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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 329 KB, 496x654, Philosoraptor[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5496610 No.5496610 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5496673

> Power is the only thing that matters. Who opposes, dies. Thus I say and you shall repeat if you want to ascend. If you don’t, you have no right to live. On the Other Subjective hand, there a Same Objective disjunctive judgement: as per Hume, power is nothing but causation, yet since causation is not rational, power must therefore be divorced from reason. This causes ontological confusion, and power pursuing reason in an endless Ouroboros of eternal return, like the Subject ingesting its own shit over and over for sustenance. Power cannot ever Have reason, but this Otherness is what allows power to realize itself as Subject, and yet drives power to hate the reason it can never sublimate. The first response is fear, which leads to anger, in turn producing hate-suffering, ressentiment. Since ressentiment by its very nature is always directed toward power (that is an analytic judgement), we can form the synthetic judgement that power must hate itself. In capitalism, this schizophrenia reaches its culmination, a vertigo of self-loathing and mastrubation. The synthesis leads to power only capable of jouissance during hate-sex. In order to fulfill this deep seated lust, capitalism exploits the worker as much as possible; power is constantly seeking fulfillment and meaning, but it can never orgasm. It is left in a nightmare of verging so strong that it divides itself to alleviate the pain, endowing every living orgasm with intense sexual frustration. The only medicine left is to propagate ugliness, this is the ideological significance of the burger. Capitalism feels that if it makes everyone fat enough, it will defeat its craving to fuck. Unfortunately the frustration increases at a rate just above that of obesity, leading to Self-Spurdo discontinuity that can only be alleviated through the transcendental Fug, which in turn is realized by the synthesis of the Other Subjective hand and the Same Objective hand, which results in a dialectical Clap.

>> No.5496735

>Stirner found Zizek squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up he was shitting brown water. The more he drank, the more he shat, but the more he shat, the thirstier he grew, and his thirst sent him crawling to the stream to suck up more water. When he closed her eyes at last, Zizek did not know whether he would be strong enough to open them again.

>> No.5496866


>> No.5496963

>When we abstract facets of human-constructed reality from existence to the point that they become playthings that are taken seriously, we are engaging in the autist’s phenomenology. What is ontology to Being of healthy social function, is phenomenology to the autist, the autistic is an inversion of the dialectical process. To the autist, direct interaction--that is, without the aid of a digital mediator--is ontology, and sex is downright noumena. The autistic dialectic is most authentic when it is in analytic form. The continental dialectic interfaces with the sexual praxis, either through making sex deontologically untenable, or through employing philosophy for practical realization of pussy. In contrast, the autistic (analytic) dialectic functions as a quality (thus not capitalist produced) bug spray for sexual intercourse, there is never any engagement with sexual praxis, either actively involved or against. Sex simply functions as a sort of obscure fiction, such as the ‘sky wizard’, and is disregarded entirely. Jouissance is ignored in favor of euphoria, providing an alternative meaning for autistic semiotics. In the autistic paradigm, history cannot end, because history is the process of life; and there is no life to begin with, the dialectic having excerpted it as a function of plebeian normality. The maxim that one cannot know nuffin, is inverted, the autist knows everything, which is the source of euphoria. Being and Time alter drastically, the autistic time being wake up in the afternoon and shitpost until sunrise, sleep, repeat. While the continental’s pipe is being smoked by a nubile maiden, the autist is discovering a wry comment of the continental’s online, and is providing it wrong with as much gusto as the maiden has.

>> No.5497936


>> No.5497943

what is this

>> No.5497951

9/10 read

>> No.5497962

Tone and structure look very much like the incredibly edgy & pretentious OKCupid account ("Urbex-Girl", probably a fake?) posted here months ago. Same author?

>> No.5497966

The author is /lit/. I guess your comment just about sums up our community.

>> No.5497968

If you can't summarize there's no point in paying attention to your discourse since you don't know your own point.

>> No.5497973

Wait, is the thing we were doing, and you even have my chapter 12. Why didn't you explain yourself OP? Do you even know the point of having an OP?

>> No.5497978

Explanations are for the weak. There is only the will to power.

>> No.5497979



>> No.5498017

Commencer of part 22 "feels" here.
I'd like to reserve 1 harcover copy already for participating in this achieved work of non-fiction

>> No.5498026

How are you gonna have a collaborative work without collaborations because people didn't know it existed?

I have a couple of craps from the ISIS version, do you mind if I rework them and add them here?

>> No.5498031

Not at all. I just have beef with changing the structure and deleting massive segments, of which I have to keep reverting which takes about 15 minutes each time. But faggots gonna fag

>> No.5498056

I can add them at the end, although they are a bit fictional but I guess it could go in a platonic kind of way.

