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File: 305 KB, 1080x1600, IV POSTER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5521408 No.5521408 [Reply] [Original]

>that feel when PTA will probably be the first filmmaker to get Pynchon right

Feels so good

>> No.5521440

p sure this is pinecone's first film adaptation

should b good as fuck tho

>> No.5521443

well, he's the first to try

>> No.5521543

How people feel about it possibly getting popular?
Is adapting Inherent Vice a way to get Pynchon books more popular?
It's definitely an entry point to anything Pynchon. Yet again, it isn't like many people read books that made their way into a movie adaptation and which they saw, even enjoyed.

I like Anderson's movies, they keep good atmosphere and are fun to watch, cinematography, not used much or unlike any other, being able to hold you engaged and interested throughout the movies.

>> No.5521568

>How people feel about it possibly getting popular?

Doesn't detract from his work. Might push him to put out one more book to hopefully make-up for Bleeding Edge.

>> No.5521610

Why would they choose the worst one to make a movie out of?

Fuck I would have been happy with a Lot 49 adaptation

>> No.5521644

>Lot 49 adaptation

Because who the fuck could they gotten to play Ricky? It would have been impossible to cast him.

>> No.5521646

Expect to see A LOT more hate for Pynchon on /lit/. I want everyone here to remember that Pynchon was loved on this board because after this movie comes out, everyone is going to say he's shit.

>> No.5521963

screencapped for when that time comes.

>> No.5521984

>caring about anything Pynchon-related

>> No.5522001

The difficulty of the books alone are enough to prohibit him from becoming mainstream.

But /lit/ will start hating him pretty soon after the film comes out and people flock here for "i saw film, how do i pynchon".

>> No.5522473

this will be cool when it happens imo but everyone here will hate it because Pynchon was the code word to their secret club.

>> No.5522557

That poster is pretty spot-on but I liked the Bugs Bunny one better.

>> No.5522572

It's cool we'll still have Foster-Wallace.

>> No.5522575

Wasn't the Trystero symbol the secret. We'll have to wait for the Shane Carruth Crying Lot adaptation.

>> No.5522906

PTA is pleb.

>> No.5522916

First movie I've been excited about in a while. Cunt wait.

>> No.5522919 [DELETED] 

I'm actually looking forward to this. Trim away the phony Pynchon fans who haven't read M&D or Against the Day.

>> No.5522934

Suddenly you've reminded me this is how I got into literature about a year ago when IV was announced. I've over a hundred books since then and forgotten it was PTA who got me here in the first place. I haven't even watched a movie in months.

>> No.5522957

>haven't even watched a movie in months
You fucking up son, film is where it's at.

>> No.5523130

I don't really like PTA but I have no strong opinions about this adaptation.

What I do feel strongly about however is that you plebs should watch Jacques Rivette's film Paris Belongs To Us. It's strongly reminiscent of TCoL49 without the zaniness.

>> No.5523188

>tfw you guys are right
There is wayyy too much Pynchon talk on this board, but at least most people realize how great he is. It's going to be aggravating when one of my favorite authors is shat on just because people didn't like the adaptation or because they want to seem contrarian since he'll have mainstream recognition, rather than for the inherent quality of his work.

>> No.5523238

His vices are inherent too

>> No.5523257

Who cares?

The world won't stop because some fat morons said some stuff on 4chan. You all take this shit far too seriously.

>> No.5523271

b-but muh book board...
But yeah, in the end it doesn't really matter. Ultimately it'll be a tiny nuisance.

>> No.5523282

>the first filmmaker to get Pynchon right
He hasn't been adapted before

>> No.5523294

they can say he's shit all they want, he'll still be remembered in 400 years

it shouldn't bother you when people say a good writer is shit any more than when people say the earth is flat. just stop caring about that person's opinion.

>> No.5523301

not secret

i propose adopting john crowley as our god

>> No.5524320

little big over all

>> No.5524346

Why? Because he's the only American novelist Harold Bloom considers top tier who doesn't have any film adaptations of his work?

>> No.5524348

i think he's the best novelist in america right now, depending on what that phrase means

but also yeah. i mean that's as good of a reason as you're going to get to declare anybody as a /lit/ favorite tbh

>> No.5524362

Has Bloom ever read any Gene Wolfe?

>> No.5524367

probably. he apparently at one point basically everything recommended to him and he's friends with tom disch

you should email him though. i hear he responds

>> No.5524368

IDK, but he does like Thomas Disch and Ursula Le Guin apparently.

>> No.5524375

You can't really characterize Bloom as one of those stuffy pretentious blowhards averse to any and all genre fiction, I don't think

>> No.5524385

yeah bloom wrote a gnostic sci-fi novel

>> No.5524403

well The Councilor was repugnant shit but people still like Blood Meridian and such.

>> No.5524500

I already hate Pynchon.

