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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 834 KB, 2393x3000, Sam_Harris_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5536079 No.5536079 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this man such a fucking turd?

>> No.5536084

He has such a punchable face

>> No.5536090

Is he the guy that was in Zoolander?

>> No.5536091

Aaah, Anon, the stench of excrement is indeed filling your nostrils, but only because Based Harris has successfully shat all over the theological institutions you contrarily defend, and no matter how much you cry about it, the stench keeps wafting back with every 'fedora' or 'gb2reddit' you post.

>> No.5536093

Good to see that he can stand toe to toe with such intellectual heavyweights like Ben Affleck.

Would love to see him try to keep up with Zizek in a conversation about religion..

>> No.5536096


every man's face is punchable

>> No.5536108

christfaggot: god can't show himself to us or enlighten to his holy and perfect ways, that would threaten our "free will"

christfaggot2: yes but if you don't believe, you are tormented for eternity, that's your choice tho

>> No.5536113

The Moral Landscape was good.

>> No.5536115
File: 51 KB, 263x388, Victo_von_DOom_(Earth-111).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to see you try.

>> No.5536142 [DELETED] 

Is Zizek a dirty race traitor too? Oh yeah, he's a cultural Marxist.

>> No.5536148

He's not a turd, he's just a pop philosopher.

>> No.5536149

I wouldn't want to, on principle. It looks like you would make a right mess of my piano fingers.

>> No.5536152

Oh, God, somethings popular. Knee-jerk, Knee-jerk.

>> No.5536157

I mean 'pop' like 'pop' history and 'pop' science and 'pop' fiction.

>> No.5536161

Yeah, short for "popular".

>> No.5536163
File: 937 KB, 500x300, zizek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is Zizek a dirty race traitor too? Oh yeah, he's a cultural Marxist.
You say that like it's a bad thing.

>> No.5536165

Yes, it means popular. You like to employ your 'pop' buzzword, then cry about it.

>> No.5536169

It is.

>> No.5536173
File: 2.96 MB, 300x360, fedorer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5536174

>I mean 'pop' like 'pop' history and 'pop' science and 'pop' fiction.

* I mean 'pop' like an easy prefix I can attach to something I don't like, and dismiss it without bothering to study it.


>> No.5536184
File: 110 KB, 379x349, Science can answer moral questionsDoesn’t answer them.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5536187
File: 51 KB, 320x420, kekels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For one, he's a blatant Marxist, so to call him a cultural Marxist is redundant.
Two, fuck off with the race traitor shit, ye fucking NEET.

>> No.5536189

That's not a buzzword, it means a work designed to cater to people who don't have depth of knowledge in the subject. Sam Harris is definitely a pop philosopher, in any serious work of philosophy, dismissing hundreds of years of examination and argument on your topic with 'boring', would be taken as a joke although I don't think even Zizek would do that.

>> No.5536197

>that's your choice tho
If you're part of a Reformed church you don't even get that, technically.

>> No.5536201 [DELETED] 

National socialists don't hate blacks, they just want their cultures to remain separate.

>> No.5536202

Considering races are categories rather than indicators of separation, at what point does culture stop being human culture and start being highly specific culture to the point of violent exclusion?

>> No.5536210

When culture develops amongst the volk, I guess a national socialist would say. The ancient Germanic brotherhood.

>> No.5536229

You think striving towards difference is better than striving towards similarity?

>> No.5536240 [DELETED] 

I'm not a socialist, I'm just telling you what they believe. I do wish niggers and mudslimes would stop committing so much crime, though.

>> No.5536244

But whites can keep on keeping on?

>> No.5536247



i see that word on facebook

what does it mean

>> No.5536287

>having facebook

>> No.5536302

That's sexist. Women's faces can be punched too

>> No.5536307
File: 31 KB, 700x700, holepunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a thoroughly modern man. I only like to punch paper.

>> No.5536316


/lit/ despises Harris because he's actually successful and uses his philosophy degree. It must be maddening as hell to see your neighbor pump up gallon after gallon of water when you, after paying 60 thousand dollars for it, have a completely dry well.

>> No.5536321

do you think it's erotic? how the paper gives herself up to the gentle press of the hard metal

>> No.5536325

Yes. I don't know why OP's so butthurt, I Zoolander was funny.

>> No.5536335

She's the only hole-y temple I need, the only one I want in.

