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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 51 KB, 604x453, fingers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
553511 No.553511 [Reply] [Original]

Books with graphic violence. Go!

>> No.553514

And that boys and girls is why we dont play with blenders.

>> No.553517

nasty papercut you got there bro, might want to put a band-aid over it

Fight Club

>> No.553528

i puked

>> No.553541

Has /b/ fucking invaded /lit/?

>> No.553553


some newfag just saw this pic on /b/ probably...

reporting for teh love of books

>> No.553561

Reported for rules violation.

>Do not post the following outside of /b/: ...grotesque ("guro")...

>> No.553568

;_; what is this?!

>> No.553572
File: 171 KB, 376x496, 301_slide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.553574

I wonder what it'd be like to get a handjob from that

Or receive a fingering.

But in a vagina. An anus would be dangerous for that person with the hand

>> No.553595


>> No.553618

those cuts look like gills or something, I can just imagine them absorbing oxygen.. great picture

>> No.553642
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>> No.553643

For some reason, that picture deeply disturbs me.

>> No.553657
File: 82 KB, 580x843, rothko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for some reason it reminds me of this rothko piece

>> No.553660

I fucking love Rothko so much. If I were really rich, I would buy a whole bunch of his paintings and hang them all in a room in dim light, like the Rothko room at the Tate Modern. Ahhh...someday...

>> No.553702
File: 18 KB, 460x276, markrothko3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely. he was able to tap into the realm of vision in a manner that us mortals could have never imagined

rothko dump anyone?

>> No.553706

You just pretension'd all over my face.

>> No.553711

We had one early on in /lit/ history and the purists, who are apparently better than 4chan but post on it, told us to stop besmirching Rothko's good name with our images.

>> No.553713
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Misusing "pretentious"? On my /lit/?

>> No.553719
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>> No.553722

>expressive of affected, unwarranted, or exaggerated importance, worth, or stature
>random anon prays s/he's worthy of a dimly lit room frull of Rothkos

yeah, I'd say it fits. you're a shit tripfag, btw. don't you have some pretentious philosophy thread to be in?

>> No.553736
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>> No.553732

Christ, you suck.

Just go away.

>> No.553738



>> No.553744


Anon was expressing a desire to own Rothkos. You're the one making value judgments about whether or not he's "worthy." So fuck off.

>> No.553745
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>> No.553746
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I'd fasten this to the ceiling over my bed

>> No.553747
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>> No.553748
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>> No.553750

>Anon was expressing a desire to own Rothkos

In a dimly lit room like the Tate Modern.

I get it, you're pretentious, too. Don't run away. Embrace and accept.

>> No.553755

>Someone has an opinion that differs from my own

>> No.553756
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>> No.553760

Does this mean that I can practice my brush strokes on a blank canvas and sell it off as fine art?

>> No.553761


>In a dimly lit room like the Tate Modern.

...And? Who gives a shit? If he wanted to hang them in a 7/11, would you not be whining about it right now?

>> No.553764

No, because that wouldn't be quite as pretentious.

For someone who deigns to inform /lit/ about the vagaries of philosophy, you certainly are out of touch. What's that like? Beyond being a shit tripfag, I mean.

>> No.553766


>> No.553768
File: 56 KB, 450x644, 0023ae606f170b74c70f2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't really mind being out of touch with people like you.

>> No.553769

Nah. These images don't really do the paintings justice. They're all huge, and the colors and textures are more complex than they look here. I don't know, I get why some people think they're stupid, and I can't really articulate why I like them so much, so I'm not going to try to justify it.

>> No.553770

Also Guts, the short story by Palanfuck.

>> No.553773


>> No.553774

The Tate Modern has probably one of the best Rothko collections in the world, which is why he mentioned it in the first place

>> No.553780



>> No.553778

... really? That's your retort? "People like you"?

