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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 40 KB, 1020x187, 4chan tv board.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5526330 No.5526330[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do we save them /lit/? How can we bring them back?

Are there any books that deal with this sort of thing we could use for guidance?

>> No.5526340

Permanent stickied threads about underage actresses' feet after long hot days in the Los Angeles sun while wearing sneakers without socks

>> No.5526382

You think the shitposting is your friend?

>> No.5526392

Truly 4chan's worst board. I don't think there's any saving them. What is it about /tv/ that attracts more pedos than the other boards?

>> No.5526398

/tv/ might be shit but whenever someone posts a pic of Tony Soprano and says >its a gabagool episode I lose my shit

>> No.5526403
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Save them from what?

>> No.5526417

Soon /tv/ and /a/ will combine, and it will be the greatest board that ever was or will be.

>> No.5526424
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Smaller boards' userbase spreads around, the bigger boards have to contain all the stuff in them.

>> No.5526484

TDKR novelization would be the place to start

>> No.5526499

/tv/ here,

Which e-reader should I get?

>> No.5526507

Kindle Fire
it rises

>> No.5526510


They've always been plebs. Amazing board tho, probably the most PoMo and greatest example of New Sincerity among the whole site.

Some examples are the exploitation and deconstruction of the media they do

>Those weeks between breaking bad episodes
>Drive Posting
>The Plane Scene deconstruction and reconstruction also known as Baneposting

Add to that the meta shit they do. That guy that posted the same Groundhog Day thread everyday. The "eternal french rips general" thread. DR. PAVEL, I'M CIA.

>> No.5526521

They've always been that way. Before TDKR it was Drive, before Drive it was Abatap, before Abatap is was Summer Glau. They're autistic in an endearing way.

>> No.5526522
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There's nothing wrong with /tv/.

>> No.5526524


>for free

>> No.5526526


kobo aura

>> No.5526531

perhaps a gentle nudge, since most 'blockbuster' films are based on books nowadays, try dropping a "oh, you should check out the book" when suitable

>> No.5526592


I tend to avoid /tv/ because that type of stuff, specifically the banji, french rips & belllatap crap. Every hour of everyday you see the exact same threads, as soon as they get deleted it immediately gets posted again, I just find it baffling & completely autistic. I honestly wonder who has that kind of time? Is their life that meaningless that they have nothing to do but post the same "open box - see child - what do" thread hundreds of times per day? It's beyond retarded.

>> No.5526720

Kindle Paperwhite

>> No.5527389

nice meme

>> No.5527399


Oh sure, but I think the whole board has a bona fide artistic merit for the reasons you hate it. It is so abnormal and ridiculous, but at the same time funny. The self-awareness transcends to the point where a new sincerity rises (no meme intended).

>> No.5527404

Post excerpts of the prose that movies can't duplicate, that way you'll introduce them to the best aspect of literature as well as only drawing the ones with refined taste. Win win.

>> No.5527423


Or do the opposite

>> No.5527433

You're a fuckin retard

>> No.5527439

Do you feel in charge?

>> No.5527442


Who are we to talk about “saving” anybody? We are all mediocre too. There are 4 or 5 guys here on /lit/ with some talent, who make intelligent and interesting posts, but the rest (myself included) are just the same average bored people of 4chan.

We can’t save anybody. I even challenge you guys to name some good /lit/ poster or some good /lit/ post.

>> No.5527445

I laughed, quite a bit. Would watch all sequels.

>> No.5527450

Does anyone else think that the whole "Bane Posting" thing is actually a very enlightening look into Post-irony? I honestly think its a brilliant internet-art piece. We've reconstructed something that we before found ugly and bewildering into something of memetic understanding and humor. Its beautiful, truly beautiful!

"Dr. Pavel, I'm CIA"--and thus the entire New Sincerity movement is summed up.

>> No.5527454






And so on...

>> No.5527466

Isn't it amazing though? We take it for granted because its just 4chan culture to do "dumb" shit like this, but isn't it really a beautiful thing?

>> No.5527472

I think it's a dumb gay joke about a shitty movie

>> No.5527474

>This is what /tv/ posters actually think

>> No.5527482

4chan has probably one or two funny memes but Bane is not one of them, and saying a bunch of brainless horseshit about "internet culture" isn't going to change that

>> No.5527498
File: 90 KB, 600x903, culture is dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A whole lot of the subject matter of the board targets, involves, and features kids? There's a lot of pedophiles on the internet and even more on 4chan specifically, because freedom of expression is only granted them in anonymous transient context where they can go on and on about how they want to fuck little girls. Semi-jocular cult of virginity and waifu "culture" of /a/ are also obviously and sometimes expressly the result of metabolized pedophilic urges. Despite this, I don't see /tv/ as a necessarily bad board (or /a/). Strong sense of pedocamaraderie invigorates the board and gives it surreal, absurd atmosphere. When your thread is on the same page as a thread where presumably grown men are discussing how they want to rape the feet of small children, it lends a certain je ne sais quoi to your discussion of television and film. This is why the actual "culture" of the board as seen through its memetic output is so bizarre. I love /lit/, but it has never gone sitewide with anything and I kind of hope never will. /tv/ has because it's got this dumb gaiety to it.