>> No.5536345

Yes! Exactly. must be jealousy. The only defense of Sam Harris that would be even better would be 'Why don't you come up with your own system of neuroethics before trying to criticize him?'. Just hold tight these last few months, highschool will be a blast for you!

>> No.5536408

What his facial expression in that pic says to me:
>mfw I demolished 2000 years of theology and Christian philosophy in one book
>mfw I developped a scientific worldview that can substitute all religions and answer every moral question there is

>> No.5536618

Everything he says to counter theology has been said a thousand times better by Lawrence Kraus and Richard Dawkins.

Even though he rails against theological gods, he's a strict believer in the infallibillity of the state, namely the US government, and will blindly support whatever bullshit the current administration tells him, while parroting whatever bullshit they tell him, because Sam has placed the President in the spot in his mind where most idiots place God.

Christopher Hitchens did the same thing in the latter years of his life, particularly after 9/11, but at least Christopher was extremely witty, much more intelligent, wasn't such a one-trick-fucking-pony with his career, and had that early period of anti-imperialism for people disillusioned with his latter views to read.

Plus, I think right below the surface, not really that far down, Sam Harris legitimately believes Muslims deserve to die just for being Muslims.

>Sam Harris saying Glenn Greenwald and Edward Snowden are traitors, and voicing strong support for the NSA

Chomsky on State-God people like Sam Harris and later Christopher Hitchens

>> No.5536728

the video... the way the person asking the question says 'right after 9/11'... just listen to it. The person sounds like such a piece of shit, it's almost unbelievable.

>> No.5536769

Lol edgy Ben Stiller

>> No.5536811

Lawrence Krauss is basically an idiot.
I'm not a scientist so I can't judge the work he has done in science. But when he starts babbling about things unrelated to science, he's basically below mediocre, cringe-worthy simpleton. His argument against philosophy was basically: "SCIENCE BROUGHT U TO LE MOON, WHAT HAS PHILOSOPHY DONE? CHECKMATE PHILOSOPHERS" -

What a fucking baboon. Shoot him on sight.

>> No.5536857

That guy is good at dancing.

>> No.5536886

>National socialists

>> No.5536887

⇒it means a work designed to cater to people who don't have depth of knowledge in the subject

People like you?

>> No.5536889

What have philosophers done, though? If I wanted ethics, I'd talk to a priest, not a philosopher. For logic, a mathematician. For grammar, an English professor.

What have philosophers got left?

>> No.5536948

>What have philosophers got left?
Your mother.

>> No.5536980

>If I wanted ethics, I'd talk to a priest

>> No.5537019

He's a neo-liberal.

>> No.5537027
File: 19 KB, 406x422, 1409967111202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have we exhausted gb2/pol/ so much that we're reverting back to gb2/x/ ?

>> No.5537030

he supposedly fell down the stairs when he was six years old.

>> No.5537042

They're basically the same thing.

>> No.5537587

>cultural Marxist

He's a Marxist. 'Cultural Marxist' doesn't mean anything.

>> No.5537641

That's not a real term outside:
>Spanish language political discourse
>shit tier anti-capitalist thought

>> No.5537727

You're wrong.

>> No.5537733

Cultural Marxism refers to the attempts of levellers to achieve victory by taking over opinion forming and regulation dictating institutions after economic Marxism failed.

It's not a very obscure term.

>> No.5537746
File: 820 KB, 2393x3000, 1412498886102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fixed his face

>> No.5537749

Do it the other way.

>> No.5537754


Symmetry really is destroying the objet petit a.

>> No.5537755

It's only used by right wing nutjobs that want to scare the populace about 'creeping communism'. It's gibberish spewed from the mouth of puritanical fanaticism.

>> No.5537762

It is used by right wing, but everything right is a nutjob for you.

>> No.5537772
File: 798 KB, 2393x3000, 1412498886102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5537791

You're rather prejudiced, and ignorant, about rightists. Why do you so swiftly resort to shrill denunciations of people who dissent from you?

>> No.5537815

>he's not my kind of fanatic about the communist hordes hiding under my bed like I am, he must be some other kind of fanatic opposed to my god given facts

>> No.5537829

It's a non-term. It has a meaning value of 0. Enjoy your fail.

>> No.5538617

>cultural marxism

>doesn't exist
>what World Trade Organization?

>> No.5538924

Who is Glenn Beck?


People claiming to be intellectuals sure are obsessed with the chap. So much for philosophical detachment, lol.

>> No.5539381

mommy and daddy told me atheists are bad so sam harris is bad