I'll wrap up my CIA part and I'll add a new chapter about human interpretation through the world.

>> No.5498105

How many words do we have already OP

>> No.5498121

>To bait is only human and to take bait is animal, therefore trolling animals is not a bannable offense.

keks were had

>> No.5498139

roughly 8500.

>> No.5498215

How are we doing now?
I added the convo and poems, which seemed like the only decent parts of the previous one but if they suck I won't complain if you erase them for being too fictional.
I saw you put in there the more "theory" parts of the isis letter but they really make little to no sense and they should be numbered in the same way. Do you mind if I do that?
Are people still writing new material?

>> No.5498250

9944 now

>> No.5498310

We passed the 10,000 words.

>> No.5498366

Wait, is this like a new tLoTiaT?

>> No.5498392

Yes but no. Sure.

>> No.5498399

Here's a shortened link.

>> No.5498420

Nah, just something vaguely similar.

>> No.5498440

>tfw all deleted text got restored.
That is a good feeling.

>> No.5498454

Yeah, I had only three paragraphs and two of them came back, that was enough to motivate me to complete the page

>> No.5498471

I will buy this, you gentlemen and scholars.

>> No.5498501
File: 85 KB, 775x828, Imagen 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try reading it first and you'll se how we reach the 30 pages.

>> No.5498504

Same here if my addition will be kept

>> No.5498511

>ctrl+f ''nigger''
>12 results

/b/ tier shit

>> No.5498518

OP do something about the 22. feels part !
Some faggot is changing everything

>> No.5498575

I will destroy the feels.

>> No.5498576

I will destroy your mum

>> No.5498579


>> No.5498581

Then she will be destroyed. :)

>> No.5498654

Thanks to whoever is formatting my shit!

>> No.5498663


>> No.5498722

>“Cowboy Bebop is positively the best thing since Marxist dialectics.” - Jesus Christ
I kekked audibly.

>> No.5498736

>Imagine having this book on your shelf.
>Your father comes in and asks "what are you reading son?"

well fuck

>> No.5498752

Actually, if any anons are that brave, I'd like to hear some responses from Dads.

>> No.5498782

He's dead.

>> No.5498786

depending on how fascist the end result is, I might show it to my dad.

>> No.5498841

Who just fucked with the highlighting?

>> No.5498849

I think there is great potential in hi-jacking the end result of this and editing it in different ways in order to create apocryphal variations and complex sub-systems of sectarianism based around which version is the one true and righteous version.

>> No.5498854

He's illiterate.

>> No.5498866

Why is there no Stirner in there at all?

>> No.5498875


>> No.5498884

So have we starting writing Miami yet? Or is the general plan to finish this then start that?

>> No.5498887

This shit is gold. Make sticky?

>> No.5498891

second this

>> No.5498893

> Being and Time alter drastically, the autistic time being wake up in the afternoon and shitpost until sunrise, sleep, repeat.


>> No.5498898

I think the final product will have a nice mixture of ideologies that will be nice to read as a 4chan user.

Because it's waiting for you to add that final magic part.

Three guys care about miami. You should stop bothering the rest and start it on your own, then people will flock.
If I had a choices, I'd rather drop such a stupid limitation and discuss things like main characters or a general structure to make editions easier. Otherwise we never know what's being changed and every joke is repeated a dozen times.

Where's that?

>> No.5498899
File: 17 KB, 229x220, 1390532766086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that warhammer in the beginning
oh snap

>> No.5498915

I really don't know anything about Miami, I just thought someone was working on it somewhere. Let's continue with this, it actually looks like it'll make it now.

>> No.5498960

How long did it take to write the first book?

>> No.5498970

We are already at the afterword? wut

>> No.5498980

i think traditional literary rules that say the afterword has to be at the end of the book are stodgy and archaic

keep going

>> No.5498990

ten days

>> No.5498996

It can be moved later, someone just wanted to write it. There's also a promotion for other titles that should be moved to the back when finished

>> No.5499087

Okay I'm bored after writing a page. I'm going to bounce.

>> No.5499122

Just to let you know,
someone deleted it all, we lost half an hour of work or so

>> No.5499146

That's fucking gay. He deleted about 2/3rds of my work. I'm done.

>> No.5499163

Yes, something very valuable to mankind, for sure.

>> No.5499169


It was arrowgirl for sure

>> No.5499190

i saved it

>> No.5499249


>> No.5499483

I'm going to fix the entire thing then post it on here later.

