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File: 385 KB, 1100x2127, Spas_vsederzhitel_sinay[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5490996 No.5490996 [Reply] [Original]

Love your enemies.

>> No.5491002

Oh I will ;)

>> No.5491017

i tried that and got shot, jesus. any other smart ideas?

>> No.5491018
File: 838 KB, 4961x4961, 1410101581390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will love them just to make myself seem better by comparison so I can gloat in their dumb faces about how nice I am.

Checkmate, you stupid shitlords.

>> No.5491025

“If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.”

>> No.5491026

/lit/ is 2deep

>> No.5491027

>clever atheist responses

>> No.5491033

>The author of Matthew places this verse in the final antithesis, a summary of all that been stated in the Sermon. Early church thinkers also saw this as one of Jesus' most important teachings. The exact wording does not appear in prior Jewish texts, but there are examples of previous thinkers sharing Jesus' sentiments. Other traditions do have similar views. The Greek stoics expressed similar dicta of universal love. It is theoretically possible that Jesus could have been influenced by these ideas, but unlikely. The eastern faiths of Buddhism and Taoism also share this outlook. Nietzsche rejected the command entirely, arguing that love of one's enemies is weakness and dishonesty. Mao Tse-Tung also wrote a commentary on this precept, arguing that universal love is an ultimate goal, but that it is impossible until the class system is removed.

>> No.5491037

>will love them just to make myself seem better by comparison so I can gloat in their dumb faces about how nice I am.
tfw somehow became a fascist

>> No.5492964
File: 177 KB, 791x1116, George_Patton_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a sign of love and mercy we should kill our enemies as fast as possible so that they no longer have to suffer all the violence we are giving them.

>> No.5492990 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 634x417, isissies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, fuck you. I don't love ISIS and never will

>> No.5493019
File: 98 KB, 531x471, 1407329471175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*tips fedora*

>> No.5493022

Why don't christians love atheists then?

>> No.5493026

how in the ever loving fuck are these redneck inbred retards still roaming the same world I am? wtf 'murricans, bomb them!

>> No.5493027

Emotion does not have to be a prerequisite to action. If you kill somebody it should be for the greater good.

>> No.5493028

your therapist isn't your enemy

>> No.5493048


Ive been really getting into historical jesus studies, and man if he wasnt more interesting than the portrait of him portrayed by christian apologists.

>Didnt believe he was the messiah
>Believed that Judaism could be reformed by rejecting ritual practice and accepting social justice as the primary practice of faith.
>Believed that prayer and orthodoxy was irrelevant since god is "fine", its man that is in trouble.
>That the kingdom of god could be brought to men through concerted effort at charity and goodwill to your fellow man
>rejection of the nuclear family as a means to his end.

There are a few great courses at yale open courses and stanford, and they give you great book recommendations

>> No.5493051

Is it just me or does this painting of Jesus look a lot like Russell Brand?

>> No.5493060

>Jesus seminar respectable bible studies
yes, I' seen you've been getting "into" it

>> No.5493067

My therapist doesn't say contradicting him implies I'm dumb and fat neckbeard and that I will suffer for all eternity for not accepting what he says. It's a really curious form of love.

>> No.5493073 [DELETED] 
File: 1.21 MB, 4282x5000, le scheming semite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5493076

That really isn't a good idea. If something sounds wrong you should tell him.

>> No.5493081

>It's a really curious form of love.
I am sure your therapist would not support this sort of thinking.

>> No.5493629

>implying posting kneejerk tipping fedora pics is therapy

>> No.5493647

he killed millions and his father billions,

hypocrite, ya hear?

>> No.5493688

Jesus did nothing wrong except for those poor pigs

>> No.5493739

You forgot about the fig tree.

>> No.5493751

That fig tree had it coming, little whore.