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5539227 No.5539227[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which philosophy/ideology should one subscribe to in order to have the most satisfying life possible?

>> No.5539238

What satisfies you?

>> No.5539248


>> No.5539254

Epicurean Sadism

>> No.5539260

4th Way

>> No.5539264

>implying your life is satisfying


>> No.5539265


>> No.5539282
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Juche is the climax of all philosophy


>> No.5539284
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>Implying you know something about my levels of satisfaction

This is just stupid.

>> No.5539297

Christian Existentialism

>> No.5539307

probably true

>> No.5539318

the ideology of 'being attractive, wealthy, driven and charismatic'

>> No.5539321

Religion. Religious people are statistically happier, healthier, etc, etc than atheists.

>> No.5539337


>> No.5539339

>happiness and health

Not the same.

>> No.5539353

Perhaps but it seems unlikely, even with the amount of hatted men pictures there are on this board, that your or I or 99% of people here could actually convince themselves to be religious in a serious way. And a non-believing religious person is unlikely to be satisfied

>> No.5539357

>being an englishman

>> No.5539359
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"Ignorance is bliss" they say. But don't worry, not all intellect is leads to misery.


>> No.5539364
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It's impossible to permanently achieve, OP.

>> No.5539366

Hedonism by definition.

>> No.5539369

As if you'd know #rekt

>> No.5539374

>mfw pessimists
> happines is not true becuz u cannot b happy at all times!!!1!1!
Fucking faggots, its called ups and downs

>> No.5539377

>posts a picture of a deist

>> No.5539379 [DELETED] 

Happiness =/= satisfaction imo and i do agree..

>> No.5539419


>> No.5539457

you're right, i don't. please share

anyway, op, it is clear that one's satisfaction levels depend on their disposition. this is why 4chan can typically be a cesspool of sorrow, though this seems to have changed recently

there is always hedonism, but it is unsustainable for long periods of time

therefore, to live a life where every action of yours is imbued with meaning, import, beauty, and satisfaction, you can pretty much be no less than divine. this is no exaggeration. once an individual has intellectually, emotionally, and physically conquered the lower, plebeian world, with its spoils & imperfections, he can then move on to pursuing more sublime and prestigious achievements that normally belong to the realm of mythos, or history

for this purpose, i would advocate stoic gnosticism, or gnostic stoicism, or patrician ubermenschanism, or godly godinism. these are not without prerequisites. basically anything that has you engaging your fully erect brainpenis/vaginabrain is acceptable, meaning no nihilism or stirner

>> No.5539461


epic strawman

I'm trying to cultivate Buddhist tendencies to learn how to ACCEPT the ups and downs and not torture myself by constant desiring and craving.

>> No.5539463

nah, my net satisfaction from climbing a tricky mountain is way higher than slathering a mi-cuit au chocolat on an escort

>> No.5539480

dat gif :3

>> No.5539913

a combination of nihilism and hedonism

I live my life by two pillars

>Who gives a fuck?
>Don't be a douche

Do what you want to do and don't give a fuck about the approval of others. Just try not to be a douche a long the way.

>> No.5540112

stoicism is accessible and adequate

>> No.5540174

>hedonism, but it is unsustainable for long periods of time
Hence, Epicureanism. Negative-hedonism.
>he can then move on to pursuing more sublime and prestigious achievements that normally belong to the realm of mythos
Such as bringing others to meaning, import, beauty, and satisfaction that could be seen as "divine"

>...meaning no nihilism or stirner
Nonsense. Rejecting reality is just an invitation to misery.

Don't strawman him. The dude posting ghostly Japanese-Shoppy claimed it's impossible

And a hopeless mess similar to Christianity. I mean, what brand do you refer to?

>> No.5540197
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I refer to the most exemplary brand - that of Epictetus.

"It is not death or pain that is to be dreaded, but the fear of pain or death."

>> No.5540202

The one of the people you have to interact with

>> No.5540203
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You cant prove reality is real.

I mean how can anything be real is our eyes arent real?

>> No.5540209

You do know that Mr. Smith has basically the same thoughts as Socrates did, right?

Do you realize how good it is to have a young thinker that so many of his generation listen/pay attention to? You mock him but he may be a great savior to this world one day.