Doesn't matter whether you personally find memes funny or not but there's much more to a meme (understood to mean actually memetic weirdness such as fixation on pulling humor from a single, non-comic scene of a Batman film -- not I PUT A TEX ON IMAEG stuff such as is commonly known as "meme") than humor. It builds commonality of experience within community, that's why it's a meme. Every repost is a repost of a repost. I agree with >>5527466, it's beautiful. 4chan is shitty and gay at best and I think we should celebrate its shitty homosexuality.

>> No.5527505


Who does /lit/ constantly suck the dicks of? Thomas Pynchon and Cormac McCarthy.

What are /tv/'s most discussed films? No Country for Old Men and the upcoming Inherent Vice adaptation.

Seriously though, why don't you people hijack the letterboxd threads (which are almost dead anyway) and move it away from Amaranth masturbation to "patrician film discussion?"

>> No.5527526
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>> No.5527534

I think it's retarded, uninteresting except perhaps in a psychological sense (autism), and both aesthetically and morally revolting

>> No.5527542

>Who does /lit/ constantly suck the dicks of?
Joyce, but yes Pynchon also.

>What are /tv/'s most discussed films?
Anything from Nolan or Tarantino

>> No.5527649


This just proves /lit/ is not more intelligent than they boards they despise. If you had any philosophical interest, you'd take delight in how these memes come to be and form such a vital nature to an internet culture. Imagine if Reddit started Bane posting, you'd see a backlash on 4chan. Isn't that amazing? The meme crosses cultural borders and suddenly it loses all authenticity, even when there is so much cross-cultural posting to begin with? Isn't it amazing that people are wiling to spend hours of their time creating new meanings and interpretation of a film scene that we all regard as absolutely terrible? Isn't this just an attempt to "polish shit", or in a way make sense of and beautify an inherently irredeemable work of art?

>> No.5527662
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>> No.5527683

You're on a website for Ainu pedophile dessins animés, so I think it is safe to say you have not actually got any aesthetic or moral standards.

>> No.5527695

Bullshit, internet meme formation and dispersal is not the domain of philosophy, but of e-sociology at best.

>> No.5527704

I can see how if you wanted to visit /tv/ and post constructively on it every day Baneposting would be annoying as hell, but I go there infrequently enough that I honestly think it's hilarious.

>> No.5527710

Then perhaps there is no reason for this discussion to be had here in the first place.

>> No.5527717

It has very important philosophical importance. Could Bane not just be Schopenhauer in disguise, and CIA merely be the spirit of Hegel questioning his dialectic? Is Marx not the one expected in the wreckage, comrade?

>> No.5527721


>> No.5527744

And Foucault is the big plane, penetrating the smaller plane below, using his engorged reason to cut through the metal structure. Come on, this could work.

>> No.5527746
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Truly, the best board.

>> No.5527749

It's brony-level shit

>> No.5527754
File: 51 KB, 692x388, 1398680298114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For you, perhaps.

>> No.5527764

Bronyism has been cited as one of the most authentic examples of the New Sincerity movement, in fact.

>> No.5527804
File: 55 KB, 646x960, 90b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baneposting is probably the funniest board-meme that 4chan has ever had.

>> No.5527834


>> No.5527838

That's because you have a stunted sense of humor.

>> No.5527846
File: 137 KB, 1149x308, 111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Baneposting and some of the memes are amusing but I'm not even talking about that. there are people who post banji shit (pic related) and bella thorne threads non-stop, no one replies, the threads get deleted regularly, poster gets banned then immediately ban-evades to repost the exact same thread, this goes on all day & night, every day, and has been for years.

It's the dumbass mentality of that person(s) that I don't understand whatsoever, what's the point? Does he not have a life at all?

>> No.5527847

no i believe you do

>> No.5527890

How many guys post on /tv/ regularly anyhow? 2000 maybe? It's probably fair to say it's just the same ten guys spaming that shit over and over again. I feel kinda sad for ebola chan because now the (irony?) pedos are making themselves feel at home and hotwheels can just watch his libertarian paradise go up in flames. I swear I visited the irc chat about 4 to 5 times and every time the first thing I've read was about cheese pizza or something.

>> No.5527955

I guess the core problem is that /tv/ is the easiest board to shitpost in because everybody watches movies. Can't shitpost about math if you don't know it.

>> No.5527984

and there isn't a math board, is there?

>> No.5527988

isn't /sci/ the math board?

>> No.5528000


>> No.5528035

it's actually one guy doing all of that. I don't have any info on an actual diagnosis on him but he's clearly mentally fucked and probably a sociopath. but it has to do with a guy stalking another guy he barely knows. most of the stuff people complain about /tv/ for over the years has just been him and his obsession (don't ask me how I know this, it all goes way back at this point, but it's beyond boring and I'd advise ignoring him. it's clearly his problem.)

