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5507230 No.5507230 [Reply] [Original]

So I just started this book earlier today, and I'm enjoying it so far, but 20 pages in you encounter a nearly 5 page long sentence. Are there many more of these throughout the novel? I enjoyed what the sentence said, but the form annoyed the shit out of me and although I'll finish the book regardless I'd like to know if I should prepare for more of these overly long runons. I'm assuming so, given I still have 800 pages to read.

>> No.5507239

Stop whining, you little bitch.

>> No.5507244

how are you going to prepare? lube your ass up for my cock?

>> No.5507271

I don't think those long sentences are very common, maybe a few more... It's a fairly easy read.
I read it a few months ago and I loved it. Keep going, it's a great book.

>> No.5507285

have you read the savage detectives?

Man Bolano is GOAT!.

>> No.5507296

Nope, first Bolano

Good to know, thanks

>> No.5507300

which section did you like best? personally, i think part 2 makes the book

>> No.5507337

Part 2 is like.. 3/4 of the book. Is great indeed.

but In the first part : the pimp that cuts his own dick with the knife he uses to measure it . So funny.

>> No.5507359

i just love how he completely deconstructs the characters he built up in the first part. also, i can't believe it took me so long to realize that arturo belano is a not very subtle allusion to roberto bolano himself

>> No.5507390

Yeah. Ulises Lima is his best friend.

there are some riddles I dont know what to think about them...for instance In the second half there is.. 0 references to Garcia Madero, and the prostitute, what happened to them ?

>> No.5507407

I mean Ulises Lima is the allusion to his best friend in real life . who also used to read while taking a shower.

>> No.5507419

that's a good question. at one point someone mentions that there was no visceral realist named juan madero, which suggests to me that he eventually gives up writing or he moves on to create another style completely. as far as lupe goes, who knows

>> No.5507466

yes is the only reference to Madero by someone that collected the viceral realist works. But is more like Madero doesnt exist at all. Is like they just dissapear.

The poet they look for "Cesarea"... that name. It puzzles me...

>> No.5507467

vaginally and anally

>> No.5507529

maybe it has to do with the fact that she was the 'mother of the visceral realists' and her name is kind of a joke, you know, referring to a caesarean section, as in giving birth to poetry. don't know

>> No.5507562

It makes sense.
When she was young she was tall and slim, when they found her, she was really big.

Also the mexican slang for pimp is "padrote" (big dady), a lot of oedipus complex references.

>> No.5507908

I also have this book and has 1125 pages, I don't know when I going to start, I read savage detectives and was so dam fun and memorable.tonite wsd

>> No.5508312

Madero wrote the book. He's the interviewer wanting to know what happened to the heroes of his youth.

For instance, the title of the second part is "The Savage Detectives", although they strangely do no actual detective work during that time. Rather, their wild detective work is only seen in the third part, where the only two outside observers were Madero and Lupe. With Madero being the more obvious choice of a writer.

Also, take into account the style of novel, it is a semi-stream of conciousness without quotation marks, yet the beginning of the novel starts in a more traditional first person narration. The third part continues in the tipical first persion narration of the beginning, yet continues into the stream of conciousness tecnique of the second part, making a seamless transition if you order it chronologically.

The novel is basically the story of Madero realizing his hero's didn't grow up to realize the potential of their youth.

>> No.5508368

Would it be advisable to read The Savage Detectives before or after 2666?

>> No.5508468

I read about a fifth of this book before stopping. It's really boring. You can probably read 50 Borges shorts in the same time, including thinking about them and looking up references.

>> No.5508496

Well, yeah. Savage detectives is vital in order to fully grasp 2666.

>> No.5508588

>Madero wrote the book. He's the interviewer wanting to know what happened to the heroes of his youth.

wow, why I didn't realize this.

>> No.5508617

he doesnt cut it man why would he do that he uses his knife to measure it

>> No.5508622

is not like he cut it into pieces. And I dont know... niggas be crazy.

>> No.5508627

i dont believe it u could be true tho its been like 6 months since i read it

>> No.5508651

The first 3 interviews took place in January, 1976.

