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/lit/ - Literature

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5542175 No.5542175[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>required to read and think about feminist criticism in my lit class

>> No.5542181

There's nothing wrong with feminism.
It's the people who think feminism=fuck the males that are wrong.

>> No.5542188

>by inventing such a sentence, a woman can in turn sentence male authors to isolation, fear, and literary banishment from the canon, just as for sentences men have been banishing women. By formulating a woman's sentence, female writers can and will free themselves from being defined by men.
Required reading.

>> No.5542197

>just as for CENTURIES. . .
I thought /lit/ was supposed to have well read smart people.
>not differentiating between feminism and feminist criticism
>giving the most irrelevant cliched "feminism is for men too" argument

>> No.5542203
File: 46 KB, 500x274, Boys! Urgh!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you know nothing of the subject.
You think the teacher knows nothing of it too? Outwit him and learn more.

>> No.5542205

feminism isnt for men its for women you fucking idiot i never said that

>> No.5542207 [DELETED] 

>Sounds like you know nothing of the subject.

>> No.5542209

>outwit him
>assuming prof is a male
Sounds like someone needs to be pegged.

>> No.5542221

>There's nothing wrong with feminism.
Except the fact that it's attempting to elevate women to the ranks of men when the two are opposites of one another.

>> No.5542230

Yeah, so?
It's not like they'll be able to put up.

>> No.5542245

>It's the people who think feminism=fuck the males that are wrong.

you have an extremely poor choice of words on this one, i'll let you guess why.

>> No.5542246

Feminism is about making up lies like "drunk people are incapable of consent" in order to skew statistics. It's intellectual dishonesty in its purest form.

>> No.5542251

Write a 5000 worded lecture about penis.

>> No.5542258
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Were you raped by a feminist or something, you sound mad

>> No.5542266

>be in lit class
>read muslim feminist interview
>the interviewer asks the feminists some questions
>finally asks about religion
>she responds with "I do not wish to talk about this with a white man"
This class is going to the death of me.

>> No.5542273

>Muslim feminist

there's a contradiction if I've ever heard one

>> No.5542276

The interview was about that, but she refused to talk about her religious beliefs because the interviewer was a white man.

>> No.5542279

Post that is a hilarious quote

>> No.5542280

so it wasn't an interview then, it was a guy asking a series of questions and her not answering?

>> No.5542301


op you dumb as hell.

>not providing context
>misreading feminist criticism

no wonder you're attending a shit-tier uni, you lack the reading comprehension necessary to move from one method to another without getting butthurt and wining.

having the Freaks and Geeks picture saved as a recation/mfw speaks volumes.

stay pleb!

>> No.5542302

Well she answered most of the questions, but didn't want to answer any of the ones concerning her religion and how it contrasts with feminism.

>> No.5542316 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5542319

gotcha, did anyone point out that there's clearly a contradiction if she's a 'mulsim feminist' then because she wont' talk about it?

>> No.5542327

>this lack of relativism
Typical cis white male scum.

>> No.5542328

>Le ebin edge
Also, op, you have a stupid fucking haircut and why are your eyes in the back of you face you be looking fucking stupid with such a dumb fucking look on your face. You look like you take ten dicks up your ass every day. Theyre black too.

>> No.5542330

Why would you risk it? You might get expelled from the university for hate crimes/rape

>> No.5542333

Does it matter? She was effectively pulling the check your privilege card the entire time.

>> No.5542353

>lit class
Kek. What's next, 'TV watching class'? 'Nose picking class'?

>> No.5542358

>believing in opposites
What is this metaphysics?

>> No.5542374

You're in /lit/ dude.

>> No.5542377

Yeah, and I'm sure people in /tv/ all must have PhD's in breakbadology.

>> No.5542380

>Outwit him

>> No.5542393

How is this edgy? Finding feminists irritating is not an unusual POV

I would argue that feminists are the true edgemasters since they rely so heavily on "outrageous" stunts like whore walks, manipulate data in order to make figures about sexual assualt and gender pay gaps seem more shocking than they really are, and intentionally make provocative statements not grounded in logic in order to stir up controversy and give their movement more attention

>> No.5542409

Hey, feminism summed up in one picture. Thanks Butterface!

>> No.5542664

Yes, the entire class did. Or at least all the men of the class. Even the black one.

>> No.5542709
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>mayonnaise-complexion still trying to tell people how they can or can not think for the 1500th consecutive year
>mayonnaise-complexion gets butt-flustered and cries about alleged event where a woman dismisses another for a stupid question
>seriously can't see that even if it did happen it's a dumb question and doesn't get that person was smart to avoid getting lectured at by prissy little-dicks
Who are you fooling, kid?

>> No.5542721
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>Outwit him and learn more.
If you want to fail the class

Idiots teach feminism because they were too stupid for anything else. They DO NOT want you to think. They want you to regurgitate EXACTLY what they say and treat their word as the word of god.

Grit your teeth, placate them, and move on with your life. You'd have better luck arguing with a hardcore christian fundamentalist.

>> No.5542730
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>> No.5542739

>feminist criticism

Impossible, they are logically opposed