You don't see how claiming wanting a Rothko exhibit like the Tate Modern is pretentious, and you can't formulate a decent response to your own lack of understanding to that fact. So you end up with what is essentially "NO U".

I can only respect that. This is 4chan, after all.

>> No.553782

why do you care

>> No.553787

Derp another brilliant post. I see the /lit/erati namefags are in full intellectual force tonight.

>> No.553790

stop crying

>> No.553794

You're arguing over whether or not some paint on a canvas is pretentious.

That's pretty pretentious.

>> No.553795
File: 29 KB, 625x564, 1263452574924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: A bored troll whining about trips

>> No.553796
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Awwww that hurt our feelings.

>> No.553797
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>> No.553801

In same troll mode.

Now moving from LOL I SMART to troll mode.

Nice one, guys.

>> No.553804

No sir, it would appear it is you who is allowing tears to fall.

>> No.553806

I can see God in this picture

>> No.553807

That wasn't quite it. Read the thread.

>> No.553814

I just kinda walked in on this conversation, but that was a really faggoty retort.

I'm guessing you're on the losing end?

>> No.553819
File: 31 KB, 380x302, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Read the thread.
>Understand the complexity of my argument

The reason why no one is arguing with you is because you're acting like a damn tomfool, kid.


>> No.553826
File: 4 KB, 236x176, 1271213671211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Differentfag here, but there's no real losing end. Isabelle's descent into shit reaction images bespeaks her disinterest in defending the random pretentious person. Not that calling someone pretentious is worthwhile of bickering on a board like this. Or so I thought.

>> No.553832

Yes, I've seen your shift from I INTELLECTUAL ARGUMENT to LOL I TROLL WHO CARES WHAT YOU THINK before. It's always been weak, you're not doing better now. But please, continue.

>> No.553833


>dsifferentfag here! I just wanted to say that the other guy WHO I CATEGORICALLY AM NOT is totally right about everything and stuff

>> No.553835
File: 31 KB, 349x642, pretendingtoberetarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread
>except for the guy who's underwear has his nuts in a vice-grip.

>> No.553836

No, really. It wasn't me. There's more than 6 people here. Shocker.

>> No.553837


>> No.553841
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>more than 6 people

>> No.553845
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/lit/ has descended to new depths.

>> No.553847
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>> No.553846



>> No.553851


>> No.553867

I love this thread so much.

>> No.553879
File: 481 KB, 400x302, afgandancewtf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

animooted for your pleasure

>> No.553882

I demand the "release the kracken" version.

>> No.553899
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>> No.553916
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>> No.553920
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>> No.553926

Jodorowsky. Enjoy him.

>> No.553925


umad.jpg because you got PWNED NIGGER

>> No.553939
File: 16 KB, 300x279, 1266546145865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.553941


P.S. I'm the one with the jaguar tits and you're the one getting sprayed

>> No.553944
File: 50 KB, 425x544, cross-eyed-hillary-e1264686401135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.553950

I Hear "the BIGHEAD" by Ed Lee is pretty grotesque.

I read "exquisite corpse" by poppy z brite.
and it was pretty brutal, but the stuff that made me
wince was the explicit gay acts (rah rah hetero power)
it was based around an absurdist version of an incident between jeffrey dahmer and his victim.
the writing was pretty poor, and the pro-gay theme
was so over the top.

american psycho - is pretty horriffic, and i was pretty disgusted by a lot of the shit in it. oofah.

>> No.553951


There's just so many things wrong with this post... I... I... I don't even know what to say.

>> No.553959

exquisite corpse was not exactly pro-gay... also homophobe

>> No.553961

yeah i didn't mean it to be looked as a bad gay author made it, bad writing made it seem a very weird pro gray thing. but you're right the antagonists were are all evil homosexuals too...

and all i remember was a heterophobe calling straight people "breeders" all the time.

>> No.553964

what's wrong with besides obviously spelling errors and such?

>> No.554119

Seriously, what the hell happened to that hand?