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5513356 No.5513356 [Reply] [Original]

Is it sad that /lit/ doesn't know the literary beauty of the drug life? I think this is just a bunch of nerds who wanna talk about being ubermensch but never do shit about it.

>> No.5513360

drugs can't make you ubermensch

though I have done some philosophy on LSD

>> No.5513365

Is it sad that /lit/ doesn't know the literary beauty of the NEET life? I think this is just a bunch of nerds who wanna talk about being ubermensch but never do shit about it.

>> No.5513381

Is it sad that /lit/ doesn't know the literary beauty of the NEET life? I think this is just a bunch of nerds who wanna talk about being ubermensch but never do shit about it.

>> No.5513388

Is it sad that /lit/ doesn't know the literary beauty of the thug life? I think this is just a bunch of nerds who wanna talk about being ubermensch but never hit a hoe.

>> No.5513389

I do a lot of drugs. Then again, I am Tao Lin.

>> No.5513393


>> No.5513417

I used to be a heroin addict. I'm glad I am no longer a heroin addict.

>> No.5513420

I want to be a heroin addict. I'm glad you quit so there's more heroin to go around.

>> No.5513423

I think retardation actually won out and the spelling officially changed. I stopped correcting people on it around 2005.

>> No.5513426

You want to be the romanticized version of a heroin addict, not an actual one.

>> No.5513427

>define drug life

the man who IVs heroin every day and the man who smokes weed ever other weekend could be said to live the drug life depending on definition

>> No.5513435

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.5513449

not the guy you are responding to but

while opiates are pretty god-tier, being a addicted isn't

also chronic constipation isn't fun either
a 12 year old, you sick fugg

>> No.5513450


>> No.5513462

The more reasons I see for people being told to go back to reddit, the more it sounds like a much better place than 4chan.

>> No.5513471

drugs make you dumber in the long run. a few sabbaticals with psychedelics can be productive, but they're not miracle drugs either.

>> No.5513472

it's not

>> No.5513474

It's from the movie Orphan.

>> No.5513491
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reality is for people who can't handle psychedelics. only a few are chosen.

>> No.5513560

I have a wicked valium habit and I'm destroying my life with it
have court in 4 days for totalling DUI my car for the third fucking time
all drugs are shit except for all of them

>> No.5513564

>fukkin wit benzoez

>> No.5513614

Pot is dirty, the rest are dangerous.

I'll stick to drinking.

>> No.5513639

>being sexually attracted to pubescent girls who can already be impregnated
>being called a sick fuck
>on 4chan, of all places

>> No.5513648

i can tell youre a pleb

>> No.5513681

drinking is dangerous
the only good drug is MDMA

>> No.5513692

>still thinks any more than 0.01% of retards on 4chan are paedophiles

>> No.5513705

>thinks being sexually attracted to 12 year old girls is pedophilia

>> No.5513719

>tfw two ounces of 5-meo-amt
>do it everyday with friends hiking up into the hills
>develop hppd
>still do it everyday
>get on that suburban herb bandwagon
>always in constant state of meditation
>understand all people and love the world
>see a real life grey alien completely sober standing behind garage

At the end of the day the small fraction of reality we are biologically predisposed to is enough for me I decided

>> No.5513721

>thinks that's somehow any better

>> No.5513728

>implying your ethical system for moral judgements is absolute
>implying sexual urges can in itself be immoral
>implying you're not spouting Roman-Catholic bigotry

>> No.5513735

ayy lmao

seriously though why isn't everyone a perpetual stoner acidlord? psychedelics everyday isn't advisable but weed sure is

>> No.5513743
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>when i'm stoned i have difficulties interacting with others
>always stoned while alone at home
>practically never stoned outside

>> No.5513751


Because it's not good for your mental health.

>> No.5513759

oh yeah. getting too stoned used to turn me into an absolute mumbling retard, exacerbated by self consciousness

now i can control it. just remember that no one can really tell that you're high and you're golden

is that what dare told you

>> No.5513762

>tfw abstinent

>> No.5513768


>Is that what dare told you

Yeah tripfriend I needed a fear mongering anti-drug association to let me know that altering the state of your mind continuously for days on end isn't good for your brain.

>> No.5513775


boy you sure are retarded

>> No.5513777
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actually i just played yume miru kusuri
drugs in real life aren't literary though they just turn annoying people insufferable
but nekoko is my waifu
so drugs are just like women in that they're only pleasant in the 2d world

>> No.5513779

In other words, you're ruining your health and wasting gigantic amounts of money and you're not even getting a dopamine rush out of it? Man, you're a retard.

>> No.5513780

at this point i think trees might be transdimensional beings which we're only seeing the tip of iceberg of

weed makes me lazy, bad at writing, and i eat too much. i'm fine with it a once or twice a month

how does your hppd manifest?