>> No.5540215
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Read pic related.

>> No.5540216

Whatever Tolstoy was smoking seems to be good stuff.

>> No.5540220

stoicism has many very sound ideas contained within it, certainly not hopeless

>> No.5540231
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our world isnt worth saving

>> No.5540250
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Something Epicurus or any nihilist (or Shaolin monk?) could say.

It's not completely like Christianity

>> No.5540256

Optimism. Optimism.

>> No.5540283

what is the similarity?

>> No.5540379
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You have fallen Brother! I offer my hand to help you rise once more.

>> No.5540381

Nicomachean Ethics. By definition, satisfaction (i.e. the good life) is the result of acting in a virtuous manner. As a participant in this particular community, you most likely understand what the virtues are, so get off your ass and actively pursue them. By doing so, you will find satisfaction.

Really though, just learn some self-discipline and do something constructive. You will be happy. And remember that art for art's sake is not constructive :) actually try to impact other people; you do live in a society after all.

>> No.5540391

Surely my life is my own and the universe ends entirely when I end so I am self interested and not necessarily interested in devoting my life to community?

>> No.5540399

Because if you see others suffering, and you have suffered, it is not much of a jump to go "oh, I didn't enjoy that and there was no one to help me, so I will be there to aid this suffering creature"

>> No.5540401

Zarathustra eventually came down from the mountain and enlightened the people.

>> No.5540403

it's not, it's a nice thing to do but spending a lifetime sorting out other people's problems is something which in principle sounds good but in reality would most likely not be satisfying.

>> No.5540407

I don't have a deep understanding but I'm pretty sure Nietzche's philosophy didn't put community first, before self

>> No.5540425

Ohh yes but helping humanity as a whole and helping individual people who can't/won't help themselves are very different, don't you think?

>> No.5540437

It's not really about helping the individual creature. It's more about progressing society as a whole.

>> No.5540439

well, not always, no. And i didn't say or even imply anything, as far as i can tell, which makes your response relevant? What's your point?

>> No.5540451
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i don't know i think i have been up for too long

farewell anon

>> No.5540463

Unless you entertain the idea that beasts can attain levels of satisfaction similar to an intelligent being, the progression and evolution of a consciousness is undoubtedly virtuous. Actively participating in this development is inherently satisfying.

>> No.5540464

Religious Humanism

>> No.5540466 [DELETED] 

Wow. Do people actually believe this? Take your snake oil somewhere else and kill yourself.

>> No.5540474
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Asking for an objective "for everyone" philosophy
top kek

>> No.5540475

non-contributing social leech detected

>> No.5540477

Nice counter-argument. Which ideology do you propose?

>> No.5540482

sure, that can be interpreted in a thousand different ways though, of course. One of which being, I am a human being and in my attempt to become the type of person i want to be, i am projecting to humanity my view of what a person in my position should be like etc

>> No.5540488

this guy's

>> No.5540496

Just be stoic. Aint no highs, aint no lows.
If we can ever achieve happiness, it wouldn't be in this life.

>> No.5540505

take MDMA and download some 1080p porn and tell me there ain't no highs.
won't be able to m8, won't be able to

>> No.5540511

I have a question regarding stoicism.

If you were on your way to go shooting a rifle, but forgot your earphones, and said fuck it i dont need them.

And you get hearing damage, afterwards would it be correct to go "oh well nothing i can do about it now"


"it was within my ability to prevent this, therefore i am allowed to be distressed, as i have faulted"

according to the principles of stoicism EX: dont worry about that which is out of your control

>> No.5540514

I am the superman!
>has a mental breakdown over a horse

top kek

>> No.5540522

Fair enough. But is pursuing it not satisfying (to answer OPs question)? I wonder if Hitler was happy. *sighs as I watch jews walk by*

Respectable. Though it'd be nice to hear what you find satisfying.

>> No.5540523

Did he ever really think he was an ubermensch though? Ecce homo was pretty indicative that he didn't.

>> No.5540526

i think it's more, now that you have goofed, fretting about the goof does you no good, so get on with it and learn from it for next time. Though, i suppose next time can't exist in this scenario

>> No.5540527

You've never met a stoic.

