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5533152 No.5533152 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most spiritually enlightening book you've ever read?

>> No.5533163



>> No.5533169

Interesting answer. Elaborate please?

>> No.5533171

The Bible.

>> No.5533174

Les Miserables

>> No.5533183


The saddest thing is how the public no longer understands that the Bible and other religious texts are symbolic, not literal.

Once you accept that the Bible may or may not be true, but that it is certainly a book of stories, it opens up an entire new worldview of acceptance and personal tranformation through religious practice.

>> No.5533197

What practice are you referring to? Praying? Loving your neighbor?

>> No.5533204

They were clearly intended as literal. That's just a bullshit attempt at rehabilitation of a work that clearly reflects uncivilized nature of the period in which it was written.

>> No.5533251

not it's literal, and literally illogical

>> No.5533264
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>> No.5533291

A theist using a fedora meme in response to true statement and thinking he's argument still stands simply because the people he's respond to MIGHT be edgy, amazing/10.

>> No.5533377
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>> No.5533408

The Snow Leopard by Peter Matthiesen

>> No.5533411

The Ego and Its own

>> No.5533412

The Alchemist.

>> No.5533444
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>> No.5533505


I don't understand how people don't see that they equally as lame for posting these pictures as the people in the pictures themselves. You have an entire collection of retards in hats because you enjoy posting them THAT much. It's so pathetic.

>> No.5533553
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Why don't you go back to Reddit?

>> No.5533556

The Phenomenology of Spirit by Hegel

>> No.5533571

"Against the Gods?: A Concise Guide to Atheism and Agnosticism" by Stefan Molyneux

>> No.5533609

The obvious answer is Siddhartha by Hesse, but for me it would be Sirens of Titan by Vonnegut

>> No.5533612

The Bible actually.

>> No.5533617

Why do you pickup a guide to atheism?
Serious question

>> No.5533618

Georges Bataille - Inner Experience

>> No.5533658

Yeah, I was a pretty big fan of this. Especially after rereading several of the passages a second time.

>> No.5533667

the god delusion

>> No.5533672

W-what's it about?

>> No.5533781

Comedy answer.

>> No.5533840

The Lotus Sutra

>> No.5533978

Dialogues - Platon

>> No.5533995

It's about the phenomenology of spirit, obviously.

>> No.5534006
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Probably Chuang Tzu. Doubles as great poetry, too.

>> No.5534009

Dante's Divine Comedy had a big impact on me. I read it when I was like 15 and didn't understand nearly anything, but it was definitely enlightening.

>> No.5534014
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Followed by the Art of War.

>> No.5534025

Eroticism by Georges Bataille

>> No.5534026


>> No.5534035

It's about Hegel's thoughts of various topics like slavery etc. Don't bother, it's outdated. I recommend libertarian atheist literature if you want the red pill. Read Stefan Molyneux.

>> No.5534040

Can you elaborate? Are you a Nichiren Buddhist? How has reading the Lotus Sutra influenced you, spiritually?

How did it influence your life?

>> No.5534073
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Soseki's unloved classic.

>> No.5534076

These two verses:

Offer gain and victory to others.
Take the loss and defeat for yourself.

>> No.5534079

Siddhartha, The Myth of Sisyphus

>> No.5534096

y'all fags gonna elaborate or not? thanks for all the answers but give me a sentence or two to tell me why you found the book you post so enlightening

heretosexual OP

>> No.5534097

Zuang Zui, Don Quixote, the Inferno, Ecclesiastes, and for personal reasons that are tough to explain over an image board, Plato's Republic.

>> No.5534124

>How did it influence your life?

Simply put, it taught me I don't have to see things from human beings' viewpoints just because I am a human being. After all, Inanimate things vastly outnumber animate things. (^_^)

>> No.5534137


Why do you think you and your family are so important that you all deserve to live forever in some sort of paradise?

You are all probably going to disappear with your consciousness when your brains die, as with everybody else.