>> No.5513809

weed is great for your brain. marijuana and brains are like peanut butter and jelly, please do more research

it effects everyone differently i suppose, but generally not adversely

i buy in qps or ounces so i'm actually saving money. like i said weed is great for your health in literally every way unless you're genetically disposed to certain things. and no dopamine rush with weed? you are the retard here friend

>> No.5513830
File: 291 KB, 1100x736, Inside-Palace-of-Versailles-1100[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

psychedelic is for people who can't handle reality. only a few are chosen.

>> No.5513845

reality is fukin gay i ben doin this shit for 2 decades now PLAYED OUT playa

>> No.5513846


>> No.5513889

Son, I've heard this argument from every single stoner I've ever met. Marijuana is fine in moderation, but if you seriously believe that it's good for you to smoke it all the time, then I can't help but think you're, well, retarded. Although it was already made obvious with the trip and the way you type

>> No.5513895


>I've heard this argument from every single stoner I've ever met.
And that makes you less persuaded by it? Why?
> but if you seriously believe that it's good for you to smoke it all the time, then I can't help but think you're, well, retarded.
If you think this, you are retarded. You are retarded because you think this. Because this is wrong. Here are my reasons:
>Although it was already made obvious with the trip and the way you type

Why are you pretending to argue while not arguing at all?

>> No.5513920

Smoking weed everyday destroyed my working life, social life, confidence and memory. It exacerbated my emetophobia and agoraphobia. I would succumb to panic attacks in crowds. It's only benefit was that, whilst high, I no longer cared about these things.

But hell, yeah it's a wonder drug that has never done anyone anywhere any harm!! Haha 420 dude

>> No.5513922

Why do you pretend you're being clever when you're not being clever at all? I'm not gonna argue with tripfags on whether it's good for you or not, because no matter what I say it's never going to go through your thick skull. It isn't worth the time. Besides, I think this should be kept on /b/ where it belongs, and not on /lit/.

>> No.5513949


It's funny because I asked you to formulate your argument concisely and you did not you will not, when you look there it's empty. Now you're angry and you're attacking me, thick skull, trying to be clever, tripfags, etc.

You're sure that it's all set in your head and you get disgusted when this belief gets provoked but I know and you know that you won't look, because you're scared to look there, at the complete absence of reasoning in your head.

Whatever your next post will be does not concern me. I'm no longer trying to win this argument.

>> No.5513955


>> No.5513976


Oh in that case yeah it concerns me.

I don't know if this gets through but being self-destructive with drugs isn't the drugs' fault, it's yours. Drugs are what you think of them.

>> No.5513998

Man since you haven't gone through it yourself yet I suggest you go on erowid>experience vaults>long-term effects.

I know a small amount of people who can handle smoking weed everyday, and maybe you're one of them.

But for most people, like the other guy said, it eventually makes you isolated, socially anxious and lazy.

>> No.5514005

>being self-destructive with drugs isn't the drugs' fault, it's yours
>guns don't kill people, people do
Are Americans really this fucking stupid or is this some sort of caricature?

>> No.5514025


yeah, I see what you mean. I obviously did struggle with weed in the past, if not I wouldn't have this strong a position about it. But I thought of it as a thing to understand and overcome, not a duality of 'either I fuck myself up with this or I quit it'.

>> No.5514047

Well, drugs are a tool certainly. They can be destructive though, to certain people in certain situations. Spouting nonsense in response to addiction like, 'well you should have known better' or 'you were warned', 'you only have yourself to blame' etc. is facile. No one starts drinking or smoking or masturbating with the intention of getting an addiction.

I do think, though, that some are more susceptible to addiction than others, and some are able to handle their drugs better. It doesn't all come down to respect or maturity.

The bottom line is that even though the addicted person isn't entirely without fault, the subject of their addiction has to take some blame, if only for the facilitation. I used to smoke weed for escapist purposes. The longer I smoked, the more I ignored certain parts of my life that it wasn't healthy to ignore, thus triggering my need to escape some more, until I was caught in, what I thought was at the time, an endless cycle of self-destruction. Perhaps you might argue that without the weed to turn to, I would have found another form of escapism - and you'd probably be right. But, whilst I was blame at for choosing to escape rather than face my problems, the weed had long lasting consequences that I couldn't have foreseen. Weed, in moderation, is cool, but smoke to much and it is guaranteed to fuck you over in someway or another.

I hope that this is somewhat coherent.

>> No.5514052

Americans openly want guns and secretly want drugs, so they have to couch their desire with ridiculous claims.

>> No.5514053

Genetically predisposed to what? Intelligence?

>> No.5514105



I think addiction is existential, not external. You say that drugs are a tool but I'd like to politely suggest that you rethink what that means.

If you use drugs in ways that you know are self destructive, they become destructive. Nothing happens in your head without you knowing it, nothing can. I don't have any judgement in saying this, but every time you smoke weed it's a decision you make on the spot. If you're thinking that it will be bad for you, how can you blame the substance for going through with it anyway?