>> No.5524671

Danny boyle did it over a decade ago

>> No.5524719

I don't think many people have an aversion to genre fiction, people have an aversion to "lel trolls and orcs and elves" and cliched as fuck magic and scifi tropes

It's too burdensome to learn or be creative so they just lever out this garbage like it's softserve ice cream and it's almost all shit

>> No.5524793



>> No.5524794


I still feel like Emir Kusturica would make a terrific job with GR

>> No.5525084

I'd still prefer David Lynch

>> No.5525305

Not him, I guess he's referring to the toilet scene in Trainspotting inspired by GR

>> No.5525311


>ensemble cast

its dead already

>> No.5525316

Am I supposed to recognize all of thsoe actors, there are just so many in Hollywood that I can't keep up

>> No.5525321

The only one I recognize is Reese Witherspoon

>> No.5525332

But David Lynch is simply not that good. I could see him doing Lot 49 though.

>> No.5525336

David Lynch is one of the best American directors alive today, though he isn't very active right now

>> No.5525345

I would agree if he didn't remake Sunset Boulevard four times. His films are all good (except Dune and fucking Wild at Heart), but he doesn't have too many tricks up his sleeve, imo.

And your argument is basically the same as saying "Tao Lin is one of the best American authors alive today." Art, outside of music, is questionable at best nowadays, for the most part

>> No.5525348

Wild at Heart is great, actually: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUtn7e05C8M

>> No.5525354

Did PTA make Oil! a famous or well selling novel?

>> No.5525364

No, but that's older, and the film is only loosely based on it.

>> No.5525369

How do people rate PTA movies so far? Any mistakes? Magnolia?

>> No.5525372

I think they're all relentlessly mediocre.

>> No.5525388

Totally. I couldn't imagine a better director to tackle his work. Imagine if it was Michal Bay, dear Christ.

>> No.5525391

It will take a few more watches for me to determine if it's shit or genius. Or maybe it is pure shit, as it took one viewing for me to decide Fire Walk With Me can't not be genius

>> No.5525392

Who would be your choice to adapt the Novel? I think He is a great director.

>> No.5525404

You have to watch the deleted scenes if you haven't, it has some good stuff.

>> No.5525418

that would be pretty interesting

>> No.5525447

Gravity's rainbow directed by David Lynch.
Starring John c. Reilly as Tyrone

Morgan Freeman as the voice of Byron the bulb

>> No.5525587

>be me
>peaceful autist with crooked teeth
>write some books I'd like to read, not pretentious but ambitious
>get some readers
>4chan suddenly starts existing
>/lit/ worships me
>feels good

>> No.5526312

Hard Eight<Punch-Drunk Love<Magnolia<Boogie Nights<The Master<There Will Be Blood

>> No.5526462

The Master is his only mediocre film (possibly Magnolia too, saw that one when I was young and need to rewatch). But Boogie Nights and TWBB are both classics.

>> No.5526479
File: 188 KB, 500x500, Mac lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw people get to read Mason & Dixon because of this movie.

lol nerd, it won't happen. I bet the Simpsons cameo and the two other mentions of GR had a stronger effect.

>> No.5526485

The Master is painfully terrible.

The right choice is PDL.

>> No.5526630

Or Against The Day.

Fucking long and fucking hard books won't be read just because of a PTA film.

The only reason that Gravity's Rainbow is mildly semi-popular is because it is known for being one of the most "important" and "complex" novels written.

>> No.5527262

Boogie Nights is one of the most overrated pieces of shite ever

>> No.5528169

ditto. remember the baltic debacle? what a hack

>> No.5528196

It's a huge mistake to try to adapt long ambitious literature. I think often times the best work in a medium is so good because it takes advantage of the limitations of its medium. Too much would get lost in translation if you tried to adapt GR or whatever. The only way to make a good adaptation is to use the basic plot and tone and rewrite a film around that, like There Will Be Blood, Lolita, or No Country for Old Men.

>> No.5528221

Who writes this shit? Lynch himself?

>> No.5528243
File: 42 KB, 604x453, 1305647486069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poster with feet
>they look bad

>> No.5528802

no country for old men is a very straightforward and faithful adaptation

>> No.5530606

Yeah it's great isn't it?

>> No.5530626

you mean christopher nolan right?

>> No.5530672

Obviously not

>> No.5531827

I can see it in her face. She knows that a bunch of anonymous degenerates with masturbate to her for the next 500y

>> No.5532123

Shut the fuck up nigger

>> No.5532253

They said the same about Cosmopolis and DeLillo. Nothing change. We still alone reading him.

>> No.5532259

Nah, Kubrick already nailed the Pynchon vibe decades ago, even though he never adapted a Pynchon work.

In fact this is the first time anyone has ever adapted Pynchon, OP, you retard.

I'm still pretty stoked to see this movie. Especially since it's been confirmed that Pynchon is an extra in at least one scene.

>> No.5532278


Strange, I've also felt the same about Kubrick.

>> No.5532322

I think it stems from the fact that a lot of Kubrick's movies share the same fears as Pynchon's literature. Fear of authority and the absurdity of their actions and motives. Fear of excessive interiority and the psychological damage done by modern society. Fear and distrust for anything beyond the individual. Plus a whole lot more.

It's hard not to see Pynchon in Kubrick or Kubrick in Pynchon when you compare parts of Gravity's Rainbow with Dr. Strangelove and vice versa.