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5518030 No.5518030 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5518037
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>> No.5518040

Flipping the switch makes you a murderer.

>> No.5518041

Start with the Greeks.

>> No.5518055

Principle of double effect

>> No.5518111


>> No.5518174

Only true answer.

>> No.5518201
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What about now, /lit/?

>> No.5518257

is this utilitarianism?

>> No.5518266

I'm guessing that most serious ethical systems say that it is better to flip the switch and kill the one person.

However, if I didn't tie those people up to begin with, and just came upon the switch at that crucial moment, could I say that the fact that I didn't have any part in the creation of the situation means that I killed nobody if I did not flip the switch, whereas if I did, I would had killed one person?

>> No.5518433

Sort of. We are doing this in my Philosophy class. It's funny seeing how many people are bad at philosophy. By the way the correct answer is to nothing :^)

>> No.5518450
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>> No.5518452

Lie down on the track myself and embrace sweet release.

>> No.5518457

It's supposed to highlight the difference between Utilitarianism and Deontology. A Utilitarian would pull the lever, a Deontologist wouldn't. The main question here is why.

>> No.5518489

pretty obvious choice considering the cows status as noblest in the animal kingdom

>> No.5518493

Plenty of deontologists would pull the lever. Only the most naive variants of deontology are incapable of coming up with an argument for pulling the lever.

>> No.5518532

>viewing all people as morally equal

Tip top lel
If the 3 people tied up were Mexican immigrants and the one was a 6th generation Anglo of fitting breed and station, id let the Mexicans die

>> No.5518549
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Consider the following:

>> No.5518561
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>> No.5518605


woah dude youre blowing my mind

>> No.5518606
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>not using superior version

>> No.5518652

Denise, standing by a set of points and in a position to divert the trolley onto a siding, thereby saving the lives of five people trapped on the main line ahead. Unfortunately there is a man trapped on the siding. But since he is only one, outnumbered by the five people trapped on the main track, most people agree that it is morally permissible, if not obligatory, for Denise to throw the switch and save the five by killing the one.
Elaborations of the thought experiment present a series of increasingly teasing moral conundrums.
Hauser contrasts the dilemmas faced by hypothetical individuals called Ned and Oscar. Ned is standing by the railway track. Unlike Denise, who could divert the trolley onto a siding, Ned’s switch diverts it onto a side loop which joins the main track again just before the five people. Simply switching the points doesn’t help: the trolley will plough into the five anyway when the diversion rejoins the main track. However, as it happens, there is an extremely fat man on the diversionary track who is heavy enough to stop the trolley. Should Ned change the points and divert the train? Most people’s intuition is that he should not.

Oscar’s situation is identical to Ned’s, except that there is a large iron weight on the diversionary loop of track, heavy enough to stop the trolley. Clearly Oscar should have no problem deciding to pull the points and divert the trolley. Except that there happens to be a hiker walking in front of the iron weight. He will certainly be killed if Oscar pulls the switch, just as surely as Ned’s fat man. The difference is that Oscar’s hiker is not being used to stop the trolley: he is collateral damage, as in Denise’s dilemma.

-- from The God Delusion

>> No.5518942
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>> No.5518950
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>> No.5518961

I think I might start a folder for these

>> No.5518991

>doesn't have all his 4chan pictures with random-number filenames in a single folder
pleb detected

>> No.5519150

I do at the moment, other than my bane section of courshe

>> No.5519155
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holy fuck was that real

>> No.5519161
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>> No.5519173

Sup India

>> No.5519199

Why do you want to fuck up my life?

>> No.5519256

Clones are evil, the choice is clear.

>> No.5520883