The problem is self destructive tendencies, in themselves, point. I understand that weed has bigger effects than, say, video games or whatever medium of escapism, distraction - you get stoned, slower, whatever. But if you're self destructive, you have more important problems than smoking weed.

So quitting will leave you where you started. I think that's important. I think not being able to control yourself with a substance points to something deep inside, and abstinence only masks it. It's like taking painkillers when you're internally bleeding.

I'm evidently not sure about long term effects. If it's really going to fuck up my chemical balance or whatnot. But I know that there is no obvious consensus about it, and when there's no consensus I like to see things for myself.

>> No.5514180

ITT pseudoscientists and stoners make speculations about the effects of drug use.
>"I'm feeling okay nothing can go wrong guise I'm better than all them addicts I can control myself!"

>Nothing happens in your head without you knowing it, nothing can.
There are physical and chemical effects of drug use that form drug addiction that cannot be reversed by willpower or any capacity of the human mind.

>The problem is self destructive tendencies
I guess the world would be fine then if we had some way to determine which people are "self destructive" without any external stimuli, but we don't.

There is a thin line between "recreational" drug use that would cause limited harm and full on drug addiction that causes irreparable impacts to your life. It's fine if you want to walk that line, but don't act as if the people that "fall" to addiction are simply self destructive.

>There is no obvious consensus about long term effects of drug use
Good luck with that, it's fine if you don't give a fuck about it and simply rely on your limited senses to tell you if something "feels wrong" for you.

>> No.5514212

Really? I find It quite boring, I usually can't really remember anything for a while and just crawls around the floor being sweaty and happy for the rest. What am I doing wronk?

>> No.5514258


There is no beauty in the drug life. Why would you want your life to center around drugs enough for your life to be a "drug life" unless you're already so deep into drugs you've eliminated everything else good from your life? Drugs make you a mental deviant or invalid if they're used repeatedly over long periods. Even mild drugs like alcohol and pot fuck most people's lives up if they're used daily in more than very small quantities. Occasional recreational drug use, considered, periodic drug use for productivity or self-improvement, that's fine.

Nobody on /lit/ wants to be stupid.

The problem here is that pot isn't like alcohol, where it'll just fuck all your organs after awhile. It's that pot, anecdotally, strongly enables certain bad habits by changing your perceptions, and over time that potentiality usually will become an actuality. It operates on the ill-understood border line between chemistry and behavior.

>> No.5514271

>what am i doing wrong
Not using enough of it.

>> No.5514311

but if someone is self-medicating with drugs then their drug use is a symptom of a larger cause

or if someone uses excessively because they like being high that isn't really the drugs fault

even with opiates you have to choose use for several days straight before you get addicted

saying it is X drug's fault I use so much is like saying:

>the slot machines forced me gamble my house away
>the rape was your fault for wearing such a short skirt

>> No.5514320

>just remember that no one can really tell that you're high
Yes they can. Everyone knows you're high; they think you're weird and you're going to get in SO MUCH trouble when your parents find out. Also, you aren't going to come down; you'll be high FOR EVER.

p.s. if you're on LSD, we can all read your mind and we all think you're a dick.

>> No.5514329

Oh really, I find that the higher dosis, the higher amount of time I have a hard time recollecting the next day. That said I've never done it, starting out completely sober, that might help.

>> No.5514342

the drug cannot be at fault, and neither can the gun.
That's because neither of these is a personal agent.

You can say "I fell down and it was gravities fault" but that's a bizarre linguistic construct. Gravity makes things fall down. Opiates make you happy and thus addicted to them. Weed makes you anxious, as does caffeine.

The question of assigning personal responsibility is an extremely difficult one when it comes to drug usage, obviously. It's also quite irrelevant.

The fact is that when there are more guns, there magically happen to be more dead people killed by guns. Trying to assign blame to the people using the guns (instead of the guns themselves) is trying to evade a realistic damage assesment, which of course is what the gun-lobby wants to do.
It reeks of rationalisation from miles away.

Weeds smokers often assume a very similar line of reasoning because they are in denial about objectively damaging effects of marihuana usage. (It actually does cause anxiety, sorry to burst anyone's bubble.)

>> No.5514352

>The fact is that when there are more guns, there magically happen to be more dead people killed by guns. Trying to assign blame to the people using the guns (instead of the guns themselves) is trying to evade a realistic damage assesment, which of course is what the gun-lobby wants to do.
I hope this was sarcastic.

There are more guns because there are more people buying and using them.

Having 3,000 guns buried under a town doesn't make the town more violent; 3,000 townspeople buying guns does. The common factor is the presence of gun-owners, not the presence of guns.

>> No.5514376

>Having 3,000 guns buried under a town doesn't make the town more violent
what an incredibly relevant point you make! I sure hadn't thought of that scenario!
And here I was thinking you're trying to intentionally misunderstand me, when really you were just pointing out the holes in my argument. Thank you, Anon.