>> No.5540528

Be zoroastrian and take concubines.

>> No.5540529

Yeah, you're allowed to feel pain.
Marcus Aurelius would be like "yo you can be a little pissed, its natural that you have feelings of pain, but you can't dwell on that shit".

>> No.5540541

Alright. I've been trying to go with "oh well nothing i can do about it now" as you two seemed to have explain, but it is a little difficult not to be angry/dwell on my mistake. Thank you for your input

>> No.5540546

If he didnt he's even more pathetic.

It would be like someone spending their life writing about the /b/ tier alpha/beta bullshit without even claiming to be alpha.

>> No.5540548

It's just an issue that there are varying degrees of working in order to better the world.
Take an exceptional case, someone like Chomsky has spent the last 40-50 years reading about tragedies and writing in order to prevent it.
If we look at bettering the lives of others as the top virtue then we should all do something similar. We should also never spend anything more than the bare minimum on ourselves and give the rest to charity or projects which help the suffering of others.
There's a vague line where you decide how much time you are going to devote to yourself and how much to others and it seems those who first spent time looking after themselves and then switch, make the biggest difference. like Bill Gates or Warren Buffett

>> No.5540556

only a /lit/tard could think that the achievement of creating one of the most influential philosophies in the history of humankind with a vaguely life-affirming view behind it is something to call pathetic when their view is that doing things for the community is number one

>> No.5540580

Pathetic is a bit of a stretch, he created a whole new starting point in which a lot of post-modern philosophy is built on. i.e. foucault, deleuze, all built on "creating values" ect.

>> No.5540609

Justified totalitarianism, eugenics, and the war of the rich upon the poor.
>Not a scumbag

Let me guess, you idiots think you're the ubermench, and the ignorant masses are keeping you from reaching your potential?

grow up

>> No.5540615

But, is virtue not about taking the median? My original post cited Nicomachean Ethics after all.

I am glad you mentioned Bill Gates. I suppose I didn't really explain my reasoning well previously, and I see where you are coming from. By making a difference, I don't necessarily mean through charity such as Bill/Warren presently (though I won't knock em for wisely appropriating their money to such causes). By making a difference, I dont mean fixing issues directly, I mean literally making humankind one step better than previously. Though Bill was working for himself (in a sense), he was still indeed acting virtuously. Tirelessly devoting his life to the development of accessible personal computing allowed for a generation of people technically competent enough to develop technologies which benefit society greater than ever before. While it was bound to happen eventually, someone had to actually put in the effort. He put in the effort, thus is virtuous for doing so.

Warren Buffett on the other hand...

>> No.5540628

Well, then you can argue that you're making society better with almost life one chooses. Even some dumb fuck antinatalist could condone mass murder. It's far too vague to mean anything

>> No.5540635

next time, don't guess m8

>> No.5540646

I suppose, but the 'dumb fuck antinationalist' isn't actually a virtuous agent. Realistically, we will never agree until a bout of arguments regarding the essence of virtue is undertaken. But fuck it, ive got shit to do.

>> No.5540665

Virtue isn't vague nigga.
All that Nicomacehan ethics focuses on finding a middle road to travel down, it wouldn't be virtuous to cause unnecessary harm and suffering to achieve an end that could be accomplished in a different manner.

>> No.5540669

hey bud, the anon you are replying to isn't community guy btw

>> No.5540677
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You're worthless and weak!

How do you mean exactly?

>> No.5540687

fucking lol I've always imagined you as the weird girl in Breakfast club, do you do it on purpose

>> No.5540688

reminder that ally sheedy was mad fine

>> No.5540689


'stoicism is accessible and adequate'

your response

'And a hopeless mess similar to Christianity'

how do you mean is what i mean

>> No.5540707

Have you ever even read Nietzsche? Justified totalitarianism? Not even close, he endorsed individualism, not domination. Eugenics, l2read his actual works not his sister, war of rich on poor is just ridiculous, he honestly wanted to move-past economic bullshit.

I don't think anyone's stupid enough to think they're actually the ubermensch, and I don't think your smart enough to actually read what you're spouting off about.

