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/lit/ - Literature

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550911 No.550911 [Reply] [Original]

any wanna be writers on /lit/?
styles? inspirations? idols?
I personality feel that a good story should be like a good hammer; simple, versatile and powerful.
I'm highly against pretentious, thesaurus raping poetry and pretty much everything labeled as avant garde.
I'm currently working on a comic book script and a horror novel.

>> No.550914

> im a stupid faggot
there fixed that for you

>> No.550915

>I'm a stupid faggot.
Proper grammar and punctuation?

>> No.550917
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>Implying stupid faggots use proper grammar and punctuation

>> No.550923

> thread already derailed by trolling
I'm glad to see that lit is like every other board.
I fucking hate 4chan

>> No.550931

Then leave

I want to be a writer yes, but at most it's going to remain something I do in my spare time. I'm okay, but not exactly good enough to get published. I write screenplays for short movies my friend directs. He ends up completely screwing up most of the time (of the 3 films we made), but it's fun. Also working on a novel (but hey, what 20-something these days isn't), but that's going completely nowhere. I blame my tv addiction.

>> No.550936

I'm gonna work on my novel!
> go on facebook and /co/ instead
I have about 20 pages done

>> No.550946

this just in! every 20 year old wants to write a novel

>> No.550969

Dirty realism meets apocalyptic morality. Bukowski, Palahniuk.
My current story is communismXracismXapathyXmurder and yes, I realise that sounded like the intro to Batman Beyond. I am 50 pages in with the story in concise words finished.

>> No.550988

Yes/no/maybe. I always wanted to be a writer as a kid because I loved reading. For several years into adulthood I kind of ignored that fact and only recently began reexamining my love of books to find if I actually want to be a writer, or just an avid reader. I think, if nothing else, I want to writer about books. I have a lot of notes for stories and novels and comics that I've had loose ideas for, but for now I'm focusing on reading and understanding literature with more depth.
No style developed yet as such, I'm still at the point where everything comes out tinted by whatever I last read. Inspirations/idols? When I was a child, I loved Tolkien and Stephen King, but kind of moved on by the time I hit my teens. Nowadays I look to Jonathan Lethem, Michael Chabon and Gene Wolfe mostly.

>> No.550997 [DELETED] 

>any wanna be writers on /lit/?
Reporting in.

Something stream of consciousness-ish. It's the writing style I feel most comfortable with.

>inspirations? idols?
Kafka, Lispector, Saramago, Borges.

>I personality feel that a good story should be like a good hammer; simple, versatile and powerful.
I personally feel that there is no "formula" (at least not clear cut like this) for a good story.

>I'm highly against pretentious, thesaurus raping poetry and pretty much everything labeled as avant garde.
I have nothing against pretentiousness (mostly because what's called pretentious half of the time is stupid/lazy people whining instead of what is actually pretentious) and have nothing against avant garde as long as it is done right. Never been really into poetry.

>I'm currently working on a comic book script and a horror novel.
Currently working on a novel. Have no idea of what genre it fits in.

>> No.550998

Political satire/humorist
Orwell, Voltaire, etc
My latest is a story about the lead singer of a punk rock band who must live through a revolution, finds out he loves the man because hes actually a whiny middle class faggot

>> No.551006

>I'm highly against pretentious, thesaurus raping poetry and pretty much everything labeled as avant garde.
>I can't actually write.

>> No.551003

>any wanna be writers on /lit/?
Reporting in.

Something stream of consciousness-ish. It's the writing style I feel most comfortable with.

>inspirations? idols?
Kafka, Lispector, Saramago, Borges.

>I personality feel that a good story should be like a good hammer; simple, versatile and powerful.
I personally feel that there is no "formula" (at least not clear cut like this) for a good story.

>I'm highly against pretentious, thesaurus raping poetry and pretty much everything labeled as avant garde.
I have nothing against pretentiousness (I mean, the word has become so devoid of meaning these days, mostly because what's called pretentious half of the time is stupid/lazy people whining instead of what is actually pretentious) and have nothing against avant garde as long as it is done right. Never been really into poetry.