So to fix my statement:
The fact is that when there are more guns AVAILABLE TO PEOPLE, there magically happen to be more dead people killed by guns.

>> No.5514416

>the drug cannot be at fault, and neither can the gun.
>That's because neither of these is a personal agent.


Opiates make you happy and thus addicted to them.

more like: Opiates make me happy thus I use them a lot thus I become physically addicted

>The fact is that when there are more guns, there magically happen to be more dead people killed by guns. Trying to assign blame to the people using the guns (instead of the guns themselves) is trying to evade a realistic damage assessment, which of course is what the gun-lobby wants to do.
>It reeks of rationalization from miles away.

I didn't want to derail the thread by mentioning guns but since someone else has responded I might as well

Banning guns won't stop anyone who wants guns from getting them with little effort and even without guns people in china go on high score knifing sprees

also banning guns would only stop everyone but the government form owning them but that's OK because we all know that governments have never killed anyone or done anything wrong

>> No.5514423


>I guess the world would be fine then if we had some way to determine which people are "self destructive" without any external stimuli, but we don't.

In order to argue with you I'd have to accept your inability of introspection as axiomatic to human nature. Sorry, not going down that road.

>> No.5514688

Enjoy your brain damage.

>> No.5514697

I really want to do some heavy psychedelics.

I've tried heavy amounts of ketamine to see what the effect would be. Managed to reason myself out of a K-Hole and draw a self portrait and post on /s4s/ for an hour.

For someone who never gets freaked out and would actively embrace ego death is acid a good idea? I want to find some things out about consciousness first hand and then make an opinion.

>> No.5514716

Doing MDMA twice a year has little side effects.

>> No.5514784
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>tfw people intentionally descend into a deeper and darker cave after escaping or being released from their chains
>tfw they think the vague shadows and echos of the men chained in the higher cave are the sounds of gods, the stimulation of fear, the overcoming of fear, of the dark a kind of spiritual Enlightenment.
>tfw they ascend and see merely chained people, they, blinking uncomfortably in the light of the fire, say "throw off your chains, come down and hear the gods, learn how to be fearless."

>> No.5514985

I wouldn't advise you to trip on acid alone. Find a friend to do it with or have someone you trust babysit you

>> No.5515003

I know this is a troll but are you even trying?

>> No.5515047

Probably not the best idea to do LSD alone if you've never done it before, but it is really awesome and you should do it with a close friend around. Sounds like you would really enjoy a 200 or 300 mic trip.

>> No.5515195

I think I may have recently opened the door to alcoholism. I used to smoke tons of pot but I realized it was making a mess of my psyche, now I choose to mess up my liver. Are you happy OP?

>> No.5515215

Is there anything worse than people who act like taking drugs is an objectively necessary thing to do that in itself makes you a better person

>> No.5515225

I am by no means condemning drugs, I drink like a fucking V8, I smoke a pack or more a day, smoke weed on a weekly basis, sniff coke, love LSD, have some experience with other psychedelics, do some low level opiates every now and then, and take a shitload of prescription stuff recreationaly whenever I have a chance.

But you're really dumb if you're one of those people who claim weed doesn't have any long lasting effects. I have friends who can't barely follow a longer discussion anymore, not to mention a friend who started having some fucking horrible panic attacks due to weed to the point she had to quit school

>> No.5515283

>implying that's stupidity
Americans are in the right here, fucking yuropoor idiots, I'm so ashamed of being one myself. You faggots wouldn't know liberty if it hit you in the face.
>muh guns r scary, guns kill
People kill, people OD, people get addicted. Drugs and guns do nothing unless a person acts and decides to use them for some purpose.

>> No.5515286

>even mild drugs
>a mild drug
This is how I know to ignore you and discredit everything you said.

>> No.5515292

>The fact is that when there are more guns, there magically happen to be more dead people killed by guns. Trying to assign blame to the people using the guns (instead of the guns themselves) is trying to evade a realistic damage assesment, which of course is what the gun-lobby wants to do.
It reeks of rationalisation from miles away.
What is your solution? Getting rid of guns? Fuck off you fascist asshole.

>> No.5515331

>Drugs and guns do nothing unless a person acts and decides to use them for some purpose.
Drugs and guns make sense as drugs and guns only insofar as they are to be used as drugs and guns. It's like you're saying "here's a tool, its meaning is this, but don't give it this meaning".

>> No.5517186

Oh god nothing makes me want to puke more than the romanticizing of drug addiction.

The addict's mind is characterized by an unrelenting sophistry. That which is good is bad, then what is bad is good. Then it's just okay. Then it's great again.

Society is wrong and I'm okay, then I'm sick and I need help, then society's put me in this place, then I'm not so bad.

Drugs don't hurt me I've learned a lot. The only thing holding me back is my addiction. I need to stop. I'm doing great, just need to stay off of it. One more time would be alright.