>> No.5499670

Don't be an asshole and check for differences in the text. I don't wanna quit now because you're gonna come and erase my shit.

>> No.5499684


Seriously motherfucker, don't try to erase everything that came before you. DO NOT reedit it on a seperate document. Individually edit each chapter you want to edit in the actual book or you will cause a shitload of issues for everyone. O

>> No.5499702

Why are people so bad at playing with others? Should globalization and internet vidja fix that?

>> No.5499712

No you commie faggot people are racist and selfish inherently hence the world

>> No.5499761


No, racism and selfishness are products of ideology.

>> No.5499766

prove it

>> No.5499768

For that fucking treatise's sake, what is the dratted format to use?

>> No.5499769

You were just told that by someone with an agenda who decided it sounded good. Stop denying reality.

>> No.5499784

Prove it isn't.

>> No.5499796

It doesn't really matter. If tehre's a voting I'd go for arial since it's easier to the eye in a screen but grown ups use times.
Anyway some asshole is gonna come and try to force his horrible taste and then erase it all.

>> No.5499797

How old are y'all?

>> No.5499816

Try to guess.

>> No.5499854

The state of the world and all of history. Stop being a willing retard, you brainwashed retard.

>> No.5499882
File: 29 KB, 599x524, mfw posting on 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In my defense I ahdn't seen the first chapters. Mine were at the very least a bit more articulated. I'm pretty sure there were palce holders with the titles the original OP liked and someone just puked memes on them.

>> No.5499902

>I'm going to fix the entire thing

>> No.5499912

There needs to be some really heavy editing and I'd prefer we at least discuss it in the doc.
Chapters 7,8 and 9 may as well go away since they have zero content.

>> No.5499940

And how exactly have you proven it is not a product of ideology?

I have read works of theory, which have shaped my opinion of the world. You have taken something at face value and insist that you are right, pointlessly lashing out in the process. How am I more 'brainwashed' than you are?

>> No.5499962

>I've read works of theory produced this year that state something that runs contrary to all of history based on jack nothing
>"How does this make me brainwashed"?

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha holy shit is the world fucked

>> No.5499969

Produced in the last century**

>> No.5500003

...But it doesn't run contrary to history. That's exactly what you haven't been able to prove.

>> No.5500031

M8 if you are really trying to say right now history is not a clear evidence that man has always been selfish and racist, and that a bunch of nonsense cooked up by sheltered faggots that totally ignores reality and convinced you of false truths is not "brainwashing", you are too retarded to be alive. Literally, I wish you were dead, because people like you are going to ruin the world in my lifetime. When we all live in blocks with 6 hours of electricity and bread lines at least I'll get to laugh at you idiots while we starve.

>Hey you, hate yourself and give up your autonomy
The story of anon the retarded faggot

>> No.5500044

Legacy 2

>> No.5500092

Whether or not man has always been selfish and racist is not the question. The question is whether this is inherent in man, or is the product of ideology.

You sound quite paranoid.

>> No.5500127

who the fuck deleted it?

>> No.5500159

again with this shit?

>> No.5500208

i copied it and deleted in on accident sorry

literally have the entire thing copied and i'm trying to paste it but it won't let me

>> No.5500232

post it in chunks then dammit

>> No.5500291

Fuck you, I spent an hour reformatting and you fucked it up.

>> No.5500341


>> No.5500350

it's back

>> No.5502324

I'm concerned about the title. The Tundra one sounds like it could be a real novel, and you can put it on your bookshelf alright. Can we relegate the boypussies to the inside of the novel? Maybe we can have a combination of cont. + anal. as title. 'mythological figure' + 'gesture' + 'analytical babble': 'The Minotaur Coughed: Ambimodal Contiguity in FtM(-Trans)-Action-Models' or smth? It's dirty, but not obvious to muggles right away.

>> No.5502367

Nigger is just the new Heathcliffe.

>> No.5502542


>> No.5502558

instead of bumping, how about an opinion on the issue of the title? cf.:>>5502324

>> No.5503646
File: 287 KB, 677x845, immanuelkant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it just a picture of a dwarf being fucked?
Here's my contribution for later anyway.
>The painting of Immanuel Kant fills one with feelings of anger, disgust and; eventually, amusement. The composer of this grand project, the one who attempted to conclude 200 years of argument, he who thought he has seen through what he perceived to be mere petty grievances appears to be a mere runt. Gaze upon his deformed countenance, is it not repulsive? I implore you to engage in an arduous introspective meditation, do you not ultimately reach the same conclusions that this humble author does? Does his enormous cranium balancing upon his dwarfish physique not embarrass you? It saddens me that we take the thought of such an ugly little beast so seriously. Clenching one's fist is a sure way to determine how easily it would have been to rend the life from his little body. The man who impressed Kant with his consistent unapologetic empiricism is a fine figure of a man, a rosy cheeked, full bodied Scot. His confident undeniably British face warms one almost as much as a fine mulled claret. Not Kant, his icy nauseating face connotes the taste of horseradish. I for one refuse to accept Kant as a serious philosopher anymore. If it was not already the case, I would wish him dead. The conclusion of this author's thought process is that every word of Kant's writings must be burnt for the sake of posterity.

