why its useful as a method of study without being taken completely seriously.

>> No.5546280

We're still gonna need a lower class anon.

>> No.5546282

Hey, they don't speak for me.

Nobody speaks for me, but especially not Schlomo.

>in before the average c/lit/ has no sense of humor