And meanwhile the body is run to shambles, relationships crash into the ground, people are caused enormous pain and anxiety, dreams are crushed, purses stolen, bank accounts drained, medicine stolen, car window smashed, pawn shop, printer ink, pawn shop, grocery store, car shopping...

It's just fucking awful no matter how you slice it.

>> No.5517297


>I have more money buying something than I would not buying something


>> No.5517340

Yeah I really hate that the pro-marijuana crowd has drowned out any reasonable discussion of even potential negatives to weed.
It's a deceptively powerful psychoactive drug, it deserves to be taken seriously. But no, bring up the possibility that it might not cure cancer and you're as ridiculous as Reefer Madness.
I mean, I don't mind weed, it's all right every now and then and if you want to smoke it every day that's your prerogative... but personally I wouldn't.

>> No.5517360

Yeah if you're mixing it with alcohol that's your problem, instant black-out combo. I've never lost memory on MDMA but then I've never drunk more than a beer or two when on it.
There's a tonne of other reasons not to drink alcohol when on E too - a lot of the effects just cancel each other out, leading you to think you need to drink more or do more E than you actually do, and the fact that E makes it more difficult for you to piss makes drinking too much alcohol kinda dangerous.

>> No.5517372

The difference is that drugs largely only risk harm to those who choose to use them, guns put people who don't have guns at risk.
fuck guns and america's stupid gun obsession

>> No.5517396

does no one here want to talk about the infinite rapture that is a fully loaded crack pipe? god damn that sizzle. god damn

>that sizzle

obviously it's like the least conducive to the literary life, and i haven't gotten high for several months now, but god damn

>> No.5517850

Couldn't put it better myself. Romanticizing drug use is just as bad as wanting to continue the war on drugs.

>> No.5517894
File: 2.40 MB, 640x360, PA Luty's Rooty Tooty is Shooty.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hence why guns shouldn't be banned

because if guns are banned then criminals(I.E people who break the law) will still have Lutys, Four Winds and illegally imported giggle switch weapons while anyone who obeys the law is defenseless

>> No.5517914

OP here, I smoked a bunch of meth and weed after doing 7 hits of lsd, THEN made this thread. I am very familiar with lots of drugs (all of them) and this is true.
>weed if done all day erryday is bad
>meth is just bad, I want to sleep right now but I can't cuz fuck meth
>lsd/hallucinogens can be the most beneficial life enhancing drug or it can temporarily damage your entire psyche, depending on the trip
>opiates are god tier best drugs ever love them they make me feel warm inside and I would kill someone over it which is why I dont do them anymore (have you ever even shot heroin i mean oh god it's just unghh...)
>cocaine, shitty without alcohol and a party

But all of that aside, all of them are just an escape from reality, and when your brain gets used to that escape and then it's taken away reality becomes a much harder place to live in. This is wisdom from a guy on meth

>> No.5517915

Australia banned guns, since then, there hasn't been a mass shooting.

>> No.5517937

Yeah, and they would be much harder to get hold of. Nigga you dumb. Why do you think America has such rampant gun crime if it not for the fact that everyone is too retarded to repeal an outdated law.

>> No.5517940

>yume miru kusuri
I'm just playing it now, surreal and great
>tfw not 2d
Think I accidentally got onto a different girl's path than the one I was aiming for, though
Is this a good thing? ;-;

>> No.5517968

Britain also banned semi-autos and its had two since then

which is more than the 1 they had when semi-auto were legal

and two more than when anyone could buy a Thompson or full-fun C96 and use it for HD

>> No.5517997

that may be a linguistic thing. In the Netherlands, I believe, they classified (illegal) drugs as hard and mild and treated them differenly. (Hard drugs means bigger punishment.)

Weed was classified as "mild", and afaik (I can really only report from my experiences in Germany) everybody just started calling opiates, cocaine, speed, etc "hard", while weed was "mild".

And by extension, because alcohol was legal, everyone of course also counts alcohol as "mild".

In Germany this has become normal language that even people who acknowledge that alcohol is vastly more harmful to the body than opiates, for example, use.

>> No.5518015
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OP is so right about this.

>> No.5518031

In a way the "drug life" to me represents uninhibited freedom and the desire to do which you desire. I'm sick of people romanticizing drugs because there's nothing glorious about drug abuse, same with alcohol. Though I do respect the idea of personal property. Meaning your flesh.

>> No.5518059

So you think the literary beauty of the drug life is romanticizing drugs? And you respect property? Fascinating stuff.

>> No.5518106
File: 61 KB, 600x511, P.A Luty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all a criminal need to make a single shot shotgun is a nail, a pipe, a pipe plug, a cordless drill, a piece of wood and a file

and if he wants a .32 Luty™ machine pistol then all he needs is a cordless drill, hacksaw, a file, a hammer and some pipes

the funny thing is that mass producing Lutys™ would be quicker, cheaper, easier and harder to detect than growing cannabis

who would have though a British man from the 1990s would render both gun control and 3D printing guns pointless?