>> No.5503653

>Why is it just a picture of a dwarf being fucked?
Maybe it's just too philosophical for you.

>> No.5503658

It's a reference to Kant.

>> No.5504661

Hey admin here, quick fish for opinions.

Would you prefer that I remove any references to nigger and kike in the aim that we might get this published by a relevant yet small "internet-publisher" and spread around?

Or, would you prefer keeping the "raw" version of the text in the aim of self-publishing?

I don't feel that both is an option so just wanted to see what you think.

>> No.5504668

stop pandering you nigger-kike

>> No.5504731

I'm not the admin, I would prefer a version without racial slurs. I can provide a version from yesterday evening if you want to create a splinter group, which I am all for in any case.

We could use my apocryphal title, possibly: >>5502324
>'The Minotaur Coughed: Ambimodal Contiguity in FtM(-Trans)-Action-Models'

we don't have to, though.

>> No.5504765

>Would you prefer that I remove any references to nigger and kike in the aim that we might get this published by a relevant yet small "internet-publisher" and spread around?
wtf no

>> No.5504820

Sounds gay. Plz an hero

>> No.5505073

To admin who locked page
Just use a "normal" title as Tundra did.

I also enjoy the idea of deleting all "trollworthy" additions that do not by any means add anything to the work like "le ebin literature"

It is not supposed to be anything good but we can at least keep it at a level above /b/ tier

>> No.5505082

I'd like to use a title that implies this is the raging philosophy of a group of internet autists shattering all conventions in a dilectic symphony

>> No.5505174

I haven't cheked today. Did someone eras chapter 4 through 9? They were less than shitposting.

Please tell me the other titles in the collection promotion at the end remains.

>> No.5505191
File: 169 KB, 600x900, 0d9122902d2f37d4ccafcc2307d391a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sort of second this. I'd like, and it seems to be the way it's taken, if this is a compendium of 4chan philosophy. From trolley (chap 3) to stirner (i'm sure it's somewhere), from tin foil hats (chap 12) to starting with the greeks (chap10). I think it's better that way than pseudo phil 101

>> No.5505238

A Discourse on Disease
Mind and Disease
Mind and Malware
A Critique of Impure Reason
A Critique of Treason
Anal Tractatus Philosophocus
Fear and Autism
Pissing and Time
On the Origin of Autism

>> No.5505268

Where can I read it?

>> No.5505288

I would prefer without all the "nigger" and "kike", but not to sell out, you know. Unless it's absolutely necessary.

>> No.5505351

This it reeks of teen angst and edgyness.

I'm not in love with any of them but
>A Discourse on Disease
>Mind and Disease
I like that they are subtle
>Mind and Malware
>A Critique of Impure Reason
It was okay, but if people don't like it I won't defend it.
>Anal Tractatus Philosophocus
Does this sound like a middle ages philosophy book? If so its cool.
>Fear and Autism
>Pissing and Time
>On the Origin of Autism

>> No.5505437
File: 21 KB, 320x319, dad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A Sophological Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas on the World as Disease and Diseased

>> No.5505460

A Rudimentary Expression of Insanity
A Critique of Convention
On Disease and Society
Modern Shame
With Regards to the Bottom Dwellers
Shame in the Humanities
Shame and the Humanities

>> No.5505482


A Sophological Enquiry on Society, Modern Shame and Bottom Dwellers?

I think it needs to mention 4chan as the source of it as a subtitle or something, though. Somethin like:
"A treaty on 4chan philosophies and world views"
To make it clear from the start the frame of mind behind it.

>> No.5505496

New thread coming shortly with our first magnificent draft.

>> No.5505560
File: 45 KB, 500x333, 61-post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay, I got a new one.

The World as Disease and its Own; Fecal Insights into Forchanian Leprosy

>> No.5505566

new thread

>> No.5505677

>I changed your shit as I saw fit
>I erase what I don't like
more like
Go finish it by yourself and have fun, asshole.

>> No.5506126

You're a spineless cunt. I actually hope that you die.