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/lit/ - Literature

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5524590 No.5524590 [Reply] [Original]

what's the strangest book ever written? Doesn't have have to be good just so fucking weird the biggest Neo-Surrealist PoMo fag would say "this is bullshit" and give up

>> No.5524594

That picture makes me want to die.

>> No.5524601

u should try listening to the album sometime


>> No.5524604

The Super Smash Brothers fan fic which also happens to be the longest novel in the English language

>> No.5524617

babby's first noise

>> No.5524619

Doesn't make it bad nigga

>> No.5524622

>which also happens to be the longest novel in the English language
NO it fucking isn't stop perpetuating this myth

>> No.5524627

What's the longest novel in the English language, then?

>> No.5524628


>> No.5524634
File: 51 KB, 500x375, mythbusters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prove it

>> No.5524648


>> No.5524650

It's just a bunch of dumb memes, there's nothing weird about it

>> No.5524708

Codex Seraphinianus by Luigi Serafini

Very surreal. Physical copies are in the hundreds of dollars tho

>> No.5524714

is this any good? Last year at marienbad is one of my favorite films

>> No.5524728

that is cool

>> No.5524791

Looks kind of dumb, silly and poorly-written to me.

>> No.5524833

I think OP meant a book with actual words not just pictures

>> No.5524937

James Joyce - Finnegans Wake?

>> No.5525086

even if you strung words and punctuation together at random someone could still probably find meaning in it

>> No.5525102

!left yesterday pancakes BUT

all the; wrench tetrahedron

>> No.5525111

You write of my life, pls moar

>> No.5525112

The !left is clearly an allusion to programming, as a NOT. Therefore, !left means right. etc. pp.

>> No.5525118

Sure, but stability of any interpretation would be near none. You could always easily point to various parts in the text and say "you see, this is where your interpretation of the text doesn't work."
It would be more interesting to find a book that has mostly non-random meaning yet is still written in chaotic style.

>> No.5525129

1938 is way better

just saying

>> No.5525132

No, !left is a reference to the exclamation being on the left side of the sentence - it is a negation of left-to-right reading and assertion of right-to left reading, the assertion being expressed with exclamation but itself in right-to-left from like "read in direction of left!" = "!left". So the text should be read in reverse starting with "tetrahedron".

>> No.5525149

I'm sorry I have to interrupt you like this but Dharma was the best Merzbow album of all time

>> No.5525155

It's just like one of my anime comics.

>> No.5525160

In order for something to be strange, there must be some amount of apparent sense in it. Sheer nonsense is not strange.

>> No.5525230

It's cliche but I'm going to say Naked Lunch. Even discounting the structure of the novel, there are just portions of that book where it goes absolutely insane

>> No.5525264

Personally prefer Merzbeat. They're all pretty nice though.

>> No.5525298

ouchie my eyes

>> No.5525897

>nobody posted a book or a serious response

wow /lit/ you sure are as intelligent and deep as you let every other board to believe

>> No.5525941
File: 215 KB, 694x760, seriouslynigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys listen this?

>> No.5525945

Animal Magnetism.

>> No.5525956

Uh yeah?

Get on our level normie

>> No.5525992

there's probably a book somewhere written by a schizophrenic that is completely incomprehensible and written into thousands of notepad, but we will never see it.

the closet i can think of is the microscripts by walser, but the actual writing isn't anywhere near as strange as the way it way it was written.

>> No.5526021

They pretend to like it because they are special little snowflakes

>> No.5526027

>there's probably a book somewhere written by a schizophrenic that is completely incomprehensible and written into thousands of notepad, but we will never see it

thanks to the internet you can find such books if you check self-publishing sites
i saw several books with completely incomprehensible word salad, i was given a link to them, they even were added to an on-line library, they are not in english but if you want i can give you the link

>> No.5526041
File: 8 KB, 429x398, who gives le fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't like it so it's not music and everyone who listens to it is just pretending don't get tricked

Sorry faggot I just like loud ass noise and improvised music so stuff like Merzbow is the best of both worlds for me. Keep thinking your opinion>everyone else's though, it's cute and funny

>> No.5526066

OP if you are still here i started reading today

Froth on the Daydream - Boris Vian

Its essentially about love but the chaotic resemblance of fairytale and realworld scenes. Puts me in a cloud that makes me so horribly happy

>> No.5526101

>being this tricked
That's fine man, enjoy your music - just don't be pretentious about it please

>> No.5526159

Except thinking my opinion is subjective and not inherently better than anyone else's is the opposite of pretentsion

kek and lel

>> No.5526174

Is this not serious? I'm a newfag and a pleb who only reads mainstream fantasy and science fiction.

>> No.5526301

yes, I listen to noise, including some Merzbow (particularly his late 80s work which is more musique concrete-based than Pulse Demon)

>> No.5526533
File: 381 KB, 1180x810, 02_intherealms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Story of the Vivian Girls, in What is Known as the Realms of the Unreal, of the Glandeco-Angelinian War Storm, Caused by the Child Slave Rebellion - Henry Darger

While probably not 'the' strangest it is still a strong contender

>> No.5526554

The book that /lit/ wrote

>> No.5526624

Vivian Girls by Henry Darger
or this >>5524708
or this >>5524937
or that Babyfucker book that gets posted here sometimes
or that Jesus Buttplug book that gets posted here sometimes

>> No.5527122

Can this book even be found anywhere
Cost seems to be in the hundreds and it doesn't look like an ebook exists

>> No.5527133

no hipsters and fags worship james "arseways fart" joyce

>> No.5527230

Okay nevermind it's just never even been published, there are only extracts in some psychobabblers' analysis books.
Guess only academics can get access to the full thing

>> No.5527238

Not only is it not strange, it's not even interesting

>> No.5527274

Oh. Sorry for having bumped that maddening OP pic btw

>> No.5527285
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This is pretty tame
Here, have this, it's not Noise but you'll get the idea

>> No.5527336
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>> No.5527350

That movie was confusing as hell. What did you (or other people who watched it) like about it?