>> No.5518125

I drink no less than 6 beers a night, smoke weed/oil 2-5x a week, do cocaine every weekend, opiates when they're around, and take a psychedelic every 2 months
Get on my level wimps

>> No.5518136

And a pack a day :/

>> No.5518139

all you gotta remember is that they'll win in the end

it doesn't matter what how or when

>> No.5518150

you both really need to differentiate here. The first anon seems to describe the life consequences of opiate usage that result, not from the drug itself, but from the illegality of the drug.

That's like trying to attribute the gang-violence during the prohibition of alcohol as a negative side effect of alcohol. It's deeply dishonest.

There are side effects of drugs, obviously, but heroin (diacetymorphin), for example, has very little side effects even if you take it daily in gigantic quantities. (Afaik the side effects include a certain lethargy and constipation. In particular it doesn't harm the body/brain in the long run.)
So apart from being addictive, opiates have virtually no side effects.

This is very different for alcohol, or benzodiazepines, for example.
Alcohol will fuck your body up, and benzos will fry your brain (long term benzo users all eventually complain of irratic mood swings and memory problems; part of this has to do with benzos inducing an unnatural dream-less deep sleep, which might not be as healthy as normal sleep, and the long term effects of that are accumulative; and of course, getting off benzos is a bitch)

>> No.5518165

only thing worse than drug romanticizing is doing just the opposite

there's two types of addicts

you don't think anyone on lit is the type that is breaking into pawn shops, do you? hell, no one does any of that in 2014.

>> No.5518189

>opiates when they're around

I know you are joking but that really isn't a good philosophy for opiate use I'm not going to mention ">muh three day rule" but un-punctuated opiate use is a terrible Idea


>So apart from being addictive, opiates have virtually no side effects.



>> No.5518203

do you agree with the observation that more guns means more gun crime?
And, as a result, to combat gun crime we need to combat gun availability?

If you don't agree to that, you're terminally and inoperably fucktarded. If you do agree with that, then it seems obvious that selling automatic weapons to children is a bad idea when it comes to gun-crime prevention.

>oh, but the children could theoretically make those automatic weapons themselves!!
do you see how this isn't a very convincing argument? Even if it's theoretically possible (and as easy as you say it is), it's still a good idea to make guns illegal, just so that people having/producing them will face prison-time. Because that will certainly prevent John Doe (and his son Jonny Doe) from owning a large personal arsenal of automatic assault weapons "just because".

>> No.5518216

>uk documentary about heroin
yeah, you might as well tell me to read a 1950 US poster proclaiming
>reefer are nigger drugs and turn you into child rapists!!!11

That opiates are virtually side effect free isn't duggy propaganda, it's a fact every MD knows and that has been known for about 100 years.

>> No.5518226

The post was made in a joking manner, yes, but that is really my drug "schedule"

I know all about the dangers of opiates, believe me, I had a bad run with oxy and hydromorphone ~4 years ago that lasted for the better part of a year, but since switching cities I don't have ready access to them as I do for other drugs, so "when they're around" means when my friends have them; I'd say I do them less now that even psychs.

>> No.5518241

too bad opium is so fucking expensive

>> No.5518250

yeah, i read bulgakov's 'morphine', he was both md and for some time a drug addict so i suppose he knew his shit better than you

anyway even if opiates didn't give you any side effects but a very strong addiction (and afaik it's not true, they decrease your dopamine level which leads to a permanent depression, injections ruin your veins etc) there is a trap here, you will need a higher and higher dose inevitably to prevent withdrawal sufferings and to simply feel yourself as a normal person and it will eventually kill you directly with an overdose

>> No.5518253

>do you agree with the observation that more guns means more gun crime?
yes but not more crime generally
>And, as a result, to combat gun crime we need to combat gun availability?

or we could just crack down on crime generally and not punish law abiding citizens

>do you see how this isn't a very convincing argument?

so the argument that anyone with a toolbox can take a shit on the ATF and the NFA doesn't prove that gun control is pointless?

>it's still a good idea to make guns illegal, just so that people having/producing them will face prison-time.

people in the US producing automatic weapons already face prison time

>Because that will certainly prevent John Doe (and his son Jonny Doe) from owning a large personal arsenal of automatic assault weapons "just because".

if you think anyone who isn't a millionaire owns several automatic weapons "just because" then you are inoperably fucktarded

>> No.5518260

I've smoked weed and all it does is make me lapse into bizarre and uncontrollable panic attacks.

>> No.5518270

It did the same to me! I did not enjoy it one bit.