If Madero is the interviewer, how is this possible if he was running away , and searching for Cesarea all that month ?

>> No.5509771

He was with Belano during that time. It was before they went to look for Cesarea, remember?

>> No.5509891
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Ok I looked for it, there is a gap of time of one day. They leave the house in pic related after 1975 is over, and in January 2th the party is leaving DF. (the first interviews are in the DF)

But if thats so, the group of guys that Amadeo Salvatierra shares the mezcal with, is a different group. Correct me if I'm wrong but he never mentions Arturo or Ulises.

>> No.5509924


No one seems to be answering your question.

The answer is no. The writing format and style changes between sections. Take a peek at the next few sections and you will see what I mean.

Also, I highly suggest finishing it, even if you can bear to get through the part about the crimes(its length, repetition, insistent vulgarity, and subsequent banality are the point), finish it! It is an excellent read.

>> No.5510139

Yes it does. It is mentiones repeteadly that it is Belano and Lima. Read it again.

>> No.5510218

you are right.

Is the way Salvatierra told the history that confuses me. Thanks for the insight.

>> No.5510734

Belano and Lima's visit to Amadeo happened way before theye even met Madero. He's just tellling the interviewer about it.

>> No.5511000

So if the interviewer is Madero, he went to talk to Salvatierra at january 1st of 1976.

>> No.5511111


I was under the impression is that Madero was since Madero was only there at the very end of the Visceral Realist and didnt get any of his stuff in writing everybody forgot about him after he left for Sonora desert and nobody remembers him anymore?

>> No.5511152

Madero being the interviewer is a crazy theory. I like the idea, It does make sense kindof. Before this thread I had another take at it: Academic research (yes, the kind the critics do in 2666 when looking for Archimboldi), or Infrarealist research as coined by Heriberto Yépez, mexican critic. That is, a group of academics searching for Bolaño and Papasquiaro's footsteps the same way Belano and Lima did with Tinajero's. Bolaño was foretelling what happened in the mexican academic literary sphere when Papasquiaro's poems where pondered as canon or non canon. The supporting group had to carve names and locations and interview people. Part of this is in Arte & Basura by Luis Felipe Fabre and Bolaño Infra by some chilean author I don't remember right now.

>> No.5511220

I like the "Madero as the interviewer" Idea better.

In one of the last monologues; the teacher that collected all the works of the poets says something like : " Garcia Madero? No, I should have heard of him, I'am an expert on viceral realism."

So I think Madero ask for himself to the teacher, but the teacher have no idea who Madero is.

>> No.5511557

No it doesn't. The first part takes place in 1975. The second part starts in January 1976, meaning it has to take place after the first part.

Also take note that the first entry to the third part is empty, and the travel put of Mexico city takes places on January 2nd, leaving the 1st open to the interview. Moreso considering that they stayed in Sonora the whole month.

Also, thematically interesting: the first part of the second part and the last part of the second part are the first and last porcions of the first interview, making the sequence into an actual chronological sequence. The first entry to the third part is about the present and future, as well as the inexistant future. Which could be a reference to the jumps into the future of the novel as nonexistant in the context of the third part, or yet unfulfilled, leaving Bolano and Lima's pontential as people intact.

>> No.5511706

Sorry bro but when Madero first met Arturo and Ulises on the poetry workshop they already knew about Cesarea, hence they already interviewed Maples Arce at least. Belano and Lima learn about Vicerrealism by Amadeo Salvatierra's story, then they go and make their own movement.

Amadeo is being interviewed on January 1976, that's on the book, but the events he's talking about (the actual visit) took place sometime on 1974-75.

>> No.5512769

or it didn't.

hey op: should you prepare for huh?
my god.
put the book down.
youre insulting it.

>> No.5512803

What you mean it didn't?

>> No.5512817

Honestly, there are about 5 of those in the whole book, and you can skip them if you want (I fucking did) as none of them have any real significance on the overall plot.

>> No.5512863

no, they just contain the whole point of bolano's writing.
and you just skipped them?

please murder yourself.
you are the worst kind of faggot.

>> No.5513993


>> No.5513997
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>> No.5514023
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