There are some wise books on the Bible, but many of them are, like this >>5533204
Anon said, just a reflex of the time when they were written (a time full of hate, prejudice, savagery, bitterness, misogyny, etc.). Mot of the Old Testament books are the work of terrible human being.

And whether you like it or not many scientific achievements and discoveries (evolution, for example) exposed all the world religions as human inventions. I like the wise humanity of Christ and the Buddha, but most of religion believes in some sort of afterlife and in the divine origin of the human race are most likely false.

Most religious people are just scared egocentrics who think they deserve to exist for all eternity.

>> No.5534144
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>> No.5534167


U mad? ;)

>> No.5534183
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>> No.5534185

spirituality is for the intellectually crippled

>> No.5534220
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>> No.5534299

If you continue to mock me I will not have second thought about cutting you down, you have been warned.

>> No.5534494

I don't know if your post is ironic, but if it's not, you man sound really out of point.

>Why do you think you and your family are so important that you all deserve to live forever in some sort of paradise?
I think that non a single Christian can be so arrogant to believe that he deserves the paradise, even if I hope it for my family.

>You are all probably going to disappear with your consciousness when your brains die, as with everybody else.
Although aware of that and within thousands sufferings, we continue to live since thousands of years. You don't see something in humans that tends to immortality?

>the Old Testament books are the work of terrible human being.
The new testament reform those parts. (Sermon on the Mount)

>And whether you like it or not many scientific achievements and discoveries exposed all the world religions as human inventions.
this even embarrassing to comment

>Most religious people are just scared egocentrics who think they deserve to exist for all eternity.
Religious people can be anything but not egocentrics. Also, talking about me, I'm not more scared than you of dying.

>> No.5536624

Great book, even if you don't live by the samurai code.

>> No.5536650
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>> No.5536668

Siddhartha for me. Also the happiest I've ever been after finishing a book. It didn't completely change my perspective on life or anything like that, just loved the way everything came together, and I really agreed with everything it had to say.

>> No.5536697

Anyone been to church lately? I actually really like it whenever I happen to go. It feels totally laid back and it's really all about community. Priest reads a passage, talks a bit about what it means to him, or why the message is important. And connects it to the community somehow with one of his own stories. It's pretty nice, like some kind of book club really.

Catholic by the way. Might make a difference because Catholicism actually seems to be getting more progressive nowadays.

>> No.5536722

Dr. Suess's The Cat in the Hat

>> No.5537044

Not classics, but 2 books I enjoyed immensly on a spiritual level:

Soulcraft by Plotkin
New Self New World by Phil Sheppard

>> No.5537049


>> No.5537592

The Phenomenology of Spirit, of course.

>> No.5537691
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>> No.5537784
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Rumi: Selected Poems

>> No.5537817

He's nothing on based Omar Khayyam

>> No.5537834

What is the better into to Hesse, Siddhartha or Steppenwolf

>> No.5537837
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>> No.5537856

Although aware of that and within thousands sufferings, we continue to live since thousands of years. You don't see something in humans that tends to immortality?
great argumentation

>> No.5537864

hah. hahaha.

isaac newton was a hermeticist.

>> No.5538002

I have not a shred of spirituality, I don't have faith in any philosophy or outlook. Anyone else here feel the same?

>> No.5538201
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>> No.5538208
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>> No.5538216

The God Delusion.
yeah this is bait

>> No.5538220

I like the spaghetti mister book more.

>> No.5538223


>> No.5538239
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Brothers K

>> No.5538248

Reading the Phenomenology and Philosophy of History back to back was an eye-opening experience.
The development of Spirit from the perspective of Spirit. It's about so much that offering any kind of summary would do it a disservice.
Confirmed for missing the point of Hegel's system.

>> No.5538256

Its not very enlightening but rather a common experience - with the advantage if relateability i feel.

>> No.5538260


>> No.5538380


I was going to get angry if this book wasn't posted, but it is, so I'm seconding it and feeling like all is right with the world. Ok maybe that's going too far.