>> No.5518275
File: 76 KB, 335x525, 1407666150767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clearly you didn't even start to watch it because if you did you would realise that it is critical of the war on drugs

one minute in they say that the war on heroin is based on lies and eight minutes in they say that heroin is basically side effect free and that sugar is worse for you than opiates

>> No.5518291

E makes it difficult to piss? I can't stop pissing while rolling! Then again, I focus way to much on staying hydrated, so that may be the cause. God I love E

Anyone in FL wanna sell me some? ;^)

>> No.5518350

>i read bulgakov's 'morphine', he was both md and for some time a drug addict so i suppose he knew his shit better than you
I am singularly unimpressed by anecdotal evidence

>even if opiates didn't give you any side effects
what the FUCK are you talking about? I never took opiates in my life. It's a medical fact that opiates are basically unharmful to the body. (There are some opiates that are slightly hepatoxic, but the vast majority of them isn't.)

>they decrease your dopamine level which leads to a permanent depression, injections ruin your veins
The depression thing I can't say for sure, but the injection thing is complete bullshit. Injecting is a form of administering the drug. The reason so many people inject is because it's cheaper. Going from more cost effective and harmful towards less cost effective and less harmful you can
inject, smoke or snort
heroin. Snorting has no side effects whatsoever (it doesn't even harm the nasal membranes like cocaine does), but it has a slow release of the drug and also not the best absorption ratio.
So again you're attributing a side effect of the political situation surrounding the drug (being expensive) leading to a certain harmful technique of administering it (cost effective injection) with side effects of the drug itself.

>you will need a higher and higher dose inevitably to prevent withdrawal sufferings
They have projects in Germany where addicts are given Heroin (similar projects also exist in the Netherlands and in other European countries) and the result is: it levels out at a certain high dosage and people stop increasing the dosage from that point onwards.
Your reasoning is about as infantile as saying that a bacterial colony that consists of one bacterium today will be bigger than the entire solar system in a week.
There's no such thing as unlimited exponential growth, and the same is true for drug usage. There's an upper limit (just physically) to how high it can go. I think in those studies I was referencing the people stopped at about 6grams or so per day. (That's completely from memory and may be wrong, though.)

>it will eventually kill you directly with an overdose
Now that is just stupid. If you up the dose of a drug it's because you've become resistant to its effects. So ODing will never happen in that scenario.

The one scenario where ODing does (consistently) happen, is when people COME OFF their high doses (say, by detoxing and going through the physical withdrawal) and then later start again, but not at normal human doses, but at the dose that they were using when they were last on it, which of course if way too fucking high because their tolerance has worn off.

>> No.5518401

>anyway even if opiates didn't give you any side effects but a very strong addiction (and afaik it's not true, they decrease your dopamine level which leads to a permanent depression, injections ruin your veins etc) there is a trap here, you will need a higher and higher dose inevitably to prevent withdrawal sufferings and to simply feel yourself as a normal person and it will eventually kill you directly with an overdose

injection is only damaging if you don't do it right

if you always use clean needles, cycle injection sites, know how to tell between veins and arteries etc. then you will be fine

when was the last time you saw a type 1 diabetic or person who needs weekly blood tests with collapsed veins and abscesses?

as for "hurr durr you will just keep need more until you OD"

firstly heroin tolerance has a physical upper limit

secondly that isn't how most ODs happen

here is how most OD happen

you are a heroin addict you are injecting about 100mg of 40% pure heroin a time

one day your dealer gives some 98% pure H but neither you nor him have any real way of telling how pure the heroin

so you inject your usual amount and OD

>> No.5518403 [DELETED] 

>no one on this board does coke

>> No.5518439

Drug abuse is bad, but doctors should prescribe Acid to everyone once a year.

>> No.5518458

>injection is only damaging if you don't do it right
also depends on what you're injecting. Street heroin isn't what you would normally want to shoot up into your veins if you can somehow avoid it.

>> No.5518514

true, if you are stupid or desperate enough to inject wax or gel laden pills then I doesn't really matter how sterile your needle is

as for street heroin, how long is a piece of string? it all depends on how well it was produced, what it is cut with, if it is no.3 then how much citric you use can effect how damaging to veins it is

too many factors to say how much if any damage it will do to veins

>> No.5518518

>tfw I spent 8 hours in a creek writing in my moleskine with my lamy while I furiously rolled and smoked filterless american spirits as I tripped balls on LSD
>tfw DMT comeups where I can't figure out if I'm not an Infinite Jest character or not

>> No.5518550
File: 112 KB, 862x295, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've done almost every drug with name save for like meth and heroin and some that are just abreviations. I've taken just LSD or analogues that fit on blotter at least 150 times. I spend my summers following around jam bands and making bad decisions with people in too-bit clothes.

Inb5 ur lying!!!!

>> No.5518568


>> No.5518617


anon think of your health you can barely type

>> No.5518629

>tfw DMT come ups where I can't figure out if I'm not an Infinite Jest character or not

You sound like such an enormous faggot.

>> No.5518633

When I first did Acid I was convinced I was really Zakalwe, and that I was only visiting earth on a mission from The Culture.

>> No.5518665

>trying to explain predatory behavior on mentally retarded creatures
b-b-but i'm a big boy!