>> No.5528064

this sounds absolutely fascinating and I want to read everything there is to know about this.

where did you get this info, anon, is there some wiki post somewhere about it? what's the backstory?

>> No.5528101

I can't give the info to you but it goes back to another completely unrelated board. one guy became at once fascinated with and jealous of another guy and started stalking him online (using his mod powers to get into the other guy's connection). second guy picked up on this and called the first guy out on 4chan, anonymously (the second guy, interested in internet culture, was hanging out here by then). the first guy freaks out about being found out and begins to stalk second guy relentlessly. first guy begins posting sick shit on /tv/ a lot, probably to try to get second guy into it, who knows. second guy is like, "lol, you own that shit" and first guy, as if to save face to himself and imply the images around HIS but meant as a vague sentiment of "oh, you're on 4chan and stuff like this is on 4chan..." and keeps posting it more and more. everyone else is like "who the fuck is this no-life freak posting this shit nonstop"

>> No.5528102

It's a tail of loss and dispair I guess.

>> No.5528114

>the images -aren't- HIS

meant to write

>> No.5528118

I imagine this a bit like that Oliver Stone film where two french soldiers duel each other countless times over the span of 20 years, only it's the internet. The most epic story never told.

>> No.5528126

was one of those guys bella-tap ?

>> No.5528174

Not the guy, but I'd suppose so. Bellatap straight up posted that fucking thread for years. Every day. Well, if it was just one guy is the question. I hope it was just guys trolling.

>> No.5528176

this is cool as hell and I want to read a novel about it. somebody who knows what went on better than me, please write it.

>> No.5528268

Seconded. It's interesting.

>> No.5528391

/tv/ wouldn't feel the same without these kind of threads, even if nobody replies to him.
Same with the eternal french rip mustache guy.

>> No.5528568

If nobody ever replies what's the point? It's so relentless to be doing it everyday. I just wonder what the motivation is? Or how someone could have that much time? To put that much effort into it for no apparent reason... It just seems like there are some serious mental issues going on.

>> No.5528808

Sometimes I reply to him.

>> No.5529991
File: 29 KB, 633x479, 1401851106053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not shitposting about Cosmos or global warming
Fucking pleb I bet you enjoy the novels of Ayn Rand
what the fuck really? The oval, Abatap, bellatap, BANE?, my hands are dirty, all of it
Was it just one autist?

>> No.5530022

>haven't heard of manufacturing consent.

>> No.5530056

nah, all the goofy, funny, surreal shit oval, bane, etc is authentic /tv/ culture.

and it's not inaccurate to say that there's always going to be some sentiment of 'that teenage chick from X show is hot' - it's an anonymous board, and internet data shows that this is the norm among males. whatever. but the really pervy posts, that seem to actually be trying - and failing - to get /tv/ into *pre*pubescent girls... that's mainly one guy. notice the timing, how it tends to begin at a certain hour, and then maybe after a few months starts at a slightly earlier or later time. it's obviously some guy trying to rub his own sickness in everyone else's face.

>> No.5530065

>bane 2014
>authentic /tv/

>authentic /tv/

>> No.5530114
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>> No.5530163
File: 77 KB, 800x534, george-lucas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do we save them /lit/? How can we bring them back?
End capitalism

>> No.5530452

No actually it's you who does.

>> No.5530463

No way he doesn't run out of proxies everntually

>> No.5530466

Cool now explain abatap

>> No.5530471

There's nothing funny or surreal about those thinges

>> No.5530473

>tfw /tv/ is my main board
>tfw can't turn my back on it

Sorry guys. Film is sublime. Also, /tv/'s local slut, Amaranth, is totes hotter than Butterfly.

>> No.5530485

>is totes hotter than Butterfly.


>> No.5530498
File: 296 KB, 1280x960, 1407604274622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true. She's so qt. Butterfly is qt too, though. I wish they'd lesbian each other.

>> No.5530501

It's not that hard. When /co/ had mostly Movie Theatre Lad he would had competed with Butter's in fair ground, and he's just a feminine man.
I still love Butts and we can laugh at how much of a lesbian she is, but she doesn't rank that high in hotness.

>> No.5530523
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>> No.5530540
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Butterfly's turgid clit approves. Have more, sweet dyke.

>> No.5530568


none, get a goddamn book.

>> No.5530603
File: 3.50 MB, 310x500, tips.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5532268

It's a big novel

>> No.5532273

You guys aren't very united on this
Just tell me what Christopher Nolan uses

>> No.5532280

You are not the original Butterfly.

>> No.5532295

Huh? Why does buttercunt look fuckable there? She usually looks like a frizzy-haired beast.

>> No.5532305

That's not butterfuck u stupid cunt

>> No.5532318

Don't. Let them drown in the pool of their own rancid filth.

>> No.5532326

You're a big guy

>> No.5532341

What the fucking fuck?

>> No.5532345

Underage pls go and stay go

>> No.5532379

p average