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File: 36 KB, 446x482, sartre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5513505 No.5513505 [Reply] [Original]

Which philosopher got the most pussy during their lifetime, /lit/?

>Pic related

>> No.5513510

I won't argue with this.

>> No.5513598


>> No.5513612

Out of the old ones it's definately Augustine.

>> No.5513613

>not camus

>> No.5513637
File: 202 KB, 1381x874, camus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it seems that french philosophers fuck the most. even cioran got tons of hipster pussy.

>> No.5513643

acutally never mind cioran was romanin or some shit, but still, most german philosphers were most likely on the autism spectrum and severly undersexed

>> No.5513650


>> No.5513652

What made Heidegger so unique?

>> No.5513660
File: 716 KB, 630x760, walterbenjamin-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the most, but Benjamin was clearly getting a lot.

>> No.5513662

he was a Nazi?

>> No.5513671
File: 71 KB, 525x366, alanwatts_08_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When he wasn't writing about Zen he was fucking bitches.

>> No.5513673

national socialist isnt nazi

>> No.5513676

So was Nietzsche, didn't do him any good.

>> No.5513688


>> No.5513690

He used the word "untermensch", which was coined by Nazis

>> No.5513695

yes it is? the actul national socialists used that word themselves.

>> No.5513697



>> No.5513701

Not that guy, but if he used it, it wasn't coined by the nazis.

>> No.5513702

>you will never have sex

>> No.5513711
File: 10 KB, 300x264, thM80MF2W0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides the maymay can anyone guess how much this man used to fuck?

He just has that face of sexual abundance.

>> No.5513798

Sartre and Socrates were the ugliest philosophers in history AFAIK. Sartre lived a degenerate lifestyle. I'm not going to count degenerates.

It is reported that Aristotle was very attractive and that he always followed the newest fashion trends (no kidding). So he reportedly got loads of poon tang.

>> No.5513802

>I'm not going to count degenerates
what a cop-out, degenerates have the most sex.

>> No.5513810

Not a cop-out. Sartre probably had women shit and piss on him. He was a pervert and a degenerate.

"Sex" means normal healthy sex, not perverse acts, sodomy, etc. OP asked about sex not fetishism.

>> No.5513817

Socretes had a wife he treated with mild neglect at best but apparently he denied the offer to buttfuck one of the most attractive and powerful man of the polis

>> No.5513824


>Sex means normal healthy sex
[citation needed]

>> No.5513826

He was a fag. Pre-Christian philosophy is a disgrace.

>> No.5513843

>implying there's any dichotomy between pre-christian and post-christian philosophy
>being this brainwashed

>> No.5513886

I always knew Aristotle got tons of poonani, mah nigga.

>> No.5515372

>this entire thread

>> No.5515382

nazi is a shortened name of Nationalsozialismus you fucking twat

>> No.5515415

Camus was just sexy as fuck

>> No.5515427

Aquinas, Kant, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Schopenhaus, Wittgenstein

>> No.5515442

>ignoramus detected

>> No.5515465

>didn't get the joke

they all died as virgins

>> No.5515477

It wasn't in the same context and it was only once. You should probably kill yourself

"As a matter of fact, even Nietzsche himself used "Untermensch" at least once in contrast to "Übermensch" in Die fröhliche Wissenschaft (1882); however, he did so in reference to semi-human creatures in mythology, naming them alongside dwarves, fairies, centaurs and so on."


>> No.5515487

without info i woulda guessed Wittgenstein got some serious pseudo-smart yet ambitious pussy, ya know? just look at him.

>> No.5515491

He had autism. Not the 4chan kind of buzzword autism but real autism.

>> No.5515514

Surely not severe as didn't he write a philosophical book out of nothing but jokes?

>> No.5515516

His book was pedantically dissecting jokes (or language in general) because in his autism he didn't understand them intuitively.

>> No.5515523

oh shit :D the midwest is here :DD

>> No.5515524

lord byron.

Henry miller .. i dont know if he got lots of pussy but at least he fucked Marilin Monroe.

>> No.5515527

No, but he is accredited to have said that on his deathbed.
Wittgenstein wasn't as autistic as logical positivist interpretations make him out to be. Read Investigations.

>> No.5515532

~That was a post straight outa the bible belt :)

>> No.5515561

>Implying nazism and natsocialism are the same in any way but nominally

>> No.5515587

that was arthur miller bruh

>> No.5515591


This, kill yourself pls. You are the most stupid tripfag I've seen. I'm using a superlative it is that bad.

>> No.5515616

source on that ? Kant was apparently a party animal, so you can doubt that.

>> No.5515626

Those aren't philosophers.

>> No.5515643

nazism IS national socialism you idiot

>> No.5515649


He definitely got plenty of pussy, though. Young boys too. And his sister. Dude was a machine.

>> No.5515673

I guess you are right.

UM perhaps Spinoza got some pussy? IDK

>> No.5516152

>implying people in modern times who are nationalist-socialist are nazis

why is your mode of thinking so outdated anon?

>> No.5516190

Schopenhauer got around quite a bit.

>> No.5516253

Know one can possibly know how ugly Socrates was, it's easily possible there were several uglier philosophers.

>> No.5516263

National Socialist = Nazi. If you seriously think there's a difference, then explain yourself.

>> No.5516557


>> No.5516561

I'm a straight man and I would fuck Camus.

>> No.5516563

Sam Harris

>> No.5516567

what a surprise. straight men have shit taste

>> No.5516570

Paying prostitutes doesn't count.

>> No.5516577

Even on an anonymous image board I can tell you're a bitter gay.

>> No.5516605

Bug chasing faggot

>> No.5516690

I'm gay and would fuck Camus.

>> No.5516933

>jew dick