>> No.5518674

why does she look like ellen page at the end?

>> No.5518675

Ellen Page is a lesbian.

>> No.5518686

how the fuck does that answer my question?

>> No.5518691

It's after the cut, it looks like ellen page's face is superimposed on hers.

>> No.5518696

Ellen Page? The actress?

She's a lesbian.

>> No.5518747

This is only slightly relevant, but I believe that there is abstract beauty which lies in the concept of addiction. Addiction, in a sense, is an exaggeration of life as a whole, pulling one between the radicals of their personal spectrum and sense of individualism. In various dimensions and to various degrees, it is pulling the afflicted left and right in a constant dance, giving rise unto an often confused, ever shifting mental and/or emotional state.

>> No.5518847

>that enlightened feel when...

>> No.5519003

Nice try.

NEET life is actually legit. Same with thug life.

>> No.5519182

>The difference is that drugs largely only risk harm to those who choose to use them, guns put people who don't have guns at risk.
>this is what eurocucks believe
Guess what gun restrictions risk? The people not being able to resist a government turned tyranny.

>> No.5519184

That doesn't make banning guns a good thing.

Oh well, what would a freedom hating australicuck know about freedom in the first place.

>> No.5519185

>In Germany this has become normal language that even people who acknowledge that alcohol is vastly more harmful to the body than opiates, for example, use.
That makes zero sense. Alcohol is a hard drug, judging by the knowledge we have about it.

>> No.5519187

Yeah, more mass shootings and higher chance to get shot by some idiot are amazing.

But muh drinking culture.

>> No.5519192

>and higher chance to get shot by some idiot are amazing.
Mass shooters get their guns either way, buying a gun illegally is piss easy. The only people who are restricted by gun laws are the law-abiding citizens. The only ones who benefit are government, who need no longer fear civil disobedience, giving them even freer reigns to do whatever the fuck they want.

I'd feel safer in the USA, where practically everyone has a gun, because that severely limits the possibility of government overreaching it's boundaries and their potential to enslave their own people.

>But muh drinking culture.
That doesn't make it any less harmful.

>> No.5519203

>buying a gun illegally is piss easy.
In 3rd world countries like the us of a maybe. Good luck getting an gun in Europe when you're in the mood for a nice mass shooting.

Obviously not, it's just the justification used.

>> No.5519205

Coke is expensive and shitty where I live, can't afford it, and don't enjoy it. But when i go to SA.

>> No.5519210

>In 3rd world countries like the us of a maybe. Good luck getting an gun in Europe when you're in the mood for a nice mass shooting.
Thanks for proving that you have no idea what you're talking about. Guess what, even a shut-in NEET can buy a gun off of an .onion site these days, and contrary to what you may believe, we DO have organized criminals in Europe that sell guns to people who want them.

>> No.5519211

>GUNS -> because that severely limits the possibility of government overreaching it's boundaries and their potential to enslave their own people.
>Our government is not enslaving us because we've bought guns.
>Government bought guns.

But aren't we all slaves? I call civilwar.

>> No.5519222

>But aren't we all slaves? I call civilwar.
Any civil war will be won by the population. The mightiest military in the world couldn't win a war against some towelheads in the middle east, and all they had were Soviet-era RPG:s, IED:s and AK-47s.

Now replace the arabs with 300 million armed americans. Good luck.

>> No.5519223

Yeah it's quite easy to get one, just go to the local hardcore part o' town, and ask around. Maybe ask your black friend to dress you up before you go so you don't look like a ez victim or a copper b4. good luck


>> No.5519229

That's not my point, my point is that you are enslaved - even though you have your guns, you're enslaved (sorry for the cliches) by capitalism and dumbing entertainment, good luck raging war against those things.

>> No.5519230

Do you have problems with reading comprehension? You can get guns anonymously off of the internet these days, get with the times grandpa.

>> No.5519233

There are differences in levels of enslavement.

>> No.5519239

You are right, but do you honestly believe that guns are helping America to not be... Let's phrase it this way: Properly enslaved?

>> No.5519245

>You are right, but do you honestly believe that guns are helping America to not be... Let's phrase it this way: Properly enslaved?
Of course. The minute you take away the possbility of citizens resisting an overreaching government, the people are enslaved for good.

>> No.5519261

Yeah, look at the enslaved Europeans, suffering much better living standard. Sucks to be them.

Towelheads trained by Americans, who grow up in a war torn country. Totally comparable to fat rednecks who would die of starvation after 2h without McDonalds.

>> No.5519332

Thank you anon. Let's toast for a better and unified future. La paz!

>> No.5519394

Statistically the amount of shootings in Britain when compared to America (if you adjust for America's much larger population size) is still far far lower. So don't try to get smart, you're going to wind up looking like an idiot.

>> No.5519522

>hence why

>> No.5519532

my point is that the amount and frequency of British shooting sprees has increased with every new firearms act amendment