>> No.5540719
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Ad hominem
Ebin debate skillz

lol, you've never had sex

>> No.5540776
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She had mad fashion (Till Ringwald's character messed her up) Opaque stocking? Yes.

Ah. I just meant it developed and changed from one group to another, more like Platonism really. Plato would have never recognized his later fans. The Xtan church has had a hell of a lot more splits and schisms.

>> No.5540824

You fellows seem rather well-versed in these matters. Anybody have some good websites for reading up on various philosophical views (preferably as raw and un-interpreted as possible from original text).

Also thought I'd throw out there that whoever's saying helping advance society or helping individuals yields satisfaction best is so wrong.

So with that can someone help me =3?

>> No.5540835

>Opaque stocking?
you're an opaque stock image

As a hint, a girl that beautiful will never be that weird

>> No.5540840

My advice would be to dive in first, read secondary sources second. Allowing ideology to crash into you and have you fight with interpreting it is a much better method than reading someone else's interpretation first. Most you can find by googling for PDF's or googling passages.

>> No.5540854


Isn't it so nice that we have such easy access to these enlightening documents?

>> No.5540857

lel, top shut in m8. don't trust everything you see in movies. there are plenty of nutcase beauties

>> No.5540870
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What philosophy best suits me?
Father is an alcoholic, older brother committed suicide after being released from an institute, caused my mother to become shut-off, 24 and still living at home a kissless virgin with little future.
I still feel happy as a clam, why let life beat you down. I reckon I'd still be ok even if I became homeless. Oh well.
I know that nothing really matters and your actions will amount to nothing in the grand scheme of things, but that doesn't mean you can't have some fun along the way.

>> No.5540894
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fuck of Bukowski, go write more drunken poetry

>> No.5540895

i dont think you've seen that movie
the girl is not a nutcase, shes a social outcast

>> No.5540922

Yeah, there's like these Philosophers.
And they write these books.
And you kind find any of them with this thing called "google"

>> No.5540933

>tfw in very similar situation but with severe depression

how do you do it anon? how do you find confidence?

>> No.5540964

I'm not entirely sure why someone would write a response like that. I doubt it would really make you laugh to yourself. All it does it bother me, the reader, when I read it. Perhaps you find pleasure in sadism? I assure you there are more effective ways to be happy than to make someone else not.

...Or maybe it's 4chan, and you feel a duty to spit the illogical acrimony in a blind attempt to keep the "rep" of this online society up. Good job, then. Cookie?

Also, there're*, not there's... Pet peeve.

Anyway, thanks to the others who responded.

>> No.5540979

Anon, I could tell you there's a light at the end of the tunnel but there isn't and there never will be. Pick up that box of matches and make one yourself!

>> No.5541008


>> No.5541185
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Define satisfying. That will go a long way toward answering your question.

Also, when you say "most satisfying life possible," I hope you're aware that by most accounts, happiness is mostly a result of biology and other forces outside our control. Assuming you mean the most satisfying life possible *for you*, you'll probably still be working within a narrow window.

That said, it seems that devoting yourself to attaining excellence in at least one field of human endeavor seems to correlate with satisfaction in many people. Unless, of course, that endeavor is writing.

Probably should just forgo satisfaction and instead pursue righteousness.

>> No.5541598

Why are epicureanism, stoicism and pessimism so similar in practice? What the fuck?

>> No.5542237

4 u

>> No.5542267


>> No.5542270

a bit of camus and a bit of eastern philosophy gave me a happy outlook.

its all about the abandonment of hope. any time you're sad or depressed, the reason for that is ultimately that a desired outcome wasn't met. considering the fact that we don't have nearly as much control of our surroundings as we think we do, this is obviously kind of a ridiculous reason to let yourself be unhappy. although we can do our best to push things in the direction we want them to go, if the desired outcome isn't met there's not much of a use to let yourself get caught up in it. im currently going to college in hopes to get some kind of career afterwards, and im doing everything i can to try and make one with me having a career the reality i live in, but if it doesn't work out for some reason and (worst case scenario) im a 25 year old cashier still living at home, that'll just ave to be the reality i accept. not really any use getting caught up in expectations not being met

>> No.5542428

>'it's all about the abandonment of hope'

i appreciate that your situation is harder than most's probably is in the western world but i don't think losing hope is the answer or really what those philosophies are trying to get across as an important part of a satisfying life

>> No.5542582

First off camus explicitly uses those words, and its really not as depressing ad it sounds, its more related to causality kind of stuff than anything else

>> No.5542593

the fact that Camus used those words doesn't mean all that much

only dogmatist would proclaim otherwise

>> No.5542602

pfft, Camus said lose hope so i must. nonsense

>> No.5542620

>implying pessimists deny happiness existing
Congrats, you revealed your power level. It seems to be -9000.