>> No.5527363


It was confusing as hell. Movies aren't like books where you are reading words and ideally understanding them, imagining what they represent. They are just pure representation being delivered into your eyes and if they can do so in a way that displays the beauty and order of their construction, that's good, even if that order remains beyond the viewer.

>> No.5527390

Does anyone know that song that technically goes on for infinite or something?

>> No.5527418

Uudet Uhkakuvat by Yli-Juonikas is a good contender.

>> No.5527620

do you mean http://longplayer.org/

>> No.5527650

I'm currently 22 chapters into Genesis and I can state without a doubt that the bible is the strangest fucking book ever written.

>> No.5527776
File: 14 KB, 200x243, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Music is a joke to merzbow. He makes his music ironically as an artistic dig. He doesn't intend for people to listen to it. Hence merzbox's 52 discs of pure static

You can't even compare finnegans wake to merzbox as at least Joyce was making sense (if you study his writing close enough). Merzbow is unplanned and unarranged noise with no musical "meaning" (no beat/ rhythm/key/pitch/meter/phrasing etc.) so it would be more apt to compare it to a hypothetical book whose pages are covered in random pictures of tv static.

There are of course exceptions, such as parts of 1934 (where there is an emphasis on sampling over synthesised noise) and merzbeat (which is, on the whole, fairly accessible) however the vast majority of his output ("discography" lol) has no artistic merit in and of itself and detached from the statement it is making.

I'm not, however, hating on people that enjoy merzbow's records, but it is no more fitting to call it music than it is to call the relaxing sound of a stream music (enjoyable as it may be).

>> No.5527782

I think that Brett Easton Ellis' Less Than Zero was just him being an edgy, little faggot.

>> No.5527787


lol if you don't think Batz Tou Tai is musical

>> No.5527791

The Legacy of the Totalitarianism in a Tundra, by far

>> No.5527853

you haven't listened to any of the first 30 disks then

>> No.5527858

>tfw hassan's rumpus room

>> No.5527862

wtf is this

>> No.5530922

it's "wah" sounds of kittie-vampires >:3

>> No.5530932

nobody wrote a ya novel about kittie-vampires yet? :3

>> No.5530957

Kitty, my girl please link

>> No.5530962
File: 29 KB, 309x475, gl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5530970

You should read The Story of the Eye.

She had black silk stockings on covering her
knees, but I was unable to see as far up as the cunt
(this name, which I always used with Simone, is, I
think, by far the loveliest of the names for the vagina)
. It merely struck me that by slightly lifting
the pinafore from behind, I might see her private
parts unveiled.
Now in the corner of a hallway there was a
saucer of milk for the cat. "Milk is for the pussy,
isn't it?" said Simone. "Do you dare me to sit in
the saucer?"
"I dare you," I answered, almost breathless.
The day was extremely hot. Simone put the
saucer on a small bench, planted herself before
me, and, with her eyes fixed on me, she sat down
without my being able to see her burning buttocks
under the skirt, dipping into the cool milk. The
blood shot to Ply head, and I stood before her
awhile, immobile and trembling, as she eyed my
stiff cock bulging in my pants. Then I lay down at
her feet without her stirring, and for the first time, I
saw her "pink and dark" flesh cooling in the white
milk. We remained motionless, on and on , both of
us equally overwhelmed . . . .

>> No.5530982


it's not funny actually, interesting only as the writings of a really mentally ill person... and as i said it's not in english

here are links to the self-publishing site, he wrote a lot of them
i especially recommend to check this

>> No.5530984

grow up

>> No.5531027

That's definitely interesting. I translated bits and pieces, really the ramblings of severely disturbed person. I feel really bad for them

>> No.5531035

I've seen these in english before though, dont have link though but it was the same site i think

>> No.5531050

Dubs Market is better

>> No.5531091

>not strange

>The majority of the book, The Story of the Vivian Girls, in What is Known as the Realms of the Unreal, of the Glandeco-Angelinian War Storm Caused by the Child Slave Rebellion, follows the adventures of the daughters of Robert Vivian, seven princesses of the Christian nation of Abbieannia who assist a daring rebellion against the evil regime of child slavery imposed by John Manley and the Glandelinians. Children take up arms in their own defense and are often slain in battle or viciously tortured by the Glandelinian overlords. The elaborate mythology includes the setting of a large planet, around which Earth orbits as a moon (where most people are Christian and mostly Catholic), and a species called the "Blengigomeneans" (or Blengins for short), gigantic winged beings with curved horns who occasionally take human or part-human form, even disguising themselves as children. They are usually benevolent, but some Blengins are extremely suspicious of all humans, due to Glandelinian atrocities.

And all those girls with penises. What do you consider 'strange' in literature?

>> No.5531108

Peter Sotos in general has written some fucking weird books.
I think he has schizophrenia along with the whole pedophilia thing, so it makes the books even more incomprehensible

>> No.5531268

Dharma is a great album

>> No.5531278

BM has the same vibe as noise
got into it few days ago and loved it