>I'm currently working on a comic book script and a horror novel.
Currently working on a novel. Have no idea of what genre it fits in.

>> No.551013

... How is a hammer versatile? There is even that well-known line about how they are not at all versatile and the people who think that are those who have no other tools. You are bad with similes.

>> No.551016

>>I personality feel that a good story should be like a good hammer; simple, versatile and powerful.

If you think about it, this sentence doesn't mean anything.

>> No.551019

Yeah. I'm at the beginning stages of my first novel. I switch styles depending on the audience. This book is about a boy who is flung into the absurdly distant future and is forced to depend on himself. It's written for young adults.

For this, my Main inspirations are Vonnegut, Card, and Robert E. Howard.

>> No.551020

so tell us more about those orwelliean spirits vicariously percolating your soul

>> No.551021

>personality feel that a good story should be like a good hammer; simple, versatile and powerful.
Trying, and failing, to see how a story can be versatile.

>> No.551027

>It's written for young adults.

the next harry potter.

>> No.551035

not pretentious at all actually but I still kind of agree
pick obscure words out of a thesaurus
write about nothing
become a college open mike sensation

>> No.551036


It's true, though I'm sure we all understand his point.

Rather, hammers and stories should be simple,accessible and appropriate for the end user.

>> No.551038

I'm not a wanna be writer, I am a writer.

>> No.551042

published works?

>> No.551045


That's honestly the goal. Children can handle good stories with serious consequences and risks. Also, the whole "its Magic lol" explanation for everything is blatant hackery.

>> No.551054

>you consider yourself a writer
>what you plan is easily and concisely presentable in question and answer format

>> No.551062

i'm about 60,000 words into a coming-of-age story, like every one is working on. i'm inspiried by bret easton ellis, douglas coupland, delillo, etc.

but as far as writing for a living, i've been freelancing for a bit now, and make about 100-150 bucks a week (part time) once summer hits and i won't be subbing anymore, i'm hoping to get more clients, work more hours, make more money.

it's sweet working in your pajamas.

>> No.551077

Nope, but I enjoy writing as a hobby. I haven't submitted anything, but maybe I will sometime. Writing is fun for me when I'm inspired, and that's when I do it; if it were my career, it would be work.

>> No.551080

>interested in producing a bildungsroman novel
>inspired by authors who do not typify this kind of work

Wait, what?

>> No.551083

How is that bad?

>> No.551086


style, not content

>> No.551089

> that will actually make the work more original and most likely better

>> No.551101


>implying inspiration = copying

>> No.551109

I will learn to be a farmer and midwife. I will accomplish this by signing on as a sailor and spending a tour whaling.

>> No.551112



>> No.551114

ITT: talentless hacks calling talentless hacks talentless hacks.
Are you people fucking serious? You think writing a novel is something to be proud of? Do you know how low the bar has been set thanks to all the Kings, Kontz, Pattersons and Meyers in the world?
Get a real fucking hobby you faggots

>> No.551117


baby's first troll :3

>> No.551118


"Real hobby."

Like what? Boating? Fuck you.

>> No.551119

What the hell? Who are you to decide what hobby people should have? If someone is determined enough to write an entire novel, then kudos to them! If someone just talks about working on a novel without ever finishing it, that's a different story. But actual novelists, no matter how good their works are, deserve at least some respect.

>> No.551120

Successful troll is successful.

>> No.551124

a real hobby and a real degree like engineering, mathematics, physics or bussiness

>> No.551132


Are you confusing hobbies with careers? I think you are. You are doing that.

Hobbies are generally unnecessary activities. Someone who plays golf could be told to get a real hobby, like writing.

>> No.551307

I'm trying to find an artist for my comic book idea, which is about dead people.

In my spare time I write on my fantasy novel.

>> No.551313
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Comic book artist here. Learn to draw yourself, stop piggybacking on the talent. You aren't Alan Moore.

>> No.551319


>implying most comic book artists are talented