>> No.5542628

>It's more about progressing society as a whole.
Aint nobody got time for that. The world dies with you, and human lives are very short.

>> No.5542630

>If he didnt he's even more pathetic.
>idiot admitting he lied about what Nietzsche saw himself as

>> No.5542635

>Justified totalitarianism, eugenics, and the war of the rich upon the poor.
>implying that shit cannot be "justified" in a million other ways
Fucking idiot.

Oh, and go read economics 101. There is no "war" against the poor, without the poor there would be no rich people. Mutual dependence.

>> No.5544747

bump. very few good answers

>> No.5544797

>Very few
Because there's one >>5539248

>> No.5544811


>> No.5544825


It's impossible to be unsatisfied if you are religious enough. Since all your life is god's plan and he loves you and eternal happiness waits for you after you die.

>> No.5544836


>> No.5544843

Just be yourself.

>> No.5544849

what about those of us who have no self because they haven't thought out loud in their head for years and live only through intuition and poor instincts. I have no real self that i like

>> No.5544863

It's never about the most satisfying life, its about what would satisfy YOU the most. That is something that only you can define based upon what your expectations and your experiences with life are.

Satisfaction is a very relative concept, its dependant on the idea that there is such a thing as a point in ones existance in which all needs have been met, but the thing is that beyond all biological needs, that is the ones that keep the body functioning, most needs are sinthetic, man made, so in order to define satisfaction you must first define what it is you would find satisfying.

(also, sorry about the spelling errors, english is not my frist language)

>> No.5544875


>Surely my life is my own

No it's not, your perception isn't all your life. The fact is that you can influence others, so your perception isn't everything right there.

> the universe ends entirely when I end

No it doesn't, your perception ends at some point.

>so I am self interested

Yes you are, which is something that you should critisize and see if it's correct, not assuming it's by your preclaims.

> not necessarily interested in devoting my life to community

It depends of your ethics values.

>> No.5544896

> not necessarily interested in devoting my life to community

It depends of your ethics values.

well duh

>> No.5544903

This is one of the stupidest posts I've ever read and I don't even align with the post you're responding too's philosophy all the much

>> No.5544907


First, abandon the idea of satisfying life. You can be satisfying right now, and be blissful and happy and shit.

You don't need to do stuff to be happy with life, in fact you don't need nothing and you just need to follow instincts, in fact that's the way that most enlightenment routes go.

If you pass way over satisfying life, you will see there is a world of ethics code to see. Search for information about those. But deal that whatever you do in life isn't by gratification, but by duty to something (god, society, family, etc.)

>> No.5544915

ITT: People who hate their lives give terrible advice

>> No.5544958

r u srs?

>> No.5545658

never be a slave of your instincts

>> No.5545725

>Warren discusses objections to the whole Epicurean project of seeking the sort of eudaimonia envisaged as ataraxia, concentrating on objections from Cicero on made by the ancients from various non-hedonistic positions. In particular, if life is likely to be miserable, to contain much more pain than pleasure, why not end it? The philosophical problem of rational suicide is raised and, in contrast with the Stoics, Epicureans seem to take a generally negative attitude toward the practice (p. 205). Warren concludes this chapter by admitting that the "Epicureans appear to offer no significant positive reason for wishing to continue to live, beyond a mere inertia", with "precious few resources to explain why continued life is worth pursuing" (p. 210). He admits that this is not a very appealing picture of the truly happy life but feels they pushed themselves into this by so resolutely denying that death might be an evil.

>> No.5545944
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If your life is likely to be more miserable than pleasurable? How would one quantify that?
Thin stuff.